Hogg, Richard M. 1G

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Brugmann, Karl 2902G

Elements of the comparative grammar of the Indo-Germanic languages : a concise exposition of the history of Sanskrit, Old Iranian (Avestic and Old Persian), Old Armenian, Old Greek, Latin, Umbrian-Samnitic, Old Irish, Gothic, Old High German, Lithuanian and Old Bulgarian. Reprint of the 1888 edition / Karl Burgmann

[b. m.] : Kessinger Publishing, [b. r.]. - 562 s. ; 24cm

Fortson, Benjamin W. IV 2903G

Indo-European language and culture : an introduction / Benjamin W. Fortson IV

Malden ; Oxford ; Carlton : Blackwell Publishing, 2004. - 468 s. ; 25cm
(Blackwell Textbooks in Linguistics)

Eythórsson, Thórhallur 2904G

Grammatical change and linguistic theory : the Rosendal papers / ed. by Thórhallur Eythórsson

Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2008. - 441 s. ; 25cm
(Linguistik Aktuell — Linguistics Today 113)

Grammatical 2904G

change and linguistic theory : the Rosendal papers / ed. by Thórhallur Eythórsson

Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2008. - 441 s. ; 25cm
(Linguistik Aktuell — Linguistics Today 113)

Bednarczuk, Leszek 2905G

Essais de linguistique comparative / Leszek Bednarczuk

Kraków : Oficyna Wydawnicza Edukacja, 2000. - 224 s. ; 25cm

Pintzuk, Susan 2906G

Diachronic syntax : models and mechanisms / ed. by Susan Pintzuk ; George Tsoulas ; Anthony Warner

New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. - 380 s. ; 24cm

Tsoulas, George 2906G

Diachronic syntax : models and mechanisms / ed. by Susan Pintzuk ; George Tsoulas ; Anthony Warner

New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. - 380 s. ; 24cm

Warner, Anthony 2906G

Diachronic syntax : models and mechanisms / ed. by Susan Pintzuk ; George Tsoulas ; Anthony Warner

New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. - 380 s. ; 24cm

Diachronic 2906G

syntax : models and mechanisms / ed. by Susan Pintzuk ; George Tsoulas ; Anthony Warner

New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. - 380 s. ; 24cm

Lehmann, W. P. 2907G

Directions for historical linguistics : a symposium / ed. by W. P. Lehmann ; Yakov Malkiel

Austin ; London : University of Texas Press, 1968. - 199 s. ; 24cm

Malkiel, Yakov 2907G

Directions for historical linguistics : a symposium / ed. by W. P. Lehmann ; Yakov Malkiel

Austin ; London : University of Texas Press, 1968. - 199 s. ; 24cm

Directions 2907G

for historical linguistics : a symposium / ed. by W. P. Lehmann ; Yakov Malkiel

Austin ; London : University of Texas Press, 1968. - 199 s. ; 24cm

Kuryłowicz, Jerzy 2908G

Studies in Semitic grammar and metrics / Jerzy Kuryłowicz

London : Curzon Press ; Wrocław i in. : Zakład Narodowy Imienia Ossolińskich, 1973. - 190 s. ; 24cm
(Polska Akademia Nauk. Prace językoznawcze 67)

Disterheft, Dorothy 2909G

The syntactic development of the infinitive in Indo-European / Dorothy Disterheft

Columbus : Slavica Publishers, Inc., 1980. - 220 s. ; 23cm

Jonsson, Hans 2910G

The laryngeal theory : a critical survey / Hans Jonsson

Lund : CWK Gleerup, 1978. - 172 s. ; 22cm

Ramat, Anna Giacalone 2911G

The Indo-European languages / ed. by Anna Giacalone Ramat ; Paolo Ramat

London ; New York : Routledge, 1998. - 526 s. ; 24cm
(Routledge Language Family Descriptions)

Ramat, Paolo 2911G

The Indo-European languages / ed. by Anna Giacalone Ramat ; Paolo Ramat

London ; New York : Routledge, 1998. - 526 s. ; 24cm
(Routledge Language Family Descriptions)

The Indo-European 2911G

languages / ed. by Anna Giacalone Ramat ; Paolo Ramat

London ; New York : Routledge, 1998. - 526 s. ; 24cm
(Routledge Language Family Descriptions)

Martinet, André 2912G

Économie des changements phonétiques : traité de phonologie diachronique. Duexieme édition / André Martinet

Berne : Éditions A. Francke S. A., 1964. - 395 s. ; 21cm
(Bibliotheca Romanica. Manualia et Commentationes X)

Durie, Mark 2913G

The comparative method reviewed : regularity and irregularity in language change / ed. by Mark Durie ; Malcolm Ross

New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1996. - 321 s. ; 25cm

The comparative 2913G

method reviewed : regularity and irregularity in language change / ed. by Mark Durie ; Malcolm Ross

New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1996. - 321 s. ; 25cm

Bammesberger, Alfred 2914G

Das etymologische Wörterbuch : Fragen der Konzeption und Gestaltung / ed. by Alfred Bammesberger

Regensburg : Verlag Friedrich Pustet, 1983. - 336 s. ; 24cm
(Eichstätter Beitrage 8)

Das etymologische 2914G

Wörterbuch : Fragen der Konzeption und Gestaltung / ed. by Alfred Bammesberger

Regensburg : Verlag Friedrich Pustet, 1983. - 336 s. ; 24cm
(Eichstätter Beitrage 8)

Karstien, Hans 2915G

Infixe im Indogermanischen (Gekürzte Fassung) / Hans Karstien

Heidelberg : Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1971. - 346 s. ; 24cm

Krahe, Hans 2916G

Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft. I : Einleitung und Lautlehre / Hans Krahe

Berlin : Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1962. - 110 s. ; 16cm

Krahe, Hans 2917G

Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft. I : Formenlehre / Hans Krahe

Berlin : Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1962. - 110 s. ; 16cm

Funke, Otto 2918G

A Middle English reader (texts from the 12th to the 14th c.). Fourth edition / ed. by Otto Funke

Tübingen : Francke Verlag, 1996. - 101 s. ; 20cm
(Bibliotheca Anglicana. Vol. 7)

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