Faà di Bruno, Giovanni Matteo [Horatio, Orazio] Fabbri, Anna Maria

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Fleischer, Tsippi

(b Haifa, 1946). Israeli composer and musicologist. She studied at the Music Teachers’ Training College (Tel-Aviv), the Rubin Academy (Jerusalem), New York University (MA 1975) and Bar-Ilan University (PhD in musicology 1995). She also studied Arabic language, culture and history, and Hebrew linguistics at Tel-Aviv University (BA 1969–72). In 1996 she was appointed to a post at the Music Teachers’ Training College. Her honours include the Prize of Excellence in Israeli Music (1992), the ACUM (Israeli performing rights society) Prize (1994), the Composer's Residency Award of Villa Montalvo and the Prime Minister's Composition Prize (1998).

The ideology of East-West synthesis, characteristic of much Israeli music, has been deeply ingrained in Fleischer’s personality. Her admiration for the qualities of Arabic poetry has found its expression in a series of settings that smoothly alternate between Western and Arabic idioms, as in the Ballad of Expected Death in Cairo. The trilingual Oratorio 1492–1992, written in commemoration of the expulsion of Jews from Spain, shifts freely between atonal and tonal harmonies, monophonic cantillation and patterns borrowed from Spanish folk music. Four Old Winds, a series of four multimedia works, employs tape, video and dancers, as well as sounds produced from palm tree branches. Israeli folk and popular song are among her research interests. (R. Fleisher: Twenty Israeli Composers, Detroit, 1997)


(selective list)

Stage and multimedia: Rattles, Baskets and Kindling (ballet), vc, perc, 1978; Four Old Winds (4 multimedia works, Ugaritic, biblical Heb., Babylonian and Coptic texts), dancer, palm tree branches, tape, video, 1993–5; Medea (chbr op), S, fl + rec, cl + b cl + sax, vc, perc, 1995

Other works: Ballad of Expected Death in Cairo (S. El-Sabur), (T, 3 vn, pf)/(Mez, 2 vn, va, pf), 1987; Oratorio 1492–1992 (medieval Heb., Arabic, Sp. and Jewish texts), SATB, ens (gui, mand), orch, 1991; Hexapptichon (J.I. Jabra), SATB/(A, baroque ob, vc, hpd)/hp/str qt/(hp, str qt)/pf 4 hands, 1996–7

Principal publishers: Israel Music Institute, Israeli Music Publishers, Israel Music Centre


Fleischhauer, Günter

(b Magdeburg, 8 July 1928). German musicologist. He studied classics with Erich Reitzenstein, music education with Fritz Reuter and musicology with Max Schneider at Halle University (1947–52), where he took the doctorate in 1959 with a dissertation on musicians' associations in Hellenistic and Roman antiquity. After working as an assistant (1952–9) at the Halle Music Education Institute, he began teaching at Halle University, and was appointed lecturer (1962), supernumerary professor (1990–92) and subsequently professor (1992–4). His main areas of research are the music of antiquity, Telemann and Handel. He was one of the founders of the Telemann Festival, held regularly in Magdeburg since 1962, and has edited a number of Telemann's works; he also wrote the volume on Etruria and Rome (1964) for the series Musikgeschichte in Bildern.


‘Zur Geschichte des Knabengesanges im ausgehenden Altertum’, Festschrift Max Schneider zum achtzigsten Geburtstage, ed. W. Vetter (Leipzig, 1955), 11–15

‘Händel und die Antike’, Händel-Ehrung der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik: Halle 1959, 87–93

Die Musikergenossenschaften im hellenistisch-römischen Altertum: Beiträge zum Musikleben der Römer (diss., U. of Halle, 1959)

‘Einige Gedanken zur Harmonik Telemanns’, Beiträge zu einem neuen Telemannbild: Magdeburg 1962, 50–63

Etrurien und Rom (Leipzig, 1964, 2/1978; Jap. trans., 1985)

‘Die Musik Georg Philipp Telemanns im Urteil seiner Zeit’, HJb 1967–8, 173–208; 1969–70, 23–74

‘Beethoven und die Antike’, Beethoven Congress: Berlin 1970, 465–82

‘Telemanns Journal “Der getreue Music-Meister” (1728/29) unter musikpädagogischen Aspekten’, Telemann und die Musikerziehung: Magdeburg 1973, 43–59

‘Zu den Einflüssen polnischer Musik im Instrumentalmusikschaffen Georg Philipp Telemanns und ihrer Wiedergabe’, Studien zur Aufführungspraxis, i (1975), 43–50

‘Georg Philipp Telemann als Wegbereiter des “vermischten Geschmacks” im Musikleben seiner Zeit’, Studien zur Aufführungspraxis, xiii (1981), 33–48

‘Karl Wilhelm Ramlers musikalische Idylle “Der May” in den Vertonungen Georg Philipp Telemanns und Johann Friedrich Reichardts’, Dichtung und Musik: Walther Siegmund-Schultze zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. S. Bimberg (Halle, 1982), 23–39

‘Die “galante” und die kontrapunktische Schreibart Georg Philipp Telemanns im Urteil Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurgs’, Telemann und seine Freunde: Magdeburg 1984, ii, 71–81

‘Zur Verwendung einiger musikalisch-rhetorischer Figuren in Händels “Alexander's Feast or The Power of Musick” (HWV 75)’, HJb 1986, 23–51

‘Annotationen zum Doppel- und Gruppenkonzertschaffen Georg Philipp Telemanns’, Beiträge zur Geschichte des Konzerts: Festschrift Siegfried Kross, ed. R. Emans and M. Wendt (Bonn, 1990), 21–31

‘Georg Philipp Telemanns Zyklen “VI Moralische Cantaten”, (TWV 20:23–28 und 29–34) im Urteil Johann Adolph Scheibes’, Musica privata: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Walter Salmen, ed. M. Fink, R. Gstrein and G. Mössmer (Innsbruck, 1991), 315–38

‘Zur Funktion und Bedeutung der Instrumentalmusik in Händels dramatischen Werken (Opern und Oratorien)’, HJb 1991, 121–34

‘Annotationen zum Wort-Ton-Verhältnis in G.Ph. Telemanns “Messias” TWV 6:4)’, Georg Friedrich Händel: ein Lebensinhalt: Gedenkschrift für Bernd Baselt (1934–1993), ed. K. Hortschansky and K. Musketa (Halle, 1995), 381–93


D. Gutknecht, H. Krones and F. Zschoch, eds.: Telemanniana et alia musicologica: Festschrift für Günter Fleischhauer zum 65. Geburtstag (Oschersleben, 1995) [incl. list of pubns, 263–72]


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