"Achievement Certificate : Ignacio Darnaude is awarded this Certificate for Insanity. This is to certify that the named person has been classified as completely insane."
(Autentifica la distinción el sello en relieve de la FSR , junto a un dibujo de Albert Einstein luciendo el mismo Certificate of Insanity)
Stewart,Edward G.,Flying Saucer Review Index 1955-1994(FSR1995V40N3)
Fodor,Nandor,Between two worlds
Idem,Encyclopaedia of psychic science(1933)
Idem,On the trail of the poltertgeist(223 pages)(1958)
Folio,Fred,Lucy Boston(Follies and delusions of the 19th Century.Woman s Rights and spiritualism(406 pages)(1855)
Fonnegra de Jaramillo,Isa
Fonseca,Armando de,Messagi ed anche la vita stessa di Cristo(4 vol.)
Idem,The APRO Bulletin
Dr.Olavo Fontes is dead(By Coral E.Lorenzen)
Forces of Light
Ford,Arthur(Arthur Ford International Academy of Mediumship)
Idem,Unknown but known.My adventure into the meditative dimension(1969)
Idem,The life beyond death(1971)
Idem,In what form does the soul live?
Idem,Nothing so strange.Autobiography(217 pages)(1966) (By Arthur Ford and Margueritte Harmon Bro)
A world beyond.Communications from Arthur Ford, Ruth Montgomery and others
Arthur Ford,the man who talked with the dead,Allen Spraggett
Arthur Ford speaks from beyond,Eileen Sullivan
Arthur Ford returns
Arthur Ford and Jerome Ellison,The life beyond death(1971)
Foreman,Laurence W.,Passport to eternity(112 pages)(1970)
Forman,Joan,The mystery factor in time-slip(1978)
Forsboom,Bernhard,The Emmanuel book(Dictated through medium G in 1890-1897)
Fort,Charles,Book of the damned(1919)
Idem,El libro de los condenados(25.000 sucesos raros e insólitos)
Idem,New lands(1923)
Idem,Lo! (1931)
Idem,Wild talents(1932)
Fortea,Jose A.
Fortean Times
Fortune,Dion,Through the gates of death
Idem,The cosmic doctrine(157 pages)(1925)
Idem,Sendero derecho e izquierdo
Idem,Tres grandes tradiciones
Fosdick,Harry Emerson,The assurance of immortality (102 pages)(1926)
Foster,David,The intelligent universe(191 pages)(1975)
Foster,Jean K.
Foster,Bishop Randolph S.,Beyond the grave(Papers on recognition in the Future State)(1879)
Fotos de OVNIs
Fotos de humanoides
Foto Aimé Michel con Antonio Ribera
Foto miembros de la Fundación Anomalía
Fotos de Antonio Ribera en Sevilla(Sept-1995)
Fotos Cogreso Ufológico Vinaroz(1989)
Fotos con ufólogos de Gerena y otros
Fotos con ufólogos,La Palma del Condado(2010)
UFO photos around the world(Ed.Wendelle C.Stevens)
Foucart,Sylvie(Maitre A.B.),Les energies
Fouere,Francine(By Jean Bastide)
Idem,by Waveney Girvan(FSR)(1965)
Foundation for Ethics and Meaning
Foundation Personal Growth and Spiritual Understanding
The Four(Butts-Scott)
Fowke,Edith,Tales told in Canada
Fowler,Raymond E.
Idem,The interplanetary visitors(1974)
Idem,The Andreasson affair(1979)
Idem,The Andreasson affair.Phase two(1983)
Idem,The Andreasson legacy(1997)
Idem,The Watchers(1991)
Idem,The Watchers II(1995)
Idem,The Allagash abductions(1993)
Idem,The Melchizedek connection(2001)
Idem,UFO testament.Anatomy of an abductee(2002)
Fox,Emmet,Sermon of the Mount
Fox,Nettie Pease,The phantom form(Experiences in Earth and spirit life.A true life history,communicated by a spirit)(169 pages)(1881)
Fox,Richard A.,The people on other planets(164 pages)(1930)
Fox Sisters
Foxter,John(José María Masana),Contacto E.T.
Fraile Peláez,Javier(Grupo Ummo)
Fraile-Soliveau,Entrevista a Javier Sierra sobre Ummo(2009)
France-Spiritualités(Grupo esotérico)
Frances,Starcraft contact.God-man or animal-man(A tape)
Frances(Voltra of Venus)
Francesca,Aleuti(See Marianne Francis)
Franch,Dante Alberto
Franchetta,Fortunato.Contacto E.T.
Franchetto Grassi,Angel,Los extraterrestres os hablan
Idem,Desde el cielo a la tierra
Francis,J.R.,Encyclopaedia of death(1896)(400 pages)
Francis,Marianne(Aleuti Francesca),The call of the Phoenix (15 pages)
Idem,The new dimensions and the New Age(10 pages)
Idem,Starcraft contact(12 pages)
Francis,Patrick,The grand design-I.Reflections of soul/oversoul (104 pages)(1987)
Franco,Divaldo Pereira
Franco Laverde,M.A.
Frank B.Standing Horse,Chief
Frater Achad,Anatomy of the body of God
Idem,Melchizedek truth principles(From the Ancient Mystical White Brotherhood)(1963)
Fray Diego José de Cádiz,Visiones
Fray Gabriel Calvo
Frazer,Sir James G.,The belief in immortality and the worship of the dead(1922)
Idem,The golden bough(1924)
Idem,La rama dorada
Idem,Man,God and immortality(1927)
Frazier,K.,Science confronts the Paranormal
Frederick,Jennings H.
Free energy
Free energy invents
Free energy machines
Freedland,Nat,Occult explosion
Freeman,James Dillet
Freemantle,Anne,The Protestant mystics(1965)
Idem,Entrevista por John Colaw
Idem,The alien question.Z.Sitchin and E.T.s
Freitas Guimaraes,Joao de,I flew aboard a flying saucer (2 pages)(1958)
Idem,De jesuita a hereje
Idem,Lo que yo creo
Idem,Defendámonos de los dioses
Idem,OVNIs y religiones
Idem,Teovnilogía.Origen del mal en el mundo
Idem,Visionarios,místicos y contactados
Idem,Visionaries,mystics and contactees
Idem,La nueva ufología
Idem,Trilogía para pensar
Idem,Freixedo y Moisés Garrido(1990)
Idem,Contacts U.S.Presidents with UFOs
Magdalena del Amo-Freixedo
Fresenborg,Bernard,Thirty years in hell(126 pages)
Freud returns
Freund,Greta,Communications to Lawrence Temple
Frick,John,Time for truth
I hear a voice.A biography of E.G.Fricker(1962)(Maurice Barbanell)
Friedman,Stanton T.,Final report on Operation Majestic 12
Idem,Challenge of the saucers
Friedman-Don Berliner,Crash at Corona
Friedrich-Mattern,UFOs,Nazi secret weapon
Friendship(Contacto E.T.)
Frissell,Bob,Nothing in this book is true
Frodsham,J.D.,Alien theatre of the absurd(1993)
Fromme,Allam,The ability to love(1965)
Frost,George Edwin,Cosmology and continuity of life(A treatise of natural science,philosophy and religion)(1957)
Fry,Daniel W.,The White Sands incident(1954)
Idem,Alan s message.To men of Earth(43 pages)(1954)
Idem,Steps to the stars(83 pages)(1956)
Idem,Atoms,galaxies and understanding(109 pages)(1960)
Idem,The curve of development(75 pages)(1965)
Idem,Material,metaphysical and social sciences(A tape)
Idem,Spacecraft and space travel(A tape)
Daniel Fry y Enrique Castillo Rincón.Dos científicos viajan en un ovni
FSR,Flying Saucer Review(London)
Charles Bowen,Five years on Flying Saucer Review(1964-1969)
Idem,My FSR editorship(1964-1974)
Idem,FSR,20 years old(1974)
Jacques Vallee,FSR 40 years old(1955-1995)(FSR1995V40N3)
La revista Flying Saucer Review,digitalizada en CDs(2004)
Idem,La colección completa de la FSR ya puede leerse en Internet
Stewart,Edward G.,Flying Saucer Review Index 1955-1994(FSR1995V40N3)
Idem,Charles Bowen,Excellent editor of FSR(1983)
FSR staff editors,photo(FSR1995V4N1)
FSR Insanity Certificate(Distinción de la revista Flying Saucer Review otorgada al lector IDRM)
Fuchs,Walter A.
Fuente,Ana Isabel de la
Idem,Rafael Palacios(Rafapal)
Idem,Taller Intuición(2009)
Idem,Entrevista,por Rafapal
Fulham,Stanley,Challenges of change
Fuller,Curtis G.,Proceedings of the First International UFO Congress(Chicago)(1977) (440 pages)(A remarkable masterpiece in UFO studies)
Idem,Geller,Puharich and the sky intelligence(4 pages)(1974)
Idem,The men who ride in saucers(4 pages)(1954)
Fuller,John,Incident in Exeter
Idem,Day of St.Anthony fire
Idem,Interrupted journey(1966)(First abduction case)
Fundación Anomalía(Cuadernos de Ufología)(Santander)
Funes,José Gabriel,Vaticano y extraterrestres(2008)
Furneaux,Rupert,World strangest mysteries
Gaal,Arlene,Beneath the depths
Gaddis,Vincent,Mysterious fires and lights
Idem,Invisible horizons.Strange mysteries of the sea(1965)
Gadow,Mario Reder
Gaia(Madre Tierra)
Gajardo Leopoldo,Raúl(Chile)
Galactic Supercenter,Alberto Chislovsky
Galactic Federation
Galileo-Einstein,Miguel Alcaraz
Galíndez,Oscar A.,Análisis del lenguaje Varkulets
Gallart,Henry R.,From other worlds
Gallego Fernández,Antonio(Grupo Ummo)
Galli,Luciano,Contact E.T. 1957(Bologna,Italy)
Gallimore,J.G.,Unified field theory(123 pages)
Galloway,Donald,Inevitable journey.Autobiography of a medium(1974)
Ganímedes,satélite de Júpiter
Idem,Varios contactos E.T. con seres de Ganímedes
Gans,William Emanuel,The practical science of living(1980)
Gansberg,Judith and Allan,Direct encounters.Personal histories of UFO abductees(1981)
Ganschow,Anita(Yada,Inner Circle of Light)(Of the staff of Mark Probert)
Mark Probert books , tapes and writings : orders to Mrs. Anita Ganschow
Gaona,José Miguel
Garabandal(Santander)(Apariciones de la Virgen)(1961)
García,Fernando,Revista Misterios,Huelva
García Aletta,Julia
García Atienza,Juan,La gran manipulación cósmica
García Bautista,José Manuel,Guía misteriosa de Andalucía
Idem,Guía secreta de Sevilla
Idem,Voces del misterio
Cabello Herrero y José Manuel García Bautista(Han escaneado en 2004 el manuscrito del "Catálogo documental del criptogrupo Ummo"(Ummocat))
García Blanco,Javier
García Coronado,Eusebio
García de Cuenca,Anita(Vidente de Córdoba)
García La Cruz,Luis
García Martínez,José Carmen
García Pedrosa,Miguel Ángel
Gardes,Francois,Chasseurs de OVNI
Gardner,Edward L.,The web of the universe.An occult theory of substance,of man s origins and the source of his creative powers (102 pages)(1938)
Gardner,Marshall,A journey to the Earth interior
Gardner,Martin,Fads and fallacies
Idem,Science,good,bad and bogus
Idem,Urantia Book.The great mystery cult(1995)
Gardner,Richard,The purpose of love(1970)
Garner,Betty,Canada monsters
Garrett,Grace,Sir Oliver Lodge is right.Spirit communication is a fact(1918)
Garrido Buendía,Dionisio(Grupo Ummo)
Garrido Vázquez,Moisés
Idem,Boletín Andrómeda(1995-1996)(Huelva)
Idem,El negocio de la Virgen(2004)
Idem,El negocio de la fe(2007)
Idem,OVNIs.Del espacio exterior al espacio interior (408 páginas)(2016)
Idem,Jung y los fenómenos ocultos
Idem,Manly P.Hall.Las enseñanzas secretas
Idem,Apariciones en Palmar de Troya
Idem,El OVNI de San José de Valderas
Idem,Visita y fotos en San José de Valderas
Idem,Fotos ufólogos en Barcelona(2008)
Idem,Entrevista a Pere Redón(CEI)
Idem,Entrevista por María Cristina Rodríguez Corderi
Idem,Entrevista por Clara Tahoces(2009)
Idem,Entrevista por Paula Sabatés(2011)
Idem,Su valioso archivo de documentos
Garrido Vázquez-Claudia Madrid Moctezuma,Explorando nuevos horizontes(381 páginas)(2016)
Garrett,Eileen J.,Many voices.The autobiography of a medium(1968)
Idem,My life as a search for the meaning of mediumship(1939)
Idem,Does man survive death?(207 pages)(1957)
The mediumship of Eileen J.Garrett(1964)(By Ira Progoff)
Psychic survival.The challenge of modern scientific tests by Eileen Garrett(1957)(By Hereward Carrington)
Eileen Garrett returns
Garside,Arthur,The new testament of life
Garver,Ronald E.,The saucer people
Garza Medina,Heriberto
Garzón,Ignacio,Catálogo casos OVNI en Huelva(ONUCAT)
Gasparetto,Antonio,pintor y contactado
Gaston,Henry A.,Mars revealed.Or seven days in the spirit world(208 pages)(1880)
Gates,A.Avery,My belief in immortality(1928)
Gates,William G.
Gato-Rivera,Beatriz,Subanthropic principle and the undetectability conjecture(2003)
Idem,The solar system,part of a galactic hypercivilization?(2005)
Gatti,Art,UFO encounters of the 4th kind
Gauquelin,Michel,Cosmic influences on human behaviour
Gauranga,Sri Guru,Easy journey to other planets(1980)
Gea,Morfeo de,Detrás de lo aparente,DDLA
Geenom(Ver José Antonio Campoy)
Geenom.Contactos E.T..Grupo Aztlán.Generación 4-4
GEIFO(Ángel Rodríguez)
Geis-Florin,Worlds beyond
Geller,Uri,My story(1975)
Geller speaks on UFOs(By Paul Whitehead)(FSR)(1995)
Geller-Playfair,Geller effect
Amazing Uri Geller(168 pages)(1975)(By Martin Ebon)
Geller papers,C.Panati
Uri,a journal of the mystery,By Andrija Puharich
Randi,James,The magic of Uri Geller(112 pages)(1975)
Gelman-Seligson,UFO encounters
Generación 4-4(Grupo Aztlán).Madrid
Genovese,Narciso,Yo estuve en Marte[en 1933](1958)
Gentle Brother Heart
Gentzel,Charles B.
GEPA(Rene Fouere)
Santa Gertrudis de Helfta
Idem,El heraldo del amor divino
Gettings,Fred,Ghosts in photographs
Giant Rock UFO Contactee Conferences
Gibbons,Gavin,They rode in space ships(217 pages)(1957)
Idem,Coming of the space ships
Idem,On board the flying saucers(192 pages)
Idem,Alas rotas(1912)
La naturaleza del amor(Andrew Dib Sherfan)(112 páginas)
Idem,Voice of the Master
Idem,La voz del Maestro
Idem,The prophet(1923)
Idem,Arena y espuma(1926)
Idem,Jesús,Hijo del Hombre(1928)
Idem,El precursor(1929)
Idem,Los dioses de la tierra(1931)
Idem,Los hijos son como flechas
Gibson-Gibson,Mystic and occult arts
Gibson,Walter,Houdini magic
Gifford,E.,The charms of love
Gil Pérez,Gerardo(Chauchina,Granada,1968)
Gilbert,Alice,Night wanderer(Messages from the Unknown Teacher)
Idem,Philip in two worlds(242 pages)(1948)
Gilbert,Violet,Love is all.A discourse by the Ancient One (24 pages)(1969)
Idem,My trip to Venus(55 pages)(1968)
Gilda,Maria,Plan cósmico.Historia de la humanidad
Gildas communicates,By White-Swainson
Gilman,P.,Gary Wilcox,Contact E.T. , 1964
Giménez,José Luis
Girard,Robert C.(Bob Girard)
Idem,Arcturus Books Service Catalogs
Idem,Brethren,hang loose(220 pages)(1972)
Idem,My weakness,his strength(199 pages)(1981)
Idem,Phenomena conspiracy(68 pages)(1988)
Idem,Mice,an allegory(72 pages)(1988)
Idem,The cosmic sheepdog
Idem,This is a test...(The MUFON UFO Journal, Nº 251,March 1989)
Idem,El enemigo alienígena
Idem,The revolt of the free(1990)
Idem,Future man(1994)
Idem,La ufología en la encrucijada
Bob Girard muere el 12 agosto 2011(Mónica Williams-Girard)
Girvan,Waveney(Editor of Flying Saucer Review)(FSR)
Girvin,Calvin C.,The night has a thousand saucers(168 pages)(1958)
Idem,A vital message to all people from space people themselves(1958)
Idem,The great accident
Idem,His various contact stories
Idem,Lunar communications,structures and history(A tape)
Gladwin,Madge,Wisdom in an ocean.Voyages into the outer space of mind
Glaskin,Gerald M.,Worlds within.Probing the Christos experience(1976)
Glemser,Kurt,The Men In Black (MIB) report(1974)
Idem,The night walkers(Vampires,etc.)
Gloduck,Planeta,Matias Stefano
The God Machine,John Murray Spear(1854)
What is God,Robert P.Sikking
The god of a planet near the Earth : The book of space ships (44 pages)(See Adelaide J.J.Brown)
Goddard,John,Right and wrong of the spiritual world (69 pages)(1912)
Goddard,Sir Victor,Flight towards reality.Tell of his psychic experiences
Godin,A.,Death and presence.The psychology of death and the after-life(1972)
Goebbels,Joseph(Impulsor de la propaganda Naci)
Goetz,Warren H.,The intelligence of the universe speaks (205 pages)(1974)
Goetz,A.William,My trip to Mars.A personal psychic experience (22 pages)(1960)
Goff,Kenneth,Brain washing
Gold,E.J.,The new American book of the dead
Golden Light Tree
Golden Sierra Printing
Goldsmith,Joel,The art of meditation
Idem,Infinite way
Idem,Deep silence of my peace
Idem,The mystical I(1972)
Idem,Consciousness is what I am(1976)
Idem,Consciousness unfolding
Idem,Conscious union with God
Idem,The Master speaks
Sinkler,Lorraine,The spiritual journey of Joel Goldsmith
Gómez Martín,Lourdes,Blog periodismoymisterio
Idem,Entrevista a Claudio Lozano
Idem,Fenómenos misteriosos en Extremadura
Idem,El universo de Casas-Huguet
Gómez Cortiñas
Gómez López,Juan Andrés
Gómez Sancho,Marcos
Gómez Serrano,Andrés,50 años de investigación OVNI
Gomis Martín,Gabriel,El fenómeno OVNI
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