Incluye obras escritas, visuales y audiovisuales (catálogos, guías, inventarios, etc.) de exposiciones. ARTS COUNCIL (London). Furniture, Textiles and Pottery Made at the Omega Workshop, 1946. [cit. en Fleming, Honour]
BALTIMORE. MUSEUM OF ART.Blue Traditions: Indigo Dyed Textiles and Related Cobalt Glazed Ceramics from the 17th through the 19th. Century. Baltimore: [c. 1973]. x, 203 p. Il. b. y n. y col. [MNBA]
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CITY MUSEUM AND ART GALLERY (Stoke-on-Trent).Unearthing Staffordshire. Towards a New Understanding of Eighteenth Century Ceramics. Tex.: David Barker, Pat Halfpenny. Stoke-on-Trent: City Museum and Art Gallery, 1990. [cit. en Clark].
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DAVIS, P. H. Wemyss Ware: The Developmen of a Decorative Scottish Pottery, c. 1883-1930. Edimburgo: 1971. [cit. en Fleming, Honour]
EVERSON MUSEUM OF ART (Syracuse, New York).A Century of Ceramics in the United States 1878-1978. A Study of its Development. Tex.: Garth Clark. Foreword: Ronald A. Kuchta. Preface: Margie Hughto .New York: E. P. Dutton [c.1979]. 371p. 326 Il. 40 Il. col. fot. [Exposición itinerante]. [MNBA].
EVERSON MUSEUM OF ART (Syracuse, New York).Adelaide Alsop Robineau, the Glory of Porcelain. Ed.: Peg Weiss. Syracuse (New York): Syracuse University Press, Everson Museum of Art. 1981. 235 p. [cit. en Peterson]. CA.
GERMANISCHES NATIONALMUSEUM (Nuremberg).Keramik in der Weimarer Republik 1919-1933. 1985. [cit. en Julier].
HONG KONG MUSEUM OF ART. Interaction in Ceramics: Oriental Porcelain & Delftware. Tex.: C. J. A.Jèorg. The Council, 1984. 218 p. Exhibition: January 6-February 15, 1984. [ 2000]
HÔTEL DE LALANDE (Bordeaux).Céramiques de René Buthaud. 1976. [cit. en Arwas].
INDIANAPOLIS MUSEUM OF ART (Bloomington, Indiana).Ice and Green Clouds. Tradition of Chinese Celadon. Tex.: Yutaka Mino, Katherin R. Tsiang. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986. 240 p. 87 Il. b. y n. y col. [Exposición itinerante]. [MNBA].
KUNSTGEWERBEMUSEUM (Zürich).Französischer Keramik 1850-1910. 1974. [cit. en Arwas].
KUNSTHALLE DER HYPO-KULTURSTIFTUNG (MŸnchen). Niki de Saint Phalle: Bilder, Figuren, Phantastiche Garten Herausgegben: Carla Schulz-Hoffman. Beitragen: Pierre Descargues. Red.: Pter Stepan. Ubersetzungen: Regula Dechamps. MŸnchen: Prestel [1987]. 160 p. Il. b. y n. y col. Bibl. Exposición: marzo 26-junio 6, 1987
KUNST-UND AUSSTELLUNGSHALLE DER BUNDERS REPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND (Stuttgart). Niki de Saint-Phalle. Tex.: Karl Gunnar Pontus Hulten. Stuttgart: G. Hatje, [1992]. 309 p. Il. b. y n. y col. Bibl. Lista de exposiciones. Exposición itinerante: Kunst-und Ausstellunghalle der Bundres Republik Deutschland (Stuttgart), 19. juni-1. november, 1992; Mc. Lellan Galleries (Glasgow), January 22-April 4, 1993; Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, juin-september, 1993.
KUSKOVO (URSS). Sovietskii Khudozhestvennye Farfor 1918-1923. Ed.: B.I. Alekseev. Moscow: Isdatelistvo Akademie Khudozhestv SSSR, 1992 [cit. en Lovanov].
LANDBERGER, M. Alt-Ludwigsburger Porzellan. Stuttgart: 1959. [cit. en Divis, Ernould-Gandouet].
LEMMEN, Hans van, MALAM, John (ed.).Fired Earth: 1000 Years of Tiles in Europe. Shepton Beauchamp, Somerset: Richard Dennis Publications, 1991. [cit. en Peterson]. [cit. en Herbert, Huggins].
MANCHESTER CITY ART GALLERY (Manchester). Porcelain from Europe. Tex.: S. MacDonald. Manchester:Manchester City Council, 1986. [cit. en Godden].
MUSÉE DE BROU (Bourg-en-Bresse).La Faïence de Meillonnas 1760-1845. Tex.: Jean Rosen. Bourg-en-Bresse; París: Musée de Brou; Societé Nouvelle Adam Biro, 1993. 234 p. fot. b. y n. y col. Bibl. Anexos razonados. Exposition: Bourg-en-Bresse, Musée de Brou, avril 23-septembre 5, 1993; Sèvres, Musée National de Céramique, septembre 28, 1993-janvier 3, 1994.
MUSÉE DES ARTS DÉCORATIFS (Paris).Le Décor de la Vie de 1900-1925. 1937. [cit. en Arwas].
MUSÉE NATIONAL DE CÉRAMIQUE (Sèvres).De la Terre et du Feu. Cinq Potiers Contemporains. Pierre Bayle, René Beu Lisa, Claude Champy, Jean Girel, Daniel de Montmollin. Paris: Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 1983. 82 p. Il. b. y n. y col. [MNBA]
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MUSEO CIVICO DI BASSANO (Bassano). Catalogo della 1º Mostra di Ceramiche Antiche di Bassano, delle Nove e di Vicenza…Tex.: Gino Barioli. Venezia: Pozza, 1954. 80 p. Il. CA. [cit. en Fleming, Honour]
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MUSEO MUNICIPAL DE ARTE ESPAÑOL ENRIQUE LARRETA (Buenos Aires).Cerámica Española. Buenos Aires: 1986. s.p. Il. [MNBA]
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MUSEO NACIONAL DE ARTE DECORATIVO (Buenos Aires).El Azulejo. Buenos Aires: 1971. s.p. 18 Il. [MNAD: 738.81.B.928.A.].
MUSEO NACIONAL DE ARTE DECORATIVO (Buenos Aires). Porcelana Compañía de Indias. Tex.: Federico Aldao, Roberto C. Bissone. 1969. s.p.Bibl. Exposición: septiembre-octubre, 1969. [INSC]. CA.
MUSEO POLDI PEZZOLI (Milano). Maioliche di Lodi, Milano e Pavia. Milano: 1964. [cit. en Fleming, Honour]
MUSEUM BELLERIVE.Emille Gallé Keramik, Glas und Möbels des Art Nouveau. Zürich: 1980. [cit. en Christie’s “Lucien”].
MUSEUM BOYMANS-VAN BOUNINGEN (Rotterdam). Keramische Kontrasten; Ledendaaçse Keramick vit Duitsland. Rotterdam: 1972. 59 p. Il. [MNBA].
PALAZZO DUCALE (Urbino). Maiolica Metaurense. Rinascimentale, Barocca, Neoclassica. Cur., tex.: Corrado Leonardi. 157 p. fot. b. y n. y col. Exposición: agosto 10-septiembre 1, 1996.
PETRASCH, E. Durlacher Fayencen 1723-1847. Karlsruhe: 1975
PLEGUEZUELO HERNÁNDEZ, Alfonso.La Cerámica en Triana (siglos XVI-XIX). Granada: Caja General de Ahorros, 1985. [cit. en Vivas].
PRÉAUD, Tamara. Porcelaines de Vincennes. Les Origines de Sèvres. Paris: 1977-1978. [Exposición]. [cit. en Fleming, Honour].
REGGI, G. L.Le Ceramica in Imola dal XIV al XIX Secoli. Imola: 1976 [cit. en Fleming, Honour]
REGGI, G. L., LIVERANI, Giuseppe. La Cerámica Graffita in Emilia-Romagna. Modena: 1971. [cit. en Fleming, Honour].
REISS MUSEUM (Mannheim). Mosbacher Fayencen 1770-1836. Mannheim: 1971 [cit. en Fleming, Honour]
RICHARD DENNIS (London). Doulton Stoneware Pottery. London: Richard Dennis, 1971.
STAATLICHE SCHLOSSER UND GARTEN (Berlin). Konigliche Porzelan Manufaktur 1750-1965. Berlin: 1982. 102 p. Il. b. y n. y col. Marcas de porcelana. [MNBA]
STOKE-ON-TRENT MUSEUM AND ART GALLERY. Minton Tiles 1835-1935. Tex.: Deborah S. Skinner, Hans van Lemmen. 1984. [cit. en Herbert, Huggins].
SYRACUSE MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS (Syracuse, New York). Selections from the XX Ceramic International. Tex.: Henry Varnum Poor. Syracuse (New York): Syracuse Museum of Fine Arts, [c. 1958]. [cit. en R. Craig Miller].
THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART (New York). “Elegant China Ware”: Paris Porcelain in America. Exhibition: March 17-June 14, 1998. [cit. en MMA Calendar].
VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM (London).The Genius of Wedgwood. Ed.: Hilary Young. London: Victoria and Albert Museum, 1995. 240 p. Il. b. y n. y col. [cit. en Christie’s Books].
VOSKNIL-GREENEWEGEN, LANG, A., MILLER, A. Ansbacher und Den Haagen Porsellan. Dusseldorf: 1980. [cit. en Fleming, Honour]