Harnessing the Power of Sensors and Machine Learning to Design Smart Fence to Protect Farmlands

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electronics-10-03094 1
2. Smart Fence to Protect Farmland
The intelligent fence is invisible and does not harm animals [
]. It is developed by utilizing an optical fiber sensor [
]. The virtual closure architecture consists of three modules. The specific details of each module areas follows.
Module 1: Signal Capturing Unit This module collects information about the transducer.
In this module, the IR PIN diode acts as a sensor for the detection of light from the IR
laser diode. It is then connected to abeam splitter to divide the laser light over multiple segments of fiber cables.
Module 2: Processing Unit The second module is about algorithm processing. This module includes a microcontroller to analyze data and categorize results using algorithms. The subsequent sections describe the algorithm.
Module 3: Transmitter This module contains a transmitter to convey information about events. Virtual Fence Setup Using Optical Fiber Sensor
shows the layout of a single area of the optical fiber sensor used to collect the signal. Each area contains two sections [
]. Two segments are used to locate the intruder. Two single-mode fiber optics separated by a distance of 5 m and buried at a depth of approximately 12 inches in the ground were used for each segment. The length of the optical fiber segments may vary from 10 m to 2 km depending on the requirements. Each segment has the capability of detecting and identifying the intruder walking on the buried fiber segment. Next, they send a message about the intruder and the segment number on a copper line to a mote.
At the starting point, an IR laser beam is inserted to the fiber cable. The IR beam is split using abeam splitter (1:4), so that it can be inserted into four fiber cables simultaneously.
At the receiving end, a PIN diode receives the signals and transmits to the processor (ARM
processor). Figure
illustrates the arrangement of the areas around the farm. Different areas of fiber maybe placed next to each other to cover more surface. Each fiber segment is identified and accompanied by event information to communicate the crossing location.
We concentrated on approaching the animal to identify the animal that came in without permission. The PIN LED signal is invariant to the depth of deployment, the nature of the ground, the weight of the animal, and the velocity of the movement of the animal.

Electronics 2021, 10, 3094 4 of 20

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