How This Book Can Work Miracles in Your Life

of the subconscious powers

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of the subconscious powers
What things soever ye desire, when ye pray believe that ye
receive them, and ye shall have them. M
11:24. Note the difference in tenses. The inspired writer tells us to believe and accept as true the fact that our desire has already been accomplished and fulfilled, that it is already completed, and that its realization will follow as a thing in the future. The success of this technique depends on the confident conviction that the thought, the idea, the picture is already a fact in mind. In order for anything to have substance in the realm of mind, it must bethought of as actually existing there. Herein a few cryptic words is a concise and specific direction for making use of the creative power of thought by impressing upon the subconscious the particular thing, which you desire. Your thought, idea, plan, or purpose is as real on its own

Mental Healings in Ancient Times
57 plane as your hand or your heart. In following the Biblical technique, you completely eliminate from your mind all consideration of conditions, circumstances, or anything, which might imply adverse contingencies. You are planting a seed (concept) in the mind, which, if you leave it undisturbed, will infallibly germinate into external fruition. The prime condition, which Jesus insisted upon, was faith. Over and over again you read in the Bible, According to your
faith is it done unto you. If you plant certain types of seeds in the ground, you have faith they will grow after their kind. This is the way of seeds, and trusting the laws of growth and agriculture, you know that the seeds will come forth after their kind. Faith as mentioned in the Bible is away of thinking, an attitude of mind, an inner certitude, knowing that the idea you fully accept in your conscious mind will be embodied in your subconscious mind and made manifest. Faith is, in a sense, accepting as true what your reason and senses deny, i.e., a shutting out of the little, rational, analytical, conscious mind and embracing an attitude of complete reliance on the inner power of your subconscious mind. A classical instance of Bible technique is recorded in MATTHEW
9:28-30. And when he was come into the house, the
blind men came to him and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye
that I am able to do this They said unto him, Yea, Lord. Then
touched he their eyes, saying, according to your faith be it unto
you. And their eyes were opened and Jesus straitly charged
them, saying, see that no man know it. In the words according to your faith be it unto you, you can see that Jesus was actually appealing to the cooperation of the subconscious mind of the blind men. Their faith was their great expectancy, their inner feeling, their inner conviction that something miraculous would happen, and that their prayer would be answered, and it was. This is the time-honored technique of healing, utilized alike by all healing groups throughout the world regardless of religious affiliation. In the words see that no man know it, Jesus enjoins the newly healed patients not to discuss their healing because they

Mental Healings in Ancient Times might be subjected to the skeptical and derogatory criticisms of the unbelieving. This might tend to undo the benefits they had received at the hand of Jesus by depositing thoughts of fear, doubt, and anxiety in the subconscious mind.
. . . for with authority and power he commandeth the un-
clean spirits, and they came out. L
4:36. When the sick came to Jesus to be healed, they were healed by their faith together with his faith and understanding of the healing power of the subconscious mind. Whatever he decreed, he felt inwardly to be true. He and the people needing help were in the one universal subjective mind, and his silent inner knowing and conviction of the healing power changed the negative destructive patterns in the patients subconscious. The resultant healings were the automatic response to the internal mental change. His command was his appeal to the subconscious mind of the patients plus his awareness, feeling, and absolute trust in the response of the subconscious mind to the words which he spoke with authority.

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