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-> Shockwave is not so hot.

Note that Wind Guide is actually "mass aim", so it helps people who cast damaging spells such as thunderstrike hit more often. This is a big deal.
To summarise, this is my recommended research order:

Const 6 (if you can get this far without fighting another player), Alter 4, Ench 6, Conj 3, Thau 1, Evoc 6

The basic (AAES) guys aren't much use in combat - unless an opponent is trying super-combatants, in which case by all means cast lightning bolt until you're blue in the face. They aren't even good communion slaves (since they have a high enc from being old.) Nonetheless, that's probably the best use for them in combat - otherwise, leave them at home to make science. If you cast storm, they can all cast Storm Power and then follow up with some useful spells (see AAAES below.)
AAAES can cast Arrow Fend (ench 6), Thunderstrike and the various ghost spells are probably your best bet for spells to spam.

AAEES can cast Summon Earthpower to get to E3, and then cast blade wind (evoc, against Mictlan) or Destruction (alter, against armored opponents,) or Gifts from Heaven (evoc, against giants).

AAEFS can cast Power of the Spheres (Conj) and then Phoenix Power (Conj) to cast real fire magic, particularly flaming arrows (Ench) which is very nice for your all archer army. Otherwise, you can make them communion masters, and then have them follow the flaming arrows with magma eruption (evoc). Astral fires is also a great spell but I think magma eruption is better.

AAESS can cast several utility spells (anti-magic, ench), or if you give them a 4-man communion they can cast enslave mind (thau) and other sexy astral stuff.

As Man, you probably want to spend most of your gems on combat magic and research items. Your military is pretty competent all around - you can make trolls and things if you have a gem glut but it's seldom really worth the trouble. A few boosting items can be useful - if you make a Communion Matrix, for example, and put it on a mage on the bottom of the batting order, you can get spells like Arrow Fend off on the first turn, which can make a big difference, actually.

Anyway, the spells you want are:

Forge Quills (Const 2)

Legions of Steel (Const 3)

Forge Lightless Lanterns (Const 6)

The various power-boosting spells (Conj 3)

Communion (Thau 1)

Flaming Arrows (Ench 4)

Arrow Fend (Ench 6)

Ghost Wolves (Alter 3)

Destruction (Alter 4)

Curse of Stones (Alter 4)

Wind Guide (Alter 4)

Phantasmal Army (Alter 5)

Phantasmal Army (Alter 6)

Thunder Strike (Evoc 4)

Blade Wind (Evoc 4)

Gifts from Heaven (Evoc 5)

Magma Eruption (Evoc 6)
For the late game, the following spells are really nuts:

Mists of Deception (Ench 8)

Fog Warriors (Alter 7)

Will of the Fates (Alter 8)

Army of Gold (Alter 9)

Master Enslave (Thau 9)

All of this should be cast while driven by a communion. Mater enslave requires a 32 member communion to be practical at all - but it really is a terrific spell.

Couldn't you do it with 16 and an S2 Magister Arcane?


Communion Master(16 slaves, +4S) = S6

Power of the Spheres (1 pearl, +1S) = S7

Light of the Northern Star (1 pearl, +1S, cast by someone else) = S8

Master Enslave (requires S8)
Throw in a couple of item boosters and it should be quite practical with 4-8 communion slaves. Unless, I mean, you've got oodles of communion slaves hanging around anyway.


The issue is - do you want the slaves to live? Also, do you want to cast any other spells out of your communion? (answer: yes, you absolutely do, master enslave is great but not THAT great.)
8 Slaves -> Slaves are S4, Fatigue = 800 * 5 / 8 = 500, so instead death.

16 Slaves -> Slaves are S5, Fatigue = 800 * 4 / 16 = 200, so inatant death.

Okay, the actual fatigue the units can survive is:

200 + 9 (hit points) - 25 (for communion slave) - 20 (encumberance * 4 personal cost for master enslave) = 166.

20 Slaves -> 800 * 4 / 20 = 160.
So you can get one off if you have 20 slaves. BUT you can't cast anything else through the communion! This is very bad.
32 Slaves -> Slaves are S6, Fatigue = 800 * 2 / 32 = 50.
So, if you have 32 slaves, you can have two communion masters casting it AT THE SAME TIME. Now we're cooking with gas.

-> On another front for LA Man, don't forget the regular Magisters and the Judges.

Spies are always good, and some of them wind up with useful magic.
The Judges can get both Fire and Death, for Flaming skulls, and the fire ones can then, with Phoenix Power, cast Flaming Arrows.
Both can be built without labs, which is a nice feature.
-> If you have more skill than the required path the fatigue cost is lowered. so with skill 9 you only pay half.

32 is too much but it's ok to add penetration wich is BADLY needed.

that's true, and if your skill is 1 *less* than what is required, you pay double.

The communion slaves pay their share of the fatigue

You cannot cast the spell if your skill is less
Yes you can, if you are a communion slave.

There is a hidden mechanism which I described above.

Say I'm an S4 caster with two S2 communion slaves, and I cast "Will of the Fates" (S4, 400 fatigue.)

I'm boosted to S5, so I pay (400 / 2) / 3 ~= 66 fatigue.

My slaves are boosted to S3, so they each pay (400 * 2) / 3 ~= 266 fatigue, and drop dead.

I'm not sure how spending extra gems works into this - it may or may not reduce the fatigue spent by the slaves.

Important point:

Each communion member takes encumberance individually. The relationship between encumberance and skill level is still not entirely clear.

This is a big deal if you're pythium, because it puts an absolute limit on the number of Enslave Mind spells that your communion masters can spam. No matter how many communion slaves you may field, each slave will take a minimum of X fatigue per spell, where X is their encumberance (4 for a communicant.) Thus, after 50 Enslave Mind spells go off, your communicants start popping, no matter what you do.

-> LA Man? Make alot of use of longbows and defenders and try to research buffs for defenders quickly(they rock ).

I like heavy scales with an awake/dormant SC pretender(usually a prince of death or cyclops) for expansion. My favourite summon for LA Man are by far gargoyles, decent offensive strength and very tough, and they fly!

8.24 Marignon

8.24.1 MA Marignon Assortment of tips

-> Marignon is a prety straightfoward nation;
Flaming Arrow crossbows as your basic army,

Royal Guard as front line tanks,

Flagellents as flankers, secondary support,

lots of fire mages,

some assorted infantry to taste.
Flagellants are easily a top-5 sacred (imo). They have two attacks, low resources/cost (almost free), can be recruited in any castle. You can easily make armies that contain hundreds of F9 flagellants, that will be decent against virtually every target. It's hard to think of another sacred unit per cost that has the Flagellant's sheer offensive potential.
The only thing about Flagellants is that they can't be on the front line; you have to have a screen of cavalry/infantry to soak up spells and arrow fire to allow them to close.
-> Don't forget the stealth--Marignon has spies, assassins, and stealthy preachers.
Also, if you're going to use a flagellant bless strategy, you have recruitable H3's with high leadership, which makes it a lot easier.
-> I'm playing Marignon at the moment (turn 70 odd) and took an Air-4 Earth-3 Water-3 Nature-3 dormant frost father. For magical diversity it's been amazing. He can make a Winged Helmet and Earth boots, which you can give to your mages with randoms (which you end up with loads of) to get all your territory earth and air searched. You can make a thistle mace or two and give them to some indy shamen. And eventually you can summon a Naiad or a Sea Troll for more water access (I was lucky enough to find a magic site that allowed me to recruit water mages). The only magic I didn't have was death, for thematic reasons. Although recently I've found a Necromancer site and have ditched my morals.
So I went for a low-army high-magic strategy. In the early game I concentrated on Evo, and built hordes of mages (about 3 a turn quite early on). Fireball and Falling Fires are devastating, all you need to do with your army is distract them for long enough that your mages can incinerate them.
On the other hand I think I haven't played brilliant, and making better use of the troops would probably be an excellent idea.
Later on in the game the angels are amazing. I had one angel that almost single handedly captured about ten enemy provinces and killed army after army.
Marignon probably isn't as strong as Pythium - but then almost no-one is. Pythium's very strong indeed I think (good troops, very good magic, hydras, angels). But I don't know why anyone would think Marignon's mages are no good. I reckon they're fantastic.
-> I'm playing a MP game with MA Marignon and have done some tests prior to starting it. I have come to consolidate the following opinions about this nation (in no particular order or importance):

1. Its not really a bless nation. The knights of the chalice are nice but capitol only. The falgelants are crap.

2. Mundane armies are xbows, infantry screens ( pick and choose depending on the opposition there's an answer for opposing cavs, archers and infantry). Those should be backed up by mages and inquisitors. Mages mostly spam evoc. fire spells and priests boost moral and possibly banish/smite.

3. Magical diversity is bad (S+F almost exclusively). Rainbow mage is almost a must on this nation. Its possible to use a hybrid SC/Rainbow chassis or a full SC but I dislike those options as both have negative impact on end game.

4. Astral. Surprisingly Marignon is not the king (at least not when nations such as Pythium, Bandar, R'lyeh, MA Ermor are involved). So special care needs to be taken when facing a strong astral nation.

5. Dominion kill is a viable strategy. It takes some managing investment but sneaking preachers and inquisitors may pull this off.

6. Angels are one of this nations prominent powers. Plan to use them often and well. All the angel types have their uses as SCs/ anti SCs/ Raiders.

1. Harbringer. Awe is good vs. low moral units. A2 gives him air shield for archers, mistform and mirror image. Equip it with vine/charcoal shield, fire/frost brand, cheap armor, boots of stone/quicknes, lucky pendant/amulet antimagic, cat charm/ring of regen. It can and should bless self or an angel of fury partner. It can also cloud trapez, giving it invaluable strategic movement (teleport to front lines or on top of an annoying army).

It can be used to blast undead with heavenly horn/banishment as well. This chasis can get down with any mundane army easy enough. I have seen it chow down armies many a times both in SP and MP. For mere 25S I consider it a bargain.

2. Angel of fury. Heavy duty flying killing machine. Good SC/Anti SC chasis. His base stats are generally better than those of the harbinger and he has fear and blood vengeance.

As an SC you could equip him as the harbringer but remember that it is relatively vulnerable to ranged fire (xbows come to mind) so either pair him with an air shielded harbringer decoy or give him robe/amulet of missile protection. He is blessable so if you have a nice bless pair him with another angel that can bless him.

More HP (around 50 IIRC) on him means he benefits from regen.

The blood vengeance is good for both crowd control (pair with charcoal shield and rime hauberk), retaliate vs. mages and inflict additional damage on opposing SCs.

3. Angelic host. very good vs. undead SCs (banelords, wraithlords and tartarians) due to flambaeu. put the host on guard commander and the angel on phoenix pyre, fire shield, attack rear. BTW, flambaeu costs 20F and the summons 50s, so in situations where its used the summons become quite cost effective.

4. Heavenly choir, I have yet to summon one not in SP nor MP. The above three were always enough to secure victory (or defeat). But the stats do seem to suggest the seraph to be one of the supreme critters in the dominions universe.

5. All angels fly which makes them good at raiding. The host can be summoned to an enemy province (though I usually wouldn't recommend it - the AI will make bad use of it). The harbringer and seraph teleport.

7. Blessable mages benefit from earth bless.

8. The above makes research order clear. Evoc. 4 (holy pyre, fireball). Summon. 7 (angels). Alt. 3 (SC buffs). Const 4 (SC basic items). Thaum 3 (elemental search, mind burn, teleport).

9. The above makes optimal pretender clear. Cheap rainbow mage (don't worry about high dominion due to good preachers). E4-6, N2-4, A2-4, W2-4, D2-4, the rest are optional. Dominion 5-7.

10. Use communion circles (the ones with slaves casting due to hidden mechanism). Example:

Slave, Fire Darts, Falling Fires x 3, spells

Slave, Fire Darts, Falling Fires x 3, spells

Slave, Fire Darts, Falling Fires x 3, spells

Slave, Fire Darts, Falling Fires x 3, spells


Slave, Fire Darts, Falling Fires x 3, spells

Master, Power of the Spheres, Body Ethereal, ...

Master, Phoenix Power, Personal Luck, ... Malleus Maleficarum an SP guide
Article Author: Swan

This is my summary for Marignon,fiery justice, and will be mainly a sp guide.

I made this guide because marignon is a funny nations but there aren't guides for Middle age.

but don't watse time and let's burn some heretics. Pretender
Thematically the virtue or the baphomet are the way to go.

you will not need a sc, because marignon has plenty of angelic summon and crossbow can take care of rush.

Rainbow arent very useful too, because the gem you will need are mostly astral that u can search easily with your mages

I suggest

1)a phoenix with f9/Ax awakened or dormant in order to cast buff to your archer(wind guide,flaming arrows).
2)a baphomet f9/s9 for bless(this will double the life of a flagellant and flaming attacks+improved attack skill means they can hurt). scales

Ord/turm:i'll choose order to reduce the possibily of bad events on your first turns.

turmoil could be good if you need design points(it makes good sinergy with luck)

Death/growth: your best mage and your best priets are old so i'll chose growth.on small map you can choose death but then you will have to protect old mages with anti-aging products.
prod/sloth:if you choose to take the flagellants path, you should take sloth,otherwise take production1 or 2
hot/cold: take hot 1 or 2 because they are design point and this will stop water mages and empower fire mages because some spell are related to temperature scale(fire=hot,water=cold)
magic/drain:you need your crossbow buffed, so i'll take magic 1.
luck/unluck: i never choose unluck because a bad event in the begin can gimp you forever. Unit
All your units have good morale(11+) with the expection of the crossbowman, normal health(10) and good armor (not excelent)
Crossbowman:You will have to recruit legions of them and then you can begin to laugh evily; buffed with wind guide and flaming arrows, castable by your pretender of a grandmaster with an A pick enmpowered, they can clean the screen from the bad heretics
Infantry: 3 flavor(sword,pike,halberd) but no shield.ouch.

they cost 20+resources,too much for killing them with your arrows.skip

Man at arms: here we go.15 prot,13 def. your best defensive infantry. it doesn't worth a buff.
Royal guard: cavalry with good def and good attack. they attack twice a turn so they are your best offensive weapons for meele if you dont recruit paladins.
Paladins:3 attack for the first turn,2 for the rest. good prot(17) and offensive ability.

a little bit expensive(80g,37res) but who dont like a legion of holy knight with flaming weapons? an heretic that must be burnt,i'll tell you.sacred.

on that (if your lucy) you can use enrage from an indie druid empowered without much problem.
flagellant: two attck but low att value(9 and they literally die like flies).

You can recruit them in any fort,so, with a good dominion you shuld be able to recruit a lot of them. a S9/F9 bless really helps them, and is better than W9(S9 gives them 2 lifes and f9 increse att and dmg.)i dont recruit them.sacred Commander
scout:"look comment on every other national scout"
spy:with them you can spy. nothing special
assasin: useful to assasinate the enemy of the god.doesn't worth nice magic item(an armor negating weapon could be useful anyway)
paladin: a g.o.r.ed Knight of the chalice. maybe useful as thug.sacred
friar: a stealth preacher, useful to lower heretics faiths from the shadows.sacred
inquisitor: very good to clean your lands from the false god due to inquisitor.sacred
high inquisitor: an improved inquisitor. he have H3 so he can cast divine blessing and can reach H4 when propheted.I always use him as priest for my army because he can be recruited everywhere.sacred
initiate:useful only for comunion.
witch hunter:2f/1s/1h, useful as battle mage for fire spells.sacred
grandmaster:f3/s2/h2, very good and cheap (270g). may have air pick(wind guide and prec booster) or eath pick(astral coin ect).cap only;can be used as researcher or caster.sacred. magic path

alt4(wind guide)-->cons4-->ench5(flaming arrows)-->evocation5(falling fire)-->conj9

atleast this is the path i take in order to destroy the heretics.

or you can choose to go alteration 6and take iron warriors then construction 7 for sharpned weapons and then buff your horde of flagellant(you will have to use alot of empowered mages,so is not a good strategy)

in thaum4 you can take vengeance of the dead and use your flagellant just to let them die vs your opponents'god/prophet(this strategy works best with a d/b bless,but is more funny than useful) summon

marignon got plenty of nice angelic soldiers so let's use the in our crusade versus the blasphemy created by the mere existence of the enemy.
harbringer[conj6;S4]: A3 so can use some buff, very good vs undead due to the horn,good hp.good choice
Heavenly wrath[conj7,s3f1] blood vengeance, better than the harbringer, but it lack horn.
angelic host[conj7,s5]:6 angels for 50 gem.i prefer harbringer or angel of fury.can be used to conquer far province with weak defense.
heavenly choir[conj9,s7f2]:a seraph.with 3 harbringer.and some angel of the host.summon him.now.
For the last summon you can use the s9/f9 baphomet pretender or an empowered grand master(astral cap+astral coin+ring of wizardy+some empoweremnt) Comments

-> I'm probably going to get yelled at for actually going and *posting* this... and I'll be the first to admit it's not the nicest of posts, but sometimes there's just nothing nice to be said - and who knows? I might inspire future improvement!
To begin with, if you're in such a hurry that you can't spare the time to type up your guide using words rather than chatspeak, you probably didn't have time to think up any worthwhile content, either.

Actually reading the "guide" seems to confirm my suspicion - a rushed job with no substance whatsoever.

Your scales section seem to be nothing but butchered descriptions of what effects the scales have, something that's much easier to read in the manual or in-game - there's nothing about which ones are useful for the nation in question, which might have given it some redeeming value.

The pretenders section is roughly twice as useful, mostly because you actually mention something resembling strategy.

Units? Crossbowmen with buffs and either heavy infantry or paladins, with no reasons given. Okay, that's nice, I guess.
Commanders... well, I'll be darned! You can spy with spies! And assassinate with assassins! What will they think of next? Mages casting spells?!
Magic... well, it looks like we're back to the crossbow buffs. Is that the key strategy, I wonder? Then angels?
Here's a summary of the "guide", for those who'd rather not navigate that jungle of Weblish:
Marignon in five easy steps

1. Build crossbows.

2. Buff crossbows with your pretender.

3. Summon angels.

4. ???

5. Victory!

-> Swan, you should also mention the main battlemagic routes (Evocation and Thaumaturgy with the conjuration battlemagic-boosters), and little about forging. At least Ring of Wizardry (allows Earth Boots and Crystal Coins on Earth-random Grandmaster), Light/Banner of the Northern Star and such.

Also, using Smite in expansion and early fights, mapmove 2 armies (everyone except normal infantry and Grandmasters, even them if you get winged boots), using spies to shut off enemy economy etc, what to do if you are at war against Abysia, etc.

Initiates are F1, so they can't be used in communion, but if you've got Fire gems to burn a bunch of initiates can summon a respectable amount of Lesser Fire Elementals. Later you can use Will'O'the'Wisps instead, and you get two for every gem you spend, and there's also Combustion and Blindness and Bonds of Fire if you don't care about losing them any more.
8.24.2 LA Marignon The Royal guide to Marignon, Conquerors of the Sea

Marignon, The conquerors of The Sea.
So you started a LA game, but Ermor and Ryleh are already chosen. Well, wait for another game then. If you chose not to do so, or you play in a game without Ermor and Ryleh, a few other options arise, one of them is Marignon. Marignon is a very powerful nation with a few incredibly good perks and strong varied magic. In middle game, Marignon will have access to ALL spheres of magic, except nature, which is increadibly easy to get from indys.
This guide will count with:

1- Nation Overview and Pretender choice.

2- Units overview

3- Early Expansion and Defense

4- Magic paths

5- Mini-blood guide

Nation overview
Cost effective mages: Marignon has very good (for late age) mages, both in power and research, for the low cost of 150 and 190 gold. The best ones of them are sacred as well, so half the unkeep. It has as well a varied rounded up magic. Assuming you can get one of the dozen of independent mages with nature 1, you have ALL spheres of magic by turn 30 or so.
High level priests. You can buy level 3 priests (which mean you can afford lvl 4 profet) and they are inquisitors as a bonus. Very powerful. Sadly you dont have sacreds worth their name, but still a very good morale boost
Very decent PD: marignon gets 1 pikemen and 1 crossbowmen per PD point, plus 1 halbardier beyond 20. That¿s a bunch of gold and, specially, resources to buff your defense.
Very decent base missile troops: Marignon gets a great missile unit, the crossbowmen, which have great cost efficiency, and can be naturally buffed with wind guide and flaming arrows, which make them powerful
Blood magic: With Mictlan, the only real blood power in Late Age. That means a lot of things.
No reliance on Capital: Only thing you can¿t buy in a normal castle is the Admiral, which you wont buy at all ever.
Lack troop variety: marignon have bassically crossbowmen and royal guards. Everything else, even if they have good stats, have 2 mayor weakness, movement of 1, and lack of shield (which mean YOU will kill them with bolts)

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