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05-04-2007 18:58

should the bumfuzzle thread be locked?

this is only my second poll so i really am not to sure how to make these things well, and actually my last poll was on whether you liked the bumfuzzles and i coppped a little falck for this but hey, i reckon theyre prettyy cool


05-04-2007 19:14

If a thread becomes overly abusive, or completely off topic it might as well be locked. I don't know if the Bumfuzzle thread went that way, but it sounds like it may have, and if it did, then locking it was fair enough.


05-04-2007 21:28

I vote-leave it locked

What makes you think a forum is a democracy. It is owned, sponsored and run by those chosen by the owner. If they choose to close a thread, so be it. It is their decision for what ever reason. They keep this place pretty clean compared to other sites I've seen. If a few toes are stepped on, so what. The over all system is running smooth.

The members choose to be here on their own, it's not required. So take what you get, it's free. Nothing loss, except words. And from what I read most of the words were speculation and useless.

Have a beer and relax, stirring up the silt just dirties the water.

On second thought, maybe it is the beer. Have a drink of silty water, so you can have a bad taste in your mouth.

Yours Aye!


06-04-2007 01:34

I voted not to lock the thread.........

My view on the Bumfrazzles was fair go to anyone with the gumption to do what they have done. Notwithstanding that perhaps they set off with less knowledge / preparation than would have been ideal..........but if folk always waited for the perfect time, many would never do anything.

Their attitude is certainly different - but i read them as being brutally honest, with hamming their stories / attitudes up for increased effect - but not so much as to be unbeleivable..........I have been around the globe a bit in my time (sans Boat) and attitudes they express by visitors to places foreign are by no means unusual. I used to think they were "wrong" and "missing out" - but my view has changed over the years to "live and let live", plus the realisation that I am not really that different in my enjoyment of my (western orientated) lifestyle - no matter where in the world I actually am........or what I may say / claim or delude myself about...............

BUT having said all that, the Bumfizzle thread is IMO now a complete waste of space for any meaningful comment or discussion - but apart from any censorship issues (of course this is NOT a democracy :cool: ), I figure keeping it open serves the practical purpose of having a spot for those who want to vent their spleens.........kinda like a wasp trap in real life or practical the purpose of Free speech.

Sunspot Baby

06-04-2007 02:59

I voted "who cares?" It is all a tempest in a tea pot. I quickly grew tired of all the sniping and quit reading it. If there are those with so little important issues in their lives that they become embroiled in this, let them go.

I admire the spirit of adventure of the subject boat and crew and think many of the things they do are foolish, but as I said, WHO CARES?


little boat

06-04-2007 07:13

i emailed the bumfuzzles about a year ago, wishing them luck and giving them some of my famous non-solicited sailing advise. since that time, we have become wonderful friends and correspond very frequently. i love pat and ali and await the day that we can meet in person. they are a very sweet, funny couple and their energy and enthusiasm inspires me. we will never agree on some things..(they find sailing boring, and really just enjoy travelling), and i detest fast food, haha!, but we do agree on the pompousity of many 'cruisers' and the absolute audacity of their nosiness and judgemental behaviour. those of you who haven't had the opportunity to befriend these cool kids, as i have, are missing out on a truly fantastic chance of friendship. i certainly treasure ours.

Greg S

06-04-2007 09:05

Voted "Who Cares". David O-J and Sunspot Baby sum up my thoughts exactly.


06-04-2007 15:47

The idea that the Bummfuzzle topic was banned is incorrect.

Just start a new thread!

If it turns into a brawl we can close it down as we would any thread that goes in that direction. The poll that really counts was very unanimous among the staff.

It wasn't locked because of the topic but the mess that it created. Any thread that gets out of hand will be locked. We will generally lock a thread before we delete it unless it is spam. Spam goes on sight by any staff member that sees it. It does not last very long here.

rebel heart

06-04-2007 19:28

I'd like to have it opened. I used to admin a message board, and it's worth remembering that sometimes new people show up, who weren't a part of old drama, and might want to comment.

As far as starting a new thread is concerned, if they do, they'll just get told to shut up and get linked to the old thread, with someone saying "we already talked about that."

Beyond that, why should I have to start a new thread that is directly related to comments and ideas from an existing one? Simply from an information architecture point of view that's a pretty inefficient system.


07-04-2007 09:48

I actually FOUND this site through some other controversy on some other site about was referenced and so here I am....something to thank them for....:)


07-04-2007 13:26

Now See!


Originally Posted by Rangiroo

I actually FOUND this site through some other controversy on some other site about was referenced and so here I am....something to thank them for....:)

The birds have gathered on the pond and the fisherman are come'n over to see what for.

Locking a thread can have it's advantages. It hasn't been censored or deleted , just locked. 441 posts is enough! That's more of a blog then a forum thread.

Lets move on to bigger and better things, rather then bickering over something that can still be viewed. As if anyone would want to go through that whole menagerie.

Yours Aye!


07-04-2007 19:18

advantages to locking?

I guess there might be advantages to locking certain types of threads, but the Bumfuzzle thread doesn't seem to need it, to me. If you see such an advantage, please put forth your logic.

But please don't blame flaming. It has been pointed out by one of the moderators that private emails to flamers almost always gets them to stop. In fact, I think it's actually a good thing to allow a bit of flaming now and then. It lets us all see who the knuckleheads are so we can ignore their posts in the future. It's not hard to see the name of the poster over there on the left and just jump right by the whole message.

So what if the thread is 441 posts? So what if it grows to 4410 posts? The amount of space these threads take up in server space or transmission bandwidth is negligible. It's just text.

Locking a thread just starts another thread and that makes it harder to follow the train of thought.

If you don't like long threads, don't read them. Read every other post. Read just the ones written by women or one-armed pirates. Whatever you like.

If you only like short threads, just read short threads. If I want to read every bit of a long thread, what possible problem is that to anyone else? If I want to add a comment to a very long thread, what possible problem is that to anyone else?

Finally, I'd like to echo Rangiroo's comment: I found Cruiser's Forum by stumbling on to the Bumfuzzle site. I'm glad I found Cruiser's Forum. I'm a firm believer in variety spicing up life. I've gotten a few tips from some of the other sailors here like Alan Wheeler in other threads, and I learned a few things about human nature and life on a sailboat from Bumfuzzle chronicles and other cruiser's pages. It's all good in one way or another.


07-04-2007 19:21


Originally Posted by BilgeRat

Lets move on to bigger and better things . . .


Go for it! Start up another thread of something interesting to you. Maybe it will draw a crowd and we'll all gain from it.

Charlie Magee


07-04-2007 21:04

Maybe some people on the forum enjoyed that thread. It's simple, if you don't like the thread don't click on it and stay out of it, don't censor it. But who am I to say, that is just my opinion. But the powers that be, that is thier decision, not mine. So so be it.


07-04-2007 23:36



Originally Posted by charliemagee


Go for it! Start up another thread of something interesting to you. Maybe it will draw a crowd and we'll all gain from it.

Charlie Magee

Something of importance to Cruiser's.


26-04-2007 20:41

I am new, and it was that thread that caught my attention

As we are planning to become live aboard sailors in the future, I have been reading books on how couples make the extra income to continue to do what they have dreamed about. We started with Bob Bitchens mag, and was soon taken over by that call to sea:) Or I should say hubby was. I soon followed and we rush to the mailbox for all our sailing books! But I have been following several solo men and women, and was watching the style that each has used to not only increase their own kitty, but to advance personal causes that they cared deeply about. It's really our choice to give or not to give to the adventures of others out there. There has been so many different stories and each reflects the character of the sailor and I quess we all tend to be supportive of those most like ourselves. I appreciated the give and take on the posts. And hope that this is a good sign that there isn't an issue that is taboo or will be censored. I have alot of questions. And I hope this is a great place to kick back, ask the foolish questions, share the stories as I begin my sailing classes and take some good natured ribbing. Happy to be on board.



Originally Posted by rebel heart

I'd like to have it opened. I used to admin a message board, and it's worth remembering that sometimes new people show up, who weren't a part of old drama, and might want to comment.

As far as starting a new thread is concerned, if they do, they'll just get told to shut up and get linked to the old thread, with someone saying "we already talked about that."

Beyond that, why should I have to start a new thread that is directly related to comments and ideas from an existing one? Simply from an information architecture point of view that's a pretty inefficient system.


26-04-2007 21:16


I have alot of questions. And I hope this is a great place to kick back, ask the foolish questions, share the stories as I begin my sailing classes and take some good natured ribbing.

Should you find you have no more questions then the reason to go off Crusing will be gone. I hope you never run out of questions. Foolish or otherwise life is mostly about questions and less about answers. Sailing is more about showing up than anything else.

Sailing class stories are always a favorite here!


27-04-2007 17:51

Thanks for the Welcome!

My hubby is an excellent sailor. He has sailed with Roger Olson and John Kreishmer (?) He loves the more unruly seas. Loves the challenge of it all. And there is alway a story to be told. I appreciate the words of wisdom about enjoying the moment. We realize that how we measure time on land, isn't how one does it on the sea. And it's just a matter of casting off and not looking back. At least not for a while. I don't want to have expectations of how I think it should be, I want to just get ur Done...:) learn the important things on how to stay alive, how to feed the captain and how to avoid those moments when you get yelled at in front of the whole harbor for something "he" forgot to do...:) Thanks for the welcome and will check back in to continue to read posts. It takes a very long time to cover all the different sources of information you have here! Thanks! OceanView


22-05-2007 23:10

Is this thread getting bumped up with no posts? it is making me a bit crazy reading the same thing over and over.


23-05-2007 04:38

My guess is that it bumps to the top every time someone votes.


23-05-2007 05:23

Ooops. My bad - I voted. Probably because this thread keeps popping up at the top - LOL

Maybe we should start a "Should the "Should the Bumfuzzle Thread Be Locked" be locked thread."

Alan Wheeler

23-05-2007 13:38

It should be locked. If it isn't, then I am doign something wrong, because I was sure I had locked it once before. I will take a look. Hmmmm, I even seem to remember Pat making some comment on some site, maybe his, that it had been closed and made a big song and dance about it.


23-05-2007 16:41

Dan is suggesting locking this poll, not the already locked bumfuzzle thread.

I found his turn of phrase quite witty.

Steve Kidson

25-05-2007 00:43

But hasn't this been done to death before???????

I like to peruse their website from time to time to find out where they are etc etc.

They set out as inexperienced and probably naive, but they have achieved teir objective, sailed around the world, and that is more than many on this forum will ever acheive.


25-05-2007 00:51

I want nothing more than to do what they did. Stupid adventurer is my middle name.


25-05-2007 00:53

well it is Wade. Thats my Dads name. God bless him!


25-05-2007 11:54

Well, the bums made it around the globe. Way to go!


25-05-2007 17:37

i too add my congratulations to them and i hope they continue to write in the same amusing style about their next adventures as it passes the time for me while i am building, also come on alan unlock the thread what harm can it do, the people have voted



25-05-2007 21:09

And I say, keep it locked.

That's my vote!!


25-05-2007 21:24

Yeah. Keep it locked. Why would we want to discuss successful circumnavigators on a cruising forum?


04-06-2007 10:31

I haven't been in this forum for around 6 months, maybe a little bit less and yet the topic of the "bumfuzzles" or whatever seems to have eternal life. I would say from an editorial point of view and keeping a site active, kind of like keeping readers of a newspaper that the topic should be allowed to roll along for the next decade or two. Obviously it fulfills some dark need by some as it continues to not die.

I did read something about this couple because of the flack in these forums, however what struck me, like the many forums I belong to, was an over reaction to a non-event, blown out of proportion. This happens all the time in the photography and model railroading forums I frequent. These kind of threads I see as the "spice" of a forum and make them more interesting as long as they don't get too heated; however, why folks would get themselves in a slather over another couples sailing around the world is a mystery to me. Seems there are so many evils and negatives in the world, the "bum who evers" must surely be down there with the "dog pooh in the parks" debate.


04-06-2007 12:01

I wonder if the new owners are planning on maintaining a web site and doing a circumnavigation:

Alan Wheeler

04-06-2007 13:23

Then for cryin out loud, DISCUSS THE BUMFUZZLES!! No ones stoping anyone discussing the Bumfuzzles.

The reason we lock these threads is because they get totaly off topic and start raving on about how the "forum" (read..the hard working for no reward mod team) control threads and pick on young cruisers doing something wrong and balh blah.
By all means, go ahead and contribute. But contribute please. Don't add to the noise.

capt lar

04-06-2007 13:44

Quite a listing on YachtWorld.

Under "Safety Gear", I did not see a MOB pole (grey) listed. Hmmmmm.
Pat must have that up on the wall somewhere ! ;)


12-06-2007 20:16

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