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Any input/corrections are welcome. Thanks.

8.13.1 Some comments

-> This nation seems to be all about missiles. I have put together a pretender with fire and air and plan to research up to Flaming Arrows and Wind Guide. The national mages are not well set up for those spells, thus the pretender with those paths.
You could get a lucky random, then a forged item and Phoenix Pyre and the Air equivalent, but that would come fairly late in the game. That is why I am counting on a pretender who can back up at least one army with the spells.
What are people¿s thoughts on this idea, a powerful missile force made up of cheap archers that hit all the time with flaming missiles? Any other ideas for boosting their power?
Also tied to this nation, let me ask for thoughts on a related issue. My immediate neighbor Helheim, who have troops with good defense and protection, as well as shields, if memory serves. They are very good at dealing with missile fire and deal with my infantry rather well, rapidly moving on to the archers. Until I get Flaming Arrows, how do I deal with the heavy amour nations?
As a final note, I look forward to seeing the monkeys throw sticks and stones with Wind Guide and Flaming Arrows! Sure, it is not sensible, but it is such a cool idea!

Helheim does actually have nice protection for EA. Prot 12 is good for EA, and they have both shields AND mirror image effect from Glamour. Someone'll probably tell you that Helheim is overpowered and scary and will kill you whatever you do, but actually that only happens if you play against one of the more skilled players.

If you click on the random, you'll notice that neither Yakshas or Yakshinis can get Air or Fire random, only one of Water, Earth, Astral and Nature. Some of their national summons come with Air. Kinnara is the first one IIRC, a flying A2H2 or H3 mage or so. You'll have more troubles getting Fire.
Phoenix Power is the Fire booster. Phoenix Pyre has altogether different use... Storm Power, the air booster, only works during Storms which hamper missiles, so going that rout won't actually give you anything.

-> W9 bless gives Yavana Archers 1.5 longbow attacks with their higher precision compared to 3.5 attacks of Atavi, or almost 2 bandar. It mightn't be cost-effective, but I used them for Hold&Attack. Awe and high defense worked well enough until my enemy recruited insane amounts of Archers, and then I lost.

The lesser Death effect, increased amounts of afflictions, works with ranged weapons. That might work too, but Kailasa's access to various Astral spells and Petrification can deal with most SCs; they don't really need the minor boost Death would provide.
Kailasa has access to very good sacred units in the Gandharva of Conjuration 5. They are expensive, but have wonderful protection, especially for EA.
-> Been playing around with Kailasa recently, and imo a w9 bless is great, the only weakness as mentioned previously, is massed archers, however that can be rectified with an accompanying air bless, arrow fend, storm. Or simply set up a screen and amass long bows to pelt the opposing archers.

would not get a water bless with kailasa, as you can cast celestial music and then get quickness for free. And the quickness from the W9 bless does not stack with the quickness from celestial music. so everything you will have left from w9 is a +4 to defence.

I would use arrow fend, wit conj6 you can summon kinnaras, who are able to cast arrow fend. In the early game you can use markata decoys to eat the arrows while expanding, in the midgame ghandarvas are heavy enough armoured to witstand enemy archers.


With regards to problems expanding without a combat pretender. Once you get 10+ Yavana's backed by missle troops (sticks n stones or bows) you'll roll over indy's (even hvy cav) without any problems. So ideally to compensate for the slow start you'll want to have a couple of these packs of Yavana's running about.

Just use markata archers as decoys, and the yavanas can enter into meelee withoug taking too much damage from archers. For kailasa heavy cav is no problem anyway due to awe. But i would really watch out to the provinces that have much archers.

Imo opinion the most important goals to strive for are to get a second fort up so that you can make sacreds from two places, and to research conj5 for gandharvas (great units) giving you access to 3 good melee sacreds.
Note: To help with starting expansion I like to go markata archers and atavi infantry. The bandar commander becomes the prophet scripted sermon of co. x2 then holy avenger and smitex2. Have both the archers and inf on fire closest, and position them parallel to each other to avoid cross fire. Most importantly tho, started pumping out yavana's by turn 3, and get a yaksha on your second turn.
Some interesting pretender choices.
Awake Nataraja W9






It's very important to research construction 2, followed by alt2. You can either take your chances and have him help fight in the beginning (he can take Yavana's who will do most of the fighting to minimize the chance of him getting wounded) or have him sit and research construction 2 in ~5 turns. Once construction 2 is done fill up his equipment slots with cheap gear, and let him loose! He can easily have a defense skill over 30, a pendant of luck, a tower shield, and 4 attacks if he's given a horned helmet. Once alteration 2 is researched he can cast quicken self.
Dormant Destroyer of Worlds A7W9D2




A great dual bless for kailasa's sacreds. Once he wakes up you'll have a solid spellcaster/ranged attacker, and ready access to air magic.
*Mother of Rivers
You can easily get a w9 a7 bless and good scales with her if she's dormant, or you can minimize the bless/scales and have her awake. She's a guaranteed source of water gems, which will allow you to better use yakshini's, and help you expand under the sea.
Dormant Lady of Fortune S9W9




I don't know how well the twist of fate with go with the blessed troops, however she can lead armies underwater.
8.13.2 Kailasa guide Original Article

Article Author: Alpine Joe
Now i'm still pretty inexperienced at this game, so take all this with a grain of salt, but I think I have discovered a way to make Kailasa's opening work in CBM.
Kailasa is a strange nation. You've got awesome earth magic, sacreds with no armor and awe, and weak non-sacred recruitables.

Expanding is rough. Do you pay out the *** for a huge blessing on sacreds that arrows chew up? Do you go for an awake pretender and lost any kind of bless for all of your awesome summonable sacred troops and mages? Do you go good scales and try to use monkey troops, bad as they are? No. You have another option. let me explain.

First off here is what you want for a pretender. Take an awake Great sage with 4F4A4W4E4S4N2D (or other mix of similarly rainbowed magic) you can afford this by taking O3S3H3D2L0M1
Start out by having that poor starting army patrol. Turn up taxes as much as you feel comfortable. I usually go with 180, but I don't know a lot about patrolling, there may be a better choice. Set your pretender to research alteration. He will be doing that for a while. Recruit a Yaksha per turn and spend your resources on the armored Bandars. Don't expand yet. What! No expansion until turn 3? What is wrong with you? Don't worry you'll be fine.
As soon as you hit alteration 2 its time to expand. The good thing is you can now use all of those Yakshas you have to do your expansion. With passive awe and good physical stats, all your yakshas need is protection. ironskin/stoneskin handily fills this role and you can cast it at low fatigue. With just a blessing and ironskin, each of your yakshas can solo weak indies. However a pair of them can take most medium strength indies (and elephant provinces). If you get some with astral, have them script a body ethereal, which will hit both members of the pair if you position them on the battlefield correctly (the back corner).

Try this, it works. With the nature regen bless, affliction rates are low enough to be tolerable. You have a lot of extra buffs available, but measure their value against the extra fatigue they cause.

These pairs of yakshas can expand against almost anything. Use several pairs, plus your starting army (augmented with Bandars) to grab 3 provinces per round for the next few turns. You should comfortably have about 12 provinces by the end of year 1, which I believe is a decent rate. Put up an additional fortress for gurus
Meanwhile your pretender has kept researching alteration. All this comes together at the beginning of year 2, when you get invulnerability. Now each of your yakshas can take on almost all indies alone. Send your pretender out to site search, while remaining yakshas and gurus pick up the research slack. When you hit alteration six its time for your first war.
Recruit some of the unarmored bandars and bring 6-8 yakshas and go kick the *** of the guy who thought kailasa was a good target early. Put your yakshas in the front in a clump and script invulnerability-attack. Have your prophet do a divine bless or just clump them together and have a yaksha do it. Meanwhile one remaining yaksha casts ironbane. Your yakshas move to the front, where their low fatigue and 25 protection make them very hard to take down. Meanwhile your Bandars throw sticks and stones all over them. Enemy armor shatters and suddenly all those sticks and stones are hitting really hard. This is a pretty effective army for your first war, but its only a stop-gap. At the end of year 2 you get alteration 7. Now you have fog warriors castable by your pretender, and marble warriors. These two spells+iron bane+hordes of sticks and stones chaff+ super tough yaksha thugs is a combo that is very good. And this is happening at the end of year two, where you are probably still fighting nationals.
Anyway, you have effective expansion and the tools to fight your first war. Now switch and research construction and conjuration and do your standard clam spam+astral summons. You have a pretty good bless for those ghandarvas. Siddhas eventually take over fog warriors duty for big fights.
some other things to remember:
1) You have petrification and the mages to use it. It is one of the best anti-anything big and lonely spells in the game. Paralyzed thugs/scs will get swarmed and taken down by hordes of monkeys. And you get it really early.
2)strength of the giants is pretty good with sticks+stones, so if you have the time to research it, it will pay off.
3) a rainbow pretender means heavy and diversified gem production. Kailasa can get into every school (with rudras), so you should have plenty of use for your gems
4) You will eventually get devasura and you can use him to hunt for slaves and eventually get bloodstones. This pays off late game as you can use earth gems to summon yakshas.

Anyway thats all of my ideas for Kailasa. I'd love to hear some feedback from more experienced players/reasons why this strategy is bad. Comments
-> It's not bad at all AJ, thanks for posting it.
But not expanding until Turn 6 is concerning. Sure this works just fine against the AI, but in multiplayer, you'll find that everyone is expanding as rapidly and as viciously as possible in all directions.
Of course this depends on map size, but on a (rather standard) 15 province/player map, capitals are only separated by ~2 empty provinces, so by turn 6 you can expect someone to take a capital-adjacent-province. A BIG misstep.
But I can see it working well on a larger map. Though I'd personally prophet-ize my monkey scout and have him Sermon of Courage spam my starting army that's tackling the weakest looking indies. I'd also immediately send out every Astral Yaksha scripted with (Barkskin)(Personal Luck)(hold)(hold)(hold)(Attack Rearmost), which should do equally well against archerless indies.
[Well in response to cleveland:
I don't think barkskin alone is enough protection, even against non-archer indies. You then run too big of a risk of losing Yakshas, which you really can't afford. You could potentially do it with stoneskin at alteration 2 though. I haven't tried it but 15 protection might be enough. That would let you start expanding with yakshas on turn 4, which would be a huge improvement.
Also you can start expanding with the starting army earlier, I probably would if I found weak enough indies next to the capital. I probably over-stated the case in the guide for dramatic effect; I really wanted to emphasize that you can expand with only yakshas. Regardless of when you start expanding, the main point of the guide is that yakshas help augment expansion in the middle of year one in a significant way that kailasa has problems doing in other ways. My experience so far in multiplayer games is that I really don't start brushing up against other nations borders in a big way until turn 11-12, which i think gives you enough of a window to get away with slightly slower expansion in the first few turns, as long as it kicks in strong at 6-7.

-> Your biggest flaw in the strategy guide is the slow turn 6 expansion as cleveland mentions. Also, I think most people overestimate Kailasa's sacreds. They're /ok/ but honestly I don't think they're all that great. They're workable with air shield and minor blesses but I'd probably just use their archers and a SC pretender for expansion help.

-> Kailasa's archers are actually pretty good, and are pretty easy to mass. Their main problem is lack of any good melee units (that aren't resource intensive). Their sacred are decent, but the lack of armor or shields on any except their cap-only ones and summons makes it painful for them in the shortbow heavy Early Era.
I think waiting 6 turns is a bit of a stretch. You can go with 4 turns, maybe. But 6 turns is kinda difficult to recover from. You're going to have do make some major expansion to make up the gap.
-> How about a great sage instead of the enchantress? A great sage with Order 3 Sloth 3 Heat 3 Mis 2 Magic 1 and a bunch of magic can research alt-3 by turn 4. Then you send out your 4 yakshas who can buff up and have minor earth, nature, fire, air blesses. The first 5 turns are slow but after that your expansion ramps up quickly enough that you could be leading in provinces and research.
I faced a similar pretender design for Eriu in a recent game and it turned out pretty well for him. It went so well that he eliminated me before year 2 ended, and I think he's currently one of the top contenders in the game.
I think with a couple tweaks your strategy has some real promise
[ Well I thought about the sage, and i think its a good debate. However the enchantress comes with pearl generation, which I like, and its cheaper to get enough air to cast fog warriors. I could certainly see an argument for the sage though. I will try out the build later tonight and see if it works as well. Also on the agenda: see if yakshas can expand with stoneskin.

Edit: I tried it out with the sage and stoneskin. Stoneskin lets you unleash your first yaksha expansion party on turn 3. You can then expand as quickly as you build yakshas, switching to ironskin on turn 5 and invulnerability on turn 11-12. The sage dramatically improves research. You lose out on pearl generation, and casting fog warriors is a little harder, but I think it is well worth it.

Good idea statttis, this is exactly the kind of feedback I was looking for. Now Kailasa's expansion really is competitive.


-> would not drop the sacreds, as they make up most of your attack power, also a strong bless will benefit your SCs in the endgame.

With 10 Yavanas and a priest and some markata chaff you can take almost all provinces you like with only loosing the markata you uses as decoys.
Also celestial music is your key to power, as it quickens your sacreds.
Against Arrows you can use ghandarvas first and later arrow fend, so you should not have too much problems.
If you get a strong bless for your sacreds, you will scale very good through the game, your build you propose looses all strengths of kailasa.
-> You want a bless with Kailasa, don't need a rainbow mage since they have all paths on mages or summons.
They also don't need a SC awake pretender since their sacreds are greats.

Try a bless like S9W8A6. Twist fate for those initial attacks, 40% air shield is enough for everyone except Cealum, and +4 defense from water 8, don't need 9 since they have a national spell for quickness.

Ocacle, imprisoned with order3, sloth3, magic1, miforutne2, heat3, high dominion.
They have great summonable sacreds which are great with a bless.
And Kailasa has great potential for clamming also.
They can expand damn quickly also.

Prophet first turn with 6-7 Yakashas can take any province, knights also, and that's a new expanding party every turn.

Oh yeah, astral is for wish and those astral national summons, and MR +3 is good for sacreds since they are magic beings.

8.14 Patala

8.14.1 Guide to playing Patala competitively

Just as a note first off, I don't usually play SP unless it's for testing reasons. You can get away with almost anything against the computer anyway because the AI is retarded. This guide is for Patala in MP, enjoy! ^.^

Patala is a nation of Nagahs who uses a few primate minions to do their biddings. But they're mostly Nagahs =). You can read the manual for most of their descriptive stuff not to mention right click most of the units to see what they cost, etc. I'm assuming you know how to read when writing this guide so I'm not going to bother with menial details.

Markata: I have no idea why these are in the game. Those clubs aren't going to deal much damage (read: none) and they die like flies. Actually no, they die way easier than flies. Damn buggers. Never recruit this unit. Even if you need a archer decoy. VERY lame version of lobo guards.

Markata archers: Oh god, I've never even SEEN small bows before. Oh jeebus these suck ass too. Because they suck so much and are cheap, great for sacrificial lambs though as archer decoys, lance soakers. Most good players will use "target archers" against you, so use these to mess up their script. I don't build much of these since your initial squad of them should last you awhile but reinforce with these every so and often to save your more valuable troops.

Atavi archers: they can move pretty fast on the map and have stealth. They have bows too and aren't too expensive. Still they because they're pretty much like villains. And villains suck. Unless they're super villains. Which these certainly are not.
Update: Alright they're not THAT bad in second thought. They have great raiding potential with a nagini leader (change shape for stealth) who can script quickening. Since raiding is pretty much the bread and butter of early to mid game wars, it's a good deterrent against trigger happy players. Of course, I'd probably just bluff that I have these during negotiation stage and avoid recruiting them altogether that way. =)

Vanara Archer: Atavi archers without the stealth and more armor and more resource cost. Needless to say, they suck too.

Vanara Infantry: Like Vanara archers except they get a buckler instead of the bow. Average cost. Pretty much a crappy version of heavy infantry indies. So ... you won't be buying much of them either.

Vanara Swordsmen: Their stats aren't terrible. A bit better than Vanara Infantry. Their gold to resource ratio isn't bad if you have little gold. But generally if you have no gold you shouldn't be buying subpar troops anyway because heavy infantry from indies are still better. Not a terrible choice for the first few turns if for some unknown reason you took prod: 3 for this nation.

Light Bandar Archers: Wow, the first serviceable unit of this line. Good hit points and an awesome range attack with above average morale. Expensive as hell but the longbow is a ridiculously good weapon. Oh yeah they have no protection whatsoever so be sure to get some archer decoy and screens for them. Try to get heavier bandar archers for archer decoying because smart players will script their archers to fire archers or large monsters if they see you massing these. You'll be spending most of your gold on these units a lot unless you have a lot of resources ...

Bandar Archers: In which case, these are a better buy. Same as above but they won't pop to opposing fire so quickly.

Light Bandar Warrior: Pretty meh. Think of them as bootlegged light infantry (the javelin variety). In other words, not too great.

Bandar Warrior: Comes in two varieties, the cudgel isn't horrible, still subpar prot and prone to getting hit a lot but they have 18 hit points. Still too expensive and the mace one gets a buckler which is better. I use these for screens a lot early on or the vanara swordsmen. Actually, I take that back. I usually don't build any of these since early on I just build the bandar archers.

Elephant: Not bad units especially if you bring along a yogi to ethereal them. Too bad their morale is so poor that you need to balance them out by grouping them with Bandars. And bandar troops suck. You can group them with nagahs too but those troops are even worse.

Naga: Sacred but bad. Read above about nagah troops being even worse. If you're bored and no one's taken the seas yet late game, you can grab about fourty of them and maybe take on thirty tritons. Oh wait, they're poor amphibians. Ok ten tritons.

Nagah Warriors: Eh I guess it's workable with an e9/n9 bless. But so does a lot of other sacreds that aren't overpriced in both gold and resources. Like fourty of these will be able to break underwater first. You can body ethereal them too with one of your naga mages to make things easier. Still not very recommended.

Markata Scout: You start with one of these, and you'll never need to recruit another one since you should be buying indie scouts. Oh yeah buy a lot of indie scouts.

Atavi Chieftain: If you ever feel the need to mass atavi and go for a stealth run, you should play vanheim or Pan. Not Bandars.

Vanara Captain: Yeah these suck. Buy indie commanders.

Bandar Commander: See above. You start with one of these too.

Brahmin: I recruited one of these by accident. And that's the only time these should make it into your army.

All your mages are sacred which leads to a possibility of e4 bless. Too bad your priests suck though. But there's always indies!

Yogi: Uber cheap s1 researchers, communicants, and horror markers until they fix the spell.

Guru: Not bad, s2 lets you start soul slaying en masse once you get a banner of the north star going or that light of the north whatever spell it's called. It's in the conjuration tree. I recommend spamming these later game in your fort/lab centers since your nagahs are capital only.

Nagaraja: I recruited one of these by accident. If you REALLY need sermon of courage (which you shouldn't since your troops suck besides Bandar archers) you might want to give these a whirl. Otherwise they're decent but naginis are way better in comparisant. You can pseudo thug with these but I don't like to.

Nagarishi: OWNAGE mage for late era. Really frigging amazing. Blade winder, falling frost, Rust Mist. Lots of nifty goodies. Watch out for astral duelers but you can fix those easy to spamming gurus out of your other forts. If you can afford these every turn, make sure to make them every turn.

Naginis: Decent assassination thanks to seduction but you need a bit of spells to get them to that status. I buy these as researchers and site searchers earlier if I can't afford Nagarishi's but don't want to stinge on yogis. They are really good just nagarishis are awesome and alas all the naga mages are cap only.

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