Inclusive of amendments of 30 September 2008, of 15 May 2009

Hedgerow Planting & Rejuvenation

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Hedgerow Planting & Rejuvenation


Hedgerow Planting & Rejuvenation
Plant new additional hedgerows on suitable sites

Income forgone

Laying of existing hedgerows

Total Cost

Coppicing of existing hedgerows

Labour and machine hire

Total Cost

€32.00/m (see footnote 52)

€2.50 per linear metre



There is no cross-compliance requirement to plant or rejuvenate existing hedgerows.
Under the Wildlife Act the cutting of hedgerows in not permitted from March 1st – August 31st.

The establishment and intensive maintenance of hedgerows contributes to stock control and the encouragement of wildlife.
Planting of additional new hedgerows on suitable sites and the rejuvenation of existing hedgerows by laying or coppicing involve labour and capital costs.
All planting material must be of Irish Provenance.

10. Traditional Dry Stone wall Maintenance

Traditional Dry Stone wall Maintenance.
Follow an annual wall maintenance programme for the farm. Livestock must be

present on the farm and

commonage lands are not eligible.
Stonewall maintenance per 100m
Cost associated with letting the transaction take place per 100m

Total Cost per 100m/yr



50.00 per 100m

There is no requirement under cross-compliance or National legislation to maintain traditional dry stonewalls.

Maintenance contributes to the retention of biodiversity associated with dry stone walls, as well as retaining a diverse landscape.
Extra costs are incurred in such maintenance



Riparian Margins


Creation of a permanently fenced margin adjacent to identified watercourses.

This land cannot be used for agricultural production, but must be maintained annually.

Fence to prohibit animal access

2.5metre wide uncultivated strip along watercourse resulting in quantifiable loss of production plus annual maintenance cost
5 metre margin resulting in loss of production plus annual maintenance cost.
10 metre margin resulting in loss of production plus annual maintenance cost.
30 metre margin resulting in loss of production plus annual maintenance cost.

€3.30/m (see footnote 52)

€0.14 per linear metre.

€0.34 per linear metre

€0.74 per linear metre

€2.70 per linear metre

Under cross-compliance a farmer cannot apply fertiliser within 1.5m of watercourse.

Riparian boundary strips contribute to water quality. Farmer incurs capital costs and maintenance costs and income foregone in terms of agricultural production.


Provision of alternative water source for bovines.


Deny bovines access to drinking points on lands adjacent to watercourses.
Fence off any water access drinking points.

Install water trough with piped water in suitable location 10 m from watercourse

Total Cost

200.00 per trough (see footnote 52)

No specification under cross-compliance.

To reduce pollution of watercourse by the exclusion of all bovines from watercourse. Cost to farmer in provision water trough with piped water (non-productive investment under measure 216).



Arable Margins


Create 3-metre margin around the periphery of arable fields.
Mow margin each year post 15th August.
Loss of production
Cost of mowing

Total Cost



There is no cross-compliance or national requirement to create 3-metre margins around arable fields.

The creation of arable margins contributes to carbon sequestration by grassing of arable land.

There are opportunity costs in loss of production as well as the cost of mowing.


Green Cover Establishment from a sown crop.


Tilling to a management prescription which involves:-

-very light tilling of soil to prepare seedbed.

--sowing specific green cover crop (e.g. mustard) at prescribed rate)

-post sowing rolling

- annual rotation may take place for the duration of the contract subject to the annual establishment of a Green Cover area at least equal to the area declared in year 1.
Total Cost



Cross Compliance requires that arable land sprayed with a total herbicide between 1st July - 1st Dec must have green cover established within 6 weeks.

Green cover can be derived from regeneration.

No requirement to sow a specific green cover crop.

Green cover fixes the residual nitrogen in the soil after cropping.
Costs associated with establishment.


Use of trailing shoe technology

Use of trailing shoe technology


Use of Trailing Shoe and injection technology to spread all slurry produced and imported on farm. All slurry on farm must be spread using trailing shoe or injection system by 1st June.
Total Cost

0.77/cubic metre


No baseline requirement to use this type of machinery to spread slurry onto land.

The use of the trailing shoe contributes to the reduction of Nitrous Oxide emissions. There is an increased cost to the farmer in using a contractor operating a trailing shoe instead of a splashplate.


Min Till

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