Florida Supreme Court Archives Inventory of Accessioned and Processed Materials

ANSTEAD PAPERS BOX 1: Books, file folders and loose papers

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ANSTEAD PAPERS BOX 1: Books, file folders and loose papers

  1. 1945, May 1 to 2005, March 11. Anstead correspondence, personal and professional.

  2. 1960. Maryland, Ft. Meade. Harry Anstead, Application to National Security Agency.

  3. 1960, June 6. Florida, Gainesville. Program. Commencement Convocation, University of Florida. Harry Lee Anstead appears on page 14.

  4. 1962-63. Florida, Gainesville. Yearbook. “The Shingle / 1962-1963 / University of Florida / College of Law.”

  5. 1963, 1985, 1986, 1990, 1993. Florida. Newspaper clippings.

  6. 1977. Florida, Palm Beach County. Harry Anstead campaign flier for election to 4th District Court of Appeal, and newspaper clipping about his candidacy.

  7. 1977, January 4. Florida, West Palm Beach. “Investiture Ceremony / for / The Honorable Harry Lee Anstead / The Honorable Gavin K. Letts / to / The Bench of the District Court of Appeal, Fourth / District / of / Florida.” Transcript of the proceeding, carbon copy, with cover letter.

  8. 1977, 1979, 1986, 1989, no dates. Writings by Harry Anstead: Judicial Election campaign pamphlet, Manual of Internal Operating Procedures of the Fourth District Court of Appeal of the State of Florida, Nova Law Journal, “A Second Chance: Learning What Law School Never Taught Me.” Undated typescript of how to practice law at the appellate level, printed text of the “Oath of Admission to the Florida Bar.”

  9. 1978, February 19 to 2001, August 22. “Computers.” Covers Anstead’s time at the Fourth District Court of Appeal and the Florida Supreme Court.

  10. 1980, July 14 to 1990, October 19. Photocopies of legal filings, 4th District Court of Appeal.

  11. 1980, November 4 and 1988, November 8. Pamphlets. “Judges up for Merit Retention.”

  12. No date. [but probably 1980-1982] Photograph, black and white, 8 x 10. Label on back “University of Virginia.” Group of men and one woman standing on steps in front of a pillared building. Harry Anstead appears in back row, second from left.

  13. 1982, January 16 to 1988. Anstead. Marathon run certificates. Orange Bowl, New York City, Boston.

  14. 1982, May 23. Virginia, Charlottesville. “University of Virginia / 1982 Graduation Exercises.” See page 11 for Harry Lee Anstead, “Master of Laws in the Judicial Process.”

  15. 1982. Virginia, Charlottesville. University of Virginia. Harry Anstead dissertation: “Selective Publication: An Alternative to the PCA.” For Master of Laws in the Judicial Process degree.

  16. 1982 – 1989. Florida, Palm Beach County. Harry Anstead as 4th District Court of Appeal judge.

  17. 1984, May 1 to 1996, Fall. Florida. Law Day article by Harry Anstead / St. Thomas Law Review Article / Unity Beyond the Color Line Program.

  18. 1985, September 15 to October 15. Florida, Palm Beach County. Harry Anstead as nominee for Supreme Court seat.

  19. 1986, October 28 to 1994, May 1. Newspaper clippings re. Harry Anstead’s several nominations to the Florida Supreme Court.

  20. 1987, January 14 to 27. Florida. Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution article by Harry Anstead for publication in the Palm Beach Post.

  21. 1989, May 31, to 1992, October 14. Professionalism papers, articles and letters, including “Lawyers Oath.”

  22. 1989, 1992, 1993. Florida, Palm Beach. 3 letters to Harry Anstead.

  23. 1990, August to 1999, July 6. Highway safety.

  24. 1990, October 12. Florida, West Palm Beach. Application for Nomination to Florida Supreme Court.

  25. 1990, October 19 – November 16. Florida, Palm Beach County. Harry Anstead as nominee for Supreme Court seat.

  26. 1990-1991. Letters and papers related to Harry Anstead’s nomination to the Florida Supreme Court: letters of recommendation, correspondence related to the nomination, articles about the process and the candidates.

  27. 1990-1991. Letters and papers related to Harry Anstead’s appointment to the Florida Supreme Court: letters of congratulation, articles about the process and the new justice.

  28. 1994. Letters and papers related to Harry Anstead’s nomination to the Florida Supreme Court: letters of recommendation, correspondence related to the nomination, articles about the process and the candidates. [4 folders]

  29. No date [but possibly 1994, August 29 to 1995, April 21]. Florida ? Justices Rosemary Barkett and Harry Anstead dancing.

  30. 1994, October. Letters, papers, articles about Harry Anstead’s investiture as a Florida Supreme Court Justice.

  31. 1996, December 10 through 2004, May 6. “Arts in the Court Committee” documents and “History Subcommittee”, including development of Evolution of Justice exhibit panels by Andy Edel.

  32. 2001, January 31 to 2003, March 13. “Utilization and Oversight of Central Staffs.”

  33. 2002. “Passing of the Gavel.” Justice Anstead became Chief Justice on July 1, 2002. Correspondence, scripts of speeches, letters, memos, thank you notes.

  34. 2002, April 5 to 2003, May 5. “Amendment 7 to Article 5 – State Funding of Courts.” Correspondence and newspaper clippings related to this subject.

  35. No date. Anstead, Harry [author]. Outline, “Discussion of Judicial Independence.”


  1. 1999 – 2004. Accordion folder: “Correspondence and Memos #2.”

  2. 2002, July 2. Florida, Tallahassee. Passing of the Gavel to Chief Justice Harry Anstead. Texts of speeches by Chesterfield Smith, Harry Anstead, protocol document giving order of events.

  3. 2001-2002. Accordion folder: “Revision 7” to Florida Constitution, Article V.

  4. Speeches [Accordion folder #1] 2004, June 24. Florida Bar Annual Meeting, Judicial Luncheon. No date, For Full Court Press: Cover Letter by Chief Justice Harry Lee Anstead. May, 2004 Historia Juris article on docent program. June 11, 2004, Quotes for Bar News. June 8, 2004, Annual Report Cover Letter. No date, Reprimand, Judge Carven Angel. 2004, June 24, Remarks at Florida Bar foundation Dinner. July 2, 2004, Remarks during Passing of the Gavel ceremony from Harry Anstead to Barbara Pariente. 2003, October 22, For Full Court Press: Cover Letter by Chief Justice Harry Lee Anstead. 2003, September 18, Bay Education Foundation Meeting. 2003, Florida Bar Meeting. No date [probably July 2002 when he took over as Chief], A message to All the Citizens of Florida From the Chief Justice. 1997, March 14, keynote address at luncheon of St. Thomas University School of Law. No date, Florida International University [probably a graduation address]. No date, Professionalism and Ethics on Appeal. No date, [Seminar on Forfeiture] Power and Property. 1996, B’Nai B’Rith, My Personal Experiences As A Child.” No date, [Judicial Independence, given in New York State]. 2000, March 31, [Justice Kogan’s oral history program]. 2001, January 8, Professionalism article in Guide to Legal Writing for Florida Lawyers. 2000, April 20, Jacksonville, Florida Coastal School of Law, Bias/Racism in the Criminal Justice System. 1997, April 29, Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association Law Day Luncheon address. 1996 May 19. St. Thomas University School of Law, graduation speech. [3 pages of poems, quotes]. 1996, January, St. Thomas University School of Law, keynote speech at the Second Annual Academic Symposium, “Legal Ethics and the Struggle of Native Americans.” No date, photocopy of 1 page article, “What is the meaning of life?” 1996, Fall, St. Thomas Law Review, offprint: Legal Ethics and the Struggle of Native Americans.” No date, George Magazine article, “Top Ten Greatest Trials of All Time.” 1997, Sept/Oct., Liberty Magazine. No dates, 2 pages of outlines for speeches. 1997, August, Virginia Law Review, article: “Remarks on the interdependence of Law Schools and Law Courts” by Ruth Bader Ginsburg. No date, “Appropriate at the beginning of a Discussion on Professionalism . . .” No date, “ . . . My Start to Law School . . .” 1997, April 29, Gainesville Sun, “Anthony Lewis, America’s in need of a leader” [story about John F. Kennedy]. No date, “Limitations of the Adversary System.” No date, no title. [“Serious Business – Sometimes we need to be reminded not to take ourselves too seriously –“] No date, “Limitations of the Adversary System.” [no date, photocopy of Michaelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Ceiling painting of the Creation of Adam]. 1996, May 14, printout of website, Christusrex.org/ Sistine Chapel tour. 1995, Reception – Judge Edward Rodgers. 1995, Speech, council for Marriage Preservation and Divorce Resolution, Boca Raton.” 1995, Appellate Practice Seminar. 1995, Florida Bar Annual Meeting, Writing Seminar. 1995, Jacksonville Bar Association, “Professionalism”. 1994, St. Thomas University College of Law, “Tribal Sovereignty: Back to the Future?” No date, New Encyclopedia Britannica, “Wounded Knee.” No date [1995?] David Broder column, “We still wrestle with the decline of our civic virtue.” 1995, November 10, “Installation Address, South Texas College of Law [photocopy of printed article in 1995 Annual Review]. No date, no title [“My main Purpose in being here is to thank you and pay tribute to your unselfish efforts to help those in our communities . . .”] 1989, Trial Magazine, photocopy of article: “Protecting the Right of Trial by Jury.” No date, photocopy “Simple Justice.” 1996, January, photocopy of magazine article, For The Defense, “Justice Story’s Advice to Young Lawyers.” 1987, September 17, photocopy of article “Reason, Passion, and “the Progress of the Law” by William Brennan. 1991, July, photocopy of magazine article, Trial Advocate Quarterly, “Lincoln, The Answer to the Lawyer’s Quest for a Role Model; Or Young Mr. Lincoln Revisited.” by Susann Anstead.

  5. “Speeches, File #2”. No date, [Judicial Independence]. 2002, Remarks of Justice Anstead to incoming students at Florida International University Law School. 2002, November 8, Retirement ceremony for Justice Leander Shaw; Remarks by Justice Anstead. 2005, May 11, printouts and transcripts of radio interview with Rafe Esquith. 2006, September 27. printout of article by Sandra Day O’Connor, “The Threat to Judicial Independence.” 2007, February 26, printout of speech by Harry Shorstein, “Tale of Two Jacksonvilles.” 2005, March 18, printouts of information about speaking engagement as recipient of the Gideon Award to Harry Anstead. 2003, April, Yale Law School, speech by Judith Kaye, “Delivering Justice Today.” No date. “Under the Dome.” 2002, November 7, “Public Reprimand of Judge Rosa I. Rodriguez.” 2000, September-October, Judicature Magazine article reprint: “Why Should We Care About Independent and Accountable Judges?” No date, no title [Judicial Independence]: “It is a pleasure to be here in this beautiful and historic setting.” No date, “The Challenge of Professionalism – The Florida Response.” No date, “The Challenge of Professionalism – The Florida Response,” an earlier draft with extensive red ink, handwritten edits and additions. Another same with different edits and additions. 1999, March, printed article: “American Bar Association, Guidelines for Litigation Conduct.” 1998, Fall, reprint of Stetson Law Review article: “Professionalism: The Client May Come Second,” by Edward M. Waller, Jr. No date, “Family Law Conference.” Circa 2002, January-May, “Challenge You to View Judicial Independence Thru Prism of Judicial Responsibility & Accountability,” handwritten draft of a speech. 1986, May, photocopy of article from Florida Bar Journal, “The Outer Limits of Florida Appellate Advocacy,” by John Tiedermann. 1997, December 5, documents and reference material for a presentation by Justice Harry Anstead on “Ethics and Professionalism,” a seminar given in Washington D.C. No date, outline, “Professionalism and Ethics on Appeal: Competence, Character, And Caring about the Client and the System.”

  6. 2000. Book. West Group Appointment Book for Judges and Lawyers. Notes entered by hand. See especially November and December for Election 2000 appointments.

  7. 2001. Book. West Group Appointment Book for Judges and Lawyers. Notes entered by hand.

  8. 2002, November. Book. Seuss, Dr. Sneetches and Other Stories. New York, Random House, 1989. Gift inscription from Mike and Michele Vasalinda.

  9. No date. Book. Vitale, Dick. Campus Chaos. Indianapolis: Time Out Publishing. Handwritten note inserted in front cover from Dick Vitale.

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