Imacs 2016 imecs 2016 Proceedings (Preliminary version) of the 4


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233.Mohamed Meri MERI


The integrated management, based on the balanced score cards, plays a key success role in the adaptation of the educational programs to meet the labor market needs because it combines the contribution of the partnerships between “stakeholders (managers of public and private sector, NGOs and civil society) of the labor market / educative management/teachers/ Scholars and practitioners “. This integrated management approach sets the priorities and objectives of each institution, prepares the strategies and plans, provides all means and resources required, implements all the activities and tasks, evaluates the results, and develops the operation or process for achieving the objectives and having the expected outcomes.

The importance of this approach is very decisive to succeed the operations which will be integrated to be achieved in a perfect way in all of the activities.

The outcomes evaluation and continuous improvement will be one of the most essential activities because it gives the legitimacy to the results and the official certificates to graduates and students according to the national or local development plans requirements.

In order to succeed the activity, it should be practiced in common by (the educative management / teachers with stakeholders of the labor market) because future graduates and students will benefit from it and they will know the real needs of Jobs profile (knowledge, skills and behaviors are required) and this will help in adapting the qualifications of graduates with the job profiles and real needs of the Labor Market.

This paper will present several practical Models used by the educational management.

The added value of the paper is to provide an innovative Model based on the integrated management using the Balanced Score Cards which includes the necessary components and techniques to engage all of the participants in the activities and to apply the proposed approach in practice. It combines (Innovative management /business Model / Social Entrepreneurships).
Keywords: Integrated Management, Business Model, Entrepreneurships.


The subject of integrated management (IM) based on the balanced score cards is very new in the academic fields and it plays a key role in the adaptation of the educational programs to meet the labor market needs because it combines the contribution of several participants as: “stakeholders (managers of public and private sector, NGOs and civil society) of the labor market / educative management/teachers/ Scholars and practitioners “. This integrated management approach is specified by setting the vision/mission/values and the priorities / objectives of each institution, preparing the strategies and plans, providing all means and resources required, implementing the activities and tasks, evaluating the results, and finally developing the operation or process for achieving the objectives and having the expected outcomes.

The importance of this approach is very decisive to succeed the operations which will be integrated for achieving all the activities in a perfect way.

The activities of (programs / curriculums, learning / teaching, assessment / evaluation, change and development, Etc. In theory and practice) are parts and parcels of the education process, and all these components can play an important role when we will develop the education system. But, this question remains: "how?" How to do it at the level of theory and practice? Is it enough to explore by topics?

The (IM) explores the theories and practices of all these components, especially the key influencers on this IM as: (stakeholders and youth workers, communities' educators/ Students, and management of education) for satisfying the Labor Market needs.

This paper follows the mixt methodology and proposes two parts, the first is theoretical which shows the literature review of the topic, the key elements of ( IM ) theory and practice, and the initiative of some scholars to move from traditional to innovative models. The second part is practical which proposes the new integrated management approach with the steps of application in the institutions.

Also, we propose in this paper an innovative model of integrated management (as practical model) designed and developed as part of our academic work to promote a developing project for the adapting of the qualification of graduates in (Faculties / Institutes ) to meet the needs of the regional and inter-regional labor market .

This innovative model presents the collaboration required between the educational management, teachers, students, and stakeholders for developing and managing the educational system in each region or inter- region at the national level.

235.1 Theoretical part

1.1 Literature review

Some scholars and practitioners applied the topic of integrated management and showed its interests in the educational operation in general, whereas others proposed multiple topics which play different roles and have efficient impacts to the education as an engine of the educating system process.

Rhys Rowland-Jones said: "Integrated means putting all the internal management practices into one system but not as separate components. For these systems to be an integral part of the company's management system, there have to be linkages so that the boundaries between processes are seamless". (Rhys Rowland-Jones 2008) ).

The effective management in the era of globalization is an innovative approach; it requires an effective, efficient and flexible management system. Effective means that it is interpreted as addressing all relevant stakeholders' concerns in a context of Corporate Social Responsibility. Efficient means that it does the job with low resource use. Flexibility requires changing conditions and new requirements can be easily included. Actually, many organizations are already working with Integrated Management Systems (IMS). (Abrahamsson Sten &All (2009).

IQA.2007 defines (IMS) as: " An integrated management system is a management system which integrates all components of a business into one coherent system to enable the achievement of its purposes and missions. Source : IQA.2007(Rhys Rowland-Jones (2008) .

TÜV NORD GROUP presents (IM) as purposeful interaction of all involved parties to ensure the highest possible company success: This is can be achieved with business management systems.

However, a multitude of different management systems often exists alongside each other. This results in additional pressure and makes it more difficult to gain a clear survey: Specialised management systems for different company areas often cover identical company functions and processes and this becomes apparent when all the company's operations are interlinked. The Integrated Management System (IMS) is the ideal solution to this problem since all the processes of the company are covered. The management requirements regarding environment, quality and labour protection are taken into account, such streamlining also reduces costs.

An integrated management system (IMS) combines all related components of a business into one system for easier management and operations. Quality, environment, and safety management systems are often combined and managed as an IMS. These systems are not separate systems that are later joined together, rather they are integrated with linkages so that similar processes are seamlessly managed and executed without duplication.( Sci Qual International Pty Ltd (SQI).

Also, integration means a combination; that is putting all the internal management practices into one system in such a way that the components of the system are not separated but linked to one integral part of the company’s management system. In simple words, an integrated management system (IMS) is a management system which combines all components of a business into one coherent system so as to enable the achievement of its purpose and mission. (Chartered Quality Institute. (2007).

This has resulted in many organizations having two or more separate management systems run by different groups of individuals. As the implementation of the standards has been developed, companies are faced with the decision of whether to integrate their management systems or not. If integration is their goal, the level of integration they wish to achieve is going to be their next challenge. (Baldi 1999).

Dick Hortensius said: "The international organization for standardization publishes surveys yearly on the application of ISO management system standards (MSSs) which shows a steady worldwide increase in certifications based on ISO 9001 (quality management) and ISO 14001 (environmental management). However, while these surveys do not indicate the size of the organizations that have implemented the standards in Netherlands and other countries, shows that a growing number of small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are implementing multiple MSSs, though some of them are facing difficulties in doing so and need help." (Dick Hortensius. (2013)…/home/news_index/news_archive/news.htm)

So, Integrated Management Systems means understanding the basic components of an organization such as integrated system of assets that includes:

- Corporate leadership given by top management including formulating vision, strategy, objectives, planning and resourcing; and management system comprising all the formally defined arrangements such as vision, strategy, objectives, rules and guidance for controlling and guiding the organization’s assets and processes along with organization, culture, knowledge base, product production or service delivery system and processes (core, supporting and contingency); stakeholders (including the prime position of customers); and aspects of consciousness (awareness, creativity, stress). Dalling. Ian (2007).

1.2 Methodology and Hypothesis

The methodology followed in this research is based on analyzing the literature reviews of studies and researches already completed in the area of (IM), as well as , the practical models invented by scientists and practitioners. This methodology of documentary analysis presenting the paper in two parts (theoretical and practical). At the end, we propose an innovative model for applying it in the field of work. The hypothesizes here are:

  • Can the concerned in education adopt and apply the integrated management in the educational institutions?

  • What practical models will be relevant to applying this style of management?

1.3 The importance of the integrated management

Many benefits can be taken into consideration when any organization applies the IM such as:

Meet all standard requirements with one set of policies, plans or procedures, define roles and responsibilities that highlighting common objectives, audit more than one system at a time to save money and resources, improve overall efficiency by removing the needs to duplicate tasks, make it easier to continually improve all your management systems, etc. (BSI, London, U. K).

1.4 Analysis of the elements of IM:

There are various components of the integrated management in organizations including: (Policy, planning, systems and process management, sustainability management, quality management, risk management, value management, knowledge’s management, performance assessment, management review, and change management). Stakeholders and educational management should deal with all those components.

  • The Crucial Role of stakeholders to implement (IM) to meet labour market needs:

Stakeholders are here defined as all those are being affected by the organization such as: (owners, employees, Suppliers, customers, users, banks, neighbors, municipalities, governments, authorities, etc.). Some of the stakeholder needs are dealt with using standardized management systems, whereas other needs are taken up by different general practices. For example: (Customers ISO 9000, Customers/owners/general public/ food safety management ISO 22000, nature/ resources and environment ISO 14000, Global responsibility for man and nature/ Global Compact/ OECD rules / GRI reporting, Communities generally and in places of operation specially CSR/ISO 26000/SA8000, Customers/owners economic safety/transparency / Sarbanes-Oxley; AA1000Standards Governance, Customers/owners/general public – anti corruption – Transparency International, Company economic control – Financial and economic performance management system, Intellectual knowledge/personnel and customer integrity ISO 27000 )etc. (Abrahams son Sten and All (2009).

  • The roles of education that are important to implement (IM) to meet Labour market needs:

From the 2000s, studies have criticized the lack of functionally integrated programs of study in higher education especially in business and management programs. During the same period, it became increasingly clear that business activity had become dangerously disembodied from the social and ecological systems on which it depends and links causally to a series of major societal problems. As a result, whether one considers the relations between different functional specialties inside an organization or the relations between the organization and different external stakeholders, the requirement for managers who can articulate and reconcile issues from multiple perspectives continues to grow.

Integrated management in education means: The global challenges people are facing as a society and as managers are interrelated. Social, economic and environmental issues do not exist in a vacuum nor are they affixed to one discipline or sector. As societies evolve and become more complex, organizations and management education will need to adapt and offer new modes of learning and managerial knowledge.

In education, a discussion process that engaged teachers, professors, students and managers of educational institutions in the education production process would eliminate the problem of adaptation between education production and labor market needs. all of them require national / international standards system to define the global currency of human capital because the economies in the world move from tangible to intangible capital assets, the ability to define and determine the value of human capital possessed by individuals, communities and countries becomes essential for a successful global knowledge economy. That is why the opportunity to create worldwide standards begins with the adoption of international quality standards, and the time has come for those responsible for education to come together to define and apply an ISO 2020 global standard for quality education. (Sams. Bill. (2013).

236.2 The Practical Part

2.1 Reasons to apply integrated management:

There are a lot of reasons to apply (IM) in education, described as the following:

  • Be consistent within the organization.

  • Improve internal and external communication.

  • Avoid duplication and gain cost savings.

  • Reduce risks.

  • Expose conflicting objectives.

  • Identify and rationalise conflicting responsibilities and relationships.

  • Gain a structured balance of authority/power.

  • Focus on business goals.

  • Create a formalisation of informal systems.

  • Harmonise and optimise practices

- Identify and facilitate staff training and development. (Rhys Rowland-Jones. (2008).

2.2 Results and Findings:

The significant social and economic issues with which our world is now fighting and managers are closely related. As these challenges grow, leaders of educational institution must be able to appreciate the interconnectedness of different forms of capital and develop innovative solutions that create value for their organization and its stakeholders.

These solutions had been taken a kind of models to apply them in their institutions.

2.2.1 Integrated Management System Models:

Steve Maguire, Directorof Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management (MDIIM) said: The MDIIM model focuses on five thematic priorities. (Two are derived from activities which constitute integrated management: “Innovation” and “Robust Metrics and Risk Management. The other three are derived from values too often juxtaposed and assumed to be in conflict with economic value: “Health”, “Social Well-Being”, and “Sustainability”).

Whether one considers the relationships between different functional areas inside an organization or the relationships between an organization and its external stakeholders, there is a growing need for managers who can articulate and reconcile issues from multiple perspectives. The model is described as the following:

  • Procurement & Contract management

  • Incidents

  • Emergency Response

  • Audit

Figure - Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management (MDIIM)
2.2.2 Mulu Mezoh Ajija Patience MODEL :

Mulu Mezoh Ajija Patience describes the (IMS) and different models or approaches which a company can achieve. He proposes a Model applied in a (Danish Companies), as presented in the figure below:

Figure 1 - summary of IMS; driving forces and benefits.

Source: Mulu Mezoh Ajija Patience (2008)

2.2.3 Approach based on multi-level synergetic model:

Zeng et al (2007) proposed this model focusing on the importance of synergies for implementing the integrated management system. This model includes 3 levels of integration represented in the figure below:

Figure 2 – a synergic model of implementing IMS

Source: Zeng et al. (2007).

2.2.4 The New Perspective Education Development (IIEP – UNESCO MODEL):

UNESCO and another organization interested in education development designs present new education development plan. This plan forms the link between the long term goals of the education service in conjunction with the long term national goals expressed in the sustainable development plan and the requirement for each government department to have a 3 Year Strategic Plan which is fully budgeted. The (education development plan), together with the Sustainable Development Plan, will provide the long term vision that took 3 Years of putting Strategic Plans and will be delivered through more detailed resources and planning.

The Components of the Education Development Plan and their associated strategic objectives represent the areas that are crucial for improving quality and raising standards across all levels of education. The achievement of these objectives depends not only on the professionalism, dedication and practice of education, but also on the partnerships and involvement of parents and the wider community. (IIEP – UNESCO (2015).

The Educational Development Plan shows the main components of educational development process and how they operate in an iterative way. The seven components are further described in the following Figure.

Figure 3 - main components of the ESP development process

Source: IIEP – UNESCO (2015)

2.3 Discussion:

After analyzing and realizing the literature review of the studies and researches, we note that most of the scientific works already cited have addressed the subject by taking into account some elements, but did not treat the subject of a global vision of integrated management. That is why, we presented our models which are very important to illuminate the contribution of scientists and practitioners in this field, and even to facilitate the presentation of what we have innovate as a part of our academic work.

Our Model highlights the contributions of others, and adds an innovative and new perspective or approach to study the issue of adaptation of educational programs and products to meet the needs of the labor market at the regional or national level.

2.4 Management and research implication:

We have designed and developed a (practical model) as part of our academic university work at Gaziantep University in Turkey to propose a developing project for adapting the (Faculties / Institutes) programs to meet the needs of the regional and inter-regional labor market).

This Model presents the collaboration between the (Educational management/ Teachers / Students, and Stakeholders) for developing and managing the education system in each region or inter- region or at the national level.

For using this Model, every educational institution is required to formulate (Teamwork /Committees) to (analyze the situation ,study the indicators, set plans, provide means and tools, implement the programs of work, monitor, evaluate and improve).

The (practical Model) is an innovative approach for implementing (IM system) in the educational Institution, which presented by the figure below:

International Trends

Findings and Benchmarking


Vision / Mission

237.Conclusion and Recommendations

Limitations: this research is a step on the long road of integrated management. We make some contribution for spreading the approach and encouraging researchers and practitioners to complete and implement (IM) in educational institutions or in any other organizations.

Conclusion: we can conclude our research as follows:

  • The role of stakeholders is crucial to implement (IM) vsv of Labour market needs

  • The education responsible supports the new approach of (IM) vsv of Labour market needs:

  • The concerned in the development of education have invented several models to be applied in order to improve the education.

  • The education institutions leaders had adopted and applied some elements of the integrated management in the educational institutions.

  • Scientists and practitioners invented practical models which will be relevant to apply a new style of management in the educational institutions.

Recommendations: we recommend everyone who is interested in education sector:

  1. It is necessary to review all the components of education system at the regional, inter-regional national level for adapting these components to meet the needs of labour market.

  2. Scholars and practitioners should move in their theoretical and practical work from (programs evaluation or educational development) to the (integrated educational management).

  3. Beneficiaries of outcomes of education system must be invited to support the initiatives focusing on enhancing the inttersection between education components and the labour market needs.

  4. Integrated management in education and mainly the practical Model is one of the new approaches for improving the education system.


Abrahamsson Sten &All (2009): Integrated Management Systems – advantages, problems and possibilities MSc, Lecturer, Gotland University.

Alexandrou, C. (2005): Integrated Management Systems for Excellence in Environmental Management. Sustainable Management in Action, Geneva.

Baldi D. (1999): Understanding integrated management systems audit. First published in Mar/Apr issue in Quality in Manufacturing.

BSI London, U. K. .  

Chartered Quality Institute, (2007). London, UK. www.

Dalling. Ian (2007): Integrated Management, Education and Training Guidance, Prepared by the Chartered Quality Institute.

Dick Hortensius. (2013): Netherlands Standardization Institute (NEN), Delft, Netherlands.

Grand Canyon University. (2015): What Is Educational Management? College of Education, Program Information.

IIEP – UNESCO (2015): Guidelines for Education Sect r Plan Appraisal, IIEP’s print shop, Paris,…/home/news index/news archive/news.htm) …

Livia Bizikova, &All (2011): Evaluation of Integrated Management Initiatives, International Institute for Sustainable Development.

Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management (MDIIM), Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University of, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


Data's suppliers' / products beneficiaries'

- Public :Education ,Social ,Economic,

,Municipalities, Organizations ,Agencies ,...

- Private: Enterprises, Companies , crafts and liberal professions,...

- Civil Society : NGO ,associations ,foundations ..

Meri. Mohamed Meri (2015): MERI MODEL - For Socio-Economic Integration to labor market and society at the regional /national level in Turkey, Gaziantep University.

Mulu Mezoh Ajija Patience (2008): Integrated Management Systems - A qualitative study of the levels of integration of three Danish Companies, Aalborg University.

Rowland-Jones. Rhys 2008)): Integrated management System, Standards in Action, Beside education, BSI, www. Beside education .org.

Sams. Bill: ISO 2020 (2013): The Importance of Standards in Education.

SCI Qual International Pty Ltd –SQI- (1991): Business Management Systems against the requirements of the internationally recognized standards, Australia.

Zeng et al (2007): A synergetic model for implementing an integrated management system: an empirical study in China, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 15, Issue 18, December 2007, Pages 1760–1767.

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