According to Biogas-E, the platform for anaerobic digestion for Flanders, a number of support measures exist in Flanders:
Green power
According to the ‘Decree of the Flemish Government of 5 March 2004 on the subject of the promotion of electricity generation from renewable energy sources’, green power certificates can be attributed for electricity generated from biogas originating from the digestion of organic biological waste. It doesn’t matter whether this biogas originates from an digestion facility or a landfill.
The producer of electricity from renewable energy sources can apply for Green Power Certificates (GPC). Per MWh produced from renewable sources (f.i. biogas), the producer will obtain 1 GPC. This is kept on an internet-based software platform. The producer can (virtually) trade these certificates of hand them in to fulfil his obligations (electricity are obliged to provide a certain percentage of their supplied electricity to the final consumers from the previous year from renewable energy). GPC certificates can be traded freely so their value is determined by the market. There is nevertheless a minimum price. For GPC from organic-biological matter this is 90€, and this is guaranteed until 10 years after commissioning.
Combined heat and power (CHP)
The system for CHP certificates is similar to the one of the GPC and it can be cumulative to the GPC. Electricity suppliers have to fulfil a certain quotum of CHP certificates, otherwise they will be fined at 40€ per missing certificate. A CHP certificate is allocated for every 1000 kWk heat one has saved due to the use of the CHP.
A number of support measures exist to call on when planning an investment in regard to anaerobic digestion (general subsidy possibilities are not mentioned):
Ecology premium
Increased investment deduction
Support to demonstration projects for energy technologies
Growth premium
VLIF (Flemish Agricultural Investment Funds) support
CO2 bonus
CO2 cannot be left out when talking about horticulture. Specific CO2-fertilization takes place in the sector. On the other hand, flue gasses from CHPs are mostly blown into the air, even though they contain CO2 as well.
The Flemish government wants to stimulate the use of these flue gasses for CO2-fertilization and has come up with a fiscal stimulus. Whenever a CHP is used for the production of CO2, the measures quantity of produced and used heat is increased by 10% for the calculation of heat savings.
Green heat
Presently, there is only a compensation foreseen for green heat which is released by 2/3 during electricity production via a CHP.
Green gas
In Flanders no regulation currently exists around a support measure for bio-methane or green gas. Green gas or bio-methane is biogas (around 50-70% CH4) which is processed to natural gas quality (>95% CH4, sometimes with addition of propane to the mixture).
According to Valbiom, Biogas production in the Walloon region (Belgium), 2007, some incentives may help stakeholders for biogas projects:
“Biomethanisation facilitator” who ensures the promotion of biogas production and utilization, negotiates with administrative and political authorities, carries out a prefeasibility study free of charge, informs stakeholders about subsidies, grant, licences or permits, calculates number of Green Certificates to be obtained, estimates the potential resources…;
Different types of subsidies: FIA, FEADER, for cooperative of farmers/ private companies…;
Subsidies for feasibility study;
Period for guaranteed value of Green Certificates has been extended to 15 years for biogas project.
Aids (subsidies) from public authorities are:
Aid(Subsidies) for economic development: grants for investments in a biogas plant located in the Walloon Region (grants from the Ministry of the Walloon Region- General Direction of Economy & Employment)
Who is concerned?
legal entity : small or medium Firm or company established in Wallonia
small company: < 50 people employed, turnover < 7 million €
medium company: <250 people employed, turnover < 27 million €
Amount of the grant:
A grant of maximum 15% of investment programme (specific for the production of renewal energy). The amounts of the aid are adjusted according the size of the company and according the location of the plant site (economic activity zone or outside activity zone)
eligible investments: land, buildings, new equipment, purchase of licences or patents
minimum sum to invest:
4,400 € (for a family firm (company) < than 21 people employed)
125,000 € (for a small company employing < than 50 people)
250,000 € (employing between 50 and 100 people)
375,000 € (employing between 100 and 150 people)
500 000 € (employing between 150 and 250 people)
a minimum of 25% of the investment have to be made by the company applying for the grant
Fiscal aids (tax incentives)
Tax exemption on withholdings on real estates
For a period of 5 years for a SME (small, medium enterprise), for a period of 3 to 5 years for other companies (depending on increase in employment )
Possibilities for paying bigger capital allowances (rapid reimbursement) during 3 successive years.
Aid for consultancy
Who is concerned?
consultant must be registered (authorized) by the Walloon Region
Physical or legal person based in the Walloon Region (exception for non-profit making association)
+ conditions on financial status of the entity.
Amount of the aid: maximum 75% of consultant fees (with a maximum limit of 12,500€ and consultant fees of maximum 620€ per day)
support for pre-feasibility study in order to analyse general situation and the relevance of such a project
support for technical advise
not applicable for an audit
Aids to farming sector in the case of the installation of a biogas plant in the Walloon Region (Agricultural Investment Fund)
Who is concerned?
Pyhsical or legal person operating in that agricultural activities (crop production, animal breeding). The applicant must be established (located) in the Walloon Region.
a cooperative having activity of processing and selling agricultural products
Type of the aid (3 possibilities):
interest-rate subsidies: interest rate on investment amounts to 1% (with a maximum rate of 5%)
Public guarantee for reimbursement on capital investment or interest. (the total guarantee cannot exceed 75% of the capital borrowed)
Grant for capital if the farmer does not apply for a loan.
minimum amount of the loans: 6,197.4 €
+ other conditions
Subsidies from the Walloon Region to conduct a study of a project for the production & use of energy from wet biomass
Amount: 50% of the feasibility study with a maximum amount of 2,500 € for the proposed biogas plant treatment of wet biomass as substrates and maximum installed power capacity of 10 MWth.
Green Certificates mechanism for green electricity production also works: in order to finance additional cost of green electricity production and to ensure a definite quota of green electricity produced, transferable certificates (GC) are issued to producers for a number of kWh corresponding to a MWh divided by the CO2 saving rate. GC are market based instruments with a minimum price guaranteed at 65€/GC.
Now for biogas units, entitlement to the issuance of green certificates is guaranteed for 15 years as of the date of notification of acceptance by the Walloon Commission for Energy.
Impact Categories
Please refer to sections 2.1.1 to 2.1.4, 2.2.1, 2.2.3, 2.2.4, 2.2.6 and 2.3 of this document for a detailed overview.
Accumulated energy demand
Please refer to section 2.1.5 of this document.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
In 2008, Belgium emitted 133.3 Mt CO2-equivalents, ranking 10th amongst the EU-27. The agricultural sector was responsible for 7.3% of those emissions (in the same year) while CO2 held the largest share of GHG with 87.9%, followed by N2O (5.7%), CH4 (4.9%) and F-gases (1.5%) (European Environment Agency).
Please refer to section 1.1.2 and 1.2.2 of this document.
Please refer to section 1.1.3 (Figure ) and 1.2.3 of this document.
Please include the key drivers and challenges of your country in this section as well.
Belgium is a federal state divided into two major regions (Flanders and the Walloon region) which are different from each other in terms of agricultural activities and legislation. Similar to many industrialised regions all over the world Belgium is characterized by intensive animal farming and reducing acres of arable land. Consequently, the manure production originating from such intensive animal farming exceeds in many cases the regional capacity for use as a fertilizer. This puts a heavy burden on the environment and has specifically in Flanders lead to overfertilisation and eutrofication of ground – and surface water. Subsequently, Belgium was in 2005 condemned by the European Court of Justice for breaches of the Nitrate Directive. In response the different regional governments ordered different measures aimed at a better nutrient management which should result in improved water quality and a reduced N and P soil surplus. In the last years improvements have been noticed for those two aspects, though continuous caution is still required. Better coordination and harmonisation of Flemish and Walloon manure policies (ex. Manure transport) could mean an important improvement for the current situation, though remains an important challenge at this point of time.
The introduction of obliged excess manure processing in Flanders has been an important driver in terms of nutrient management and has lead to the establishment of a nutrient processing industry in Flanders including amongst others separation units, biological treatment and anaerobic (co)digestion. Although technically a lot of progress has been made in anaerobic digestion, the full development of biodigestion is currently still hampered by unclarities and unstability in the legislative and supportive framework. Furthermore, there is a need for policy revision on digestate and its derivatives at the regional, national and European level to further develop biodigestion. The latter is highly necessary as it was stated that anaerobic digestion is a crucial factor in our attempts to achieve the Belgian 2020 guidelines. Finally, we also expect nutrient recuperation to become an important driver in future nutrient management and further sustainable development of anaerobic digestion.
Agro Business Park (2011), Manure processing activities in Europe, Final Report to the European Commission, Directorate-General Environment, Manure Processing Activities in Europe - Project reference: ENV.B.1/ETU/2010/0007
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