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The atmosphere of Venus, the second planet from the Sun, is much denser and hotter than that of Earth. The surface temperature and pressure on Venus are 740 KC) and
93 bar, respectively. The Venusian atmosphere supports thick persistent clouds made of sulfuric acid, which make optical observations of the surface impossible. The information about surface features on Venus has been obtained exclusively by radar imaging conducted from the ground and Venera 15-16 and by Magellan space probes. The main at- mosphereric gases on Venus are carbon dioxide and nitrogen, which makeup and
3.5% of all molecules. Other chemical compounds are present only in trace amounts. The atmosphere of Venus is instate of a vigorous circulation and super-rotation. The whole atmosphere circles the planet in just four days (super-rotation), which is a short time compared with the sideral rotational period of 243 days. The winds supporting super-rotation blow as fast as 100 ms. Near the poles of Venus anticyclonic structures called polar vortexes are located. In them the air moves downward. Each vortex is double eyed and shows a characteristic S-shaped pattern of clouds. Only the ionosphere and thin induced magnetosphere separate venusian atmosphere from the space. They shield the atmosphere from the solar wind, which usually does not pene-

trate deep into it. However they are incapable of preventing the loss of water, which is continuously blown away by the solar wind through the induced magnetotail. Despite the harsh conditions on the surface, at about a 50 km to 65 km level above the surface of the planet the atmospheric pressure and temperature is nearly the same as that of the Earth, making its upper atmosphere the most Earth-like area in the Solar System, even more so than the surface of Mars. Due to the similarity in pressure, temperature and the fact that breathable air (21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen) is a lifting gas on Venus in the same way that helium is a lifting gas on Earth" -- Reference back to 211)

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