Apr 24 2011 dcfc english Worship [The Master & The Disciple] Luke 24: 28-36

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James Hewitt - Illustrations Unlimited




I was naked, and you questioned my lack of modesty in my appearance. I was imprisoned, and you debated the legal aspects of interference. I was penniless, and you discussed tax-deductible donations from your wealth. I was sick, and you thanked the Lord for the blessings of your health. I was hungry, and you formed a club to study malnutrition. I was homeless, and you said God’s love was shelter under any condition. I was lonely, and you left me by myself while you and your friends prayed. You seem so holy and close to God. Yet I’m still sick and alone and afraid! Ruth M. Walsh



Date: 10/2008.101

Tony Campolo tells of a story about a preacher correcting his inward looking church.

"The problem," the preacher's voice boomed, "is that people are dying all over the world and you don't give a damn!" When he punched the final word, the crowd gasped. Women looked at each other, stunned. Kids sat at attention, afraid to budge. The elders eyes one another, sending silent but understood messages, "we have to meet soon!!" The minister continued slowly and with obvious pain, "The saddest part is..." He paused and started again. "The saddest part is that most of you are more upset that I used the word damn in church than you are that people are dying and going to hell."

When was the last time you have a lost person over in your home?

How many meaningful conversations did you have with non-Christians this week?

Who are the nonbelievers you prayed for today?


Date: 4/2007.101

Humor for Preaching & Teaching - Ed Rowell P66
A woman bought a parrot to keep her company. She took him home, but returned the bird to the store the next day. "This bird doesn't talk," she told the owner.

"Does he have a mirror in his cage?" asked the owner. "parrots love mirrors. They see themselves in the mirror and start up a conversation." The woman bought a mirror and left. The next day, she returned. The bird still wasn't talking.

"How about a ladder? Parrots love walking up and down the ladder. A happy parrot is more likely to talk." The woman bought a ladder and left. Sure enough, she was back the next day; the bird still wasn't talking.

"Does your parrot have a swing? If not that's the problem. He'll relax and talk up a storm." The woman reluctantly bought a swing and left.

When she walked into the store the next day, her countenance had changed. "The parrot died," she said. The pet store owner was shocked.

"I'm so sorry. Tell me, did he ever say a word?" he asked.

"Yes, right before he died," the woman replied. "He said, "Don't they sell any food at that pet store?"


James Hewitt - Illustrations Unlimited

One of the bishops attending Vatican II later shared with a few colleagues a note from his personal journal: “Wisdom everywhere, courage nowhere. Dear Lord, we are dying of prudence.”


Let The other do it

Date: 1/2007.101

AMG Bible Illustrations Book 1 #94
There is an incipient danger in thinking, since there are so many belonging to the Church, "Why not let George do it?" An eastern story tells of four brothers who decided to have a feast. As wine was rather expensive, they agreed that each one should bring an equal quantity and add it to the common stock. One of the brothers thought he might escape making his contribution by bringing water instead of wine. "It won't be noticed in the common wine jar," he reasoned. But when at the feast, the wine was poured out, it turned out not to be wine at all but plain water. All four brothers had thought alike. Each one had said, "Let the other do it."

Someone Else

Date: 1/2007.101

12 Oct 2008 DCFC English "We have a dream..." Eph 4:11-13 - Candle in the Darkness

The church was bowed in grief this week to learn that one of our most valuable members. Someone Else, passed away. This death creates a vacancy that will be difficult to fill. Someone Else has been with us for many years. During all these years, he did far more than a normal person's share of the work. Whenever leadership was mentioned, this wonderful person was looked to for inspiration as well as results.

Whenever there was a job to do, a class to teach or a meeting to attend - one name was on everyone's list: "Let Someone Else do it."

Someone Else was also among the largest givers of the church. Whenever there was a financial need, everyone just assumed that Someone Else would make up the difference.

This beloved church member was a wonderful person, sometimes appearing superhuman; but a person can only do so much. Everyone expected too much of Someone Else. Now Someone Else is gone. Who will pitch in to do the things that Someone Else has done? If you are asked to take a job in church, we hope you won't reply, "Let Someone Else do it." Now we need you to pick up where Someone Else left off.

Doing your part

June 17 2012 DCFC English [Worship Acceptable to God] Mal 3:6-12 A call to trust in a faithful God

There is a story about a guy who came to church with his family. As they were driving home afterwards he was complaining about everything. He said, “The music was too loud. The sermon was too long. The announcements were unclear. The building was hot. The people were unfriendly.” He went on & on, complaining about virtually everything. Finally, his very observant son said, “Dad, you’ve got to admit it wasn’t a bad show for just a dollar.”

No title

June 17 2012 DCFC English [Worship Acceptable to God] Mal 3:6-12 A call to trust in a faithful God

There was an old story a king that was coming to visit a certain land. The people in the land were so excited that a king would grace their little village with his presence. They wanted to find a way to honor him, and decided to do so by giving him the best of their wine. Every person was to bring one cup of their best wine from home and they would all put it in one big pot, and when the king came he would taste the best wine from all the people. One person thought if everyone else is bringing their best then I could bring water, it won’t make a bit of difference with hundreds of others bringing their best. When the king arrived and tasted the wine, he discovered that it was all water. The king was not honored.

The Little boy who wanted to fight fires

Date: 8/2007.101

Intense Illustrations - Jim Burns & Mike Devries P69
Once there was a little boy who ever since he could remember wanted to be a fireman. The shrill of the siren and deep rumble of the racing fire truck had filled his dreams almost every night. Deep in his heart there was a longing to someday be able to help people, to save people from the ravaging grasp of fire. It was not the whim of childhood fantasy; his was the unmistakable call of destiny.

Growing up never changed his mind. To be sure, he had gone through all the indecisions and doubts of adolescence, the well meaning questions of friends and family who wondered whether he could be happy as a fireman. But he never wavered. He was meant to be a fireman. He was meant to put out fires. Oh how he longed for the day when he would no longer be a spectator but could participate actively as a firefighter.

Finally the big day came when he could take the first real step to fulfill his lifelong dream arrived: He was accepted at one of the best firefighter schools in the country. His teachers were world renowned. For three years, he immersed himself in his schooling. he spent hours honing his skills on practice fires. he studied firefighting theory long into the nights. Still, after all these years, he had never fought a real fire. As graduation approached, however, he realized that long-awaited moment was within reach.

Suddenly he began to have doubts. For the first time in his life, he was unsure, afraid and worse yet, questioning whether he ought to be a fireman at all. It was then that one of his professors suggested he travel to Europe and study under one of the greatest fireman theorists of all time, He would be recommended by his professors and would receive the finest training available. It would last for two years.

The not-so-little boy decided to travel to Europe and for 2 years, he exhausted himself in dedicated study and became one of the most brilliantly educated firemen in the world. But all he had ever done was put out practice fires. Once again, graduation loomed before him and once again he was haunted by indecision. he knew all about fires and could tell anyone how to fight one; in fact, he knew so much, he began to feel that his superior knowledge did in fact place him a notch above the ordinary firemen. He became increasingly concerned that he might have to fight fires with uneducated firemen which could result in him being exposed to unnecessary danger.

It was then that he was offered a position to teach at one of the most respected firemen schools in the country. he accepted and for 25 years he taught with honor, receiving worldwide recognition. When he died sometime later, someone found the memoirs he had written on his death bed. In them was this strange passage:

I lie here today reviewing my life. I still remember my dream, my passion to be a fireman. More than anything else I wanted to put out fires, but I realized something today. I have never put out a real fire. never.

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