Should I trust doctors? Just like in any profession there are good ones and bad ones. Use doctors recommended by friends. Be realistic what they can and will do for you. Private doctors are preferred overstate affiliated ones like the VA. You really have no choice but to try some of the solutions that modern medicine offers. This advice has been given throughout this book. Even chemicals can alter the effectiveness of EM technology. It is TIs fears that tell them that the doctor will implant them again or give them deadly drugs. This is rarely the case and it doesn’t hurt to try new things. Also, not all pains and problems are due to the SATAN weapon system. Don’t give the mind hackers more power than they actually have. Don’t blame everything on technology. Don’t give the program more power than they have. It is a common belief that technological induced symptoms cannot be helped with medicine. The body is an electromagnetic chemical reaction. Yes, chemicals like drugs can help the body and be used as countermeasures to electromagnetically induced problems. Drugs can be used to affect the body’s electrical-chemical processes. One TI went to see two psychologists and four psychiatrists and told them the same story and brought some literature on the topic. One of the psychologist and one psychiatrist believed the story. One psychologist diagnosed the TI as schizoaffective, One psychiatrist diagnosed the TI as bipolar. Another psychiatrist diagnosed the TI as a mix-state and yet another diagnosed the TI as schizophrenic. Obviously, depending on what the TI is looking for as a diagnosis, it depends on the doctor. If it is fora court case, the TI should shop around to prove their sanity. If they are looking to be classified as disabled they will want another diagnosis. When doctors misdiagnose a patient it is call The Marsha Mitchell Effect. No matter how outrageous their story, it ends up being true.