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- Robotics and Automation, 1992. Proceedings., 1992 IEEE International Conference on
- Robotics and Automation, 1993. Proceedings., 1993 IEEE International Conference on
- Robotics and Automation, 1994. Proceedings., 1994 IEEE International Conference on
- Robotics and Automation, 1995. Proceedings., 1995 IEEE International Conference on
- Robotics and Automation, 1996. Proceedings., 1996 IEEE International Conference on
- Robotics and Automation, 1997. Proceedings., 1997 IEEE International Conference on
- Robotics and Automation, 1998. Proceedings. 1998 IEEE International Conference on
- Robotics and Automation, 1999. Proceedings. 1999 IEEE International Conference on
- Robotics and Automation, 2000. Proceedings. ICRA '00. IEEE International Conference on
- Robotics and Automation, 2002. Proceedings. ICRA '02. IEEE International Conference on
- Rural Electric Power Conference, 1988. Papers Presented at the 32nd Annual Conference
- Rural Electric Power Conference, 1989. Papers Presented at the 33rd Annual Conference
- Rural Electric Power Conference, 1990. Papers Presented at the 34th Annual Conference
- Rural Electric Power Conference, 1991. Papers Presented at the 35th Annual Conference
- Rural Electric Power Conference, 1992. Papers Presented at the 36th Annual Conference
- Rural Electric Power Conference, 1993. Papers Presented at the 37th Annual Conference
- Rural Electric Power Conference, 1994. Papers Presented at the 38th Annual Conference
- Rural Electric Power Conference, 1995. Papers Presented at the 39th Annual Conference
- Rural Electric Power Conference, 1996. Papers Presented at the 39th Annual Conference
- Rural Electric Power Conference, 1997. Papers Presented at the 41st Annual Conference
- Rural Electric Power Conference, 1998. Papers Presented at the 42nd Annual Conference
- Rural Electric Power Conference, 1999
- Rural Electric Power Conference, 2000
- Rural Electric Power Conference, 2001
- Rural Electric Power Conference, 2002. 2002 IEEE
- Sarnoff Symposium, 1993 IEEE Princeton Section
- Sarnoff Symposium, 1994., IEEE Princeton/Central Jersey
- Sarnoff Symposium, 1995., IEEE Princeton Section
- Satellite Communications, 1994. ICSC 94. Proceedings of International Conference on
- Satellite Communications, 1996. Proceedings of ICSC '96. The 2nd International Conference on
- Satellite Communications, 1998. ICSC '98. The Third International Conference on
- Scalable High Performance Computing Conference, 1992. SHPCC-92. Proceedings.
- Scalable High-Performance Computing Conference, 1994. Proceedings of the
- Scalable Parallel Libraries Conference, 1993., Proceedings of the
- Scalable Parallel Libraries Conference, 1994., Proceedings of the 1994
- Science and Engineering for Software Development: A Recognition of Harlan D. Mills' Legacy, 1999. Proceedings
- Science and Tech, Proceedings of the 4th Korea-Russia Int'l Symp on
- Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals, 1994. ICSM '94. International Conference on
- Science and Technology, 2000. KORUS '99. Proceedings. The Third Russian-Korean International Symposium on
- Science and Technology, 2001. KORUS '01. Proceedings. The Fifth Russian-Korean International Symposium on
- Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Post-graduates and Young Scientists, 2000. Modern Techniques and Technology - MTT 2000. Proceedings of the VI International
- Scientific and Statistical Database Management, 1994. Proceedings., Seventh International Working Conference on
- Scientific and Statistical Database Management, 1997. Proceedings., Ninth International Conference on
- Scientific and Statistical Database Management, 1998. Proceedings. Tenth International Conference on
- Scientific and Statistical Database Management, 1999. Eleventh International Conference on
- Scientific and Statistical Database Management, 2000. Proceedings. 12th International Conference on
- Scientific and Statistical Database Management, 2001. SSDBM 2001. Proceedings. Thirteenth International Conference on
- Scientific and Statistical Database Systems, 1996. Proceedings., Eighth International Conference on
- Security and Privacy, 1988. Proceedings., 1988 IEEE Symposium on
- Security and Privacy, 1989. Proceedings., 1989 IEEE Symposium on
- Security and Privacy, 1995. Proceedings., 1995 IEEE Symposium on
- Security and Privacy, 1996. Proceedings., 1996 IEEE Symposium on
- Security and Privacy, 1997. Proceedings., 1997 IEEE Symposium on
- Security and Privacy, 1998. Proceedings. 1998 IEEE Symposium on
- Security and Privacy, 1999. Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Symposium on
- Security and Privacy, 2000. S&P 2000. Proceedings. 2000 IEEE Symposium on
- Security and Privacy, 2001. S&P 2001. Proceedings. 2001 IEEE Symposium on
- Security and Privacy, 2002. Proceedings. 2002 IEEE Symposium on
- Security Technology, 1988. Crime Countermeasures, Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1988 International Carnahan Conference on
- Security Technology, 1989. Proceedings. 1989 International Carnahan Conference on
- Security Technology, 1990. Crime Countermeasures, Proceedings. IEEE 1990 International Carnahan Conference on
- Security Technology, 1991. Proceedings. 25th Annual 1991 IEEE International Carnahan Conference on
- Security Technology, 1992. Crime Countermeasures, Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1992 International Carnahan Conference on
- Security Technology, 1993. Security Technology, Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1993 International Carnahan Conference on
- Security Technology, 1994. Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 28th Annual 1994 International Carnahan Conference on
- Security Technology, 1995. Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 29th Annual 1995 International Carnahan Conference on
- Security Technology, 1996. 30th Annual 1996 International Carnahan Conference
- Security Technology, 1997. Proceedings. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 31st Annual 1997 International Carnahan Conference on
- Security Technology, 1998. Proceedings., 32nd Annual 1998 International Carnahan Conference on
- Security Technology, 1999. Proceedings. IEEE 33rd Annual 1999 International Carnahan Conference on
- Security Technology, 2000. Proceedings. IEEE 34th Annual 2000 International Carnahan Conference on
- Security Technology, 2001 IEEE 35th International Carnahan Conference on
- Self-Stabilizing Systems, 1999. Proceedings. 19th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshop on
- Semiconducting and Insulating Materials Conference, 2000. SIMC-XI. International
- Semiconducting and Insulating Materials, 1998. (SIMC-X) Proceedings of the 10th Conference on
- Semiconducting and Semi-Insulating Materials Conference, 1996. IEEE
- Semiconductor Conference, 1995. CAS'95 Proceedings., 1995 International
- Semiconductor Conference, 1996., International
- Semiconductor Conference, 1997. CAS '97 Proceedings., 1997 International
- Semiconductor Conference, 1998. CAS '98 Proceedings. 1998 International
- Semiconductor Conference, 1999. CAS '99 Proceedings. 1999 International
- Semiconductor Conference, 2000. CAS 2000 Proceedings. International
- Semiconductor Conference, 2001. CAS 2001 Proceedings. International
- Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, 2001 International
- Semiconductor Electronics, 1996. ICSE '96. Proceedings., 1996 IEEE International Conference on
- Semiconductor Electronics, 1998. Proceedings. ICSE '98. 1998 IEEE International Conference on
- Semiconductor Electronics, 2001. Proceedings. ICSE 2000. 2000 IEEE International Conference on
- Semiconductor Laser Conference , 1992. Conference Digest. 13th IEEE International
- Semiconductor Laser Conference, 1988. Conference Digest., 11th IEEE International
- Semiconductor Laser Conference, 1990. Conference Digest. 12th IEEE International
- Semiconductor Laser Conference, 1994., 14th IEEE International
- Semiconductor Laser Conference, 1996., 15th IEEE International
- Semiconductor Laser Conference, 1998. ISLC 1998 NARA. 1998 IEEE 16th International
- Semiconductor Laser Conference, 2000. Conference Digest. 2000 IEEE 17th International
- Semiconductor Laser Devices and Applications, 1990. Conference Digest., LEOS Summer Topical on New
- Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference Proceedings, 1997 IEEE International Symposium on
- Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference Proceedings, 1999 IEEE International Symposium on
- Semiconductor Manufacturing Science Symposium, 1989. ISMSS 1989., IEEE/SEMI International
- Semiconductor Manufacturing Science Symposium, 1990. ISMSS 1990., IEEE/SEMI International
- Semiconductor Manufacturing Science Symposium, 1991. ISMSS 1991., IEEE/SEMI International
- Semiconductor Manufacturing Science Symposium, 1992. ISMSS 1992., IEEE/SEMI International
- Semiconductor Manufacturing Science Symposium, 1993. ISMSS 1993., IEEE/SEMI International
- Semiconductor Manufacturing Symposium, 2001 IEEE International
- Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Workshop, 1998
- Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Workshop, 2000
- Semiconductor Manufacturing, 1993. International Symposium on
- Semiconductor Manufacturing, 1994. Extended Abstracts of ISSM '94. 1994 International Symposium on
- Semiconductor Manufacturing, 1995., IEEE/UCS/SEMI International Symposium on
- Semiconductor Manufacturing, 2000. Proceedings of ISSM 2000. The Ninth International Symposium on
- Semiconductor Modeling & Simulation, 1993. SMS Technical Digest. 1993 Symposium on
- Semiconductor Thermal and Temperature Measurement Symposium, 1988. SEMI-THERM IV., Fourth Annual IEEE
- Semiconductor Thermal and Temperature Measurement Symposium, 1989. SEMI-THERM V., Fifth Annual IEEE
- Semiconductor Thermal and Temperature Measurement Symposium, 1990. SEMI-THERM VI, Proceedings., Sixth Annual IEEE
- Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, 1991. SEMI-THERM VII. Proceedings., Seventh Annual IEEE
- Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, 1992. SEMI-THERM VIII., Eighth Annual IEEE
- Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, 1993. SEMI-THERM IX., Ninth Annual IEEE
- Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, 1994. SEMI-THERM X., Proceedings of 1994 IEEE/CPMT 10th
- Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, 1995. SEMI-THERM XI., Eleventh Annual IEEE
- Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, 1996. SEMI-THERM XII. Proceedings., Twelfth Annual IEEE
- Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, 1997. SEMI-THERM XIII., Thirteenth Annual IEEE
- Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, 1998. SEMI-THERM Proceedings 1998., Fourteenth Annual IEEE
- Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, 1999. Fifteenth Annual IEEE
- Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, 2000. Sixteenth Annual IEEE
- Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management, 2001. Seventeenth Annual IEEE Symposium
- Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management, 2002. Eighteenth Annual IEEE Symposium
- Semi-insulating III-V Materials, 1992 Proceedings of the 7th Conference on
- Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. 2000. Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE
- Sensor for Industry, 2001, Proceedings of the First ISA/IEEE Conference
- Service Portability and Virtual Customer Environments, 2000 IEEE
- Services in Distributed and Networked Environments, 1995., Second International Workshop on
- Services in Distributed and Networked Environments, 1996., Proceedings of Third International Workshop on
- Shape Modeling and Applications, 1997. Proceedings., 1997 International Conference on
- Shape Modeling and Applications, 1999. Proceedings. Shape Modeling International '99. International Conference on
- Shape Modeling and Applications, SMI 2001 International Conference on.
- Shape Modeling International, 2002. Proceedings
- SICE 2000. Proceedings of the 39th SICE Annual Conference. International Session Papers
- SICE 2001. Proceedings of the 40th SICE Annual Conference. International Session Papers
- SICE '95. Proceedings of the 34th SICE Annual Conference. International Session Papers
- SICE '96. Proceedings of the 35th SICE Annual Conference. International Session Papers
- SICE '97. Proceedings of the 36th SICE Annual Conference. International Session Papers
- SICE '98. Proceedings of the 37th SICE Annual Conference. International Session Papers
- SICE Annual, 1999. 38th Annual Conference Proceedings of the
- Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, 1997 First IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on
- Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, 1999. SPAWC '99. 1999 2nd IEEE Workshop on
- Signal Processing and its Appications, Sixth International, Symposium on. 2001
- Signal Processing and Its Applications, 1996. ISSPA 96., Fourth International Symposium on
- Signal Processing and Its Applications, 1999. ISSPA '99. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on
- Signal Processing Proceedings, 1998. ICSP '98. 1998 Fourth International Conference on
- Signal Processing Proceedings, 2000. WCCC-ICSP 2000. 5th International Conference on
- Signal Processing Systems, 1997. SIPS 97 - Design and Implementation., 1997 IEEE Workshop on
- Signal Processing Systems, 1998. SIPS 98. 1998 IEEE Workshop on
- Signal Processing Systems, 1999. SiPS 99. 1999 IEEE Workshop on
- Signal Processing Systems, 2000. SiPS 2000. 2000 IEEE Workshop on
- Signal Processing Systems, 2001 IEEE Workshop on
- Signal Processing, 1996., 3rd International Conference on
- Signals, Systems & Computers, 1997. Conference Record of the Thirty-First Asilomar Conference on
- Signals, Systems & Computers, 1998. Conference Record of the Thirty-Second Asilomar Conference on
- Signals, Systems and Computers, 1988. Twenty-Second Asilomar Conference on
- Signals, Systems and Computers, 1991. 1991 Conference Record of the Twenty-Fifth Asilomar Conference on
- Signals, Systems and Computers, 1992. 1992 Conference Record of The Twenty-Sixth Asilomar Conference on
- Signals, Systems and Computers, 1993. 1993 Conference Record of The Twenty-Seventh Asilomar Conference on
- Signals, Systems and Computers, 1994. 1994 Conference Record of the Twenty-Eighth Asilomar Conference on
- Signals, Systems and Computers, 1995. 1995 Conference Record of the Twenty-Ninth Asilomar Conference on
- Signals, Systems and Computers, 1996. 1996 Conference Record of the Thirtieth Asilomar Conference on
- Signals, Systems and Computers, 2000. Conference Record of the Thirty-Fourth Asilomar Conference on
- Signals, Systems and Computers, 2001. Conference Record of the Thirty-Fifth Asilomar Conference on
- Signals, Systems, and Computers, 1999. Conference Record of the Thirty-Third Asilomar Conference on
- Signals, Systems, and Electronics, 1995. ISSSE '95, Proceedings., 1995 URSI International Symposium on
- Signals, Systems, and Electronics, 1998. ISSSE 98. 1998 URSI International Symposium on
- Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, 1998. Digest of Papers. 1998 Topical Meeting on
- Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, 2000. Digest of Papers. 2000 Topical Meeting on
- Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, 2001. Digest of Papers. 2001 Topical Meeting on
- Simulation Conference Proceedings, 1988 Winter
- Simulation Conference Proceedings, 1989. Winter
- Simulation Conference Proceedings, 1993. Winter
- Simulation Conference Proceedings, 1994. Winter
- Simulation Conference Proceedings, 1996. Winter
- Simulation Conference Proceedings, 1997. Winter
- Simulation Conference Proceedings, 1998. Winter
- Simulation Conference Proceedings, 1999. Winter
- Simulation Conference Proceedings, 2000. Winter
- Simulation Conference, 1990. Proceedings., Winter
- Simulation Conference, 1991. Proceedings., Winter
- Simulation Conference, 2001. Proceedings of the Winter
- Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, 1996. SISPAD 96. 1996 International Conference on
- Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, 1997. SISPAD '97., 1997 International Conference on
- Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, 1999. SISPAD '99. 1999 International Conference on
- Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, 2000. SISPAD 2000. 2000 International Conference on
- Simulation Symposium, 1989. The 22nd Annual
- Simulation Symposium, 1990. 1990 Eastern Multiconference. Record of Proceedings. The 23rd Annual
- Simulation Symposium, 1991. Proceedings of the 24th Annual
- Simulation Symposium, 1992. Proceedings. 25th Annual
- Simulation Symposium, 1993. Proceedings. 26th Annual
- Simulation Symposium, 1994. Proceedings. 27th Annual
- Simulation Symposium, 1995. Proceedings of the 28th Annual
- Simulation Symposium, 1996. Proceedings of the 29th Annual
- Simulation Symposium, 1997. Proceedings. 30th Annual
- Simulation Symposium, 1998. Proceedings. 31st Annual
- Simulation Symposium, 1999. Proceedings. 32nd Annual
- Simulation Symposium, 2000. (SS 2000) Proceedings. 33rd Annual
- Simulation Symposium, 2001. Proceedings. 34th Annual
- Simulation Symposium, 2002. Proceedings. 35th Annual
- Singapore ICCS '94. Conference Proceedings.
- Singapore ICCS/ISITA '92. 'Communications on the Move'
- Socioeconomic Dimensions of Electronic Publishing Workshop, 1998. Proceedings
- Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, 2001. SMCia/01. Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Mountain Workshop on
- Soft Computing Methods in Industrial Applications, 1999. SMCia/99. Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Midnight-Sun Workshop on
- Software Architecture, 2001. Proceedings. Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on
- Software Education Conference, 1994. Proceedings.
- Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 1992. Proceedings., Fourth International Conference on
- Software Engineering Conference, 1994. Proceedings., 1994 First Asia-Pacific
- Software Engineering Conference, 1995. Proceedings., 1995 Asia Pacific
- Software Engineering Conference, 1996. Proceedings of 1996 Australian
- Software Engineering Conference, 1996. Proceedings. 1996 Asia-Pacific
- Software Engineering Conference, 1997. Asia Pacific ... and International Computer Science Conference 1997. APSEC '97 and ICSC '97. Proceedings
- Software Engineering Conference, 1997. Proceedings. 1997 Australian
- Software Engineering Conference, 1998. Proceedings. 1998 Asia Pacific
- Software Engineering Conference, 1998. Proceedings. 1998 Australian
- Software Engineering Conference, 1999. (APSEC '99) Proceedings. Sixth Asia Pacific
- Software Engineering Conference, 2000. APSEC 2000. Proceedings. Seventh Asia-Pacific
- Software Engineering Conference, 2000. Proceedings. 2000 Australian
- Software Engineering Conference, 2001. APSEC 2001. Eighth Asia-Pacific
- Software Engineering Conference, 2001. Proceedings. 2001 Australian
- Software Engineering Education & Training, 2000. Proceedings. 13th Conference on
- Software Engineering Education & Training. Tenth Conference on
- Software Engineering Education and Training, 1999. Proceedings. 12th Conference on
- Software Engineering Education and Training, 2001. Proceedings. 14th Conference on
- Software Engineering Education and Training, 2002. (CSEE&T 2002). Proceedings. 15th Conference on
- Software Engineering Education, 1996. Proceedings., Ninth Conference on
- Software Engineering Education, 1998. Proceedings., 11th Conference on
- Software Engineering Environments [Conference], 1995., Proceedings
- Software Engineering Environments Conference, 1993. Proceedings
- Software Engineering Environments, Eighth Conference on
- Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1997. Proceedings., Second International Workshop on
- Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1998. Proceedings. International Symposium on
- Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1999. Proceedings. International Symposium on
- Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2000. Proceedings. International Symposium on
- Software Engineering Standards Application Workshop, 1991., Fourth
- Software Engineering Standards Symposium and Forum, 1997. 'Emerging International Standards'. ISESS 97., Third IEEE International
- Software Engineering Standards Symposium, 1993. Proceedings., 1993
- Software Engineering Standards Symposium, 1995. (ISESS'95) 'Experience and Practice', Proceedings., Second IEEE International
- Software Engineering Standards, 1999. Proceedings. Fourth IEEE International Symposium and Forum on
- Software Engineering Workshop, 2001. Proceedings. 26th Annual NASA Goddard
- Software Engineering, 1988., Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on
- Software Engineering, 1989. 11th International Conference on
- Software Engineering, 1990. Proceedings., 12th International Conference on
- Software Engineering, 1991. Proceedings., 13th International Conference on
- Software Engineering, 1992. International Conference on
- Software Engineering, 1993. Proceedings., 15th International Conference on
- Software Engineering, 1994. Proceedings. ICSE-16., 16th International Conference on
- Software Engineering, 1996., Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on
- Software Engineering, 1997., Proceedings of the 1997 (19th) International Conference on
- Software Engineering, 1998. Proceedings of the 1998 (20th) International Conference on
- Software Engineering, 1999. Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on
- Software Engineering, 2000. Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on
- Software Engineering, 2001. ICSE 2001. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on
- Software Engineering, 2002. ICSE 2002. Proceedings of the 24rd International Conference on
- Software Engineering: Education and Practice, 1996. Proceedings. International Conference
- Software Engineering: Education and Practice, 1998. Proceedings. 1998 International Conference
- Software Maintenance ,1993. CSM-93, Proceedings., Conference on
- Software Maintenance 1996, Proceedings., International Conference on
- Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 1997. EUROMICRO 97., First Euromicro Conference on
- Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 1998. Proceedings of the Second Euromicro Conference on
- Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 1999. Proceedings of the Third European Conference on
- Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 2000. Proceedings of the Fourth European
- Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 2001. Fifth European Conference on
- Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 2002. Proceedings. Sixth European Conference on
- Software Maintenance, 1988., Proceedings of the Conference on
- Software Maintenance, 1989., Proceedings., Conference on
- Software Maintenance, 1990., Proceedings., Conference on
- Software Maintenance, 1991., Proceedings. Conference on
- Software Maintenance, 1992. Proceerdings., Conference on
- Software Maintenance, 1994. Proceedings., International Conference on
- Software Maintenance, 1995. Proceedings., International Conference on
- Software Maintenance, 1997. Proceedings., International Conference on
- Software Maintenance, 1998. Proceedings. International Conference on
- Software Maintenance, 1999. (ICSM '99) Proceedings. IEEE International Conference on
- Software Maintenance, 2000. Proceedings. International Conference on
- Software Maintenance, 2001. Proceedings. IEEE International Conference on
- Software Methods and Tools, 2000. SMT 2000. Proceedings. International Conference on
- Software Metrics Symposium, 1993. Proceedings., First International
- Software Metrics Symposium, 1994., Proceedings of the Second International
- Software Metrics Symposium, 1996., Proceedings of the 3rd International
- Software Metrics Symposium, 1997. Proceedings., Fourth International
- Software Metrics Symposium, 1998. Metrics 1998. Proceedings. Fifth International
- Software Metrics Symposium, 1999. Proceedings. Sixth International
- Software Metrics Symposium, 2001. METRICS 2001. Proceedings. Seventh International
- Software Metrics, 2002. Proceedings. Eighth IEEE Symposium on
- Software Process Workshop, 1989. 'Experience with Software Process Models'., Proceedings of the 5th International
- Software Process Workshop, 1990. 'Support for the Software Process'., Proceedings of the 6th International
- Software Process Workshop, 1991. 'Communication and Coordination in the Software Process'., Proceedings of the 7th International
- Software Process Workshop, 1994. Proceedings., Ninth International
- Software Process Workshop, 1996. 'Process Support of Software Product Lines'., Proceedings of the 10th International
- Software Process, 1991. Proceedings. First International Conference on the
- Software Process, 1993. 'Continuous Software Process Improvement'., Second International Conference on the
- Software Process, 1994. 'Applying the Software Process', Proceedings., Third International Conference on the
- Software Process, 1996. Proceedings., Fourth International Conference on the
- Software Reliability Engineering - Case Studies, 1997. Proceedings., The Eighth International Symposium on
- Software Reliability Engineering, 1991. Proceedings., 1991 International Symposium on
- Software Reliability Engineering, 1992. Proceedings., Third International Symposium on
- Software Reliability Engineering, 1993. Proceedings., Fourth International Symposium on
- Software Reliability Engineering, 1994. Proceedings., 5th International Symposium on
- Software Reliability Engineering, 1995. Proceedings., Sixth International Symposium on
- Software Reliability Engineering, 1996. Proceedings., Seventh International Symposium on
- Software Reliability Engineering, 1998. Proceedings. The Ninth International Symposium on
- Software Reliability Engineering, 1999. Proceedings. 10th International Symposium on
- Software Reliability Engineering, 2000. ISSRE 2000. Proceedings. 11th International Symposium on
- Software Reliability Engineering, 2001. ISSRE 2001. Proceedings. 12th International Symposium on
- Software Reusability, 1993. Proceedings Advances in Software Reuse., Selected Papers from the Second International Workshop on
- Software Reuse, 1996., Proceedings Fourth International Conference on
- Software Reuse, 1998. Proceedings. Fifth International Conference on
- Software Reuse: Advances in Software Reusability, 1994. Proceedings., Third International Conference on
- Software Specification and Design, 1991., Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on
- Software Specification and Design, 1993., Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on
- Software Specification and Design, 1996., Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on
- Software Specification and Design, 1998. Proceedings. Ninth International Workshop on
- Software Specification and Design, 2000. Tenth International Workshop on
- Software Technology and Engineering Practice, 1997. Proceedings., Eighth IEEE International Workshop on [incorporating Computer Aided Software Engineering]
- Software Technology and Engineering Practice, 1999. STEP '99. Proceedings
- Software Testing, Reliability and Quality Assurance, 1994. Conference Proceedings., First International Conference on
- Software Testing, Verification, and Analysis, 1988., Proceedings of the Second Workshop on
- SOI Conference, 1991. Proceedings., 1991 IEEE International
- SOI Conference, 1992. IEEE International
- SOI Conference, 1993. Proceedings., 1993 IEEE International
- SOI Conference, 1994 Proceedings., 1994 IEEE International
- SOI Conference, 1995. Proceedings., 1995 IEEE International
- SOI Conference, 1996. Proceedings., 1996 IEEE International
- SOI Conference, 1997. Proceedings., 1997 IEEE International
- SOI Conference, 1998. Proceedings., 1998 IEEE International
- SOI Conference, 1999. Proceedings. 1999 IEEE International
- SOI Conference, 2000 IEEE International
- SOI Conference, 2001 IEEE International
- Solid Dielectrics, 2001. ICSD '01. Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE 7th International Conference on
- Solid State Sensors and Actuators, 1997. TRANSDUCERS '97 Chicago., 1997 International Conference on
- Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology, 1995 4th International Conference on
- Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology, 1998. Proceedings. 1998 5th International Conference on
- Solid-State and Integrated-Circuit Technology, 2001. Proceedings. 6th International Conference on
- Solid-State Circuits Conference, 1988. Digest of Technical Papers. ISSCC. 1988 IEEE International
- Solid-State Circuits Conference, 1989. Digest of Technical Papers. 36th ISSCC., 1989 IEEE International
- Solid-State Circuits Conference, 1990. Digest of Technical Papers. 37th ISSCC., 1990 IEEE International
- Solid-State Circuits Conference, 1991. Digest of Technical Papers. 38th ISSCC., 1991 IEEE International
- Solid-State Circuits Conference, 1992. Digest of Technical Papers. 39th ISSCC, 1992 IEEE International
- Solid-State Circuits Conference, 1993. Digest of Technical Papers. 40th ISSCC., 1993 IEEE International
- Solid-State Circuits Conference, 1994. Digest of Technical Papers. 41st ISSCC., 1994 IEEE International
- Solid-State Circuits Conference, 1995. Digest of Technical Papers. 42nd ISSCC, 1995 IEEE International
- Solid-State Circuits Conference, 1996. Digest of Technical Papers. 43rd ISSCC., 1996 IEEE International
- Solid-State Circuits Conference, 1997. Digest of Technical Papers. 44th ISSCC., 1997 IEEE International
- Solid-State Circuits Conference, 1998. Digest of Technical Papers. 45th ISSCC 1998 IEEE International
- Solid-State Circuits Conference, 1999. Digest of Technical Papers. ISSCC. 1999 IEEE International
- Solid-State Circuits Conference, 2000. Digest of Technical Papers. ISSCC. 2000 IEEE International
- Solid-State Circuits Conference, 2001. Digest of Technical Papers. ISSCC. 2001 IEEE International
- Solid-State Circuits Conference, 2002. Digest of Technical Papers. ISSCC. 2002 IEEE International
- Solid-State Sensor and Actuator Workshop, 1988. Technical Digest., IEEE
- Solid-State Sensor and Actuator Workshop, 1990. 4th Technical Digest., IEEE
- Solid-State Sensor and Actuator Workshop, 1992. 5th Technical Digest., IEEE
- Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, 1991. Digest of Technical Papers, TRANSDUCERS '91., 1991 International Conference on
- Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, 1995 and Eurosensors IX. Transducers '95. The 8th International Conference on
- SONET Symposium, 1989., IEEE
- SOS/SOI Technology Conference, 1989., 1989 IEEE
- SOS/SOI Technology Conference, 1990., 1990 IEEE
- SOS/SOI Technology Workshop, 1988. Proceedings., 1988 IEEE
- Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, 2001. Proceedings. First IEEE International Workshop on
- Southcon/94. Conference Record
- Southcon/95. Conference Record
- Southcon/96. Conference Record
- Southeastcon 2000. Proceedings of the IEEE
- SoutheastCon 2001. Proceedings. IEEE
- Southeastcon '81. Conference Proceedings
- Southeastcon '88., IEEE Conference Proceedings
- Southeastcon '89. Proceedings. 'Energy and Information Technologies in the Southeast'., IEEE
- Southeastcon '90. Proceedings., IEEE
- Southeastcon '91., IEEE Proceedings of
- Southeastcon '92, Proceedings., IEEE
- Southeastcon '93, Proceedings., IEEE
- Southeastcon '94. 'Creative Technology Transfer - A Global Affair'., Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE
- Southeastcon '95. 'Visualize the Future'., Proceedings., IEEE
- Southeastcon '96. 'Bringing Together Education, Science and Technology'., Proceedings of the IEEE
- Southeastcon '97. 'Engineering new New Century'., Proceedings. IEEE
- Southeastcon '98. Proceedings. IEEE
- Southeastcon '99. Proceedings. IEEE
- SoutheastCon, 2002. Proceedings IEEE
- Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, 2001. Proceedings of the 33rd
- Southern Tier Technical Conference, 1987. Proceedings of the 1987 IEEE
- Southern Tier Technical Conference, 1988., Proceedings of the 1988 IEEE
- Southern Tier Technical Conference, 1990., Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE
- Spaceborne Photonics: Aerospace Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, 1991/Optical Millimeter-Wave Interactions: Measurements, Generation, Transmission and Control, 1991. LEOS 1991 Summer Topical Meetings on
- Spectrum Estimation and Modeling, 1988., Fourth Annual ASSP Workshop on
- Spectrum Estimation and Modeling, 1990., Fifth ASSP Workshop on
- Speech Coding For Telecommunications Proceeding, 1997, 1997 IEEE Workshop on
- Speech Coding for Telecommunications, 1993. Proceedings., IEEE Workshop on
- Speech Coding for Telecommunications, 1995. Proceedings., 1995 IEEE Workshop on
- Speech Coding Proceedings, 1999 IEEE Workshop on
- Speech Coding, 2000. Proceedings. 2000 IEEE Workshop on
- Speech, Image Processing and Neural Networks, 1994. Proceedings, ISSIPNN '94., 1994 International Symposium on
- Spoken Language, 1996. ICSLP 96. Proceedings., Fourth International Conference on
- Spread Spectrum on Techniques and applications, 1990, IEEE International Symposium on
- Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications Proceedings, 1996., IEEE 4th International Symposium on
- Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications, 1992. ISSTA 92. IEEE Second International Symposium on
- Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications, 1994. IEEE ISSSTA '94., IEEE Third International Symposium on
- Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications, 1998. Proceedings., 1998 IEEE 5th International Symposium on
- Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications, 2000 IEEE Sixth International Symposium on
- Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology, 2001 2nd IEEE Conference
- Statistical Methodology, IEEE International Workshop on, 2001 6th.
- Statistical Metrology, 1997 2nd International Workshop on
- Statistical Metrology, 1998. 3rd International Workshop on
- Statistical Metrology, 1999. IWSM. 1999 4th International Workshop on
- Statistical Metrology, 2000 5th International Workshop on
- Statistical Signal and Array Processing, 1992. Conference Proceedings., IEEE Sixth SP Workshop on
- Statistical Signal and Array Processing, 1994., IEEE Seventh SP Workshop on
- Statistical Signal and Array Processing, 1996. Proceedings., 8th IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on (Cat. No.96TB10004
- Statistical Signal and Array Processing, 1998. Proceedings., Ninth IEEE SP Workshop on
- Statistical Signal and Array Processing, 2000. Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE Workshop on
- Statistical Signal Processing, 2001. Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on
- Stereo and Multi-Baseline Vision, 2001. (SMBV 2001). Proceedings. IEEE Workshop on
- String Processing and Information Retrieval Symposium, 1999 and International Workshop on Groupware
- String Processing and Information Retrieval, 2000. SPIRE 2000. Proceedings. Seventh International Symposium on
- String Processing and Information Retrieval, 2001. SPIRE 2001. Proceedings.Eighth International Symposium on
- String Processing and Information Retrieval: A South American Symposium, 1998. Proceedings
- Structure in Complexity Theory Conference, 1988. Proceedings., Third Annual
- Structure in Complexity Theory Conference, 1989. Proceedings., Fourth Annual
- Structure in Complexity Theory Conference, 1990, Proceedings., Fifth Annual
- Structure in Complexity Theory Conference, 1991., Proceedings of the Sixth Annual
- Structure in Complexity Theory Conference, 1992., Proceedings of the Seventh Annual
- Structure in Complexity Theory Conference, 1993., Proceedings of the Eighth Annual
- Structure in Complexity Theory Conference, 1994., Proceedings of the Ninth Annual
- Structure in Complexity Theory Conference, 1995., Proceedings of Tenth Annual IEEE
- Subscriber Loops and Services, 1988. Proceedings, ISSLS 88., International Symposium on
- Subscriber Loops and Services, 1993. ISSLS 93. Proceedings. The X International Symposium on
- Supercomputing '88. [Vol.1]. Proceedings.
- Supercomputing 88. Vol.II: Science and Applications. Proceedings
- Supercomputing '90. Proceedings of
- Supercomputing '92. Proceedings
- Supercomputing '94. Proceedings
- Surface Waves in Solid and Layered Structures, 1994. International Symposium on and National Conference on Acoustoelectronics. Program and Abstracts
- Switching Symposium, 1990. XIII International
- System Sciences, 1988. Vol.I. Architecture Track, Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Hawaii International Conference on
- System Sciences, 1988. Vol.II. Software Track, Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Hawaii International Conference on
- System Sciences, 1988. Vol.III. Decision Support and Knowledge Based Systems Track, Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Hawaii International Conference on
- System Sciences, 1988. Vol.IV. Applications Track., Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Hawaii International Conference on
- System Sciences, 1989. Vol.I: Architecture Track, Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Hawaii International Conference on
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