Foreign languages

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Foreign languages

E x e r c i s e 1.
Make up sentences with the following words and expressions.

predetermine, repairing the shoes, flimsyness, premature wearing-out, separate details, thick needle, determine, dense seam, large-scale repair, seam, average repair, wrong descent, small repair, grating of upper, technologically, oxidizing metal nails, fastening, demolish, soles, rot, hems, thin thread, restoration.


E x e r c i s e 2. Answer the following questions according to the text «Shoe repair shop».
1. What details of the upper part of shoes are worn out more quickly? 2. Where are they usually worn out? 3. What causes premature wearing out? 4.What types of shoe repair are determined according to the level of wear of the separate details? 5. What groups are these types of repair technologically divided into?

E x e r c i s e 3. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Siz o‘zingizdan kattalarni hurmat qilishingiz kerak. 2. Talabalar, sizlar dars qoldirmasligingiz kerak. 3 Sizga shoshishning keragi yo‘k. 4. Siz uzoq vaqt dam olishingiz kerak. 5. Biz kecha unga yordam berishimiz kerak edi. 6. Ular keyingi hafta biznikiga mexmonga kelishlari kerak. 7. Bu uy ta’mirga muxtoj. 8. Kutubxonaga kitoblarni o‘z vaqtida topshirishingiz kerak.



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