Interlingua English Dictionary revised in plain ascii format

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oratorio (2) = {n} [Mus.] oratorio

orbe = {n} orb (= sphere, globe) {Hence:} orbita &; orbicular; orbitel etc.

orbicular = {adj} round, spherical, circular etc.; {also:} [Anat.] orbicular

orbita (ór-) = {n} orbit (1. eye socket; 2. curved course of planet, comet, etc.) {Hence:} orbital; orbitari; exorbitar &

orbital = {n} orbital (1. [Astron.]; 2. [Anat.])

orbitari = {adj} [Anat.] orbital

orbi-tel = {adj} [Zool.] orbitelous {Hence:} orbitelo

orbitelo = {n} [Zool.] orbitele; orbitelos [Zool.] Orbitelariae

orchestra = {n} orchestra (1. [Gr. Antiq.]; 2. orchestra pit; 3. band of players; 4. orchestra circle) {Hence:} orchestrion; orchestral; orchestrar-orchestration, orchestrator

orchestral = {adj} orchestral

orchestrar = {v} to orchestrate

orchestration = {n} orchestration

orchestrator = {n} orchestrater, orchestrator

orchestrion = {n} [Mus.] orchestrion

orchid- see orchis

orchidea = {n} orchid

orchidee = {adj} orchidaceous

orchido-logia (-ía) = {n} orchidology

orchis (ó-) = {n} [Bot.] orchis; `orch-' orch-, orcho- (= testicle) {Hence:} orchitis; orchotomia etc.; orchidee-orchidea; orchidologia etc.

orchitis (-ítis) = {n} [Pathol.] orchitis

orcho-tomia (-ía) = {n} [Surg.l orchotomy

ordimento = {n} 1. [Weaving] (action of) warping; 2. beginning

ordinal = {adj} ordinal

ordinando = {n} [Eccl.] ordinand

ordinante = {n} [Eccl.] ordinant

ordinantia = {n} 1. order, arrangement; 2. ordinance, decree; 3. [Mil.] orderly

ordinar = {v} I. to put in order, arrange; II. to order (1. to command; 2. to prescribe); III. [Eccl.] to ordain

ordinari = {adj} ordinary (1. usual, regular; 2. commonplace, of little merit) {Hence:} extraordinari; ordinario

ordinario = {n} I. Ordinary (1. [Eccl.] as in "the Ordinary of the Mass"; 2. diocesan bishop); II. ordinary (= meal served at a fixed price)

ordinata = {n} [Math.] ordinate ordinate 1. pp of ordinar; 2. {adj} orderly, well-ordered

ordination = {n} I. arrangement (= action of setting in order); II. ordination (1. action of decreeing; 2. [Eccl.])

ordinator = {n} ordinator

ordine = {n} order (1. arrangement, disposition; 2. [Arch.]; 3. orderliness; 4. category, group; 5. [Biol.]; 6. organized body of persons; 7. insignia, badge, etc.; 8. command); de prime ordine first-class, first-rate; (poner) in ordine (to put) in order; ordine del die order of the day (1. agenda; 2. [Mil.]); passar al ordine del die to pass to the order of the day {Hence:} ordinal; ordinari &; ordinar-ordinando, ordinante, ordinantia, ordination, ordinator, ordinate-ordinata, coordinar &, disordinar-disordinate, preordinar-preordination, reordinar-reordination, subordinar-subordination-insubordination, subordinate-insubordinate, subordinato; contraordine; disordine

ordir = {v} 1. [Weaving] to warp (= to prepare the warp); 2. to plot, intrigue; 3. to begin {Hence:} ordimento; orditor; orditorio; orditura; exordir &; primordio etc.

orditor = {n} 1. [Weaving] warper; 2. plotter, intriguer

orditorio = {n} [Weaving] warp beam

orditura = {n} [Weaving] (action of) warping

ore = {n} mouth {Hence:} oral; orificio etc.

organdi (-í) = {n} organdy, organdie

organic = {adj} organic; chimia organic organic chemistry

organizabile = {adj} organizable

organizar = {v} to organize {Hence:} organizabile; organization; organizator; organizate; disorganizar-disorsanization, disorganizator; reorganizar-reorganization, reorganizator

organizate 1. pp of organizar; 2. {adj} organic (as in "organic structure")

organization = {n} organization

organizator = {n} organizer

organismo = {n} organism

organista = {n} organist

organo (ór-) = {n} organ (1. means, instrument, agency; 2. "pipe organ"; 3. "organ of an animal or plant body"); organo a cylindro barrel organ {Hence:} organismo; organista; organic-inorganic; organizar &; organoscopia etc.; organogenese etc.; organogenetic etc.

organo-genese (-gé-) = {n} organogenesis, organogeny

organo-genesis (-gé-) = {n} organogenesis, organogeny

organo-genetic = {adj} organogenetic

organo-genia (-ía) = {n} organogeny, organogenesis {Hence:} organogenic

organogenic = {adj} organogenic

organo-pathia (-ía) = {n} organopathy

organo-plastic = {adj} [Biol.] organoplastic

organo-scopia (-ía) = {n} organoscopy

organo-therapia (-ía) = {n} organotherapy

orgia = {n} orgy {Hence:} orgiasta-orgiastic

orgiasta = {n} orgiast

orgiastic = {adj} orgiastic

orgolio = {n} pride; {also:} haughtiness {Hence:} orgoliose; inorgoliar

orgoliose = {adj} proud; {also:} haughty

-ori = {suffixo adjective} [used with the second stem of verb in -er and -ir] -ory (= pertaining to, or serving for, the action of {Hence:} -orio; satisfactori etc.; delusori etc.; sensori etc.

oriental = {adj} 1. eastern, oriental; 2. Oriental, Eastern; perla etc. oriental orient or oriental pearl, etc. oriental {n} Oriental

orientalizar = {v} to orientalize (= to make oriental)

orientalismo = {n} orientalism

orientalista = {n} orientalist

orientalitate = {n} orientality

orientar = {v} to orient, orientate; orientar se to orient oneself {Hence:} orientation; disorientar-disorientation; reorientar-reorientation

orientation = {n} orientation

oriente = {n} 1. east; 2. orient (= peculiar luster of a pearl); Oriente Orient, East; Oriente Extreme Far Elast {Hence:} oriental-orientalismo, orientalista, orientalitate, orientalizar; orientar &

ori-ficio = {n} orifice

original = {adj} original (1. earliest, primary; 2. "original in character, style, etc."); le peccato original original sin original {n} original (1. "original of a translation, imitation, reproduction, etc."; 2. odd or excentric person)

originalitate = {n} originality

originar = {v} to originate (= to give origin to)

originari = {adj} originary (1. aboriginal, native; 2. original)

originator = {n} originator

origine = {n} origin; le origines de un cosa the beginnings of a thing; traher su origine de to take its origin from, to originate from {Hence:} original-originalitate; originari; originar-originator; aborigines

-orio = {suffixo substantive} [used with the second stem of verbs in `-er' and `-ir'] -ory, -orium (= place where is done) {Hence:} refectorio etc.; sensorio etc.

oriolo = {n} oriole (= any bird of the genus Oriolus)

orlar = {v} [Sewing] to hem

orlean- see Orleans

orleanista = {n} [Hist.] Orleanist

Orleans = {npr} Orleans (1. [Geog.]); 2. as in "House of Orleans") {Hence:} orleanista; Nove Orleans etc.

orlo = {n} 1. brink, edge, brim, rim, border, etc.; 2. [Sewing] hem; 3. [Her., Arch.] orle {Hence:} orlar

ornamental = {adj} ornamental

ornamentar = {v} to ornament

ornamentation = {n} ornamentation (= act of ornamenting)

ornamentista = {n} ornamentist, ornamentalist

ornamento = {n} ornament, adornment {Hence:} ornamentista; ornamental; ornamentar-ornamentation

ornar = {v} to adorn; ornar de to adorn with {Hence:} ornamento &; ornate; adornar &; subornar &

ornate = {adj} ornate (1. elaborately adorned; 2. as in "ornate style")

ornith- = {n} [occurring in compounds] ornitho-, ornith- (= bird) {Hence:} ornithologo etc.; ornithogalo etc.; ornithotmantia etc.; ornithorhynche etc.; ornithophilo etc.

ornitho-galo (-tó-) = {n} [Bot.] ornithogalum, star-of-Bethlehem

ornithologia (-ía) = {n} ornithology

ornithologic = {adj} ornithological

ornithologista = {n} ornithologist

ornitho-logo (-tó-) = {n} ornithologist {Hence:} ornithologia-ornithologista; ornithologic

ornitho-mantia (-ía) = {n} ornithomancy

ornitho-phile = {adj} bird-loving {Hence:} ornithophilo

ornithophilo (-tó-) = {n} bird lover

ornitho-rhynche = {adj} [Zool.] ornithrohynchous (= having the beak of a bird) {Hence:} ornithorhyncho

ornithorhynco = {n} [Zool.] Ornithorhyncus, duckbill, platypus

oro- = {n} [occurring in compounds] -orus (= guardian) {Hence:} pyloro etc.

orph- see Orpheo

orphanato = {n} orphanage, orphan, asylum

orphano (ór-) = {n} orphan; attrib orphan, orphaned {Hence:} orphanato

Orpheo = {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Orpheus {Hence:} orphic

orphic = {adj} Orphic

-ors- see verter

orth- = {adj} [occurring in compounds] or-, tho-, orth- (1. straight; 2. right) {Hence:} orthologia etc.; orthodoxe etc.

ortho-clase (-óclase) = {n} [Mineral.] orthoclase

ortho-doxe = {adj} orthodox; Ecclesia orthodoxe Orthodox Church {Hence:} orthodoxia; orthodoxo

orthodoxia (-ía) = {n} orthodoxy

orthodoxo = {n} 1. orthodox (= orthodox person); 2. Orthodox (= member of the Orthodox Church)

ortho-graphia (-ía) = {n} orthography (1. spelling according to accepted usage; 2. orthographic projection) {Hence:} orthographic; orthographiar

orthographiar = {v} to spell (in writing)

orthographic = {adj} 1. spelling (as in "spelling mistake"); 2. orthographic (as in "orthographic projection")

ortho-logia (-ía) = {n} orthology {Hence:} orthologic

orthologic = {adj} orthological

ortho-pedia (-ía) = {n} [Med.] orthopedy, orthopedics {Hence:} orthopedista; orthopedic

orthopedic = {adj} [Med.] orthopedic, orthopedical

orthopedista = {n} [Med.] orthopedist

ortho-ptere = {adj} [Entom.] orthopterous {Hence:} orthopteros

orthopteros (-tóp-) = {npl} [Entom.] Orthoptera

osar = {v} to dare {Hence:} osate

osate 1. pp of osar; 2. {adj} daring

oscillar = {v} to oscillate

oscillation = {n} oscillation; {also:} [Fin.] fluctuation

oscillatori = {adj} oscillatory

oscillo = {n} oscillum (= mask of Bacchus hung on trees) {Hence:} oscillar-oscillation, oscillatori

oscitar = {v} to yawn or gape (from sleepiness) {Hence:} oscitation

oscitation = {n} (action of) yawning or gaping (from sleepiness)

oscular = {v} 1. to kiss, give a kiss to; 2. [Geom.] to osculate

osculation = {n} osculation (1. kissing; 2. [Geom.])

osculatori = {adj} osculatory

osculatorio = {n} [Eccl.] osculatory

osculo (ós-) = {n} 1. [Zool.] oscule; 2. kiss {Hence:} oscular-osculation, osculatori, osculatorio

-ose = {suffixo adjective} [used with nouns; {note:} `-ion' + `-ose' = `-iose'] -ose, -ous (1. having, full of, rich in ...; 2. characterized by ...) {Hence:} ambiliose etc.; coragiose etc.; infectiose etc.; jocose etc.; judiciose etc.; religiose etc.; zelose etc.

-osis (-ósis) = {suffixo substantive} [used mainly with nouns] [Med.] -osis (= abnormal or diseased condition, state, or process of the ..., caused by ... or ...s, characterized by ..., etc.) {Hence:} hypnosis etc.; neurosis etc.; tuberculosis etc.

osm- [occurring in derivatives and compounds] osm-, osmo- (= smell, odor) {Hence:} osmium &; osmologia etc.

osm- see osmose

osmanli (-lí) [Tu.] = {n} Osmanli (1. Ottoman Turk; 2. Ottoman Turkish)

osmic = {adj} [Chem.] osmic

osmium = {n} [Chem.] osmium {Hence:} osmic

osmo-logia (-ía) = {n} osmology

osmose = {n} osmosis {Hence:} osmotic; endosmose etc.; exosmose etc.

osmotic = {adj} osmotic

ossario = {n} ossuary

ossatura = {n} 1. frame skeleton (of man or animal); 2. [Arch.] framework, ossature

ossee = {adj} osseous, bony

osseina (-ína) = {n} [Biochem.] ossein

ossiculo = {n} [Anat.] ossicle

ossificar = {v} [Physiol.] to ossify

ossification = {n} ossification

ossi-fraga (-í-) = {n} osprey

osso = {n} bone ("bone of the higher vertebrate animals") {Hence:} ossatura; ossiculo; ossario; ossuario; ossee-osseina, interossee; ossose; ossute; ossificar-ossification; disossar; ossifraga etc.

ossose = {adj} osseous, bony

ossuario = {n} ossuary

ossute = {adj} big-boned, bony

ostage, hostage (-aje) = {n} hostage

osteitis (-ítis) = {n} [Pathol.] osteitis

ostender [-tend-/-tent-/-tens-] = {v} to show {Hence:} ostentar &; ostensibile; ostensorio

ostens- see ostender

ostensibile = {adj} ostensive, ostensible

ostensorio = {n} [Eccl.] ostensorium

ostent- see ostender

ostentar = {v} to show off, display {Hence:} ostentation-ostentatiose; ostentator

ostentation = {n} ostentation

ostentatiose = {adj} ostentatious

ostentator = {n} ostentatious person

osteo- = {n} [occurring in compounds] osteo-, oste- (= bone) {Hence:} osteitis; osteolitho etc.; osteologo etc.; osteoplastia etc.; osteotomia etc.; teleostee etc.

osteo-litho (-ólito) = {n} osteolite

osteologia (-ía) = {n} osteology

osteologic = {adj} osteologic

osteo-logo (-ólogo) = {n} osteologist {Hence:} osteologia; osteologic

osteo-plastia (-ía) = {n} osteoplasty {Hence:} osteoplastic

osteoplastic = {adj} osteoplastic

osteo-tomia (-ía) = {n} osteotomy

ostiero = {n} usher; {also:} [Eccl.] ostiary

ostio = {n} 1. door; 2. entrance {Hence:} ostiero

ostracizar = {v} ostracize

ostracismo = {n} ostracism

ostraco-dermo = {n} [Paleontol., Zool.] ostracoderm

ostracodes = {npl} [Zool.] Ostracoda

ostracon (ós-) = {n} ostracon {Hence:} ostracodes; ostracizar-ostracismo; ostracodermo etc.

ostrea = {n} oyster {Hence:} ostreacee; ostrero; ostreiera; ostreicola etc.; ostreicultor etc.; ostreicultura etc.

ostreacee = {adj} ostreaceous

ostrei-cola (-í-) = {adj} ostreicultural, oystergrowing

ostrei-cultor = {n} oyster-culturist, oyster grower

ostrei-cultura = {n} ostreiculture, oyster culture

ostreiera (-yéra) = {n} oyster bed

ostrero = {n} oysterman

ot- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] ot-, oto- (= ear) {Hence:} parotide &; otorhinolaryngologia etc. ...

otiar = {v} to be idle, be at leisure

-otic = {suffixo adjective} [used mainly with nouns] [Med.] -otic (= pertaining to ...osis) {Hence:} hypnotic etc.; narcotic etc.; neurotic etc.

otio = {n} leisure {Hence:} otiose-otiositate; otiar

otiose = {adj} idle, otiose (1. not occupied; 2. useless futile)

otiositate = {n} idleness (= state of being idle or unoccupied)

-oto see noto

oto-rhino-laryngo-logia (-ía) = {n} [Med.] otorhinolaryngology (= study of ear, nose, and larynx) {Hence:} otorhinolaryngologista; otorhinolaryngologic

otorhinolaryngologic = {adj} [Med.] otorhinolaryngologic

otorhinolaryngologista = {n} [Med.] otorhinolaryngologist

Ottoman = {npr} [Hist.] Ottoman, Osman, Othman {Hence:} ottoman-ottomano, ottomana

ottoman = {adj} Ottoman; Imperio Ottoman Ottoman Empire

ottomana = {n} ottoman (= flat overstuffed couch)

ottomano = {n} Ottoman

out! [A] = {interj} [Sports] out!

outsider [A] = {n} [Horse Racing] outsider

oval = {adj} oval oval {n} oval

ovante 1. ppr of ovar; 2. {adj} exulting

ovar = {v} to exult; [Rom. Antiq.] to celebrate an ovation {Hence:} ovante; ovation

ovarian = {adj} ovarian

ovario = {n} [Anat.] ovary

ovario-tomia (-ía) = {n} ovariotomy

ovate = {adj} ovate

ovation = {n} ovation (1. [Rom. Antiq.]; 2. as in "to receive an ovation")

ove = {n} 1. sheep; {also:} ewe; 2. mutton {Hence:} oviario; ovin; ovibos etc.

overtura = {n} overture (1. proposal, offer; 2. [Mus.])

ovi- see ove

oviario = {n} sheepfold

ovi-bos (ó-) = {n} [Zool.] musk ox, ovibos

ovi-ducto = {n} [Anat.] oviduct

ovin = {adj} ovine

ovi-pare = {adj} oviparous {Hence:} oviparitate

oviparitate = {n} oviparity

ovo = {n} 1. egg; 2. [Biol.] ovum {Hence:} ovario-ovarian, ovariotomia etc.; ovulo-ovular (1), ovular (2)-ovulation; oval; ovate; ovoide; oviducto etc.; ovipare etc.; ovovivipare etc.

ovoide = {adj} ovoid

ovo-vivipare = {adj} [Zool.] ovoviviparous

ovular = {adj} [Bot., Physiol.] ovular ovular {v} [Biol.] to ovulate

ovulation = {n} [Biol.] ovulation

ovulo = {n} [Bot., Physiol.] ovule

ox- see oxalide; oxy-

oxal- see oxalide

oxal-amido (-lá-) = {n} [Chem.] oxalamide, oxamide

oxalato = {n} [Chem.] oxalate

oxalic = {adj} [Chem.] oxalic

oxalidaceas = {n} pl [Bot.] Oxalidaceae

oxalidacee = {adj} [Bot.] oxalidaceous

oxalide (-ál-) = {n} 1. [Bot.] Oxalis; 2. oxalis, wood sorrel {Hence:} oxalidacee-oxalidaceas; oxalato; oxalite; oxalic; oxalamido etc.; oxalonitrato etc.; oxamido etc.

oxalite = {n} [Mineral.] oxalite

oxalo-itrato = {n} [Chem.] oxalonitrate

ox-amido (-á-) = {n} [Chem.] oxamide, oxalamide

oxy- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] 1. oxy- (as in "oxytone"); 2. [Chem.] oxy-, ox- (as in "oxygen", "oxide") {Hence:} oxydo &; oxalide &; oxycocco etc.; oxysulfido etc.; oxytone etc.; oxygeno etc.

oxy-cocco = {n} cranberry

oxydabile = {adj} oxidizable

oxydar = {v} to oxidize, oxidate

oxydation = {n} oxidation

oxydo (óx-) = {n} oxide {Hence:} oxydar-oxydabile-inoxydabile, oxydation; disoxydar-disoxydation; peroxydo &; hydroxydo etc.; protoxydo etc.; bioxydo etc.

oxygenar = {v} to oxygenate

oxygenation = {n} oxygenation

oxy-geno (-ígeno) = {n} oxygen {Hence:} oxygenar-oxygenation

oxy-sulfido (-súl-) = {n} [Chem.] oxysulphide

oxy-tone = {adj} [Phonet.] oxytone {Hence:} paroxytone-proparoxytone

oz- [occurring in derivativcs] oz- (= smell, smelling) {Hence:} ozena; ozono &; ozocerite etc.

ozena = {n} [Pathol.] ozena

ozo-cerite = {n} [Mineral.] ozocerite

ozonizar = {v} to ozonize

ozono = {n} ozone {Hence:} ozonizar

paccar = {v} to pack, make a pack of

pacch- see pacco

pacchettar = {v} to pack, wrap, packet

pacchetto = {n} package, parcel, packet

pacco = {n} pack, bundle {Hence:} pacchetto-pacchettar, dispacchettar, impacchettar; paccar; impaccar-impaccator

pace = {n} peace; concluder le pace to conclude peace; pace armate armed peace {Hence:} pacibile; pacific &; pacificar-pacification, pacificator; appaciar &

pachy- = {adj} [occurring in compounds] pachy- (= thick, large) {Hence:} pachyderme etc.

pachy-derme = {adj} pachydermatous (1. pachydermous, thick-skinned; 2. pertaining to pachyderms) {Hence:} pachydermo-pachydermic

pachydermic = {adj} pachydermic, pachydermatous

pachydermo = {n} pachyderm

pacibile = {adj} peaceable (1. liking or keeping peace; 2. peaceful)

pacif- see pacific

pacific = {adj} pacific (1. tending to make peace; 2. loving peace; 3. peaceful) {Hence:} pacifismo; pacifista

pacificar = {v} to pacify (1. to reduce a country, etc., to a state of peace; 2. to appease)

pacification = {n} pacification

pacificator = {n} pacifier

pacifismo = {n} pacifism

pacifista = {n} pacifist

pacto = {n} pact; {also:} covenant, compact, etc.

paddock [A] = {n} [Horse Racing] paddock

paga = {n} pay

pagabile = {adj} payable; due

pagaia (-aya) = {n} paddle (as in "to propel a canoe with a paddle") {Hence:} pagaiar-pagaiator

pagaiar = {v} to paddle (= to propel with a paddle)

pagaiator = {n} paddler

pagamento = {n} payment (1. action of paying; 2. amount paid); anticipar un pagamento to advance a payment

pagan = {adj} heathen, pagan {Hence:} pagano-paganismo, paganizar

paganizar = {v} to paganize

paganismo = {n} paganism, heathenism

pagano = {n} heathen, pagan

pagar = {v} 1. to pay (someone); 2. to pay, settle, discharge (a debt, fine, bill, etc.); 3. to pay for (something) {Hence:} paga; pagamento; pagabile-impagabile; pagator; repagar-repagamento; superpagar-superpaga

pagator = {n} payer; {also:} disbursing official, teller, etc.

pagina (pá-) = {n} page (of a book, etc.) {Hence:} paginar-pagination; compaginar

paginar = {v} to number the pages of, to page

pagination = {n} pagination

pais (-ís) = {n} land, country; Paises Basse Low Countries (= Belgium, Holland, and Luxemburg);

Pais Basse Netherlands, Holland; vino del pais local wine; pais natal (native) country {Hence:} paisage &; paisano; dispaizar-dispaizate

paisage (-aje) landscape, scenery {Hence:} paisagista

paisagista (-jísta) = {n} landscape-painter

paisano = {n} peasant

pajama [Hind.] = {n} pajamas

pala = {n} 1. spade (= tool for digging); 2. shovel, peel, scoop; 3. blade (as in "blade of an oar") {Hence:} palata; paletta

palar = {v} to fence in

palata = {n} spadeful; shovelful

palatal = {adj} [Phonet.] palatal

palatalizar = {v} [Phonet.] to palatalize

palatalization = {n} [Phonet.] palatalization

palatial = {adj} palatial

palatian = {adj} courtly

palatianismo = {n} courtliness

palatiano = {n} courtier

palatin (1) = {adj} palatal (= pertaining to the palate)

palatin (2) = {adj} palatine (= of or pertaining to a palace); conte palatin count palatine {Hence:} palatino-palatinato

palatinato = {n} palatinate

palatino = {n} palatine (1. [Germ. Hist.] count palatine; 2. [Polish Hist.])

palatio = {n} palace; palatio de justitia courthouse {Hence:} palatial; palatian-palatiano, palatianismo; palatin &

palato = {n} palate {Hence:} palatal-palatalizar-palatalization; palatin

pale- = {adj} [occurring in compounds] paleo-, pale- (= ancient, early) {Hence:} paleographo etc.; paleolitho etc.; paleontologo etc.; paleozoic etc.

palea = {n} straw; homine de palea straw man {Hence:} paleario; paleassa &; paleate; paleose; impalear &

paleario = {n} 1. strawstack; 2. strawyard

paleassa = {n} straw-mattress, palliasse {Hence:} paleasso

paleasso = {n} clown

paleate = {adj} straw-colored

paleographia (-ía) = {n} paleography

paleographic = {adj} paleographic, paleographical

paleo-grapho (-ógrapho) = {n} paleographer {Hence:} paleographia; paleographic

paleolithic = {adj} [Archeol.] paleolithic

paleo-litho (-ó-) = {n} [Archeol.] paleolith {Hence:} paleolithic

pale-onto-graphia (-ía) = {n} paleontography

paleontologia (-ía) = {n} paleontology

paleontologic = {adj} paleontological

paleontologista = {n} paleontologist

pale-onto-logo (-ólogo) = {n} paleontologist {Hence:} paleontologia-paleontologista; paleontologic

paleose = {adj} strawy

paleo-zoic (-óic) = {adj} Paleozoic {Hence:} paleozoica

paleozoica (-óica) = {n} Paleozoic (era)

palestin = {adj} Palestinian

Palestina = {npr} Palestine {Hence:} palestin-palestino

palestino = {n} Palestinian

paletot [F] = {n} overcoat, greatcoat

paletta = {n} 1. small spade or shovel; {also:} pallet; 2. palette

palim- see palin-

palim-psesto = {n} palimpsest

palin = {adv} [occurring in compounds] palin-, palim- (= again) {Hence:} palingenese etc.; palingenesis etc.; palinodia etc.; palindromo etc.; palimpsesto etc.

palin-dromo (-ín-) = {n} palindrome

palin-genese (-gé-) = {n} palingenesis

palin-genesis (-gé-) = {n} palingenesis

palin-odia (-ía) = {n} palinode (1. [Poet.]; 2. recantation)

palinodic = {adj} palinodic

palinodista = {n} palinodist

palissada = {n} palisade (= fence of pales or stakes) {Hence:} palissadar

palissadar = {v} to palisade

pall- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} pallide &; pallor

Pallade (pál-) = {npr} Pallas (1. [Gr. Mythol.]; 2. [Astron.]) {Hence:} Palladio; palladium-palladic

paladic = {adj} palladic

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