As well the type of companies shapes the IoT platforms market, the industrial segments covered by IoT companies are inspiring the market. The IoT Analytics data set partitions the segments into to high level grouping namely Busines to Busines (B2B) and Business to Consumer (B2C). The B2C products include segments such as Health, Home, Lifestyle, and Mobility; the B2B products include a larger variety of segments such as Energy, Health, Mobility, Manufacturing/Industrial, Public sector and services, Retail, Smart City, and Supply Chain.
Additionally, the research firm includes two broader sectors: the “Generally all” category aims to include companies that do not specialize in sectors but build IoT platforms for all different segments; whilst, “Generally business” includes companies that only sell B2B products. The data represented in Figure 15 and Figure 16 describe the segments covered by different companies. While the 34% of the platforms exclusively cover Generally all segments and the 15% of platforms cover “Generally business” segments, the remaining companies develop IoT platforms that cover simultaneously multiple segments.
The data in our hands reveal a higher interest towards B2B and generally all segments. In fact, as can be observed in Figure 15, the proportion IoT platform targeting B2B and generally all segments on the market is considerable higher than the proportion of the B2C segments that include applications for consumers related to health, lifestyle, and mobility. Overall, the worldwide and European trends describe an increased focus on B2B applications with a predominance for Manufacture and industry, Mobility, and Smart cities. Other similarities among the global and the European market include the Business-to-Consumer sectors with particular regard to the Smart Home.
Differently from the worldwide market, the European industry reveal additional interest on B2B Supply Chain and B2B energy sector.
Figure 15 Global description of number of IoT platform for the different segment – each platform can cover different segments, with the exclusion of Generally all.
Figure 16 - European description of number of IoT platform for the different segment – each platform can cover different segments, with the exclusion of Generally all.
Quite noteworthy is the comparison among the B2B and B2C segments. The mobility segments in B2B and B2C is denoting the possibility for the market for more growth, which could be potentially enhanced by a combination of these two sectors.
The observation of these two graphs highlights current trends and industries related to different segments of the IoT market. They provide a first step for further reflections on how we can enhance and stimulate the European IoT market in the future.
In order to have a more comprehensive picture of the current IoT market, the following subsection describes which kind of additional technologies the IoT platform industry is currently focusing on.
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