composition, color or the range of tones used.
I have also added some very useful art related terms and phrases. They all have definitions. Look through them and try to memorize and use them in a context.
vocabularyAesthetics - the study of beauty;
Pattern - a principle of art which means the repetition of elements;
Motif - a repeated pattern, often
creating a sense of rhythm;
A culture vulture - someone who is very interested in art and culture;
art gallery / exhibits – place where
pieces of art are displayed;
curator - a person who is in charge of the things in a art gallery, museum, etc.
artifact - a simple object (such as a tool or weapon) that was made by people in the past;
masterpiece - a person’s greatest peace of work;
heritage -
the traditions, achievements, beliefs, etc, that are part of the history of a group or nation;
philistine - a person who is guided by materialism and is usually disdainful of intellectual or artistic values;
visual metaphor – visual pattern or object.