Happy new year 2014-01-01 11: 03

More or less - 2014-08-16 19:37

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More or less - 2014-08-16 19:37

The easy way out will always leave us "less"

When it comes to salvation there is nothing more true.

To only believe that Jesus was raised from the dead,

Misses companionship with the blessed.

There are those who go to scout the way.

There are those who stay at home.

There are those who profit from the way;

Leaving the fight to others alone.

What is basic is basic.

Yes it is enough.

But why would you keep your own blood,

When you could bathe yourself in his.?

"Yes!" - 2014-08-18 07:50

God says, "Yes".  And he has engraved that Holy Word in the Holy Blood of his Holy Son across all creation!

He says "yes" to our desire to live forever.  He says "yes" to everything that is righteous and good.

If we do not live, as if he has said "yes" to us then, by whatever measure we fall short, we call him a liar.  It is established that God cannot lie.  So then who are we to refuse his answer?

He says "yes", and so there is sure joy toward the promise of eternity.  He says "yes", and so we become a righteous people in His Holy Christ.

The first is to believe and be set free from all the things that bring failure and shame.  The second is to "become" and overcome sin and temptation.  The first gives us strength to honor his Holy Name and testify with great boldness, even in the face of hatred and ridicule; even in the face of wicked and unholy doubt. 

The second gives our testimony the strongest possible foundation.  This is the strength to stand with glory; that standing which causes men to wonder and marvel.  We become His "yes" before their very face

God has said "yes" in the very suffering and blood of His Holy Son.  He has said "yes" to the destruction of all who do not believe and remain in the filthy death of unbelief.   He has said "yes" to any man who desires righteousness from his Holy Hand, and looks for it earnestly.

How do we dare say no?  Let us combine our knowledge with faith, and rise up to give Him the glory that is rightfully His! 

Let us not be like those who fell, dead forever, in the desert!  Let us be as the example of Stephen, his holy and righteous servant!

The Building of Elegant Poverty - 2014-08-18 10:48

Outside the battered door is a courtyard of gravel.  Here men walk without shoes and fall to their ravaged knees.  Yet there is smooth cool stone inside, bloodstained by the feet and knees of those who have entered.

The plants which adorn the court are but missshapen bushes, yet elegant to he who owns the place.  By design, its appearance refuses the praise of the elegant and proud.  Only the desperate poor come here.

Within the door, the floor shines from wearing.  Billions of feet have scuffed it to a fine polish.  The walls depict the beauty of promise; the promise of hope and the promise of accomplishment. 

Those who enter are bid "Welcome".  While embrace endures restraint.  Commanded are they who attend the visitors, "Help them with what they need.  But let us see what they will do".

The floors above, stage by stage, present a new Horizon.  Each stairwell guarded carefully and hidden behind the most narrow of doors.  Only with the proper password and consent, may anyone ascend.

Above the floors which one may enter, is a building in the works.  No one is allowed past the ceiling of the top floor until the work is finished on the next.

No news of preparation comes from those who build.  No revealing of the grandeur they put in place is told or seen.  Yet as each floor was finished there were men prepared to climb.  So it will be until its completion.

"As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work."

Freedom - 2014-08-20 11:39

In Christ we are blameless.  Who can lay a charge against us?  Though man may have right to lay a charge, for the sake of the things of man, it is to God they must inevitably go for their justice.

Though God's people are often worthy of condemnation, it is Christ Himself who justifies. 

Where then is what man calls freedom?  He only desires to do his own will.  And where is the so-called justice of man?  God alone judges with purity, Holy righteousness, and eternal knowledge. 

But let all men come and taste the freedom of Christ Jesus!  Only then does a man begin to understand the fullness of the word.  Abandon your selfish desire and live free.

Freedom is not designed to enjoy the things that rot.  The concept of freedom is eternal at its base.  True freedom is found solely in Christ Jesus; the Son of God and the Son of Man.

This freedom in Christ remains!  From the accusations of men, to even horrific beheading by ungodly religion, those in Christ are utterly free!  At whatever point they think us bound, they are wrong.

Nothing but God will last forever.  So the freedom of those in Christ is not bound.   Not even by the law of man.  Men die, or change their law according to their desire.  But as a man lives in Christ he is truly free!


Willing Heart - 2014-08-21 07:00

I tell you a truth.  I do not worship God because I am a righteous man.  I worship God because he has shown me how to love him. 

The world is mistaken.  They see God as a taskmaster, a demanding and angry Lord.  Even all the divisions in the Christian Church appear because of this. 

But man is horribly in error.  It is written, "Unless the Lord builds a house the builder builds in vain."   The truth of that comes home when a man understands that the Lord is willing to build His Holy house within him.

I could continue with my own words but to no great advantage.  Let me place here a more beautiful way of saying all these things.

"Once I stumbled in the darkness
doing only as I pleased.

But, I wasn't really happy,

And, my heart was not at ease.

I just didn't have the willingness

to follow His commands,

'Til I layed my heart completely in His hands.

If you don't have a willing heart,
ask Him to give you one.

If you can't seem to make a start,

Trust in His power.

For the Lord of Love is watching you,

He sees what you're going through.

And, He can make a way,

If you want Him to.

Oh, do you want Him to?

... Then, tell Him so.

(Kelly Willard "Willing heart")

If you want to live, simply ask.


Man is Good at Heart? - 2014-08-21 09:32

The words we use mean everything.  Isn't that their intent?  No one asks someone to turn the light by saying "I think the price of gas is too high".  I know that is ridiculous, but it's proof that the words we use matter.

There are far more subtle variations of these ridiculous statements.  And in these subtleties, "ridiculous" is no longer a usable word.  For if I point that word at the things of subtle variation, the pride of man will flare up.  So in striving to right the wrong of our vocabulary, I am forced to capitulate for the sake of understanding.

With that said, let me proceed to the meat of this post.

"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?." (Jeremiah 17:9)

Can it be said, with absolute clarity, that man is really good at heart?  Doesn't it matter, the words we use?   Doesn't it matter what we believe?

I don't need to define the word "deceitful".  And I can't do better than to say the phrase, "beyond cure".  And I realize I have no ability to form words that express the true meaning of "Good".  For if I could do that, I could describe the very essence of the Most High God.

So when people tell me that man is really good at heart, my soul recoils in aversion.

But I will let mercy reign in me.  I will understand the intent of their meaning.  they mean to be kind and compassionate.  They mean to have hope in a chaotic and desperately deadly world.  But saying "Kumbayah" does not stop the lion from devouring our body.

May God have mercy, that I may relate the things that are true.

If society prospers, men can live in a relative peace.  But let society suffer a great loss, and we begin to see the deceitfulness of men's hearts.  Greed will take hold of the most refined among men.  Mothers have even eating their babies during times of extreme famine.  And unspeakable wicked things have been done, when society has not been embraced by peace.

So those who believe that people are good at heart, believe what they do because their society is at present and relative peace.

I myself would rather believe the Most High God.  Not only because he has spoken that man is wicked to the core.  But also because I have seen his word play out.  Not only in the lives of utterly wicked men, but also in my own heart as he began to reveal His Holy ways to me.

With saying people are actually good at heart, a great urgency is removed.  Those who hear such things think to themselves, "I do wrong, but I am innocent of trespass.  For under the right circumstances I would choose what is pure and good."   Therefore they blame others, for surely they are not at fault.

God says this is a lie.  No one is good and pure but God alone.  And as it is written, "Let God be true and every man a liar."   And if man is truly good, then why was Jesus sent to die as a sacrifice for our sinful nature?

I have spoken with my best.  But there are two limits placed on my testimony here.  One is vocabulary.  The other is the truth revealed from God to my soul. 

I have spoken the things of God, as one man to another.  Therefore I ask the mercy of God, that understanding may come to those who read.

Lesson Learned - 2014-08-21 10:48

Do I know how?
Yes I do.
I've done it before.
But now I refuse.

For the praise of men is given to those who praise them in return.

And I would rather have their scorn, than hard holy lessons to learn.

Do I know how?

Yes I do.
I've done it before.
But now I refuse.

Provocation - 2014-08-22 06:55

From the beginning of this blog until now, I have always spoken of things much higher then are easily attained.  Many would look at me and say, "He is surely a hypocrite.  No one can attain to these things he writes."

I have written that Christians have a command to judge rightly.  So I cannot fault my brothers for such an assessment.  It is right that we should test every spirit, and not be willing to embrace every man who comes along and says he is in the name of Christ.

But I will say two things in this regard.  I do not search to defend myself, there is one who knows.  But I desire to enhance our Christian walk for the glory of the one who knows.  I perceive that the family of God has squandered many things for far too long.

1.  I ask you not to judge me as a man.  That would be of no benefit for anyone.  For you will surely find fault.  I am still in flesh and I am among you even as you are.  Rather I ask you to judge what is here by its content. 

Does it prod and provoke faithfulness to the Holy One of God?  Does it compromise and equivocate to the things of this world?  Or does it point at man and say he is shameful, while standing in the shadow of the Holy One?

2.  Yes I have been a hypocrite against the things I have written.  There are times when such things have been too high for me to reach.

But should this place represent the things that are easily grasped?  Would that not be to be as others who write only of the sweet things?

I have been cut to the heart many times by the things the Lord has provoked me to write.  And thus this place is tested, even by the one who has written it.


I have been severely challenged by the Holy One in all these things and more.  I, like you, am in the process of becoming.  I have in my mind to overcome.  I do not think it proper to honor him with anything less.  And in the same way, I present these things to my brothers.

If there are five of us left, should we be less than his desire?  And if there are 10 million of us left should this be true?

The earth is not shaken by mediocrity.  It is less by the sin that covers its surface.  If God's people will aspire to what is best, what can be accomplished?

And so I pray and live and write toward the things that are best.  I refuse to back down!  I purpose to strive for the very best.  He is honorable in all things!  And it is right to bring him what is best.

Let the judgment of man be pointed toward me, I am not hindered.  I will aspire to rise, by His Holy Grace!

The Holy One holds in his hand such magnificent gifts.  Not only is his promise true for the place we are promised to inhabit,  but he has spoken his desire that we should have the fullness of His glory, to man, even now.

It is written "To perfection there is a limit."  Yet which one of us can say he has attained?  I refuse to believe that the perfection God grants, in his holy wisdom to men, cannot be reached.  He does not ask too much of us, and he provides all that is necessary to attain!  And I have every intention of seeing how high, on his holy mountain, a man is allowed to climb.

May God have glory through all his people and this through Christ Jesus His holy and Righteous Son!  Let us say "enough" to mediocrity!  Why should we not rise to the things of Stephan, Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Gideon, the Apostle John and the like?

Thrice Holy is the Soverign Lord who bought us!  How should we linger and languish as only religious men?

Unspeakably Different (repost) - 2014-08-23 08:58

(I am on a mobile device and could not repost this automatically.  This was written December 1st 2013)

Man invented paints so he could capture his own image and make it last for centuries.  God has clothed eternity with his own majesty which never fails or fades.  Vibrant colors with living shades adorn all of heaven.  While man perfected acrylic on some gravity ridden surface.

Man works to invent robots.  All the while the living God is surrounded by creatures too beautiful for words.  Man has learned to mutate sounds so that his ear might hear things never heard before.  While the voice of God is like the sound of many rushing rivers.

Man worries himself nearly to death over fighting diseases and sickness of every kind.  His boasting can be heard from sea to shining sea for every grain of progress he makes.

Meanwhile, all of heaven is inhabited by creatures whose bodies have never even known decay.  And if boasting is ever heard it is to boast of the glory of the God who made them.

What should you expect to gain, you who try to bring down God to your level.  How is God like us?  He is all together unlike us.  Yet men rail against him all day long; making jokes in endless stream.

You will receive your proper do on the day when he brings you before his throne.  There you will give account for every idle word you have ever spoken.  Every evil thought you possess is like fuel for the fire that will consume you.

We are all deserving of eternal punishment because we have treated the Holy One with disdain.  We have been violent and have hated him for no reason.  Look how he has even prepared salvation for us, his enemy.  We have taunted  him by using his Holy Son’s name in vain.  But the living God intends a different meaning to that name.

Come away from the stench that is man.  Approach the living God with confidence for this is the day of salvation.  Confess your evil before him and accept His loving forgiveness. 

Justice Removed - 2014-08-23 09:44

What a tiny cup of bitter drink I drink.

How seemingly base and unfair.

For even while my tongue hands it down to my soul,

It is changed to sweetness beyond compare.

How large is the vat my God drank for me.

How bitter and unavoidable be?

For to death he did drink it;

My sins and all the sea's.

That my cup, so tiny, should be;

So wonderfully palatable be!.

And what is less balanced

Than the "Justice removed"?

When torment should fill my soul.

Yet, in his great mercy,

I find my cup tiny;

Filled with sweetness

from God so behooved.

What troubles have we?

Can we hope to compare-

With the marvelous wisdom of God?

For he drank of "The Death",

Yet returns to us joy!

While he is the One most offended.

Each day comes a cup,

Too tiny to hold.

Oh, yet how large it appears to me!

Yet the Lord in His love was immersed in a vat!

God's promise to you and me.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Praise Him all creatures here below!

Praise him above Ye heavenly host!

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!


The Common and the Holy - 2014-08-24 10:23

What's wrong with the words we use in common speech today?  A great deal is wrong with the words we use in common speech today.

American society is no longer built on the Bible's vocabulary.  It is built on what is common to man, not on what is Holy before God.

I don't point this out to make accusation.  I point this out as a matter of fact:  That if I am to speak of the things of God, I must use the vocabulary of man.  It makes no sense to send a man who speaks a certain language and expect foreigners to understand him.

So if I talk about the things of God, I run the risk of ignorance on the part of the listener.  Therefore it is good, sometimes, to paraphrase until a man's soul strives to understand.

But there are also times when the only words that are of any value, in explaining the things of God, are the very words which God has given to us.  One such word that falls, if you will "to the dirt", between the things of God and the things of man, is "rejoice".

Show me a place on Twitter or facebook where "rejoice" is used regularly.  Point to conversation, and show me where two people have used the word regularly and with understanding.  Though it is a simple and self explanatory word, people simply don't use it.

But in the things of God, it takes first place.  I rejoice at the righteousness of God!  I rejoice at his excellent and unexpected mercy!  And I rejoice that his promises are true and faultless!  I rejoice continually, that my sins are forgiven before the Living God; in Christ Jesus my Holy and Faithful Lord!

How many times I have tried to explain this, and realize I have not found the means to communicate.  Even when I speak to Christians, who know these things, there is a lack of evidence that they understand.  For their lives only reflect a certain portion of such rejoicing.  How then can I expect to relay these things to a people who do not know their left from their right.

But I will testify of what is true.  And by the truth, I am forced to use the word "rejoice".  (I suppose I could use the word "elation", but how is that any more common than the word "rejoice"?)

I ask forgiveness from those who do not understand its value.  But it is the only word English has, to properly describe the joy a man experiences at the forgiveness of his sins.

I understand the righteousness of God, because I have read it in His Holy Word the Bible.  I see that I am not able to uphold his Holy Law, for I stumble around as a man in the dark when I try to do it.  Fear becomes my best friend, and drives me to seek His mercy.

So, by "The Faith", His Holy Word teaches me.  I approach him in prayer with confession.  To my complete amazement, the Sovereign God reaches down to touch me with forgiveness.

With understanding comes a volume of tears.  And when I rise from prayer, confidence fills me, where there was fear before.  I am forgiven of my trespasses, and find the strength, to strive after his Holy Law again.

Who can explain this mystery?  I look within, and find myself void of proof.  I can tell you it's true, but I cannot prove it.  I am forced to display what God has done in me.  And you are forced to judge rightly according to what you perceive in me.

Is there love?  Yes.  Is there patience?  Yes.  Do I display a hatred for the things of man, while I love the things of God?  Yes. Is there knowledge of His Holy Word?  Yes.  Is there a desire to do the things of God rather than the things of men?  Yes.  Has his love made me different than other men of this world?   The answer is yes.

The forgiveness of God produces these things, which are called fruit.  And it is these things that God is looking for in his people.  "Does the man believe, to the point that he has changed."  This is the summation of God's intent.

Without such fruit in a man, he cannot say he has understood the forgiveness of God.  But when the forgiveness of God comes, as I have described, there is a rejoicing that does not cease.

Rejoicing in God is a never ending, that is to say eternal, gift that we give back for the love he has given.  We are forced, by our love, to worship Him with truth, and joy, and desire to do righteously.  What better word might someone use than "rejoice"?

The absence of this word, among the people of America, tells me that they have not received forgiveness for their sins.  Others may say, "This has to do with a lack of Bible knowledge.  It is simply a lack of vocabulary.  Teach them, and they will own it". 

How can I possibly own what belongs to God unless God gives it to me?

I do not perceive that America lacks vocabulary.  For they talk incessantly between one another.  And they seem well enough able to understand, for they respond in great volume.

Bible language has to do with Bible things.  Bible things have to do with the Living God in Christ Jesus.  Those who do not know the vocabulary of the Bible, do not know the living God.  For the words of the Bible become a living testimony in the one who receives forgiveness of his sins.

I understand a debate that may form by what I just said.  But I ask you to leave it where it is, that men may ponder this in their soul.  If men see us debate the issue they will leave the job to us.  What good is then accomplished?

yesterday on joe duffy show – Des – The Common Law Society |
(2014-08-27 13:19:51)

[…] The Common and the Holy […]

Depravity Without End - 2014-08-25 09:06

All men are the same.  Though life is found in billions of variations, at their base, all men are the same.

I could point to our need to be loved.  But there are men who do that in a seducing manner already.  They use our need to be loved, as a tool to get what they want.  From soap, to sex and to acceptance, there are men who manipulate that necessity.

I could point to our physical frailty.  But there are men who exploit every facet of the human body.  From ailments to physical beauty, men exploit others for the sake of gain. 

I could point to our mutual end; that inevitable place of death.  But even there: inheritances are fought over.  The plot of land is sold at a high price.  The casket is ornate and costly.

But I will speak of our depravity.  How worthless men are for doing what is purely good.  And how completely unable we are to change our situation.

Let us lay aside our former sins, and we would still find ourselves unable to do what is pure and good.  We are hopelessly depraved.  The judgment of God waits to receive us.  Yet who among us has considered the severity of our plight?

Men are careful to look for the singular things they do, which will draw judgment upon them.  With meticulous mind they strive to avoid the obvious.  Murder, adultery, hatred, discord, jealousy, lies, and the like, are the focus of their eyes, as they peruse their situation. 

They look for the obvious, while they miss the subtle.  But any sin, no matter how small, can throw us into condemnation on the day of judgement.

With diligence, men strive to avoid these obvious pitfalls.  But the size of such sins masks the horror beneath.

"I have not murdered.  Therefore I am better than my brother who has."  "I have remained faithful to my wife (or husband).  Therefore I am a righteous man (or woman)."  "I am patient and compassionate to those of lesser value.  Therefore I am merciful even as God is merciful."

With endless proclamation, men justify their life.  It is as if they rehearse what they will say to the living God on that day.  And they prepare by comparing!  Oh how men love to compare!

Billions of dollars are earned for the sake of man's valued comparisons.  One is left to eat from the trash bin, because he was found unable to compete.  He was compared by society, to what is held in high esteem, and thrown to the wolves for his lack.

Another counts himself beautiful and well endowed.  He competes with great skill.  Comparatively speaking his body is beautiful.  And comparatively speaking, his mind works well, to gain what he desires.  He is the one who is honored among men.  For he is compared to the man who eats from the trash bin.  And the beautiful one is exalted to the highest places.

For our pride, we will be judged, by he who is perfectly humble.  For the sake of our greedy desire to gain, we will be judged by he who has given everything he has.  For the sake of our love of division, we will be judged by he who is the same yesterday today and forever.

If you have thought that you can stand before God on the Judgment Day, it would be good for you to rethink your position.  The Holy One has spoken that no man will stand on his own.  God has proclaimed that every man is a liar.  And the smallest infraction against his Holy Law, is deserving of only death.

Men conveniently overlook their own faults.  With desperation, they search themselves for what might be considered good.  Though what good they find is small and rare, they hold to these things with a deadly grasp.  But God sees the entire man.

At whatever place you think highly of yourself, you are severely mistaken.  You have compared yourself to others.  This is the source of your confidence.  But men fail to compare themselves to the Living God or his Holy Son Christ Jesus.

If you are still willing to listen I will tell you a truth of hope.  All need not be lost!  A way has been made for every man to stand strong on the Day of Judgment.

Your complete lack of what is good has been seen by the Holy Lord.  His Holy and Faithful Son's sacrifice can cover you with confidence on that day.  But do not think you will wait for his covering when you appear before the Most High God.

There is holy work to do within you even now.  To appear with confidence before the Most High God requires a certain garb.  A man must be dressed in righteousness, holiness, a distinct lack of willingness to compare, and a vibrant willingness to forgive the sins of others.

As I pointed out before we are not capable of such attire.  Man, if left by himself, can only become dressed in everything that is wicked.  The very place we live demands it. 

Accept the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus.  Put down your own perceived righteous behavior.  Learn from the Lord what he expects from all men.  Humble yourself before the Living God.  Pray, and seek His face.  Present yourself to him as you are.

If you wait until the day of judgement you will be sorely hateful of yourself.  You will not be welcomed with open arms.  You will be cast away without the slightest regret.  On that day, no amount of tears or violent anger will change his mind.

There is a transformation that needs to take place here.  We must learn to submit to his leadership.  We must become worthy. 

Without him we can do nothing.  But with him we can overcome the selfish desires of man.  By the work of God within us, we can become like the Lord Jesus.  But this requires a humble submission from us.

There are millions who think they have a free pass to eternal life.  By speaking of few words, they count Jesus as their Savior and Lord.  But there is no change in their heart, mind or desire.  These, very many people, will be horribly surprised.  For man is condemned before he appears before God!

The only ones worthy of eternal life are those who do the will of the Sovereign God in Christ Jesus. 

If you do not fully understand what I have said here, do not bother to ask me to explain.  The Bible is freely available in almost every place of the world.  And prayer is only a knee bend away. 

If you are looking for a man to tell you what to do, you are looking in vain.  Only Jesus the Christ is able to save your soul.  We can point you to him, but we have no strength to save you. 

And if you look to men to help you are, by comparison, ignoring the command of God. 

You will stand all alone and naked on that day.  The teaching of no man can clothe you sufficiently.  To put it in the way of the Bible, you need to be washed and clothed in the Holy Blood of Jesus.

By His Grace

Lessons Begun - 2014-08-26 12:02

Things I have begun to understand in the last three days:

Any school boy can understand words, even good words.  But there is a place where good words begin to come alive in a man.  It is the latter which provokes this post.

Lowered eyes that cannot be raised, may be a sign of humility.  (Keyword being "cannot". Shame can have the same effect.) While eyes that will not lower, often are accompanied by the chin.


As a man desires, so he will become.  The man who desires the things of this world, has already attained them.  Even though they are not yet in his hand.  Likewise, with the man who desires the things of Christ Jesus.


As a man compares himself to others, godliness leaves him.  While the man who is able to be satisfied with what he has, is capable reaching toward godliness.  The former sins by his comparison.  While the other opens himself to the peace of God.


In the matter of godliness: The young man may think he has attained.  But he does not know the extent of what is required.  The old man has begun the journey.  But no man can live long enough to attain all there is to attain.  Continuance for both must be established.


In summary:  Our dependence on the Holy Righteousness of Christ Jesus does not diminish with our accomplishments.  It only grows stronger the higher we climb on the Mountain of holiness.  Toward the pinnacle, the fall increases.  While at its base, pride remains king.

Woe to those who do not consider these things, for what they lose, no man can count.  And the sadness of their loss will never cease.   For if it is difficult for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?

Yet who can tell where a man may begin?  Those who remain In the Way of Christ may well accomplish great things.  Perhaps the "greatest" has not yet been born; whether of flesh or spirit.

These things have come to me as I have entered 61 years of living.  Why should those of lesser years give up now?  And these things have come to me in a relatively short three years.  What great hope lays, therefore, before my seniors?

It is necessary to encourage one another as the days grow more wicked.  As these things become known, it is not right that we should bottle them up. 

And it is not a righteous thought to believe that others will recognize the truth as they as they see it displayed in us.  Where is the wise word of counsel from those who know?  Laziness and fear are not godly traits.

By His Grace

Similarity of Directions - 2014-08-27 12:56

A sign near Chillicothe Ohio reads, "For outdoor drama stay right".  Evidently there's an outdoor theater somewhere near.

When I saw the sign, I had to laugh out loud.  I wonder if the signmaker realized what he was making, and just how true those words are. 

For in Christianity, everything is outside.  It was begun, remains, and will finish, outside the city of man's intent.  All Christians are called to live outside the social norms of the world.  And the laws the Lord Jesus teaches us are completely outside the attainment of man; they are Holy, Holy, Holy.  Without him we can do nothing.

And if you want drama, become a Christian.  You will be talked about behind your back, without cause or reason.  You will have difficulty with your relatives and "friends", for they know the person you used to be.  You will be called, in one way or another, an enemy of the state.  And the war that will rage in your soul is intense.

Christianity is completely dependent on he who is perfectly Right.  Staying wrapped up in his righteousness is essential.  And living rightly is our spiritual worship; our rightful way of saying thank you, for the Living Promise of eternal life.

Since I mentioned the theatre here, it's only fair to give them a plug.  I don't have any idea about the quality of their plays.  But I sure got a kick out of their sign.  Thanks folks!


By His Grace

Never - 2014-08-31 00:46

I would scream, but to what effect?  I would paint pictures, were I an artist, but who would appraise the paintings correctly?   So I paint with words, but who understands?

All the things men do in this world are not real!  The language we use is impure.  The facade of clothing is nothing more than that.  All the pride of life comes to ruin and destruction.  It is not man who is real.  It is God and His heavenly kingdom who is real!

The lights that destroy the darkness of night are not real.  The competition between men for prizes that rot, they are not real!  The chasing after money and fame and acceptance are not real!  All these things belong to the great lie! 

But who understands?  If I tell this to my loved ones, they laugh at me.  If I tell this to my friends, they turn their face as if I am hideous to look at.  If I tell this to strangers, they threaten to call the police.

Why do men embrace the lie before they will even consider the truth?  God alone is real!

He and his kingdom are from ages past, not years!  And how long is an age?  The answer begins when someone can quantify the age of the universe.  God has been for multiple of these. 

How is it then that the pride of man thinks he is so great?  Why does he injure his brother with a variety of attack, and all for the sake of a lie?

I ask myself, "When will men believe"?  The answer comes as a stone cold heart: "NEVER!"

By His Grace

2014 - 09

Can you see? - 2014-09-04 12:28

One man percieves God as hideous monster; full of Holy law and demanding.  Such a man does not know the law of God, he only knows his own hideous sin.  He attributes what he knows to the Holy One.  "Surely God is like me.  He will strike me with death when I die".

Explain to him that God is love, and out of the fear that is in his heart, he will nod in agreement.  But there is no agreement in his soul.  He keeps on in his way because he sees no hope of any change.  If God is cruel then he is a dead man, even while he lives, and he knows it.

To another man, God is purely love.  In this man's mind, God throws His own Righteousness and Holiness aside to embrace the sinner.  The man perceives that his sin will be erased by some miraculous working of God. 

But he does not understand his own obligation to do "The Way" of Christ.  He perceives "The Way" is too hard to walk, but he does not consider the power of prayer in Christ Jesus.  This one hungers for acceptance.  He does not hunger for righteousness.

This man thinks he will be granted entry into the perfection of eternity simply because he exists.  Speak to this man of a necessity of holiness and righteousness, and he will count you a fool.

Still another man will perceive that God demands certain rituals from all his worshippers.  This man may have started out in Christianity, by receiving forgiveness for his sins, but he has studied the law of God and has determined to do the law.  This one will add to his worship "a little here and a little there".  In the end, he becomes far less a Christian then before he began.

Each man holds the perception of God that he has grown to love dearly.  Some hold fear, some hold love, some hold law.  As a man believes so he does.

Each of the above ways is flawed, and will suffer loss.  How very sad, when the answer for wholeness in Christ lay so clearly before us.  If a man will humble himself and pray, God will direct him into what is true.

But men love sin.  Men love pride.  Men love praise.  All three of these, the Holy Most High God abhors.

You can have the perception of God you want.  No one will stop you.  They may try to teach you with all they have, but you will refuse.  You men, as mentioned above, will do as you please regardless the will of God.  The loss is yours.

What more is there to say

That is healthy to say? 

What is written here is true.  

What would you do?

The Perennial, and Ominous Prayer - 2014-09-06 02:09

For well over two thousand years now, the holy men of God have been praying.  Do you know what they've been praying for?

In Christ Jesus they have lifted their voice, almost as unison!  And the Holy Lord of life has heard their words.  Do you know what words he has heard?

"Even so Lord Jesus come quickly!"

Before you were born, 10 million holy men, and more, prayed those words to the Lord.  Before you even knew there was a door to enter, there were men praying that it should be shut! 

The wickedness of this place was more than they could bear.  And the promise of the Holy One strains against the leash! 

But the clasp will be undone, and the leash will go slack.  The Vengeance of God will leap forth; irresistibly bent on conquest.  Every muscle, sinew and bone is pointed in the direction of the wicked.  And as the clasp is released, he will fly like lightning!

They prayed:

"Holy Lord God Almighty your law is being broken!  Look and see!  We testify to men of your holiness O' beautiful God of all.  Now we kneel before you to testify before your Holy Throne. 

Look how they hate you, Sovereign God!  Look how they ignore your Laws of Life.  Look how they hate righteousness and love to be wicked.

Rise up oh Holy God and cleanse this place!  Bring about your Holy promise.  There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth!  Even So Come Lord Jesus!"

Did you know there are men praying this today?  Before you even know there is a door through which you must walk, men pray these things. 

They do not pray this to injure you; as if by their prayer they may bring up your destruction.  They pray this out of a sincere and deep love for God in Christ Jesus.  In this prayer is the kiss of peace they desire to give to the God who has saved them.

I would strongly urge you to present yourself to God today.  Look around you at the wickedness of this place.  It grows exponentially now.  What was considered forbidden only 30 years ago is now paraded in the streets!  How much longer do you think it will take before the Holy Lord answers the prayer of these beautifully holy men?

The Shameful Testimony - 2014-09-06 12:42

Got hope?

I walk into Walmart to get some water.  200 people, or more, pass me by.  400 eyes look the other way.   They even teach their children well, "Avoid the weird man, honey".

If this is what they do to a simple hat worn by a simple man, what will they desire to do at the blazing glory of the Lord Jesus Christ?

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