see Mid-Continent Skydiver Sport Parachute Club
Mid-Continent Skydivers Sport Parachute Club (AUTH)
71: 2-18 7; 9-3 7; 9-30 1
72: 8-31 7
73: 8-30 8
74: 8-29 5
75: 8-29 10
Mid-Nebraska American Family Association 90: 11-8 2; 11-15 2
Mid Nebraska Child Development Center 72: 1-27 2
Mid-Nebraska Community Action Center 75: 2-20 3
Mid-Nebraska Community Action Family Planning Service 75: 9-18 8
Mid Nebraska Community Action Program 72: 11-16 5
Mid-Nebraska Community Foundation 94: 4-28 6
Mid-Nebraska Community Services
79: 9-13 7
83: 4-28 Accent 7
84: 9-25 9
87: 2-12 6
88: 1-14 6; 12-1 13
89: 11-30 2
90: 1-25 6; 3-8 11
91: 3-14 6
92: 2-20 4
93: 4-1 6; 9-16 14; 10-14 14; 10-21 12; 10-28 16; 11-4 12; 11-11 14; 11-18 14; 12-2 14; 12-9 15
94: 4-7 10
Mid-Nebraska Community Services Can Festival 92: 2-20 4
Mid-Nebraska Family Association 90: 10-11 1
Mid-Nebraska Food Bank
86: 10-30 2
89: 11-9 5
90: 1-25 6
91: 2-7 13, 14
92: 2-20 4
2000: 11-2 6
Mid-Nebraska Individual Services 96: 3-14 2
Mid-Nebraska Mental Health Center 75: 4-17 3
Mid-Nebraska Mental Retardation Services
74: 2-7 7; 11-21 3
75: 5-1 4
Mid-Nebraska Mentally Handicapped Volleyball 80: 1-24 3
Mid-Nebraska Mental Retardation Services 79: 3-15 9
Mid-Nebraska Recycling 90: 1-25 1
Mid-Nebraska Recycling Center 89: 2-16 10
Mid Nebraska Retardation Center 76: 2-5 5
Mid-Nebraska Vocational Center 72: 11-9 3
Mid-Nebraska Vocational Services 71: 10-7 1
Mid-Plains Community College
75: 6-19 3; 8-29 5
77: 3-17 3
Mid-Plains Technical Community College Area 75: 6-19 3
Mid-Plains Vocational Technical College 75: 9-11 4
Mid-State Family Health Services 78: 11-9 1; 12-7 1
Mid-State Irrigation District 75: 10-23 3
Midcontinent American Studies Association
72:3-2 1
75: 5-1 4
Middle Income Student Assistance Act 79: 2-1 8
Middle School program 72: 4-20 1
Middleton, Deb 2002: 10-31 10
-, James (Jim)
78: 1-26 6
79: 12-13 5
85: 9-19 4
86: 12-11 9
88: 6-23 8 (P)
91: 9-12 16
Midland, Jane 92: 10-29 5
-, Jim 88: 11-10 2
Midland Partners Realty (business) 90: 6-21 4
Midlands Construction (business) 98: 4-9 1; 4-16 1
Midlands Woodwind Quintet 85: 11-21 1
Midlang, Jim
88: 11-3 2
92: 10-29 5
‘Midnight Cowboy’ (film)
77: 10-27 3
81: 9-17 1
‘Midnight Express’ (film)
79: 7-26 7
82: 1-21 5
86: 2-27 2; 3-7 2
Midnight Madness 83: 10-6 1; 10-13 1; 10-20 1
‘Midnight Vulture’ 2000: 1-20 7
Midstate Forum 75: 10-30 5
Midway Aviation
81: 10-22 7
84: 10-4 2
Midway Chevrolet-Mazda (business) 93: 4-22 10
Midway Liquor (business) 89: 9-28 5
Midwest Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (MACURH)
96: 11-21 2
2002: 11-21 9
Midwest Animal Rehabilitation Sanctuary (MARS)
93: 12-9 9
94: 4-21 2
Midwest Association of College and University Residence Halls 94: 1-27 6; 12-8 4
Midwest Audio (business)
77: 3-24 1
78: 1-26 3; 2-16 1; 3-8 3
79: 1-26 Encounter 2; 3-1 7
81: 2-19 5; 3-5 1; 12-10 1
86: 2-13 8
Midwest Basketball League 79: 6-14 8
Midwest Biennial Art Exhibition 74: 4-25 4
Midwest Conference on World Affairs
71: 1-14 2; 2-4 3; 2-11 1; 2-18 6; 3-11 1; 3-25 1; 4-1 1; 4-15 1; 4-20 1-19; 4-22 1, 2; 4-29 1; 9-16 1; 10-14 1; 11-18 1
72: 1-13 1; 1-27 4; 2-3 1; 2-17 1; 3-9 1, 4, 5; 3-10 1 through 20; 4-6 2; 8-31 7; 9-21 7; 10- 19 9
73: 1-11 3; 1-25 8; 2-22 3; 3-1 1, 5; 3-8 1; 3-22 1; 3-29 1, 3, 7, 10; 4-3 1 thru 16; 4-5 1; 5- 10 4, 8; 8-30 8; 9-6 1; 9-20 1; 10-25 3
74: 1-17 1; 1-31 3; 3-7 1; 3-21 3; 3-28 1; 4-1 1 through 16; 4-4 1; 4-11 2; 8-29 5; 9-12 1; 10-3 1
75: 2-13 1; 4-4 1; 4-17 3; 6-19 1; 8-29 9
-, advisory board for 73: 4-3 13
-, exhibits on display at 72: 3-10 13
-, schedule of 74: 4-1 7
Midwest Conference on World Affairs Advisory Board, list of members of 72: 3-10 12
Midwest Conference on World Affairs Diplomatic List 72: 3-10 12
Midwest Dermatology Clinic 96: 4-25 8
Midwest Energy Alternatives 79: 2-15 1; 2-22 4
Midwest Gymnastics Tumblers 85: 2-26 1
Midwest Jazz Tour 75: 4-10 1; 4-17 1
Midwest Leasing Company (business) 75: 10-2 4
Midwest Model United Nations
81: 3-5 6
87: 3-26 4; 12-10 2
Midwest Overseas Recruiting Fair 79: 12-13 6
Midwest Regional Center for the Deaf 74: 9-26 7
Midwest Regional Program in International Trade 74: 5-2 3
Midwest UFO Network (MUFON) 74: 2-21 3
Midwest Women’s Studies Association 94: 3-10 4
-, regional conference of 91: 3-14 1; 3-28 2
Midwestern Interview Fair 79: 2-22 1
Midwinter Concert 75: 2-6 1
Mienig, Doug 71: 5-20 5
Miester, Jim (see also Meister) 87: 8-27 8
-, Scott 85: 3-26 9
Miewald, Robert 89: 11-9 4
Might Lose (team name) 91: 3-7 9
Mighty Casey (bronze sculpture) 95: 11-30 9
Mihalik, Sylvia 2001: 11-1 8
Mihelich, Dennis (see also Mikelich) 89: 1-12 1
Mihulka, Bonnie 71: 9-23 4
Miigerl, Tricia 97: 2-6 13
‘Milagro en Roma’ 98: 10-1 2
Mike and the Mechanics (group) 86: 3-13 9
Mikelich, Dennis (see also Mihelich) 89: 1-26 6 (P)
Mikesell, Donna 92: 2-20 2 (P)
Mikkleson, Ray
88: 2-11 5
89: 2-9 13
Mikoloick, Mike (see also Mikoloyck) 77: 11-3 7
Mikoloyck, Jane 73: 4-5 8 (P)
-, Mike (see also Mikoloick) 76: 9-29 12
-, Rich 72: 1-13 4
Mikolycek, Steve 81: 4-23 9
Miksch, Margaret 73: 9-13 6
-, Marilyn 73: 4-5 5; 5-3 3; 9-27 5
Mikseh, Marty 77: 4-28 8
Milbourn, Kelly L
94: 9-1 12; 10-20 12
95: 11-11 4
97: 4-24 1, 9
Milburn, Jeff (Jeffrey)
94: 4-21 6
95: 4-6 10
96: 2-29 9
-, Jolana 89: 2-16 1
Milcsuh, Marty 77: 4-14 1
Mileasis, Chris A (see also Milesis) 72: 8-31 1
Miles, Artice 79: 9-6 5
-, Beverly 78: 2-2 1
-, Colleen 74: 5-2 3
-, Kathi 80: 10-16 9
-, Neil
75: 4-24 8
76: 4-23 1; 10-7 3
77: 4-21 1
Milesis, Chris A (see also Mileasis)
73: 4-12 6; 9-20 5 (P)
74: 8-29 1
Miley, Shane 94: 11-17 7
Milhauser, Charles J
79: 9-20 2
81: 1-15 2
Milhouse, Rogers (Roger)
91: 2-14 9
93: 12-9 2 (P)
Miliha, Sharyl 73: 2-15 6
Military Overseas Mail 77: 10-20 1
Military Science Lab 94: 2-24 6
Military Science Program
92: 10-1 11
93: 3-18 9
military students, policy on 98: 2-26 4
Milius, Heather
2001: 2-1 7
2002: 4-4 4
Milken Family Foundation 2002: 10-17 2
Milks, Kristi 97: 1-23 5; 2-13 2; 2-20 2, 9; 2-27 9; 3-20 9; 4-3 9; 4-10 9; 4-17 5, 15; 5-1 19; 10-23 2
-, Susan 72: 11-30 8
Millard, Jody 85: 4-18 7
-, Terry 71: 2-4 5
Millard Public Schools 77: 2-10 1
Milldyke, Bill 82: 9-16 6; 9-23 3
Mille, Marlene 73: 5-10 4
Miller, Adrienne 2002: 4-4 7 (P)
Miller, Alan (Al)
74: 4-1 2
79: 5-3 15; 8-30 13; 10-4 9; 11-1 9; 11-15 9; 11-29 7
80: 8-28 11; 9-18 11; 9-25 10; 10-23 8; 11-13 8
81: 1-29 7; 2-5 9; 3-5 9; 4-2 1; 4-9 8; 4-30 8; 9-3 12; 9-17 10; 9-24 9; 10-1 11; 10-8 12; 10-29 14; 11-12 9; 11-19 9
82: 2-4 10; 2-11 9; 2-18 11; 3-4 7; 4-1 8
-, Alba 72: 11-9 9 (P)
-, Alfredo 80: 11-20 10
-, Allen 79: 3-1 11
-, Alva
71: 9-23 2
73: 11-29 2 LTE
-, Amy
73: 4-3 9
88: 9-8 5; 9-15 4; 10-12 6
89: 2-16 2; 2-23 2; 3-16 4; 3-30 12; 4-6 16; 4-20 2; 4-27 2
90: 3-29 4; 10-11 2; 10-25 4
-, Amy Sue 90: 10-11 1 (P)
-, Andrea 87: 4-16 2 (P)
-, Angie 94: 4-28 1
-, Anne
91: 5-2 4
92: 3-12 6 (P)
-, Arthur 84: 1-26 6; 2-2 1 (P)
-, Barbara (Barb)
71: 9-9 1
72: 3-23 5
86: 7-8 8; 11-6 2 (P)
87: 1-29 7; 4-16 7; 9-3 6 (P); 10-8 7
88: 1-28 7, 8; 2-4 11; 2-11 10; 2-25 8; 4-7 8 (P); 4-14 9; 4-21 8; 8-25 7; 9-1 7; 9-8 7; 10-6 7 (P); 10-12 7 (P); 11-3 7; 11-10 7
89: 2-16 7; 3-2 7; 4-13 8; 4-20 8; 9-7 7, 8 (P); 9-14 7, 9 (P); 9-21 9; 9-28 9; 10-5 9; 10-12 7, 9; 11-2 7 (P)
90: 1-25 9; 2-1 7; 2-8 9 (P); 2-15 9; 2-22 8; 3-1 8; 3-8 7; 4-5 7; 4-12 7; 4-19 8 (P); 4-26 8; 5-3 7; 6-21 4
91: 2-21 8
-, Becky
90: 8-30 7 (P), 10; 10-4 7
91: 9-12 8; 10-31 7; 11-14 7 (P)
92: 9-3 8
-, Bev 98: 1-15 2
-, Bob
80: 2-7 1; 11-20 6
81: 7-9 1; 7-30 5 (P)
83: 10-6 9
84: 6-28 4
-, Brian 93: 9-30 2 (P)
-, Charity
97: 12-11 1 (P)
98: 9-3 2 (P)
-, Cheri (Cherri)
96: 1-25 8; 2-2 7; 2-29 7; 3-14 7 (P); 11-7 7
97: 2-20 6; 3-13 12; 10-30 7; 11-6 5
98: 10-15 8; 11-5 5
99: 4-1 8
2000: 2-10 5
-, Cheryl 88: 4-28 4
-, Chris 77: 1-13 5; 2-3 1, 3
-, Christina 97: 11-13 2 (P)
-, Colleen 75: 12-4 3
-, Crystal
95: 4-6 10
96: 2-15 10 (P)
98: 9-10 6 (P); 10-8 1
99: 2-4 2
-, Cristy 87: 3-26 6
-, Cyndi 92: 2-6 12
-, Dale 94: 4-7 5 (P)
-, Dan (Danny)
78: 4-6 9
88: 12-8 7
89: 4-20 1; 11-9 2
92: 1-23 2 (P); 4-23 12; 4-30 14; 10-22 11
-, Daniel S 93: 4-29 1
-, Darrell 94: 10-20 3
-, David (Dave)
73: 10-18 6
74: 2-28 1; 3-7 1; 3-21 1; 5-2 1; 10-17 3; 12-12 3
75: 3-6 1; 4-10 1; 11-6 9; 12-18 7
76: 3-25 4
77: 2-10 4; 4-7 6; 9-8 3; 9-15 10; 10-27 11
78: 4-27 8
94: 3-17 1
-, Dean 73: 11-29 2 LTE
-, Deb 79: 9-6 11
-, Debra 75: 7-17 1
-, Del
95: 2-2 2 (P)
99: 4-22 1 (P)
-, Denise 91: 9-19 10
-, Dennis (Denny)
71: 2-11 6; 4-29 6; 5-6 3; 5-20 6; 9-30 5; 11-11 5; 12-9 6; 12-16 3
72: 1-20 6; 2-24 6; 3-2 6; 3-9 4; 3-23 6; 4-6 6; 4-13 6
73: 7-19 6
89: 2-9 1
90: 3-29 1 (P); 4-5 1; 4-12 1 (P); 12-6 16 (P)
91: 1-31 4
96: 2-15 10
98: 9-10 6
-, Diane
71: 3-11 3; 4-1 4
72: 11-30 4
77: 11-10 7; 12-8 8
-, Don
78: 12-14 7
81: 3-5 8
-, Donnie
80: 3-13 8; 3-27 7; 4-24 8; 6-26 8
81: 4-23 8; 5-7 9
-, Dorothy 74: 4-25 4
-, Drew 97: 1-23 1; 1-30 1; 4-10 4
-, Felix
2001: 2-8 2
2002: 4-11 2 (P)
-, Frank III 96: 4-4 9
-, G William 80: 9-18 7
-, Gary
74: 4-18 3
78: 6-15 1; 6-22 1 (P); 11-9 9 (P); 12-14 1
79: 1-11 1
-, George
85: 9-26 10; 10-10 2 (P)
89: 3-2 10
-, Glen 93: 4-22 10
-, Hollie 90: 1-25 4; 2-1 2; 2-8 1; 2-15 2, 5; 2-22 2; 3-1 2, 4; 3-8 4; 3-29 4; 4-5 4, 9; 4-12 1; 4-19 2, 4, 9; 4-26 2, 10; 5-3 1
-, Ida 80: 2-21 5; 12-11 9
-, Jack
71: 4-20 12
72: 3-23 1 (P), 5
74: 3-21 5 (P); 4-25 7; 5-2 8
-, Jacqueline (Jackie, Jacky)
71: 3-11 3; 4-1 4; 5-13 4; 7-29 1; 9-9 1, 4; 9-16 1, 3; 9-23 1; 9-30 4; 10-14 3
72: 1-13 3; 2-24 4 (P); 4-13 4
-, James
71: 9-9 1
72: 1-13 1; 2-17 1
73: 3-1 1; 3-29 5; 4-19 1 (P); 6-28 4; 9-20 8; 11-29 8
74: 1-31 4; 3-21 8; 4-4 8; 4-25 4; 9-26 6
75: 4-10 3
77: 1-27 6
78: 7-27 1
79: 2-22 4
81: 1-29 5; 3-19 7; 4-30 4; 7-9 6; 7-23 4; 9-17 3
84: 5-3 9; 10-9 5; 11-6 7
84: 4-26 7
87: 2-12 4
88: 2-25 1; 6-23 4 (P)
89: 7-27 6; 10-19 1 (P); 12-14 1
90: 2-8 13
95: 8-31 2
96: 9-12 7
- -, receipt of award by 73: 12-6 5
-, James A
71: 7-1 8; 7-8 2; 7-15 3
72: 3-9 1
73: 1-18 1; 1-25 1, 4
99: 3-25 7
-, James C 75: 2-13 5
-, Jason
90: 1-18 7; 1-25 7; 2-1 9 (P); 2-15 10; 3-1 7; 11-15 7; 12-6 2 (P), 10
91: 11-21 7
92: 2-6 8; 11-18 7
93: 1-21 7, 9 (P); 2-11 7 (P); 2-18 8; 2-25 8 (P); 3-4 8; 3-11 8; 11-18 7
-, Jay 80: 4-17 10
-, Jeff 91: 10-10 12
-, Jeri 71: 4-29 3
-, Jerry
72: 1-27 4; 2-24 4
84: 11-8 6
85: 2-12 2; 4-23 1; 11-14 4; 12-5 4
86: 3-13 4; 4-24 1
87: 1-22 1; 4-9 1 (P)
88: 4-21 6; 6-23 1
-, Jim
71: 4-29 3
74: 6-27 1; 7-11 1; 7-18 4 (P); 8-29 1, 3; 9-19 1 (P), 3 (P); 9-26 8; 10-3 3; 10-10 4; 10-17 4; 11-21 2 LTE; 12-5 3; 12-12 7
75: 1-16 4; 4-24 5; 6-19 1; 10-23 4; 10-30 6; 11-20 3
-, Jim
76: 2-12 3; 5-6 3; 9-16 5, 7; 9-29 9; 12-2 5
77: 2-10 5; 3-17 1; 4-14 3; 4-28 1, 3; 5-5 6, 8; 6-23 6; 9-8 5; 9-15 1; 9-22 3; 9-29 1; 10-6 1; 10-20 12; 12-1 8
78: 2-23 1; 8-31 5; 9-21 1, 6
79: 6-28 4
80: 11-6 6
-, Jo 78: 10-5 8
-, Jodi 93: 4-22 7
-, Jody 84: 5-3 11 (P)
-, Joella 78: 2-2 1
-, John 79: 9-6 11
-, Joni
79: 3-29 12; 4-5 10
80: 3-27 3
-, Judith 77: 5-5 3
-, Julie
85: 4-2 7
95: 4-27 1, 6
-, Kandy 86: 4-17 1 (P)
-, Kather 77: 2-17 3 [sic]
-, Kathleen (Kathy)
71: 4-29 5; 7-1 4; 7-8 3, 4; 7-22 3; 7-29 1
72: 6-22 3; 7-13 3; 7-20 4; 11-2 6
73: 10-4 8; 10-18 8; 12-20 1
74: 3-7 3; 5-9 8; 6-27 2; 7-11 2; 7-18 2; 7-26 2; 8-1 2; 8-29 3; 12-5 3; 12-12 3
75: 9-11 3
-, Kathryn 2002: 10-17 10
-, Kathy
77: 1-20 3; 2-3 1; 2-10 9; 10-20 3
78: 2-2 3; 2-23 1
87: 9-24 6 (P)
-, Katie 2002: 9-26 6; 11-21 10
-, Kelly
89: 9-21 10 (P); 12-7 1
90: 9-27 1, 12; 3-30 1
-, Ken 95: 11-2 1
-, Kevin
76: 2-19 3; 6-24 8; 7-15 3 (P); 9-9 1 (P)
77: 6-30 2
80: 10-2 3
-, Kevin M (Kev)
72: 9-21 1
73: 2-15 1; 3-1 3 (P); 3-29 1; 4-5 1; 11-7 1; 12-6 1
74: 1-31 1; 2-7 1 (P), 2; 2-21 1; 2-28 1; 3-7 1; 3-21 1; 3-28 1 (P); 4-11 2; 4-18 2; 5-2 2 LTE; 9-5 1 (P), 2; 9-12 1, 2; 9-19 2; 9-26 2; 10-3 1, 2; 10-10 2; 10-17 2; 10-24 2; 11-14 2; 11-21 2; 12-5 1, 2; 12-12 1 (P), 2; 12-19 2
75: 1-16 1; 3-6 1; 3-20 1; 4-4 1 (P); 4-10 1; 5-1 1; 8-29 7
76: 10-21 2 LTE
-, Kevin Michael 76: 5-6 2
-, Kristen 94: 9-15 8
-, Kristin
93: 10-7 7; 11-18 7
94: 8-25 7 (P); 9-1 7; 10-13 7, 8 (P); 10-27 7
95: 8-24 7
-, Larry 90: 10-11 4
-, Larry D 71: 1-7 1; 2-18 5; 3-18 1; 3-25 5; 6-24 3
-, Leroy 71: 4-29 4; 5-20 3
-, Leslie 81: 10-1 4
-, Leslie Adrienne 2002: 5-2 14
-, Linda
86: 9-25 7
87: 4-9 5; 8-27 9; 10-1 7 (P)
88: 6-23 7; 8-25 7
-, LoDesta 74: 3-21 1
-, Lonnie
74: 5-9 1; 11-14 1; 12-5 1
75: 1-30 1; 2-13 1; 2-27 1; 3-6 1; 3-20 1; 4-10 1; 4-17 1; 5-1 1; 9-5 8; 9-18 3; 11-6 7; 11- 20 5; 12-11 8
-, Lonnie 76: 1-15 3; 3-25 1; 7-1 7
-, Lynn 79: 12-6 4
-, Lynelle
96: 2-15 10
98: 9-10 6
-, Marilyn
71: 10-28 3; 11-4 4
75: 5-1 5
-, Mark
81: 3-5 10 (P); 3-26 1
84: 9-6 26
86: 4-3 5 (P)
96: 9-12 6
2002: 9-12 4 (P)
-, Marlis 82: 1-21 1
-, Marv 80: 3-27 1 (P)
-, Mary 11-2 1
-, Maureen
86: 7-17 4 (P)
95: 1-19 11
-, Mike
86: 9-11 7
87: 4-30 7
89: 12-14 10 (P)
90: 2-8 2 (P)
96: 4-18 1
99: 4-1 4
2000: 2-17 1
2001: 9-20 6; 9-27 5; 10-4 5; 10-11 5; 10-18 5, 6; 11-1 5 (P); 11-15 5; 11-29 6; 12-6 6; 12-13 7
2002: 5-2 7; 9-5 5; 9-12 4; 9-26 5; 10-3 5; 10-10 5; 10-17 5; 10-31 5; 11-7 5 (P); 11-14 5; 11-21 5; 12-5 5; 12-12 4
-, Missy
91: 7-18 6; 8-1 6; 9-12 6; 9-19 4, 6; 9-26 1, 11; 10-3 4; 10-10 11; 10-17 6; 10-24 11; 10- 31 1; 11-7 1; 11-21 6, 15; 12-5 11; 12-13 1, 3, 5
92: 1-23 1, 3, 5; 1-30 3, 5; 2-6 3, 5, 6; 2-13 3, 5; 2-20 3, 5; 2-27 3, 5; 3-5 3, 5; 3-12 3, 5; 3-19 3, 5; 4-2 3, 5; 4-9 3, 5; 4-16 3, 5; 4-23 2, 3, 5; 4-30 3; 8-27 3, 10, 12, 14; 9-3 3, 9, 10; 9-17 1, 3, 12; 9-24 1, 3, 10; 10-1 1, 3; 10-8 3; 10-15 3; 10-22 1, 3; 10-29 3; 11-5 1, 3; 11-12 3; 11-18 3; 12-10 3
-, Mitchell 2001: 9-13 10 (P)
-, Nancy
78: 10-5 12
79: 3-22 Encounter 3; 4-26 Encounter 2
86: 2-13 7
-, Nathan
91: 3-14 5 (P)
92: 9-3 2; 9-17 14
93: 9-30 12
-, Neil
89: 11-2 1
92: 10-22 5 (P)
99: 1-28 1; 2-4 1
-, Paul 73: 3-29 7
-, Peggy
88: 10-6 5
93: 4-8 4
-, Ralph 74: 3-21 1; 3-28 3 (P)
-, Randy 79: 1-26 3; 5-3 4; 11-15 7; 11-29 5
-, Ray 73: 11-29 2 LTE
-, Rich
73: 12-6 7
74: 12-5 6
75: 1-16 6; 5-8 8
-, Rich
79: 11-29 4
80: 10-16 6
-, Richard (Rick)
78: 8-31 11
90: 8-30 11; 11-1 4 (P)
91: 4-18 1; 11-7 6
92: 2-20 1; 4-23 10
93: 4-29 1
94: 2-3 9; 2-17 6; 4-21 2; 9-15 6; 9-29 11
95: 2-9 8; 10-12 1
96: 1-18 2; 2-8 16; 3-14 6, 9; 4-4 10 (P); 8-29 1; 9-12 1; 9-26 10; 10-10 10; 11-7 1, 9; 11- 14 1, 10; 11-21 7; 12-12 4
97: 3-13 1, 9 (P); 4-10 1, 4; 4-17 12; 9-11 1; 10-2 10; 10-9 1; 10-30 10; 11-13 1
98: 4-9 6; 10-8 9
99: 3-25 1; 10-14 4; 11-11 1
2000: 10-26 1
2002: 4-25 1, 8; 9-5 2
-, Rickey 2000: 3-2 4, 8
-, Robert 80: 3-27 1
-, Robin 79: 10-28 6
-, Rodney
98: 8-27 2; 9-10 1; 10-1 6
99: 9-2 1; 9-9 7
2000: 4-6 4
2002: 2-14 4; 2-21 1, 4; 9-19 7; 9-26 1 (P), 9 (P)
-, Ron 87: 3-9 2
-, Rosemary 92: 10-29 3 LTE
-, Salli 88: 9-29 1
-, Sam
94: 9-29 8 (P); 10-6 7
95: 2-9 10; 2-23 7 (P); 9-14 4; 10-12 9
96: 2-15 7; 2-22 8
97: 4-24 7
-, Sandra (Sandy)
71: 4-1 4; 4-29 4; 5-13 4; 9-16 1
72: 3-10 11
-, Sandy 77: 6-30 4
-, Scott
77: 9-15 8 (P); 11-10 9 (P)
78: 8-31 13
80: 1-17 4 (P); 3-27 3
2001: 1-25 1
-, Scott J 84: 12-13 6 LTE
-, Sherri 93: 2-25 8
-, Sherrie 82: 9-30 4
-, Sherrilyn 88: 9-8 4
-, Sonya 98: 1-15 1 (P)
-, Stacie 87: 3-26 4; 6-25 8
-, Stan
71: 2-25 1
84: 10-16 2 (P); 10-23 15
89: 12-14 5
-, Stella 82: 4-29 1
-, Stephen 86: 8-28 12
-, Steve
77: 4-28 7; 10-27 8; 11-3 9; 12-1 11
78: 1-12 8; 2-2 1; 2-23 1; 5-4 5; 9-28 Encounter 2; 10-26 Encounter 4; 11-30 Encounter 4; 12-14 4; 12-14 Encounter 1
79: 1-26 1, 4; 1-26 Encounter 2; 2-8 1; 2-15 5; 2-22 3; 2-22 Encounter 2; 3-1 9; 3-15 7; 3- 22 1; 3-22 Encounter 2; 3-29 8; 4-5 6; 4-5 Encounter 2; 4-26 5
-, Sue
72: 9-21 7
73: 3-8 3
79: 3-1 5 (P); 3-15 1; 3-29 5 (P); 4-5 1; 9-6 1; 11-29 1
80: 1-31 1; 2-28 1 (P); 3-13 1; 3-27 1; 4-17 7; 4-24 1; 5-1 1, 3 LTE, 4; 8-28 1, 7; 9-4 1, 2 LTE; 9-11 7 (P); 9-18 10; 9-25 1; 10-2 1; 10-16 1; 10-23 1; 11-6 5; 11-13 1; 11-20 1, 4; 12-4 1
81: 3-5 5 (P); 3-26 1; 5-7 1
86: 10-2 1; 11-6 2
87: 2-12 2; 10-1 1
88: 2-25 1; 3-17 1; 10-12 15
-, Susan 86: 3-13 1; 11-20 2
-, Tammy 85: 8-29 11; 9-12 7; 10-23 8; 11-7 8
-, Terri
80: 10-9 3
91: 3-14 4
-, Terri Adams 74: 10-10 7
-, Terry 75: 2-20 6
-, Tim
78: 9-14 3
85: 2-12 12; 4-16 6; 4-23 5 (P); 4-30 5; 6-18 5
86: 2-27 9; 3-7 5; 3-13 8; 5-1 9
90: 12-6 13
92: 3-19 1
93: 11-4 9
-, Tom
80: 10-23 1
82: 4-22 6 (P); 10-28 1 (P)
-, Tony 82: 9-23 7
-, Travis
98: 1-29 1; 10-29 6
99: 1-21 3; 1-28 3; 2-4 3; 2-11 3; 2-25 3; 3-4 3; 3-11 3; 3-25 3; 4-1 3; 4-15 3; 4-22 3; 4-29 4
-, Tren
85: 8-29 3
86: 8-28 12
-, Tricia 78: 12-14 1
-, Trisha 79: 9-65 7 (P)
-, Val 82: 4-1 1
-, Vernon P
71: 9-23 5; 10-14 5; 12-16 2
73: 9-27 1
-, Vicki 92: 3-19 4
-, Vickie 90: 5-3 10; 6-21 2, 6, 8; 6-28 1; 7-19 7
-, Vicky 76: 3-18 1
-, Zach
2001: 1-25 2; 3-8 2 (P)
2002: 4-11 6
Miller Brewing Co (business)
78: 1-12 1
80: 1-17 4
81: 3-5 5
-, recycling program of 77: 10-27 3
Miller Friendt, Ludemann 9business) 87: 4-16 6
Miller Village Board, election of students to 72: 4-13 1
Millers, Sue 74: 3-21 4
millers (insects) 79: 6-14 4
Millery, Joella 94: 3-17 12
Milligan, Carolyn 2001: 3-1 7
-, Cyndi 76: 9-29 6 (P)
-, Mary 79: 10-28 6
Milliken, J B 92: 3-5 9
Mills, Dale
71: 7-15 1
72: 8-31 6
73: 5-3 1; 10-25 4
78: 7-20 1; 7-27 3 (P)
79: 9-13 1
-, Deb (Debbie)
72: 9-21 7
73: 5-3 5 (P); 9-27 8
74: 5-9 3; 7-26 1; 9-19 4; 11-21 5
75: 4-24 5; 9-25 5
-, Diane 71: 4-1 4
-, Elaine
82: 3-25 1
83: 2-17 1
-, Fern 78: 7-27 3
-, Irene 73: 8-30 1
-, Jack
76: 12-2 1
78: 7-27 3
-, Katie 96: 10-3 4
-, Leroy 76: 4-29 5
-, Lindsey
97: 9-4 8; 10-16 5; 10-30 7; 11-13 5
98: 4-30 9
-, Lisa 86: 11-20 6
-, Marlene
71: 4-1 3; 4-22 3; 5-13 4; 9-23 4
72: 9-21 7; 9-28 7; 11-2 6; 11-30 4
73: 3-8 3; 9-13 8
74: 2-21 4; 3-7 8
-, Pat 90: 9-20 12
-, Ross
89: 9-21 3 LTE
91: 2-21 10 (P)
-, Rusty
81: 3-5 9
82: 4-15 6
83: 1-27 6, 7; 2-3 9; 2-17 8; 2-24 10; 3-31 3 (P); 4-6 7
-, Scott J
83: 11-10 7
84: 6-14 6
-, Sid 76: 4-29 5
-, Stan
80: 1-31 7; 9-18 11
81: 1-22 10; 2-12 10; 2-26 7; 11-19 10
82: 2-4 9; 12-9 9
83: 1-27 7; 2-3 9; 11-17 1 (P)
-, Sue
74: 4-4 6; 5-2 9; 5-9 6; 10-10 7; 12-19 5
75: 2-6 5; 2-20 6; 3-13 6; 4-24 7
81: 4-2 1
-, Ted 89: 9-7 1
-, Wilbur 72: 5-4 1
Milnar, Jeanie (see also Mlinar) 74: 5-9 3
Milner, Jean (see also Mlinar)
76: 3-4 3 (P)
77: 3-24 3
-, Mary Alice 75: 10-9 8
-, Theresa 93: 12-9 2
Milo Bail Student Center 94: 3-10 1
Milone, Maggie 75: 4-24 7
Milt, Janet 72: 10-12 4
Milton, Erica 2002: 3-14 7
-, John 74: 12-5 3
-, Nelta 88: 10-12 12
Milton (goat used in production of ‘The Rose Tattoo’) 71: 3-15 1
Milton Marathon 74: 12-5 3; 12-12 3
79: 1-26 1
81: 11-5 1
Minabe, Shigeo 88: 4-28 3
Minard, Jared 95: 4-13 9
‘Mind with a Dirty Man’ (play) 76: 9-16 7
Minden Junior High Methodist Youth Fellowship 71: 3-18 7
Minden Opera House 2002: 9-26 8
Minden School District, investigation of 93: 11-11 9
Mindenhall, Mary 80: 10-9 7 [Mendenhall]
Minderman, Marla
93: 12-9 10 (P)
94: 1-20 9, 11; 1-27 1, 10; 2-3 1; 2-10 1, 6; 2-17 1; 2-24 6; 3-3 6; 3-10 1; 3-17 6; 3-31 1, 9; 4-7 4; 4-14 6; 4-21 6; 4-28 4
Mindpower campaign 81: 10-1 8
Mindrep, John (see also Mindrup) 89: 9-28 4 (P)
Mindrup, Amy 88: 12-1 4
-, Deb
85: 2-28 7
86: 5-1 6 (P)
87: 2-19 2 (P); 4-9 4; 4-16 4
-, John (see also Mindrep) 89: 10-5 1 (P)
mine safety 86: 11-13 6
Minelli, Lisa 83: 7-14 4
Miner, Connie (see also Minor)
76: 3-18 7; 4-15 5
77: 3-17 8; 3-24 9; 3-31 8; 4-14 7; 4-21 9; 4-28 8
78: 4-6 8
79: 4-5 13
-, Duane 79: 5-3 4
Minerich, Lloyd
73: 5-3 8
74: 9-26 5
76: 11-18 1
78: 5-4 5
84: 7-26 5; 9-25 3; 10-23 16
85: 9-5 1; 10-3 6
86: 12-4 2
-, Michelle 99: 11-18 9
Minerick, Michelle 99: 10-7 4
Mines, Barry
78: 9-14 6
79: 2-15 1; 3-1 7; 9-27 1; 10-4 1 (P); 10-28 4
80: 2-14 3; 3-13 1 (P); 4-3 1, 4
82: 9-23 1; 10-14 3; 11-11 3
83: 4-28 5; 9-8 10; 10-6 7 (P); 10-20 5 (P); 11-17 7
84: 4-26 4 (P)
-, Gary 79: 3-1 3
Mingus, Christy 73: 4-5 3
-, Scott 82: 9-30 9
Mini 4-H Club 74: 4-25 5
Mini Art Contest 74: 1-24 6
Mini Rodeo
85: 10-17 4
88: 4-28 2
89: 10-19 2, 11
90: 10-11 14
94: 10-20 12, 13
2002: 10-3 2, 4
Mini Triathlon 85: 9-26 10
minibus, KSC’s purchase of 71: 9-23 1
73: 12-20 3
74: 1-31 3; 3-7 8; 10-24 4; 12-5 1
75: 1-16 3; 1-23 4; 5-1 4; 9-5 7; 11-6 3
76: 1-29 1, 6
-, Student Senate support for 76: 4-29 3
Minier, Sylviane 2001: 10-4 7
minimum wage
74: 5-9 1
81: 1-22 4
89: 6-22 3 (editorial)
-, increase in
75: 11-20 5
77: 12-1 4
90: 4-19 2
mining safety, grant to fund program in 87: 2-19 6
Mink Deville (band) 77: 7-28 1
Minnesota Jazz Dance Company
84: 11-1 3; 11-15 16; 11-29 18; 12-4 15
85: 2-26 4; 10-3 1
Minnesota Zen Meditation Center 84: 9-27 3; 10-4 1; 10-11 1; 10-18 1; 11-15 7; 12-4 11
Minnick, Scott 79: 7-19 7
-, Vicki
71: 9-23 4; 9-30 4
72: 9-21 7
-, William (Bill)
85: 3-21 9; 4-23 9; 6-25 1; 10-17 2; 10-23 5 (P)
87: 3-5 2; 5-7 10
Minning, Doug 71: 2-25 4
Minor, Connie (
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