Idem,Raíces del existir
Idem,Pensamientos desordenados acerca del amor a Dios
Idem,Amor implícito a Dios
Idem,El amor a Dios y la desdicha
Idem,El sacrificio creador de Dios
Idem,La patria es el universo
Idem,Revolución espiritual
Idem,La experiencia del dolor y de la belleza
Idem,El conocimiento sobrenatural
Idem,Descifrar el silencio del mundo
Idem,La fuente griega
Idem,Nombrar la experiencia
Idem,Profesión de fe
Idem,Lo que yo creo
Idem,Acción y contemplación
Idem,Mirada necesaria
Idem,La condición obrera.El horror del trabajo
Idem,Weil,la Virgen Roja
Idem,Simone Weil,Revolucionaria
Idem,Weil,Sus ideas políticas(Gabriela Hernández)
Idem,Simone Weil,De la revolución al espíritu
Idem,Weil,La solidaridad radical
Idem,Weil,Pasión,amor carnal y amistad(M.Mazeau)
Idem,Antología.Profesión de fe
Idem,Simone Weil,Cartas
Idem,Carta a un religioso
Idem,Intuiciones precristianas
Idem,La experiencia cristiana de Dios
Idem,Carta a Georges Bernanos
Idem,Weil,Carta a Simone Weil
Idem,Weil,Centenario de su nacimiento(Centeno-Casado)
Idem,Centenario de su nacimiento(P.Shimosehtm)
Idem,Cien años de Simone Weil(Carmen Herrando)
Idem,Weil,Las necesidades del alma(Carmen Herrando)
Idem,Walter Benjamin-Simone Weil : una teoría de la atención (Eva Aladr0)
Idem,Weil,Su anorexia mental(A.Bello Quiroz)
Idem,Simone Weil(S.Brown)
Idem,Simone Weil,by Susan Sontag
Idem,Weil,La mística del vacío(R.A.Rueda)
Idem,Weil,Tras las huellas de Cristo en la Antigua Grecia(R.A.Rueda)
Idem,Weil,Su clave mística(J.Sicilia)
Idem,Weil,El espíritu sopla donde quiere(C.A.Baliña)
Idem,Simone Weil(Antonio Lucas)
Idem,Weil,Lucidez y delirio(A.C.Vila)
Idem,El sueño griego de Simone Weil(G.Concha)
Idem,Weil,Fuerza y debilidad del amor(M.C.Luchetti)
Idem,Weil,Amor y contemplación(M.C.Luchetti)
Idem,Weil,El silencio en la epistemología(Maradey-Moraga)
Idem,Weil,Su pensamiento(B.Eguiluz)
Idem,Weil,Vida y obra(Cecilia Lammertyn)
Idem,Weil,Una mística social(A.R.Montoya)
Idem,Weil,Experiencias místicas(Thomas Merton)
Idem,Weil,La experiencia de Dios(Roberto Di Stefano)
Idem,Weil,El mal como problema metafísico(M.N.Rigol)
Idem,Weil,Una mirada necesaria(G.C.G.Pont)
Idem,Weil,Escritos de Londres y últimas cartas(G.C.G.Pont)
Idem,Weil,Diario de un teólogo(1946-1956)
Weisengrun,Martin(Andreas Henisch),UFO contactee in 1958
Idem,UFO contact from planet Arian of Aldebaron(Ed.W.C.Stevens)
Weiss,Brian,Muchas vidas,muchos maestros
Idem,Falsos maestros,gurus y mercadotecnia
Weiss,Jacques,The Urantia Book
Weiss,Sara,My journeys to the planet Mars.Or our mission to Ento(Mars)(548 pages)(1905)(Written under the direction of the spirit Carl De L Ester)
Idem,Eighteen visits to Mars(439 pages)(1956) (By Winthrop Allen Rember)
Idem,Decimon huydas.A romance of Mars.A story of actual experiences in Ento(Mars) many centuries ago given to the psychic(207 pages)(1906)
Welch,John W.
Welch,Thomas K.,UFO contact from the Pleiades
Welch,William,Talks with the dead(1975)
Welfare-Fairley,Arthur C.Clarke s mysterious
Welles,Orson,War of the worlds(1938)
Idem,La guerra de los mundos(1938)(A.R.Álvarez)
Wendell,Leilah,Infinite possibilities
Weor,Samuel Aun
Idem,The greater mysteries
Idem,Misterios de vida y muerte
Idem,Más allá de la muerte
Idem,Naves cósmicas
Werber,Eva Bell,The journey with the Master
Idem,Quiet talks with the Master
Idem,The voice of the Master
Wesley,John,The Epworth phenomena,psychic experiences(1917)
Wescott,W.,The Chaldean oracles of Zoroaster
West-Jefferis,Close encounters
Wetzel,Elizabeth,Science of soul(291 pages) (Written from 1919 to 1939)
What happens after death
Whearley,J.B.,Spiritual realms
Wheeler,David R.,Lubbock lights
Idem,Life after death
Idem,Journey to the other side
White,Andrew D.,A history of the warfare of science with theology in christendom(2 vol.)(1896)
White,Bob,UFO hard evidence
White,Dale,Is something up there?
White Eagle,Prayer in the New Age
Idem,The gentle brother(Dictated through Grace Cooke) (69 pages)(1968)
Idem,Golden harvest(1958)
Idem,Morning light.On the spiritual paths(1957)
Idem,The path of the soul(1959)
Idem,The quiet mind(1972)
Idem,Spiritual unfoldment(1961)
Idem,Wisdom from White Eagle(1967)
Hodgson,Joan,Why on Earth(White Eagle)(134 pages)(1964)
White Eagle Teachings
White,Edwin,UFO contactee(See Carl van Vlierden,Planet Koldas)
White,George Starr,A book of revelations.A true narrative of life on many planets(198 pages)(1945)
White,John,Practical guide to death and dying
Idem,Pole shift(1980)
Idem,Aliens among us(FSR1992V37N2)
White,Mary Blount,Letters from the other side with love, from Harry and Helen(196 pages)(1913-1917)
White,Nancy,Once upon Venus.A musical fantasy(68 pages)
White,Ruth,A question of guidance
Ruth White-Mary Swainson,Gildas communicates
White,Stewart Edward(1873-1946)
Idem,Betty White
Idem,The Betty Book(Communications received from his wife Betty White in 1919-1936)(224 pages)(1937)
Idem,The unobstructed universe(320 pages)(1940) (Dictated by his wife Betty White after her death)
Idem,Across the unknown(1938)
Idem,The road I know(1942)
Idem,Spirit communication
Idem,Excursions into the world of other consciousness(1937)
Idem,Gaelic manuscripts
Idem,With folded wings
Idem,The stars are still there(1946)
Idem,Anchors of the windward(191 pages)(1943)
Idem,Stewart Edward White returns. By R.R.Leichtman-D.K.Johnson(1980)
White,Vince,Post Disclosure world
White-Krippner,Future science
Whitecliff,Angelika,UFO-Extraterrestrial Reality
Idem,Dolphins,starseeds and cosmic community
Ruiz,Charín,Los delfines
Whitehead,Paul,Dimensions,by J.Vallee(FSR1989V34N2)
Whitehead,Paul,Druffel-Rogo,Tujunga Canyons contacts(FSR1989V34N4)
Whiteman,J.H.M.,Mystical life(1961)
White-Swainson,Gildas communicates(Teachings from a soul of XIV Century)(1971)
Idem,Seven inner journeys(1974)
Idem,The healing spectrum
Whiteside,I.W.,Sharon s UFO code for outer space(54 pages)(1982)
Whitfield,Joseph,The treasure of El Dorado(213 pages)(1978)
Idem,The eternal quest(233 pages)(1983)
Whitman,John,Psychic power of plants
Whitman,Stuart,Contact E.T.(1965)
Whitmore,Sir John
Whitworth,Eugene E.,The nine faces of Christ.Mystic initiation of Joseph-Bar-Joseph
Who is who of ufology
Whritenour,Joan(See Brad Steiger)
Wickland,Carl August,Thirty years among the dead (466 pages)(1924)
Idem,Gateway of understanding(1934)
Wiesengrun,Martin,UFO contact in 1957 from planet Arian of Aldebaron
Wigle,Maude E.,Your world and mine(3 vol.)(1980)
Wiitala,Geri Colozzi,Heathers return
Wilber,Ken,Desarrollo espiritual
Idem,The divine cosmos
Idem,El cosmos divino
Idem,Science of Oneness
Idem,Shift of the ages
Wilcox,Gary,Contact E.T.(1964)
Wilcox,Hal,UFO flight.Visit to planet Selo(94 pages)(1968)
Idem,Wisdom from Venus(184 pages)(1968)
Idem,Going up! Practical methods of astral projection (41 pages)(1964)
Idem,Zemkla.Interplanetary avatar(57 pages)(1966)
Idem,From Earth to Alpha Centauri.Zemkla,interplanetary avatar (A tape)
Idem,Gateway to superconsciousness(1965)
Oscar Wilde from Purgatory(Hester Travers-Smith)
Psychic messages from Oscar Wilde(Hester Travers-Smith)(1924
Wilder-Finch,Books on angels
Wilding-White,Ted,All about UFOs
Wilfion(See Williams Margo)
Wilfion(See Sharp-Macleod)
Wilkerson,Clark,Celestial wisdom(1967)
Wilkins,Harold,Flying saucers on the attack
Idem,Flying saucers uncensored
Idem,Flying saucers from the Moon
Wilkinson-Izatt,Dorothy,Contact E.T. 1974
Idem,Peter Guttilla
Willard,Winifred,Seeing the invisible.Inter-world communication
William,Michael,They walked with God(1962)
William,Sir,The occults in council(408 pages)(1901)
Williams,Charles,Descent into hell
Williams-Gladden,Hands,the true account.A hypnotic subject reports on outer space(272 pages)(1976)
Williams,Sophia,Whispering voices,Leslie M.Lecron
Williams-Girard,Mónica(Robert C.Girard)
Williamson,George Hunt(Michel d Obrenovic),UFO contactee
Idem,The saucers speak(1963)
Idem,Alec Hiddell
Idem (Brother Philip)
Idem,Brother Philip,Secret of the Andes.Brotherhood of the Seven Rays(151 pages)(1961)
Idem,Brother Philip,El secreto de los Andes(1961)
Idem,Secret places of the lion(230 pages)(1958)
Idem,Other tongues,other flesh(448 pages)(1957)
Idem,Road in the sky(248 pages)(1959)
Idem,El sol es frío,Luis Prada
Idem,Message from our space brothers(1954)
Williamson-A.C.Bailey,The saucers speak! A documentary report of interstellar communication by radiotelegraphy(127 pages)(1954)
Williamson-J.O.McCoy,UFOs confidential!(100 pages)(1958)
Williamson,Herbert S.Entrevista por Carlos Murciano (Algo flota sobre el mundo)(1969)
Williamson,Linda,Ghosts and earthbound spirits
Willie speaks out.The psychic world of Abraham Lincoln (By Elliot V.Fleckless)(1974)
Willow,Ji,Why me?(96 pages)
Wills,Jerry,UFO contactee
Wilson,C.,Poltergeist.A study of destructive haunting(1981)
Wilson,Clifford,UFOs and their mission impossible
Wilson,Clifford,Crash go the chariots
Wilson,Colin,Alien dawn
Idem,The mind parasites(1967)
Idem,The occult
Idem,The outsider
Wilson,Don,Our mysterious spaceship Moon
Wilson,Gray Bear
Wilson,Ian,After death experience
Wilson,Patty A.,Possessions
Wilson,Robert,Cosmic trigger,final secret
Wilson,Robert Anton
Wilson-Prentis,The Essenes
Wilson,Rev.R.P.,Discourses from the spirit world (197 pages)(1853)(Dictated by Stephen Olin)
Windsor,Loma,a citizen of Venus
Winer,Richard,From the Devil s Triangle
Wingfield,George,Crop circle revelation
Wingfield,K.,Guidance from beyond
Idem,Home page
Idem,Arrow Project
Idem,Corazón energético
Idem,Jaime Neruda
Winsor,Laura Ellen,My journey beyond(On spiritualism)(1955)
Winters,Randolph,The Pleiadian mission.A time of awareness
Idem,Constitución para el Planeta Tierra
Winters,Randy,Meier photo album
Cosmic wisdom attunement
Wise-Ross,The Invisible Government(375 pages)
Wisner,Bill,Vanished without a trace
Witchcraft cases(1648-1706)(Brujas de Salem)
An eye-witness,The crucifixion(Written 7 years after the crucifixion by a personal friend of Jesus to an Essene brother in Alexandria)(200 pages)
Wolf,Fred Alan,The spiritual universe
Wolf Lodge,Solar Brotherhood of the Seven Rays
Wolf,Michael,Catchers of heaven
Wolper,Lewis,Malignant sadness.Depression
Wolverton-Wolvert,How to build a lie detector
Womack,John H.-Hugh Helms,I was picked up by a U.F.O. (18 pages)(1975)
Wonders and the order of nature(1150-1750)(By Lorraine Daston and Katharine Park)(511 pages)(1998)
Wood,Frederic H.,Ancient Egypt speaks
Idem.,Mediumship and war(Prophecies through the mediumship of Rosemary)(1940)
Idem,Through the psychic door(Death and human survival)
Wood,Horace G.
Wood,Kenneth and Madge,Into eternal light(Communications from Kenneth)
Wood-Paine,Philosophy of creation
Woodman,Jim,Nazca,journey to the Sun
Woodman-Stead,The blue island(Experiences of a new arrival beyond the veil(Dictated by W.T.Stead)
Tarvis(Richard T.Woodmaster),The master symbol of the solar cross(Channeling by Tuella(Thelma B.Terrell))(239 pages)(1984)
Woodrew,Greta,Contact E.T.,Planet Ogatta(1976)
Idem,On a slide of light.A glimpse of tomorrow(176 pages)(1981)
Woods,Walda,Conversations with Tom(Adventure in after death)
World Anti-God Freedom.End time revelation book
Idem,Alien abductions
Idem,Alien abduction cases(FSR1998V43N3)
Idem,Abductee nation(Fate Magazine,Sept-1998)
Idem,Men in Black and abductees(FSR1997V42N2)
Idem,Mutilations,UFOs,helicopters,humanoids,abductions (FSR1977V42N2)
Idem,Phantom surgeons of the night
Idem,The blonde ultra-terrestials
Idem,Nordic-type alien encounters(FSR2000V45N2)
Idem,Mystery of Para-Apes(FSR1996V41N4)
Idem,Meeting UFO occupants
Idem,World under assaul(FSR1999V44N1)
Wright,J.Clegg,Body and soul
Wright,J.Stafford,Mind,man and the spirits
Wright,Leoline L.,After death,what
Wright,Michaelle,Behaving as if the God in all life mattered
Wright,Philip,An introduction to science
Wrigley-Nero,Manitoba s Big Cat
Wroe,John,The life and journal(Divine communications revealed to him,being the visitation of the Spirit of God to warn mankind) (2 vol.)(656 pages)(1859)
Wulfing,Sulamith,Mensajes de los Ángeles
Wunder,Mary,Message from the stars
Wuttunee,Stephane,Dreaming the Pyramid
Wyne-Tyson,Esme,This is life eternal(1951)
Wyoming UFO encounter
Idem, Taylor,Lee Roger,Jr.,Wyoming UFO-contactee runs for Governor(3 pages)(1982)
X,Dr.(UFO encounter,FSR journal)
X,Sr.(Santa Fe,Argentina)
X,Michael Barton,The truth about flying saucers
Idem,Flying saucers revelations
Idem,Your part in the Great Plan
Idem,Secrets of the high contacts
Idem,Time no more
Idem,Canadian flying saucers
Idem,The incredible search for Dr.Halsey
Xavier,Francisco Candido(Chico Xavier)(Andre Luiz)(Brasil)
Idem,Revelaciones espiritistas
Idem,418 libros revelados,Brasil
Idem,La vida en el mundo espiritual
IdemEn el mundo mayor
Idem,50 años después
Idem,Acción y reacción
Idem,Astral city
Idem,Camino de la luz
Idem,Los mensajeros
Idem,Mensajeros Espirituales
Idem,Misioneros de la Luz
Idem,Mensaje de un pequeño muerto
Idem,Nacer y renacer
Idem,Obsesión y desobsesión
Idem,Pensamiento y vida
Idem,Religión de los espíritus
Idem,Respuestas de la vida
Idem,Sexo y destino
Idem,Evolución en dos mundos
Idem,Hace 2.000 años
Xentinel,Xentor,Informe exopolítico
Yada di Shiite,Yada,Inner Circle of Light(Revelations through Mark Probert,San Diego,California)
Idem,Inner Circle of Light
Idem,Trance transcriptions
Idem(Bryant Reeve)
Idem(Round Robin)(A periodical Journal)(1945-1959) (Ed. Meade Layne)
Idem,Journal of Borderland Research(Borderland Sciences Research Foundation)(Ed. Riley H.Crabb)(1960-1985)
Idem,Seance Memoranda of Mark Probert seances revelations (1946-1969)(Ed. Meade Layne)
Idem(Meade Layne)
Yada(Lehmann Hisey,Keys to Inner Space)
Yada speaks,by Ralph G.Warren
Yada speaks,Selected communications
Yada Revelations Catalog
Yada,The magic bag
Yada(Inner Circle of Light)
Seance Memoranda from the Inner Circle
Yada(Dictations to trance medium Mark Probert)
Yada-Mark Probert Revelations
Yada Revelations
Yada,Mat and demat
Yada,Sister Theresa Vandenberg
Yague,Carmen,Contacto E.T.,Marruecos(1965)
Yanes,Javier,SETI,Alienígenas silenciosos
Yarbro,Chelsea Quinn,Michael teachings
Idem,Messages from Michael(284 pages)(1979)
Idem,More messages from Michael(1980)
Yeats,Mrs.William Butler,A vision(Dictated in a state of trance)(1925)
Yebra,Ismael,El factor humano en la medicina
Yereance,Robert,Strangers,all strangers(Man was brought to Earth as an experiment)(1982)
Yes! Bookshop,Inner development.The Yes! Bookshop Guide
Yeshua,Marea de petróleo en Luisiana
Yin,Amorah Quan,Pleiadian perspectives of human evolution
Yogananda,Autobiography of a Yogi
Yogunda,Master,Lifetrons(38 transcendental discourses received telepathically)(1981)
Yolanda,Nada,Pauline Sharpe,Mark-Age Meta Center
Nada Yolanda teachings
Yolanda,Nada,Visitors of other planets
Yordana,Hadaza,M.Teresa,Mensajes del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
Yoshikawa,Eiji,Camino de la vida y la muerte
Yost,Casper S.
Young,Barbara,This man from Lebanon(1970)
Young,Rev.June(Bright Star)(Arising Sun)
Idem,Elvis Presley series(1976)
Younghusband,Francis,Life in the stars(1927)
Young-Sowers,Agartha,journey to stars
Young,Mort,UFO,top secret
Yunan,Makari,Exorcista kopto,El Cairo
Zagorski,Eustaquio,Contacto E.T.,Argentina(1973)
Idem,Yo viajé en un plato volador
Idem,Lenguaje Varkulets
Idem,Martín Fierro en lengua Varkulets
Idem,Zagorski,por Pedro Romaniuk
Zahi,Misión Planeta Azul
Zammit,Víctor,Vida después de la muerte
Idem,Transcomunicación Instrumental
Zan,Christian,Guide du chasseur de phenomenon
Zanfretta,Pier Fortunato,Contacto E.T.,Genova(1978)
Zanfretta(Rino di Stefano,Boccone,Paolo Tosselli)
Zarkon(Kenneth Raynor Johnson),The Zarkon principle (241 pages)(1975)
Zavala,José María,Así se vence al demonio
Zeeuw,Gijsbert van der,Miracles of Law.Lessons by and experiences with the Masters of Mystery(1977)
Zeitgeist,Spirit of the Age
Zelaya,Carlos Alberto,Contacto E.T.,Argentina (Juan R.A.Lobaczewski)
Zemkla,Interplanetary avatar,Planet Selo,Hal Wilcox
Zen Tao,Vision of Ramala(1986 to 1989)
Zenetaen from Andromeda
Zenia,the vestal
Zenor,Richard,Medium,Wisdom of Agash(See William Eisen)
Zerpa,Fabio.Su página web
Idem,Ellos,los seres extraterrestres
Idem,Congreso OVNI 2011
Idem,Charla abierta con Fabio Zerpa(Guillermo Daniel Giménez)
Idem,Entrevista 2012
Zeta Abductions,Lyssa Royal
Zeta Talk
Zeta Talk,Annunaki
Zeta Reticuli,UFO Revelations
Zoosh,History of Zeta Civilization
Zeteticismo,Máximo Sandín
UFO Contact from planet Zeti in Orion(Ed. Wendelle C.Stevens)
Zinsstag,Lou,George Adamski.Their man on Earth
Lou Zinsstag(1905-1984)(FSR84V29N4)(By Timothy Good)
Zirbes,Lloyd,UFO Contact from Alcyon of the Pleiades.Falling bodies theory(Ed. Wendelle C.Stevens)
Zitko,Howard John,The Lemurian Theo-Christic conception (14 vol.)(1936)
Idem,World University insights(208 pages)(1980)
Zodiac,Harvest in the spirit world
Zodiac,The harvest of spirit communion(Dictated to Winifred Moyes)(1970)
The Zodiac messages(1965)(By Margaret Watt)
The prayers of Zodiac,A.H.Hillyard(1976)
Zohar,Danah,Through the time barrier
Zolar,Book of forbidden knowledge
Zoosh Revelations to Robert Shapiro
Idem,Andromeda Series
Idem,Explorer Race Series
Idem,Earth history,Lost civilization
Idem,History of Zeta civilization
Zuccala,Mario,Contact E.T.,Florencia,Italy(1962)
Zurbarán Ramírez,Armando
Zurr-Davies,The Phoenician letters(1979)
Zusne-Jones,Anomalistic psychology.A study of extraordinary phenomena of behavior and experience(528 pages)(1982)
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