Cyber defense

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Cyber Defense Handbook
Cooperation, in all its facets, whether international, national, with the industrial and academic sector, with citizens and internal cooperation within the cyber force, is an essential activity to achieve and maintain solid cyber defense.
International cooperation is especially relevant in cyber defense due to the ubiquitous nature attacks can originate from anywhere in the world on compromised networks) and the anonymous nature (without a recognized signature) of cyber attacks, which require the involvement of other countries to identify the origin of the cyber threat and to deliver an effective response.
To procure strong international cooperation, it is necessary to establish bilateral agreements with other cyber forces in the geostrategic environment and to actively participate in the collective cyber defense of international defense alliances.
In order to make effective bilateral cooperation agreements, it is necessary, first of all, to build mutual trust to facilitate a balanced exchange of information, so that neither party feels at a disadvantage with respect to the other in terms of the quantity and quality of the information received vis-à-vis that delivered.
Military cyber defense is the main capability of the government of a nation to implement national cyber defense as part of the defense policy, which, in coordination with the other instruments of national power, contributes to national security. It is not always clear whether a cyber threat or a cyber attack is the responsibility of military cyber defense, national cyber defense or national cyber security. For example, in order to avoid a cyber attack targeting the exfiltration of defense industry proprietary information could be considered a responsibility of the cyber force or the police, depending on whether it is prioritized as a crime or as an attack against national defense.
The information and intelligence secured by a cyber force in the performance of its tasks monitoring, cyber threat hunting, cyber intelligence) can be useful to national cybersecurity agencies and vice versa. Therefore, the cooperation between cyber force, cybercrime police units, cybersecurity units of other ministries, national intelligence services, national cybersecurity agencies, national critical infrastructure cybersecurity centers and government is necessary to achieve, inter alia, the highest possible level of national cybersecurity.
The industry sector is one of the main pillars for the development of cyber defense technologies. Therefore, the cyber force must promote cooperation agreements with the industry to foster research, innovation and development of cyber defense technologies.
In many cases, acquiring commercial products adapted to the cyber force’s operational requirements or the hiring of IT sector private companies for developments or services could be sufficient. But the development, maintenance and survival of the cyber force’s

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