Individual Country Domestic Prices 109. Finally, Brazil presents a series of graphs showing domestic prices in those countries for which domestic prices were available. Andrew Macdonald has indicated that most countries do not collect or maintain accessible data on domestic upland cotton prices. This was confirmed by the requests for such data by Brazilian embassies around the world. Therefore, Brazil can only offer information on domestic prices from a limited number of countries. These countries, however, constitute key markets, including the United States, China, Brazil and Pakistan.
110. The record shows that domestic prices within several key producing countries including the United States, Brazil, China and Pakistan also reflect and generally move with the overall trends of A-Index prices. This is shown in the graphs below:148
111. This data provides further confirmation of the close link between US domestic prices and the A-Index prices. As set forth below, this close link also exists for the domestic Brazilian market where most of Brazilian production is marketed:149
112. Finally, the domestic prices of the world’s largest producer and consumer of upland cotton is the Chinese market. Because China is one of the world’s largest importers of upland cotton, it is not surprising that its domestic market prices also track the A-Index prices as seen in the graph below:150
A similar pattern also evolves for domestic prices in another major producers and user of upland cotton: Pakistan.151