I think that this is a great public forum topic: it relates to a current event that will educate students on some of the nuanc

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Lesson 4.2 Day 3
13NFL1-Compulsory Voting
Page 48 of 163
Simon Jackman 01, [Assitant Professor and Victoria Schuck Faculty Scholar, Department of Political Science, Stanford Unviersity], "Compulsory Voting, Internet Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2001. http://jackman.stanford.edu/papers/cv.pdf Compliance with CV is most commonly induced with a system of small tomoderate fines (e.g., Australia and Belgium, although a substantial number ofcountries with CV do not rely on fines. Other penalties include ineligibility forelected office fora prescribed period (e.g., Argentina, ineligibility for certaintypes of government employment (e.g., Venezuela, and disenfranchisement
(e.g.,Thailand). In other countries CV operates as a norm, with social embarrassmentan important sanction for noncompliance (e.g., Italy. Sometimes CV appears asa constitutional provision or in statute, but with no mention of penalties for noncompliance (e.g., Bolivia, Chile, Liechtenstein, Egypt. Many countries also havelarge classes of exemptions. For instance,
Australia’s federal CV statute exemptsnon-voters with valid and sufficient reasons for not turning out Australia’scourts have rigorously denied nonvoters claims of indifference between thecandidates or alienation from politics as valid and sufficient reasons (AEC Age exemptions are also common for instance, Brazil makes voting optionalfor citizens between the ages of 16 and 18, citizens over the age of 70, and forilliterates.

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