Glossary of sports and reporting terms abbreviations

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Look In [FB]: A pass play in which a receiver runs diagonally down the field and “looks in” (looks back toward the quarterback) for the pass.

Loose [ARCH]: to release tension on the bow; to shoot the arrow.

Loose Ball [BB]: A ball that is in play but not in possession of either team.

Love [TEN]: No score.

Love Game [TEN]: Game in which a player or team fails to score a point.

Love Set [TEN]: Set in which a player or team fails to score a point.

Low Blow [BOX]: A blow below the hip-line, usually to the crotch and usually a foul.

Low Board [SWIM]: the 1-meter board.

L-type hurdle [T&F]: Hurdle and base that resemble the letter L.

Lunge [FEN]: Key offensive movement in fencing; a long reach with one leg, preceded by a thrust with the foil. In a successful lunge, the fencer’s whole body follows the arm and leg thrust instantly.

Lunge [FHOCK]: Play used to take the ball from an opponent on the opponent’s left.

Lures [B&F]: Artificial or natural bait used to attract fish.

Lying Deep [RUG]: in attack, the backs adopt a deep formation to allow themselves running room. Somewhat similar to the backfield formation in a kick return in American football.

Lying on the Ball [RUG]: there is a penalty for stopping play by lying on the ball.

Lying Shallow [RUG]: in defense, the backs adapt a formation closer to their opponents.

MA-1 [PARA]: a 36” spring-loaded pilot chute. Used on ParaCommander and other similar parachutes and on many standard backpacks. The new “throw-away pilot chutes” are rapidly replacing the spring-loaded pilot chute.

Mae West [DIVE]: Life jacket for use on the surface of the water.

Mae West [PARA]: Malfunction caused by a suspension line over the canopy. So called because the parachute looks like a large bra, instead of like a round canopy.

Magazine [JOUR]: regularly issued publication that contains fiction, nonfiction, and art, and that is aimed at a specific reading public. Carries the original definition of powder magazine, that is, storehouse.

Magic Number [BASE]: the number of games that a particular team must win to win a divisional race and thus qualify for playoffs leading to the World Series.

Mags [MOTOR]: Wheel rims made of magnesium; used because magnesium is very light.

Maiden [HORSE]: A horse that has not won a race.

Main [PARA]: Principal canopy, as opposed to the reserve.

Main Event [BOX]: the most important and the last bout during a boxing program.

Major League [BASE]: Refers to either or both the National League or the American League.

Major Penalty [HOCK]: Five minutes (or more) in the penalty box.

Majority Decision [BOX]: a decision made by two of three boxing judges.

Make the Weight [BOX]: to gain or lose pounds to enter a specific weight class, for a fight in that class.

Makeup [JOUR]: the consistent design of a total publication.

Making a Game [POOL]: Setting up some action or betting.

Malfunction [PARA]: any problem with the main canopy that may require a cutaway and deployment of the reserve. Malfunctions come in two types: A total malfunction occurs when the main parachute does not come off the jumper’s back. Often called a pack closure. A partial malfunction may be either a streamer, which occurs when the sleeve deploys but the parachute does not emerge from the sleeve, or a Mae West. If the jumper has a total, he activates his reserve; if he has a partial, he does a cutaway, using his capewells and then activates his reserve. Failure to cutaway may mean that the reserve tangles with the partially open main above him, thus offering the jumper a nearly zero chance of safe recovery and descent.

Mandatory Eight Count [BOX]: A rule that indicated that when a fighter has been knocked down, the referee must count to eight before the fight can proceed, to protect the downed fighter.

Manifest [PARA]: to sign up a complete load or lift of jumpers. Many jump centers require a complete manifest and tickets before jumpers can board the aircraft.

Man-to-Man [BB]: Defensive play in which each defensive man has a special offensive player to guard.

Man-to-Man [FB]: Defense in which each player is responsible for one specific offensive player.

Mark [BOWL]: a strike or spare in a particular frame.

Mark [RUG]: a fair catch from a kick or an intentional throw forward. The player must shout “mark.” Similar to a fair catch in American football.

Mark [T&F]: the spot where the broad jumper, discus, hammer, javelin, or shot lands.

Mark up [JOUR]: to edit copy and make corrections on galley proofs.

Market [JOUR]: the audience for a magazine or publication.

Marking [FHOCK]: Defensive position close to an opponent. Similar to guarding in basketball.

Mask [FEN]: Mesh protector for the competitor’s face.

Mass Exit [PARA]: In large-star RW, a nearly simultaneous exit, in which all the jumpers fall out the door like a line of dominos. Mass exits are an art; the best stars are put together when the mass exit is tight.

Massé [POOL]: Extreme English on the cue ball. Perhaps the most difficult shot in the game. The cue stick must be held almost straight up and down.

Mast [B&F]: a pole or system of attached poles, placed vertically on a vessel, used to support the sails.

Masters [H&R]: in singles competition, players must be over 40 years of age; in doubles, one must be at least 40 and the partner at least 45 (racquetball).

Masthead [JOUR]: Material usually printed toward the front of a magazine that lists title, editors and staff members, address, and subscription rates.

Match [FEN]: Contests between two teams with one type of weapon.

Match [H&R]: two out of three games.

Match [SOC]: a game.

Match [TEN]: two out of three sets or three out of five.

Match Play [GOLF]: Competition in which the winner is decided by the total number of strokes taken for each hole. A team may win a hole, lose a hole, or halve a hole (take the same number as the opposition).

Match Point [TEN]: A point which, if won by the player, will make him or her the winner of the match.

Maul [RUG]: Action surrounding a player with the ball.

Measure [BOX]: to hold a gloved hand against a stunned fighter to guide a knockout blow.

Medal Play [GOLF]: Competition in which the total number of strokes by a player is used in determining the winner.

Medley [SWIM]: A swimming event in which the swimmer must use the butterfly, backstroke, breast-stroke, and freestyle.

Meet [FEN]: Contests between two or more teams in which more than one type of weapon is used.

Messenger [FB]: Player who enters the game with a specific play from a coach.

Middle [FEN]: center section.

Mid-Field [FB]: the 50-yard line.

Mid-majors [BB]: term used to describe conferences that are not part of the six BCS conferences in college football. The 31 mid-major conferences include the Missouri Valley, the Mid-American, and the Atlantic 10.

Minor League [BASE]: Any league other than the two major leagues.

Minor Penalty [HOCK]: two minutes in the penalty box.

Miscue [POOL]: the scratch or miss shot, caused by inaccurately stroking the cue ball.

Misdirection [FB]: Play in which the “flow” of the backfield misdirects the defense away from the path of the actual ball carrier.

Mixed Doubles [TT]: Male and female player as a team.

Modification [PARA]: any change in the basic characteristics of a parachute made by the factory or by a qualified rigger. Modifications may be a removal or change in a parachute panel, or change in the suspension or steering lines. Only qualified riggers and parachute factories are allowed to make major modifications. The F.A.A. has issued guidelines about which types of modifications may or may not be made outside the factory.

Mogul [SKI]: Small mound of snow created by skiers turning in the same place on a hill.

Momentum [FB]: Enthusiasm working for a particular team. Momentum can “flow” from one team to another depending on the game, score, or players.

MoPar [MOTOR]: Parts made by Chrysler Corporation.

More [JOUR]: Used at the bottom of a page, often in parentheses, to indicate that there are additional pages to the article.

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