Investigating Plate Tectonics with Google Earth Working together

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E. Himalaya
Make the Himalaya cross-section visible and Show the Elevation Profile.

  1. You know from the reading that this is a continent-continent convergent margin. Using topography, mark on the cross-section where you think the plate boundary is.

  2. Watch the animation Do you still agree with where you located the plate boundary? If you have changed your thinking, show the location of where you would put the boundary now in a different color.

  3. How has the boundary changed over the last 60 million years? What two types of crust were involved 60 million years ago? When did it switch to being continent-continent?

  4. [4] Given that you know the major driving force behind plate tectonics is the downward pull of descending plates, how do you explain that India is still colliding with Asia at over 40mm/yr? What is keeping it going? (it may help to zoom out and consider the large tectonic plate that India is part of. Make part2.kmz visible to see plate boundaries.)

  5. What depth of earthquakes are associated with the Himalayan-Tibetan region?

  6. [4] Where else do you find continent-continent boundaries? Go the final page of this assignment and mark in green other continent-continent boundaries. (Hint: there are a lot less of them than the first two types. At first glance, it may be hard to tell terrestrial transform and continent-continent collision apart so you will have to look for plate motion arrows and consider topography.)

F. Earthquakes in our study region
Make sure the part2.kmz file visible.

  1. [4] Using the >6 Mag EQuake data set as well as the All EQuake 2010 2011 data set, which type of plate boundaries are associated with bigger earthquakes and more numerous earthquakes? (explain your reasoning)

  2. [4] Compared to other convergent zones around the globe, would you pick out either of our two case regions as being particularly seismically active compared to other convergent plate boundaries based on the last decade of earthquakes? (explain your reasoning)

For each section, fill in the type of boundary in the blank and use the freeform shape to mark on the map all the same boundaries around the globe using the appropriate color. You should be able to color code nearly all of the black plate boundary lines. Ask me if you have questions.

Section A: Red = boundary

Section B: Blue = boundary

Purple = transform

Green = continent-continent
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