The third edition of the "Un-official Welcome Pamphlet" for Prospective Reformed Druids and Proto-Grove Planners uwp 3 Draft: Version 0 (8/1/2010)

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1. Often it is that the Arch Druids do read this ancient mystery. It is indeed one of the greatest treasures we know for it came verily form the ancient Sage-Druids who pleasured the earth in younger times. But who among you have verily heard this ancient mystery?

2. Oft it seems that these lines refer to the All-Mother, for she is truly all of these and more. But what is the mystery there? Not mystery but shining fact. No, the mystery is not the Mother. Nor is it Be'al. For this mystery is even more secret than He, though He knows and speaks it.

3. Verily, I am that mystery. Not the Mother, not Be'al, but I. How is it that I came to be all these things? I am the God who created in the head the fire! It is there. Look and understand! Who else could it be, if not I?

4. Now there may be some among you who would agree and would say that this was so, for ultimately Be'al and I are one. How deceived they are! While I am, Be'al is not, and there is no touching of these two. No, not oneness. For Be'al is not to have oneness with. Be'al is not! Understand this. It is only delusion which lends you to believe in Him and the Mother. Verily, a poor hoax it is!

5. Now listen carefully so you can understand. Be'al is not, for he is invented by man. He was invented to give man the freedom to relax in Man's creation. If Be'al is great, how much greater is man, the creator of Be'al. Nothing more than the Highest spirit of man is Be'al. And though that seems most wondrous, it is but a poor hoax. Be'al is not great for He needs Existence and Non-Existence. He is All and Nothing. Can One be great and still be so dependent upon such limited realms? No. Be'al, though He is more than you or I can comprehend, is very powerless.

6. He who created the Universe cares not for All and Nothing. They are nothing to Him. He is so beyond that even all the Words of Knowledge said at one time would change Him not a drop. Be'al is merely the half-drop that almost changed.

7. Great it is to be one with Be'al, but to be one with Him is not great at all. If not I. Is the water great because it flows and trickles and dances, in other words, because it is water? No, water is not great: it is merely water. He is not great. I am not great. He and I are one. But hear the greatest mystery.

8. He is all of me, but I am not all of Him. And yet, by being merely a drop of Him, I am all of Him. Understand this!

9. Now you understand the Words of Power. Be the lake in the plain; be the ox and the boar; throw light upon the mountain. If not I-.

The Wisdom of

Thomas the Fool

(By Thomas McCausland, 1970)

Chapter the First

1. Listen, my brethren, and I will tell you the great secret of Druidism. This I tell in order to assure the pure transmission of Druidism for all time. Many of you are there who have the spirit of the Mother burning brightly inside of you and yet, lacking a priest, must let this fire die. Hear and understand. Here is the great Wisdom known to all the Druids of old. Here is the one wisdom you must grasp if you would stay in the bosom of the Mother forever!

Chapter the Second

1. The great secret of Druidism is this: All the powers of the Mother are yours if you but learn your True Name. Even if you are but of the First Order, no secret shall be hidden once you learn this great secret.

2. The way is hard. The Three Ways of Day and One of Night must be traveled. The Wisdom of the Waters of Life must be heard.

3. What are the Three Ways of Day? The Way of the rising sun; the Way of the setting sun; the Way of the sun at Zenith.

4. What is the wisdom of the Waters of Life? The Wisdom of ice; the Wisdom of steam; the Wisdom of water.

5. Yet it is not in the Three Ways of Day that your True Name dwells; nor in the Wisdom of the Waters of Life. Neither is your Name of the Mother or of Be'al. It is of them both and of them not at all. Your True Name is in the Way of Darkness. Yet it is not of darkness nor was it of darkness born nor shall it die of darkness. Though Be'al is born of darkness and dies in darkness, your True Name knows darkness not at all.

6. Your True Name will be heard upon the bosom of the Mother; yet She hears it not, for it is not Her Name. Your Name, when it is truly heard, will rock Be'al from his slumber and cause rain to fall in the center of a stone.

7. To hear your Name, hear the Mother. To hear your Name, hear Her not. To hear your Name, hear the Mother!

8. This is the most powerful secret of Be'al! It is the most powerful secret in all of the Realm of the Four Ways and the Seven Powers and the Thirteenfold Mystery.

9. It is the Word which makes of all ends a beginning.

10. Only this is necessary. Know your True Name! All else is but the dreams of sand.

Chapter the Third

1. But how do we know that True Names exist? Listen and understand!

2. When we consecrate the waters, we do not say, "O great and glorious Grove, thou of power deep rooted in the Mother; thou of power deep rooted in the Mother; thou of power sky rending; thou of power to block the sun and rain; consecrate these waters." Nor do we say, "O Healing waters, consecrate this thyself by thy powers of All-pervading Wisdom." nor yet, "O power of the most secret essence of the vine, hallow this." nor even, "Mighty swirling Ocean, pounding the Mother, as mighty and as vast as even She is, hallow this drop of thee." We do not say, "O great light which rends the sky in storm, hallow this as thou dost hallow the rain by the great leveling fire." nor, "O greatest of the powers we see, Mighty Sun, hallow this which thou didst bring into being!" Nor do we say, "O gentle stream, by thy joyous power hallow this thy essence." nor even, "O great mysterious Life, hallow this, the essence of all life."4

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