A-, an-: without abyss, alogical, an

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puon: pus

empyema, otopyosis, pyemia, pyococcus, pyocyte, pyodermia, pyogenesis, pyogenic, pyonephrotic, pyoid, pyoptosis, pyorrhea, pyosis, pyuria

pur: fire

antipyretic, apyretic, chalcopyrite, dipyre, dipyrenous, empyreal, empyrean, empyreuma, empyreumatic, hyperpyrexic, isopyre, ochropyre, pyralis, pyran, pyranometer, pyre, pyrethrum, pyretic, pyretogenesis, pyretogenic, pyretography, pyrex, pyrexia, pyrheliometer, pyridine, pyridoxic, pyridoxine, pyrite, pyrites, pyritic, pyritology, pyro, pyrocellulose, pyrochemical, pyrochemistry, pyrochlore, pyroclastic, pyro-electric, pyrogen, pyrogenetic, pyrogenic, pyrogenous, pyrognostics, pyrography, pyroheliometer, pyrolatry, pyroligneous, pyrolite, pyroligneous, pyrology, pyrolusite, pyrolysis, pyrolytic, pyrolyze, pyromagnetic, pyromancy, pyromania, pyromaniac, pyrometallurgical, pyrometallurgy, pyrometer, pyromorphite, pyrone, pyronin, pyrope, pyrophanous, pyrophile, pyrophyllite, pyrophobia, pyrophone, pyrophore, pyrophoric, pyrophorus, pyrophotometer, pyropuncture, pyrosclerite, pyroscope, pyrosis, pyrosome, pyrostat, pyrosynthesis, pyrotechnical, pyrotechnician, pyrotechnics, pyrotechny, pyrothonide, pyroxanthin, pyroxene, pyroxylic, pyroxylin, Pyrrhic, pyrrole, Pyrrhus, pyruvate, pyruvic, traumatopyra

puramiV: pyramid (probably Egyptian)

health pyramid, orthopyramid, pyramid, pyramadal, pyramidally, pyramidical, pyramidically, pyramidion, pyramidoidal, pyramidology, pyramidon, tripyramidal, wealth pyramid

purgoV: tower


purhn: fruitstone

pyrene, Pyrenean, Pyrenees, pyrenite, pyrenoid

Purrwn: Pyrrho

Pyrrho, Pyrrhonian, Pyrrhonic, Pyrrhonism, Pyrrhonist

putinh: flask

bluebottle, bottle, bottleneck, butler, buttery (n)

pwgwn: beard

pogoniasis, pogoniate, pogonic, pognonion, pogonology, pogonophore, pogonotomy, pogonotrophy

pwlew: sell; pwlhV: seller

bibliopole, bibliopolist, duopoly, monopolism, monopolist, monopolistic, monopolization, monopolize, monopolizer, monopoly, monopolylogue, oligopolist, oligopolistic, oligopoly


N.B. All Greek words starting with rho use the rough breathing.
rabdoV: rod

rhabdite, rhabditis, rhabdoid, rhabdomancer, rhabdomancy

RadamanqoV: Rhadamanthus

Rhadamanthine, Rhadamanthus

raptw: sew together; raptoV: patched; pafh: seam; paywdoV: rhapsode

rhapsode, rhapsodic, rhapsodical, rhapsodist, rhapsodize, rhapsody

rafiV: needle

raphilite, raphis, staphylorrhaphy

raciV: spine

rachialgia, rachis, rachitis, rachitogenic, rachitome
rew: flow; ruqmoV: rhythm

amenorrhea, arrhythmia, arrhythmic, biorhythm, cacorhythmic, catarrh, catarrhal, cystorrhea, dermatorrhea, diarrhea, diarrhetic, dysmenorrhea, dysrhythmia, endorrheism, eurhythmic, galactorrhea, gonorrhea, graphorrhea, hemorrhage, hemorrhagic, hemorrhoid, hemorrhoidal, hepatorrhea, hydrorrhea, isorhythm, isorhythmic, leucorrhea, leukorrhea, lithurorrhea, logorrhea, logorrheic, lymphorragia, megarrhine, menorrhagia, menorrhea, metrorrhagia, minogorrhagia, nephrorrhagia, oligomenorrhea, otorrhea, parrhesia, pleurorrhea, polymenorrhea, polyrhythm, proctorrhagia, psychorrhagy, pyorrhea, -rhea, rheid, rheme, rheogram, rheology, rheometer, rheomorphism, rheopexy, rheophile, rheophilic, rheophobic, rheoscope, rheostat, rheostatic, rheotaxis, rheotropism, rheum, rheumatic, rheumatic fever, rheumatism, rheumatoid, rhematologist, rheumatology, rheumy, rhinorrhagia, rhyme, rhymester, rhythm, rhythmic, rhythmical, rhythmically, rhythmics, rhythmization, rime, -rrhea, seborrhea, sialorrhea, spermatorrhea, steatorrhea, tacchyarrhythmnia, xanthorrhea

rhgoV: blanket


rhon: rhubarb

RhsoV: Rhesus

rhesus, Rh factor, Rh negative, Rh positive
rhtwr: see erw
rigoV: frost

rhigosis, rhigolene, rhigology

riza: root

mycorrhiza, polyrhizal, rhizobia, rhizocarpous, rhizocephalous, rhizodont, rhizogenic, rhizoid, rhizoidal, rhizomatous, rhizome, rhizomorphous, rhizophagous, rhizoplast, rhizopod, rhizosphere, rhizotomy

riV: nose

catarrhine, coryza, ectorhinal, leptorrhine, mesorrhine, monorhine, otorhinolaryngology, oxyrrhinchous, oxyrrhine, phyllorrhine, platyrrhine, postrhinal, rhinal, rhinarium, rhinencephalon, rhinitis, rhino, rhinoceros, rhinodont, rhinologic, rhinologist, rhinology, rhinophonia, rhinophyma, rhinoplasty, rhinorrhagia, rhinoscope, rhinoscopy, rhinotracheitis, rhinovirus, schizorhinal

rodon: rose

oorhodeine, Rhoda, Rhode Island, Rhodes, Rhodesia, Rhodesian, Rhodian, rhodium, rhodochrosite, rhododendron, rhodologist, rhodonite, rhodophyte, rhodoplast, rhodopsin, urrhodin

romboV: wheel, spinning top

orthorhombic, rhombic, rhomboclase, rhombogen, rhombohedron, rhomboid, rhomboideus, rhombus

rugcoV: bill

ornithorhynchus, stenorhynchous

rw: rho

rho, rhotacism


sabbaton: Sabbath (Hebrew)

Sabbatarian, Sabbath, sabbatical

saghnh: dragnet

sakkoV: sack (Hebrew/Phoenician)

haversack, sac, saccule, sack, sackcloth, sackful, sacking, sackless, satchell, sporosac
sakcaron: sugar

disaccharide, oleosaccharum, oxysaccharum, polysaccharide, saccharate, saccharated, saccharic, saccharide, saccariferous, saccharification, saccharify, saccharimeter, saccharin, saccharine, saccharinity, saccharoid, saccharolytic, saccharose

salamandra: salamander

salamander, salamandrine, salamandroid

salpigx: horn

otosalpinx, salpingeal, salpingitis, salpinx

sandalon: sandal, wooden sole (probably Persian)

saproV: rotten: see shpw: rot, corrupt

sapfeiroV: sapphire (probably Hebrew/Phoenician)

sapphire, sapphiric, sapphirine

Sapfw: Sappho

Sapphic, sapphism, Sappho

sardhnh: sardine; saipw: cringe

sardine, Sardinia, Sardinian, sardonic, sardonically

sarx: flesh

chitosarc, ectosarc, endosarc, osteosarcoma, sarcasm, sarcastic, sarcastically, sarcoblast, sarcocarp, sarcocele, sarcocolla, sarcoma, sarcocyst, sarcocyte, sarcoderm, sarcoid, sarcolactic, sarcolite, sarcology, sarcolysis, sarcoma, sarcophagan, sarcophagus, sarcophilous, sarcoplasm, sarcoplasmic, sarcosome, sarcosporidian, sarcotome, sarcous, syssarcosis

sarcocele, satraphV: satrap (Persian)

satrap, satrapy

sattw: fill up, load

saturoV: satyr

satyr, satyriasis, satyric, satyrism, satyromaniac
sauroV: lizard

ankylosaur, brachiosaur, brontosaurus, ceratosaurus, ceteosaur, corythosaurus, dinosaur, dinosaurian, elasmosaurus, emydosaurian, enaliosaur, eosaurus, halosaurus, hyleosaurus, ichthyosaur, ichthyosaurus, megalosaur, nothosaur, ophiosaur, ornithosaurian, pachysaurian, pelagosaur, pelycosaur, plesiosaur, plesiosaurus, pliosaurus, prosauropod, proterosaur, pterosaur, saurian, saurodont, saurognathous, saurography, sauroid, saurophagous, sauropod, scelidosaur, simosaur, simosaurus, stegosaur, stegosaurian, stegosaurus, teleosaur, therosaur, titanosaurus, torosaurus, tylosaurus, tyrannosaurus, ultrasaurus, xiphosauran

sbennumi: quench

asbestos, asbestus, isosbestic

sebomai: feel religious awe


Seirhn: Siren

siren, sirenian, sirenoid

SeirioV: Sirius, scorcher

siriasis, sirian, Sirius

seiw: shake; seismoV: shaken

bathyseism, bradyseism, coseismal, coseismic, homoseismic, isoseismal, isoseismic, macroseism, megaseism, meizoseismal, meizoseismic, mesoseismal, microseism, microseismic, seism, seismic, seismicity, seismics, seismism, seismograph, seismological, seismologist, seismology, seismometer, seismometry, seismoscope, seismotectonic, sistrum, teleseism

selaV: flame; Selhnh: Selene

geoselenic, Se, Selene, selenian, selenic, selenide, seleniferous, selenious, selenite, selenitic, selenium, selenocentric, selenodesy, selenodont, selenograph, selenographer, selenographic, selenography, selenologist, selenology, selenoscope, selenotropic

selinon: parsley

celeriac, celery, parsley, petroseline

shqw: strain

Shm: Shem (Hebrew)

anti-semitic, anti-semitism, philo-Semite, Semite, Semitic, Semitism
shmainw: indicate; shma/shmeio n: sign

disemic, episematic, ethnosemantics, intersemiotic, megaseme, mesoseme, microseme, monosemantic, polysemantic, polysemous, polysemy, semanteme, semantic, semanticist, semanticize, semantics, semaphore, semasiology, sematic, sematography, sematology, seme, sememe, semiology, semiosis, semiotic, semioctics, semiotician, synsemantic, zoosemiotics

shpw: to make rotten

antisepsis, antiseptic, asepsis, aseptic, sapremia, sapric, saprobe, saprobial, saprobic, saprobiology, saprobiotic, saprobity, saprogenic, saprolite, saprophagous, saprophile, saprophylic, saprophytesaprophytic, sepsis, septemia, septic, septicemia, septicity, septic tank

shpia: cuttlefish

sepia, sepiacean, sepiola, sepium

shrikoV: silk

serge, sericeous, sericitization, sericterium, sericulture, serigraph, serigraphy, silk, silkscreen, silkstocking, silkworm, silky

shsamh: sesame

sqenoV: strength; asqenia: weakness

asthenia, asthenic, asthenosphere, calisthenics, disthene, magasthene, microsthene, myasthenia, neurasthenia, neurasthenic, phonasthenia, sthene, sthenia, sthenic
sialon: saliva

sialagogue, sialectasis, sialic, sialography, sialoid, sialolith, sialorrhea

Sibulla: Sibyl

sibyl, sibylline, sibyllism, sibyllist

Sigma: sigma

sigma, sigmatism, sigmatropic, sigmodont, sigmoid, sigmoidal, sigmoidally, sigmoidoscope

sidhroV: iron

mesosiderite, oligosiderite, siderite, sideroblast, siderocyte, siderography, siderolite, siderophil, sideroscope, siderosis, siderostat

simoV: snub-nosed

simosaur, simosaurus

All words from simia may derive from simoV.
Sinai: Chinese (not in LS)

sinanthropoid, sinanthropus, Sinesian, Sinic, sinicize, sinify, Sino-, sinogram, Sinologist, Sinology

sinapiV: mustard

sinapic, sinapine, sinapism

siroV: pit

ensilage, ensilage, ensile, silage, silo

SisufeioV: see sofoV
sitoV: grain

ectoparasite, endoparasite, entoparasite, hemiparasite, holoparasite, hyperparasite, macroparasite, microparasite, neuroparasite, parasite, parasitic, parasitical, parasiticide, parasitism, parasitization, parasitize, parasitoid, parasitology, parasitolpolis, sitology, sitomania, sitophobia, sitophobic, sitosteral, xenoparasite

sifwn: tube

siphon, siphonage, siphonal, siphonapterology, siphonate, siphoner, siphonic, siphoniferous, siphoniform, siphonogamic, siphonophore, siphuncle, siphunculus

siwph: silence

aposiopesis, prosiopesis

skalhnoV: unequal

scalene, scalenohedron, scalenotomy, scalenus

skandalon: trap

scandal, scandalize, scandalmonger, scandalous, scandalously, slander, slanderer, slanderous, slanderously

skaraboV: scarab

carabineri, carbine, scarab

skafh: boat

bathyscaphe, scaphoid, scaphocephalus, scaphoid, scaphopod

skarifoV: pencil

skellw: dry up; sklhroV: hard; sklhrunw: harden

dermatoscelerosis, dermatoskeleon, deuterosclerous, endoskeleton, entoscelerite, episkeletal, exoskeleton, neuroskeleton, orthiscelidan, osteosclerosis, otosclerosis, pyrosclerite, scirrhus, sclera, scleral, sclere, scleriasis, scleritis, scleroblast, scleroderm, sclerodermatous, sclerogen, sclerogenic, sclerogenous, scleroid, sclerometer, scleromyxedema, sclerophthalmia, sclerophyll, schlerophyllous, sclerosant, scleroscope, sclerosed, sclerosis, scleroskeleton, sclerotic, sclerotome, sclerotomy, sclerous, skel, skeletal, skeleton, skeletonize, skeletonless
skeloV: leg

isosceles, scelidosaur, tetraskelion, triskele, triskelion

skhnh: tent

proscenium, scena, scenario, scenarist, scene, scenery, scenic, scenical, scenic railway, scenography

skhptrw: prop; skhptron: staff

disscepter, scepter, sceptered

skia: shadow; skotoV: darkness; skotia: darkness

sciagraph, scialytic, sciamachy, sciomancy, sciapodous, sciophilous, sciophyte, sciurine, sciuroid, sciuromorph, skiagram, skiagraph, skiagraphy, sciamachy, skiamancy, skiametry, skiascope, skiomancy, squirrel, squirrely

See also skotoV.
skilla: sea-onion

squill, squilla

skolioV: bent


skoloy: spike

scolopaceous, scolopale, scolopendra, scolopendrium, scolopidium, scolopophore, scolops, scolypoid, scolyptid

skopew: behold; skopoV: watchman; episkopew: inspect

aeroscope, aeroscopy, angioscope, angioscopic, archbishop, archiepiscopal, arthroscopy, bacterioscopy, baroscope, bathyscope, benthoscope, bioscope, bioscopy, bishop, bishopric, bronchoscope, ceraunoscope, chromascope, chromatoscopy, chronoscope, cinemascope, colonoscope, colonoscopy, colposcope, conchoscope, cranioscope, cranioscopic, cranioscopist, cranioscopy, cryoscopy, cycloscope, cystoscope, dactyloscopy, deuteroscopy, diaphanoscope, diascope, disscioscope, dromoscope, dynamoscope, ebullioscope, ebullioscopy, electrobioscopy, electron microscope, electroscope, embryosocpe, endoscope, episcopacy, episcopal, episcopally, Episcopalian, episcopalism, episcopate, episcopize, episcopy, erythroscope, euryscope, exoscopic, fiberscope, floriscope, fluoroscope, fluoroscopic, galvanoscope, gastroscope, gastroscopic, gastroscopy, geoscopy, glossoscopy, glottiscope, gonioscope, graphoscope, gyroscope, gyroscopic, hagioscope, haloscope, helioscope, hematoscope, hemoscope, hepatoscopy, hieroscopy, hodoscope, horoscope, horoscopic, horoscopy, hydroscope, hygroscope, hygroscopic, hypnoscope, hyposcope, iconoscope, introscope, kaleidoscope, kaleidoscopic, keratoscope, kinescope, kineisiscope, kinetoscope, koniscope, lactoscope, laparascope, laparascopy, laryngoscope, leucoscope, lithoscope, luminoscope, macroscopic, magnetoscope, manoscope, meatoscope, megascope, megascopic, melanoscope, mesoscopic, meteoroscope, metoposcopy, metroscope, microscope, microscopic, mixoscope, monepiscopal, mutoscope, myoscope, necroscopic, necroscopy, nephoscope, omphaloscopy, oneiroscopy, ooscopy, ophthalmoscope, ophthalmoscopy, organoscopy, ornithoscopy, orthoscope, orthoscopic, orthostereoscope, oscilloscope, osmoscope, otoscope, ozonoscope, palmoscopy, pantoscope, pantoscopic, pedoscope, pelviscope, periodoscope, periscope, periscopic, periscopism, phacoscope, pharyngoscope, phantascope, phonoscope, phosphoroscope, photomicroscope, photoscope, photoscopic, photospectroscope, phrenoscope, phytoscopic, platyscopic, pluvioscope, pneoscope, polariscope, polariscopic, polemoscope, poroscopy, proctoscope, pseudoscope, pyroscope, radarscope, radioscopy, radiotelescope, rheoscope, rhinoscope, rhinoscopy, sceptic, sceptical, scepticism, scintilloscope, scleroscope, scope, scopeless, scopophilia, scotoscope, seismoscope, selenoscope, sideroscope, sigmoidoscope, skeptic, skeptical, skepticism, skiascope, sniperscope, spectrohelioscope, spectroscope, spectroscopic, spectroscopy, sphygmoscope, stauroscope, stereomicroscope, stereoscope, stereoscopic, stethoscope, stethoscopic, stethoscopy, stomatoscope, stroboscope, stroboscopic, submicrosocpic, synchroscope, tachistoscope, tachyscope, teichoscopy, telespectroscope, telesteroscope, telescope, telescopic, telescopically, telescopiform, telescopist, telescopy, thermoscope, thermoscopic, thoracoscope, toposcope, toposcopy, tracheoscope, ultramicroscope, uranoscopy, urethescope, urethescopy, urinoscopist, urinoscopy, uroscopy, vaginoscope, vibroscope, vidicon, vitascope, vortoscope, water telescope, zeoscope, zooscopic, zymoscope
skorpioV: scorpion

Scorpio, scorpioid, scorpion

skotoV: darkness

scotoma, scotometer, scotomization, scotophyll, scotophobia, scotophobin, scotoscope, scotopia, scotopic

SkuqikoV: Scythian

Scythia, Scythian, Scythism

Skulla: Scylla

skufoV: cup

scyphiferous, scyphiform, scyphiphorous, scyphogeny, scyphomancy, scyphophore, scyphopolyp, scyphostoma, scyphozoan, scyphulus, scyphus

OED insists on distinguishing scyphi- (L) and scypho- (G). I think the Latin word scyphus is derived from skufoV. The purist may separate the scyphi- and scypho- words, if desired.

skwlhx: worm

scolecid, scoleciform, scolecite, scholecophagous, scolex

skwr: dung

scat (dung), scatological, scatology

smaragdoV: emerald

emerald, emeraldine, smaragdine

smuriV: emery-powder

Smurna: Smyrna

Smyrna, Smyrnean, Smyrniote
soloikoV: speaking incorrectly

solecism, solecist, solecistic

soucoV: crocdile



Sophocean, Sophocles

sofoV: clever, wise; sofia: wisdom; sofisthV: sophist; filosofoV: philosopher

chirosophist, chirosophy, cosmosophy, craniosophist, deipnosophist, demonosophy, ensophic, gastrosophy, gymnosophist, hypnosophy, morosophist, ontosophy, pansophic, pansophism, pansophy, philosopher, philosophic, philosophical, philosophically, philosophism, philosophize, philosophy, physiophilosophy, pseudosoph, Sisyphean, Sisyphus, Sophia, sophic, sophiology, sophism, sophist, sophistic, sophistocal, sophistocally, sophistocate, sophistocated, sophistocatedly, sophistocation, sophistry, sophomore, sophomoric, sophomorical, sophrosyne, theophilosophy, theosoph, theosophical, theosophism, theosophist, theosophistic, theosophy, unphilosophical, unsophistocated

spadix: palm branch

spadiceous, spadix

spaqh: broad blade

epaulet, epee, espathate, spatha, spathe, spathic, spathiform, spathose, spathulate, spatula, spatular, spatulate, spatulation, spatule, spatulous, spay

spanoV: scarce

spanadry, spanemia

sparassw: tear

sparagmite, sparagmos

Sparta: Sparta

Sparta, Spartacist, Spartacus, Spartan, Spartanize

spaw: draw; spasmoV: convulsion

blepharospasm, bronchospasm, cystospasm, enterospasm, graphospasm, hemispasm, hemospastic, monospasm, myospasm, palinspastic, pasmo (Sp), pharyngospasm, spasm, spasmatic, spasmodic, spasmodically, spasmogen, spasmogenic, spasmolysis, spasmolytic, spasmoneme, spasmoplhilia, spasmus, spastic, spastically, spasticity, venospasm

speira: coil

conchospiral, planispiral, plurispiral, spiral, spiraliform, spiralism, spirality, spiralization, spiralize, spirally, spire (coil), spirogyra, spiroid, spirometer, spirometric, spiroplasma, spirulate

speirw: sow; sperma: seed; sporoV; crop

angiosperm, angiospore, angiosporous, ascospore, auxospore, campylospermous, coelosperm, coelospermous, cryptosporidium, cyclospermous, cyclospore, decaspermal, Diaspora, diaspore, diasporormeter, dictyospore, disspermatous, dispermous, dispermy, dysspermatism, dysporomorph, electrobioscopy, endosperm, endospore, episperm, epispore, exosperm, exospore, gymnosperm, gymnospore, heterosporous, homosporous, hyperspermatic, lithosperm, lithospore, macrospore, megaspore, megazoospore, melanosperm, merispore, mesosperm, mesospore, microspermous, microspore, monospermous, monospore, multispermous, myxospore, neurospore, octospermous, octospore, oligospermia, oligospermic, oligosporous, oligozoospermia, oosperm, oospore, ophthalmospore, orthospermous, panspermia, panspermic, perisperm, perispore, planospore, plurisporous, polyspermy, protospore, pseudospore, psorosperm, sarcoporidian, sperm, spermaceti, spermaduct, spermary, spermatheca, spermatic, spermaticide, spermatid, spermatiferous, spermatin, spermatist, spermatize, spermatocide, spermatocyte, spermatogenesis, spermatoid, spermatophore, spermatophyte, spermatorrhea, spermatospore, spermatozoid, spermatozoon, spermicide, spermiogenesis, spermoderm, spermogonium, spermophile, spermophore, spermous, sperm whale, speromagnetic, sporadic, sporadicity, sporadically, sporangiferous, sporangiolum, sporangiophore, sporangiospore, sporangium, spore, sporidium, sporiferous, sporoblast, sporocarp, sporocyst, sporodochium, sporogenesis, sporogenous, sporomorph, sporont, sporophore, sporophyll, sporophyte, sporoplasm, sporosac, sporotrichosis, sporozoan, sporozoite, sporular, sporulate, sporulation, sporule, teleutospore, teliospore, tetraspore, trachyspermous, trispermous, trisporous, tropospore, xanthospermous, zoosperm, zoospore, zygosperm, zygospore

spendw: pour a libation; spondh: libation

dispondee, spondaic, spondean, spondee

sphlaion: cave; speoV: cave

biospeleology, spelaean, speleologist, speleontology, spelothem, spelunker

splhn: milt

hypersplenetic, spleen, splenectomy, splenetic, splenetically, splenic, spleniculus, splenitis, splenization, splenocyte, splenography, splenomegaly, splenosis, splenotomy, splenunculus

splehnion: bandage

splenial, splenium, splenius

spoggoV: sponge

sponge, spongecake, sponge-like, sponger, spongicolous, spongiform, spongin, sponginess, spongioblast, spongioblastoma, spongioid, spongiole, spongioplasm, spongiose, spongiosis, spongoid, spongolite, spongolith, spongologist, spongology, spongotype, spongy

spodoV: ashes

spodic, spodiosite, spodium, spodogenic, spodomancy, spodosol

sponduloV: vertebrae

spondylic, spondylitic, spondylitis, spondylolysis, spondylus

Stageira: Stagira

Stagira, Stagirite

stadion: see isthmi
stalassw: let drop, drip

epistaxis, stalactite, stalactiform, stalactitic, stalagma, stalagmite, stalagmitic, stalagmometer

stasiV: see isthmi
statikh: art of measuring; see isthmi: stand.
stauroV: cross

staurolatry, staurolith, stauroscope

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