Banking wizard by pankaj gautam

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Directions (Qs. 1-10): in each of the following questions four words are given of which two words are most nearly SAME or OPPOSITE in meaning. Find the two words which are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning and indicate the answer of the correct number combination, in your answer sheety.

  1. 1. Acquittal 2. Contract 3. Conviction 4. Replete

  1. 1-2 B. 2-3 C. 3-4 D. 1-3 E-2-4

  1. 1. Geneorous 2. Mundane 2. Reciprocal 4. Earthly

  1. 1-2 b. 2-4 c. 2-3 d. 1-3 e. 1-4

  1. 1. Altruism 2. Selfishness 3. Misuse 4. Decision

  1. 1-2 b. 1-3 c. 2-3 d. 2-4 e. 3-4

  1. 1. Sketch 2. Coarse 3. Gentle 4. Gradual

  1. 1-2 b. 1-3 c. 2-3 d. 1-4 e. 2-4

  1. 1. Crammed 2. Frugal 3. Novel 4. Extravagant

  1. 1-4 b. 3-4 c. 1-3 d. 2-4 e. 2-3

  1. 1. Enigma 2. Design 3. Riddle 4. Boldness

  1. 2-3 b. 2-4 c. 1-3 d. 3-4 e. 1-4

  1. 1. Compliant 2. Brainless 3. Benign 4. Fortuitous

  1. 1-2 b. 3-4 c. 2-4 d. 1-3 e. 2-3

  1. 1. Adorn 2. Afford 3. Accumulate 4. Debase

  1. 1-4 b. 2-3 c. 2-4 d. 3-4 e.1-3

  1. 1. Forbearance 2. Abstinence 3. Auspicious 4. Despicable

  1. 3-4 b. 2-3 c. 2-4 d. 1-4 e. 1-2

  1. 1. Abominate 2. Equip 3. Propel 4. Induce

  1. 2-3 b. 1-4 c. 2-4 d. 1-3 e. 3-4

Directions (Qs. 11-15): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is answer. If there is no error, the answer is É’. (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any)

  1. We build the roof (A) with a steep slope (B) so that the rain water could (C) slide off easily (D) no error (E)

  2. My brother had (A) just come from abroad (B) he seems to have (C) enjoyed his trip very much(D) no error (E)

  3. If I had realized (A) what a bad teacher you are (B) I would not have come (C) to you for any guidance (D) no error (E)

  4. He put his hand (A) into his pocket and was (B) astonished when he found (C) that his wallet is not there (D) no error (E)

  5. I am sorry to disappoint you (A) but I cannot let you (B) have any more money (C) till the end of this month (D) no error (E)

Directions (Qs. 16-25): In the following passage, there are blanks each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate words in each case.

From the time I started writing this book I have come to see it as personal (16) to an outstanding fellow Indian, whose (17) and compassion have often moved me. Insight, not objectivity, is the key to understanding of a life as multi layered as that of swami Vivekanand and in the (18) of writing this book. I have often felt (19) by the realization that a historian may not always be a good biographer. I have also been (20) by the several inconsistencies and (21) of vivekanand’s life, and only by bringing these out more sharply, I felt, could one consciously(22) from the hagiography that (23) biographical work on him. It is impossible to reach an understanding of a personality as complex as vivekananda’s without studying his ambiguities and shigting (24) on various issues. In trying to integrate these in a (25) assessment of Vivekananda, I have largely gone by what the swami has himself suggested—judge a man ultimately by his strengths, not his weaknesses.

  1. Justice/ devotion/ contribution/ attribution/ tribute

  2. Deliberation/ projection/ vivacity/ acknowledgement/ appreciation

  3. Course/ manifestation/ objective/ implementation/ serenity

  4. Represented/ relieved/ compensated/ burdened/ occupied

  5. Absorbed/ perplexed/ carried/ ventured/ loaded

  6. Duplications/ paradoxes/ assumptions/ levels/ pluralities

  7. Desist/ estranged/ distinguish/ depart/ abstain

  8. Evolves/ focuses/ permeates/ empowers/ emphasizes

  9. Positions/ engagements/ possibilities/ provocations/ flexibilities

  10. Modern/ conducive/ commensurate/ diabolic/ holistic

Directions (Qs. 26-30): Pick out the most effective pair of words from the given pair of words to make the sentences meaningfully complete.

  1. Some people have a – need to control all aspects of their lives and to eliminate all – of chance. These individuals seldom achieve a sense of fulfillment.

  1. Habitual—possessions

  2. Dramatic—factors

  3. Powerful—nuances

  4. Compulsive—elements

  5. Drastic—hindrances

  1. Leaders interested in achieving – performance need an – of the relationship between work-related stress and his perfdormance.

  1. Durable—understanding

  2. Optimum—awareness

  3. Holistic—utility

  4. Powerful- analysis

  5. Effective—application

  1. Labour is the most important – in the production process. This process – some adverse effects on physical and mental health of the workers

  1. Element—exhibits

  2. Input—develops

  3. Ingredient—imposes

  4. Facility—evolves

  5. Development—injects

  1. The objective for which vayudoot was formed originally are—political , social and economic requirements demand that – areas are brought within the communication links.

  1. Creditable—forbidden

  2. Refutable—disturbed

  3. Viable—enlarged

  4. Questionable—formidable

  5. Laudable—inaccessible

  1. Vivekanand remained a devoted pupil and would often – with some fondness, his master’s guiding hand that – him through life and destiny.

  1. Recount—steered

  2. Ponder—engaged

  3. Replenish—advised

  4. Mentioned—proved

  5. Narrate—forwarde.

Directions (Qs. 31-35): Rearrange the following seven sentences in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below.

  1. Then, fulfill that dream, with the help we offer

  2. Are you willing to set goals that will move you towards making that dream a reality?

  3. But, for those who are willing to dream big.

  4. This books seeks to challenge people who are willing to dream big

  5. I want to ask you two questions

  6. I offer this, not for the already-achieved or those who think pf themselves as hopeless

  7. Are you willing to dream of doing great things?

  1. Fourth sentence?

  2. First sentence?

  3. Third sentence?

  4. Last sentence?

  5. Sixth sentence?

Directions (Qs. 36-50): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases are printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

Management is a set of processes that can keep a complicated system of people and technology running smoothly. The most important aspects of management include planning, budgeting, organizing, staffing, controlling and problem solving. Leadership is a set of processes that creates organizations in the first place or adapt them to significantly changing circumstances. Ledarership defines what the future should look like, aligns people with that vision and inspires them to make it happen despite the obstacles. This distinction is absolutely crucial for our purposes here. Successful transformation is 70 to 90 percent ledarership and only 10 to 30 percent management. Yet for historical reasons, many organizations today don’t have much leadership. And almost everyone thinks about the problem here as one of manging change.

For most of this century, as we created thousands and thousands of large organizations for the first time in human history, we didn’’t have enough good managers to keep all those bureaucracies functioning. So many companies and universities developed management programs, and hundreds and thousands of people were encouraged to learn management on the job. And they did. But, people were taught little about leadership. To some degree, management was empahasized because it’s easier to teach than leadership. But even more so, management was the main item on the twentieth century agenda because that’s what was needed. For every entrepreneur or business builder who was a leader, we needed hundreds pf mangers to run their ever-growing enterprises.

Unfortunately for us today, this emphasis on management has often been instituionalised in corporate cultures that discourage employees from learning how to lead. Ironically, past success is usually the key ingredients in producing this outcome. The syndrome, as I have observed it on many occasions, goes like this: success creates some degree of market dominance. Which in turn produces msch growth. After a while keeping the ever-larger organization under control becomes the primary challenge. So attention turns inward, and managerial competencies are nurtured. With a strong emphasis on management but not leadership, bureaucracy and an inward focus take over. But with continued success, the result mostly of market dominance, the problem often goes unaddressed and an unhealthy arrogance begins to evolve. All of these characteristics then make any transformation effort much more difficult.

Arrogant managers can over-evaluate their current performance and competitive position, listen poorly, and learn slowly. Inwardly focused employees can have difficulty seeing the very forces that present threats and opportunities. Bureaucratic cultures can smother those who want to respond to shifting conditions. And the lack of leadership leaves no force inside these organizations to break out of the morass.

  1. Which of the following is not the characteristic of bureaucratic culture?

  1. Manager’s listen poorly and learn slowly

  2. Managerial competencies are nurtured

  3. Employee clearly see the forces that present threats and opportunities

  4. Prevalence of unhealthy arrogance

  5. Managers tend to stifle initiative and innovation

  1. Which of the following statement is not true in the context of the passage?

  1. Bureaucratic culture smother those who want to respond to changing conditions

  2. Ledaership produces change and has the potential to establish direction

  3. Pressure on managers come mostly from within

  4. Leadership centres on carrying out important functions such as planning and problem solving

  5. Mangers believe that they are the best and that their idiosyncratic traditions are superior

  1. Why did companies nad universities develp rogrammes to prepare mangers in such a large number?

  1. Companies and universities wanted to generate funds through these programmes

  2. The large number of organizations were ceated and they needed mangaers in good number

  3. Organizations did not want to spend their scarce resources in training managers

  4. Organizations wanted to create communication network through trained managers

  5. None of these

  1. Management education was emphasized in the management programs because

  1. Establishing direction was the main focus of the organizations

  2. Motivating employees was thought to be done by mangers

  3. Strategies for producing change was the main focus of the organization

  4. Organization wanted to create powerful guiding coalition

  5. Management was the main items of agenda in organizations

  1. How, the author, has defined management?

  1. It is the process of adapting organizations to changing circumstances

  2. It is the system of aligning people with the direction it has taken

  3. It refers to ceating a vision to help direct the change effort

  4. Creating better performance through customer orientation

  5. None of these

  1. Which of the following is similar in meaning of the word ‘smother’as used in the passage

Suppress/ encourage/ instigate/ criticize/ attack

  1. Why, according to the author, a distinction between management and leadership is crucial?

  1. Leaders are reactive whereas managers are proactive

  2. Organizations are facing problems of not getting good managers

  3. Organizations are pursuing the strategy of status-quo

  4. In today’s context organizations need leaders much more than managers in transforming them

  5. None of these

  1. What, according to the author is leadership?

  1. Process which keeps system of people and technology running smoothly

  2. Planning the future and budgeting resources of the organization

  3. Inspiring peole to realize the vision

  4. Carrying out the crucial functions of management

  5. None of these

  1. Why were people taught little about leadership in management programmes?

  1. Teachers were busy in understanding the phenomenon of leadership

  2. Enough study material was not available to facilitate teaching of leadership

  3. Focus of these programmes was on developing managers

  4. Leadership was considered only a political phenomenon

  5. None of these

  1. What is the historical reason for many organizations not having leadership?

  1. A view that leaders are born, they are not made

  2. Leaders lack managerial skills and organizations need managers

  3. Leaders are weak in carrying out traditional functions of the management

  4. Leaders allow too much complacency in organizations

  5. None of these

  1. Which of the following characteristics help organizations in their transformation efforts?

  1. Emphasis on leadership but not management

  2. A strong and dogmatic culture

  3. Bureaucratic and inward looking approach

  4. Failing to acknowledge the value of customers and shareholders

  5. None of these

  1. Which of the following statements is/are definitely true in the context of the passage?

  1. Bureaucracy fosters strong and arrogant culture

  2. Leadership competencies are nurtured in large size organizations

  3. Successful transformation in organizations is 70 to 90 percent leadership.

  1. In the passage management is equated with

  1. Organization

  2. Leadership

  3. Organizational vision

  4. Bureaucracy

  5. Managerial training

  1. Which of the following is similar in meaning of the word ‘nurtured’as used in the passage?

  1. Created

  2. Developed

  3. Thwarted

  4. Surfaced

  5. Halted

  1. Why does the attention of large organizations turn inward?

  1. Their managers become arrogant

  2. They have to keep themselves under control

  3. Their successs creates market dominance

  4. They want to project their predictability

  5. None of these


Directions (1 to 10): in each of these questions pick out the most effective pair of words from the given choices to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

  1. The teacher must – the unique style of a learner in order to – it to the desired knowledge.

  1. Advocate—direct

  2. Perpetuate—develop

  3. Appreciate—focus

  4. Absorb—maintain

  5. Discover—harness

  1. Not all countries bebefit – from liberalisatio. The benefits tend to – first to the advantaged and to those with the right education to be able to benefit from the opportunities presented

  1. Equally—generate

  2. Richly—downgrade

  3. Suitably—ascribe

  4. Uniformally—percolate

  5. Judiciously—facilitate

  1. He has—sense of words. Therefore, the sentences he constructs are always—with rich meaning

  1. Profound—pregnant

  2. Distinguished—loaded

  3. Terrific—tempted

  4. Meaningful—full

  5. Outstanding—consistent

  1. He was an – musician, had been awarded the George medal during the second world war and—with the title of Rai bagadur

  1. Outstanding—popularized

  2. Underestimated—declared

  3. Accompolished—honoured

  4. Impressive—assigned

  5. Obdurate—proclaimed

  1. Whether it be shallow or not, commitment is the -- , the bedrock of any—loving relationship

  1. Expression—perfunctory

  2. Foundation—genuinely

  3. Manifestation—deep

  4. Key—alarmingly

  5. Basis—absorbibg

  1. Many people take their spirituality very seriously and—about those who don’t. worrying about them and – them to believe.

  1. Think—criticizing

  2. Pride—appraising

  3. Rationalize—enabling

  4. Wonder—prodding

  5. Ponder—venturing

  1. Unless new reserves are found soon, the world’s supply of coal is being – in such a way that with demand contining to grow at present rates, reserves will be—by the year 2050

  1. Consumed—completed

  2. Depleted—exhausted

  3. Reduced—argument

  4. Burnt—destroyed

  5. Utilized—perished

  1. If you are—you tend to respond to stressful situations, in a calm, secure, steady and—way

  1. Resilient—rational

  2. Obdurate—manageable

  3. Propitious—stable

  4. Delectable—flexible

  5. Supportive—positive

  1. Management can be defined as the process of – organizational goals by working with and through human and non-human resources to—improve value added to the world

  1. Getting—deliberately

  2. Advocate—move

  3. Tend—gravitate

  4. Express—attract

  5. Fed--follow

  1. If you are an introvert, you—to prefer working alone and, if possible, will – towards projects where you can work by yourself or with as few as possible

  1. Like—depart

  2. Advocate—move

  3. Tend—gravitate

  4. Express—attract

  5. Feel—follow

Directions (11 to 23) in the following passages there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and aginst each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Actually, everyday we all engage in this business of ‘reading’people. We do it (61) we want to figure others out. So we (62) make guesses about what others think, value, want and feel and we do so based on our (63) beliefs and understanding about human nature. We do so because if we can figure out (64) and intentions of others the possibility of them (65) or hurting us, (66) and this will help us to (67) a lot of unnecessary pain and trouble. We also make second-guesses about what they will do in future, how they will (68) if we make this or that response. We do all this second guessing based upon our (69) of what we believe about the person’s inner nature (70) his or her roles and manners. We mind-read their (71)motives.

Also everyday we misguess and misread. Why? Because of complexity, (72) and multi-dimensional functioning of people. After all how well do you ‘read’your own thoughts, aims, values, motives, beliefs, etc? how well do you know your own structuring process—your own thinking (73) styles.

  1. Vehemently/ practically/ actually/ incessantly/ virtually

  2. Ably/ constantly/ partly/ largely/ positively

  3. Futuristic/ proactive/ reactive/ decorative/ assumptive

  4. Manifestations/ expressions/ motives/ hopes/ prospects

  5. Tricking/ blaming/ furthering/ alarming/ criticizing

  6. Lessens/ happens/ questions/ deepens/ laments

  7. Approach/ direct/ avoid/ implement/ prepare

  8. Solve/ apply/ plan/ approach/ respond

  9. Projection/ exhibition/ situation/ prediction/ attribution

  10. Organizing/ underneath/ appreciating/proposing/ aoutside

  11. Cunning/ visible/ deeper/ obvious/ proposed

  12. Abnormality/ angularity/ focus/ layerdness/ contribution/

  13. Proposing/ developing/ upbringing/lamenting/ emoting

Directions (24 to 30): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5) i.e ‘no error’. (ignore the errors of punctuation, if any)

  1. The judge asked the man (A) if the bag he had lost (B) contain five thousand rupees (C). the man replied that it did (D) no error (E)

  2. I trust you will (A) show forbearance to me (B) a few minutes more (C) so that I can finish this work (D) no error (E)

  3. The ground outside the village (A) abounding with frogs and snakes (B) the enemies of mankind (C) is soft and marshy (D) no error (E)

  4. We are all short-sighted (A) and very often see but one side of the matters (B) our views are not extended (C) to all that has a connection with it (D) no error (E)

  5. Just laws are no restraint with (A) the freedom of the good (B) for the good man desires nothing (C) which a just law interfere with (D) no error (E)

  6. Had he done (A) his homework well (B) he would not have (C) suffered this embaraasment (D) no error (E)

  7. He was angry with me (A) because he thought (B) my remark was (C) aimed before him (D) no error (E)

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