Comprehension Passages

-The main idea of the passage is that………

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286-The main idea of the passage is that……… .

***A)smoking during pregnancy increases the possibility of the child committing crimes in adult life

B)pregnant women who smoke should be regarded as criminals and be punished

C)4.169 males were born in Copenhagen between the years 1959 and 1961

D)most criminals are heavy smokers

E) most of the men at age 34 in Copenhagen have arrest records

287-The research mentioned in the passage………… .

A)concentrated on the effects of smoking before and after pregnancy

B)was a repetition of several previous studies, which were inconclusive

***C)mainly dealt with the adult behaviour of the children of smoking mothers

D)worked with smoking mothers below the age of 34

E)studied only the last third of a mother's pregnancy

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