Hogg, Richard M. 1G

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Essays 2549G

on grammatical theory and universal grammar / ed. by Doug Arnold ; Martin Atkinson ; Jacques Durand ; Claire Grover ; Louisa Sadler

Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1991. - 306 s. ; 22cm

Benveniste, Émile 2550G

Problèmes de linguistique générale / Émile Benveniste

[b. m.] : Éditions Gallimard, 1966. - 356 s. ; 23cm

Tristram, Hildegard L. C. 2551G

Sound, sense, and system : Herbert Pilch and postwar German studies in English linguistics (1955-1985) / ed. by Hildegard L. C. Tristram i in.

Heidelberg : Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1987. - 234 s. ; 22cm
(Anglistische Forschungen. Heft 194)

Sound, 2551G

sense, and system : Herbert Pilch and postwar German studies in English linguistics (1955-1985) / ed. by Hildegard L. C. Tristram i in.

Heidelberg : Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1987. - 234 s. ; 22cm
(Anglistische Forschungen. Heft 194)

Dąbkowski, Grzegorz 2552G

Reverendissimæ Halinæ Satkiewicz cum magna æstimatione / ed. by Grzegorz Dąbkowski

Warszawa : Plejada, 2008. - 377 s. ; 26cm

Reverendissimæ 2552G

Halinæ Satkiewicz cum magna æstimatione / ed. by Grzegorz Dąbkowski

Warszawa : Plejada, 2008. - 377 s. ; 26cm

Arngart, O. S. 2553G

English studies presented to R. W. Zandvoort on the occasion of his seventieth birthday / ed. by O. S. Arngart i in.

Amsterdam : Swets & Zeitlinger, 1964. - 284 s. ; 25cm
(A supplement to English Studies : A Journal of English Letters and Philology vol. XLV)

English 2553G

studies presented to R. W. Zandvoort on the occasion of his seventieth birthday / ed. by O. S. Arngart i in.

Amsterdam : Swets & Zeitlinger, 1964. - 284 s. ; 25cm
(A supplement to English Studies : A Journal of English Letters and Philology vol. XLV)

The Linguistic Society of Korea 2554G

Linguistics in the morning calm : selected papers from SICOL-1981 / ed. by The Linguistic Society of Korea

Seoul : Hanshin Publishing Company, 1982. - 766 s. ; 24cm

Linguistics 2554G

in the morning calm : selected papers from SICOL-1981 / ed. by The Linguistic Society of Korea

Seoul : Hanshin Publishing Company, 1982. - 766 s. ; 24cm

Barbiers, Sjef 2555G

Small words in the big picture : squibs for Hans Bennis / ed. by Sjef Barbiers ; Johan Rooryck ; Jeroen van de Weijer

Leiden : Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics, 1998. - 128 s. ; 24cm

Rooryck, Johan 2555G

Small words in the big picture : squibs for Hans Bennis / ed. by Sjef Barbiers ; Johan Rooryck ; Jeroen van de Weijer

Leiden : Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics, 1998. - 128 s. ; 24cm

Weijer, Jeroen van de 2555G

Small words in the big picture : squibs for Hans Bennis / ed. by Sjef Barbiers ; Johan Rooryck ; Jeroen van de Weijer

Leiden : Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics, 1998. - 128 s. ; 24cm

Small 2555G

words in the big picture : squibs for Hans Bennis / ed. by Sjef Barbiers ; Johan Rooryck ; Jeroen van de Weijer

Leiden : Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics, 1998. - 128 s. ; 24cm

Martinet, André 2556G

A functional view of language being the Waynflete lectures delivered in the College of St. Mary Magdalen, Oxford, 1961 / André Martinet

Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1967. - 163 s. ; 23cm

Doroszewski, Witold 2557G

Język Teodora Tomasza Jeża (Zygmunta Miłkowskiego) : studium z dziejów języka polskiego XIX wieku / Witold Doroszewski

Warszawa : Towarzystwo Naukowe Warszawskie, 1949. - 417 s. ; 26cm

Siertsema, Bertha 2558G

A study of glossematics : critical survey of its fundamental concepts / Bertha Siertsema

'S-Gravenhage : Martinus Nijhoff, 1954. - 240 s. ; 24cm

Cygan, Jan 2559G

Papers in languages and linguistics : selected writings published in English and Polish / Jan Cygan

Wrocław : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2007. - 435 s. ;24cm

Ihrig, Roscoe Myrl 2560G

The semantic development of words for "walk, run" in the Germanic languages / Roscoe Myrl Ihrig

Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 1971. - 168 s. ; 22cm

Stuart-Smith, Jane 2561G

Phonetics and philology : sound change in Italic / Jane Stuart-Smith

New York : Oxford University Press, 2004. - 270 s. ; 24cm

Miyaoka, Osahito 2562G

The vanishing languages of the Pacific Rim / ed. by Osahito Miyaoka ; Osamu Sakiyama ; Michael E. Krauss

New York : Oxford University Press, 2007. - 530 s. ; 26cm

Sakiyama, Osamu 2562G

The vanishing languages of the Pacific Rim / ed. by Osahito Miyaoka ; Osamu Sakiyama ; Michael E. Krauss

New York : Oxford University Press, 2007. - 530 s. ; 26cm

Krauss, Michael E. 2562G

The vanishing languages of the Pacific Rim / ed. by Osahito Miyaoka ; Osamu Sakiyama ; Michael E. Krauss

New York : Oxford University Press, 2007. - 530 s. ; 26cm

The vanishing 2562G

languages of the Pacific Rim / ed. by Osahito Miyaoka ; Osamu Sakiyama ; Michael E. Krauss

New York : Oxford University Press, 2007. - 530 s. ; 26cm

Fodor, Jerry A. 2563G

The structure of language : readings in the philosophy of language / Jerry A. Fodor ; Jerrold J. Katz

Englewood Cliffs : Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964. - 612 s. ; 24cm

Katz, Jerrold J. 2563G

The structure of language : readings in the philosophy of language / Jerry A. Fodor ; Jerrold J. Katz

Englewood Cliffs : Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964. - 612 s. ; 24cm

Hymes, Dell 2564G

Studies in the history of linguistics : traditions and paradigms / ed. by Dell Hymes

Bloomington ; London : Indiana University Press, 1974. - 519 s. ; 24cm

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