Lightning Rounds ttgt11 V 11: None More Black

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Round 2

One important change from the original album and stage play was the new line: “she's Our Lady of the new world with the golden touch.” Oliver Stone received a token writing credit. Throughout the movie, the title character changes costumes 85 times; no wonder the actress playing her practically begged Alan Parker for the part. All of this refers to, FTP, this Tim Rice, Andrew Lloyd Webber musical showcasing Antonio Banderas’ singing talents.

Kryptonite, The White House, Richie Rich, Rosebud, 222, Project Propellant, Debbie-Tina-Chrissy, Yellow Barn, Spindarella, White Pony, White Hoo-Ha, Yammer Bammer, Zingin, Zoiks, Zoom, Rachet Jaw, Pootananny, Scwadge, Shiznastica, Shiznitty, Sliggers, Spagack, Spun Ducky Woo, D-Monic, Evil Yellow, High Speed Chicken Feed, Biznack, Chiznad, Choad, Nazi Dope, and Albino Poo. FTP, these are all FBI-recognized street names for this drug, more commonly called “crank” or “speed”.

ANSWER: meth OR methanphedemine

One of Euglena’s unique features includes one operative and one inoperative flagellum. The Euglena has a much more useful adaptation, however, thanks to this membrane-enveloped cellular organelle. Found in many microorganisms, it periodically expands, filling with water, and then narrows, expelling its contents to the cell exterior. FTP, name this organelle in the Euglena that allows them to adapt to saltwater.

Answer: contractile vacuole

She was a student of Pablo Casals and Mistlav Rostropovich, and she married the famous pianist and Chicago Symphony conductor Daniel Barenboim. She is widely considered to have played the best recorded version of the Elgar Cello Concerto. Tragically, her career ended prematurely when she died of multiple sclerosis and the age of 42. FTP, name this cellist, portrayed by Emily Watson in the biopic Hillary and Jackie.

Answer: Jacqueline DuPre

One of the men involved in this did research on the language of the Paiute people; his student contributed to this with analyses of the Hopi language. Their research culminated in the formation of an influential two-part theory of linguistic anthropology. FTP, give this theory – named after its two contributors – which states that a people’s vocabulary and grammatical system influence and possibly direct people’s attitude, behavior, and perception of the world.

A: Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
He gained notoriety as a young man for his testimony in the Howland Will Case which presented statistical evidence for the forgery of a second will brought forward by Hetty Green, the so-called Witch of Wall Street. He developed numerous systems of logic, contributed the notion of a three-sided sign to semiotics, and specified the process we now know as the scientific method. For ten points, name this philosopher who articulated

a theory of pragmatism to his friend, William James.

Answer: Charles Sanders _Peirce_ (PURSE) (Accept "Pierce" as pronunciation

if correctly provided with first name/initials, but do not prompt on "Pierce" alone.)

Her novels for adults, such as _A Severed Wasp_ and _ A Live Coal in the Sea_, often deal with older versions of characters she has written about before. Characters like the Murrays are grouped under the description Kairos, which deals with non-linear time, while characters like the Austins fall under Chronos, which deals with linear time. FTP, name this Newberry Award-winning author of _Many Waters_, _ A Swiftly Tilting Planet_, and _A Wrinkle in Time_.

Answer: Madeleine _L’Engle_

Born with the first name 'Sharon' in Atlanta, Georgia and raised New Jersey, she has tried to specialize her acting abilities to the realm of the mentally disturbed, though she enjoys more profitable and high-profile roles as well. In 1991, at the age of 13, she moved to Burbank, where she landed her first television role on Blossom, but her major breakthrough film appearance came in 1995's Clueless. Also, she lends her vocal talents, developed in the early 1990s as the lead singer of the band Blessed Soul, to ‘Luanne’ on King of the Hill. FTP, name this actress, one of the stars of Just Married.

ANSWER: Brittany Murphy

His father worked in the tanning business. In 1848, he married Julia Dent. One of his horses was named Jeff Davis. He once stated “I am not aware of ever having used a profane expletive in my life…”, and after his death in 1885, his biography was published and became a best seller. FTP, name this American figure who served two terms as President and who was born with the initials H.U.G.

Answer: Ulysses S. Grant

A white, crystalline, sweet, water-soluble commercial form of this compound is obtained from whey and used in infant feedings, confections, bacteriological media, and for pharmacological purposes. FTP, name this disaccharide present in milk that—upon hydrolysis—yields glucose and galactose.


Outside of high school photography classes, few, unfortunately, experience the pleasure of using old-school cameras and developing one’s own film. FTP, give the common name for the acidic chemical solution used after the photo has been in the developer to halt the darkening of silver particles that have been exposed to light; also the phrase an inbred hillbilly might utter when he’s spent too much time in the tub.

Answer: Stop bath

These do not occur in English but are frequently found in Malayo-Polynesian languages. A constituent of the morpheme group of affixes, it can express meanings such as number, tense, aspect, person, gender, or case. Its counterparts are prefixes, which precede stems, and suffixes that follow stems. For 10 points, name this third variety of affixes, which appear within the stem itself.

A: infixes
This cathedral came under the supervision of Canon Elias de Dereham, who is associated with the great hall of Winchester Castle. With the exception of St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, this cathedral is the only English cathedral whose entire interior structure was built to the design of a single architect and completed without a break, in 1265. FTP, name this cathedral in England, also known as The Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

A: Salisbury Cathedral

He was born in 1946 in Austin, Minnesota. His 1968 graduation from Macalester College found him with a BA in political science and a draft notice. After serving in Vietnam he attended graduate school at Harvard and was a reporter for the Washington Post. FTP, name the author of “The Things They Carried” and “Going After Cacciato”.

A: Tim O’Brien

His father died after making love to his mother at 7:30 on a Monday morning, but this man says he would rather go in a naked fight with a jaguar. He chews tobacco and dreams of being a lifelong bachelor, even after seeing how good Bridgette Wilson looks in wedding dress. And despite the few media-worthy run-ins with the Austin cops, he wants to remain a lifelong Texan. FTP, name the nudist, bongo playing actor all of the above describes, the man who gained instant fame in A Time to Kill.

ANSWER: Matthew McConaughey

These two brothers were born in South Kingston, Rhode Island. Both were sons of a US naval captain and they joined the Navy at a very early age. One served tours in the Mediterranean and in the War of 1812. The other commanded US naval forces in the China Seas. FTP, name these two brothers famous for opening Japan to trade and defeating the British on Lake Erie.

A: Matthew Calibraith Perry and Oliver Hazard Perry (accept either Oliver, Hazard, or Both for second brother)

It stemmed from Euler's (OILER's) zeta function, where zeta of any S on the complex plane is equal to the sum of 1 over N to the S from N equals 1 to infinity. Trivial solutions to zeta equal to zero fall on negative even integers, but it states that all nontrivial solutions are complex numbers with a real part of one half. If true, it would describe the relative frequency of the prime numbers. Still open after being published in 1859, FTP, identify this number theory problem named after a German mathematician who studied under Gauss.

Answer: Riemann Hypothesis

The adopted child of Pentacostal parents, this British writer ran away at age 16 and somehow managed to read English at Oxford, graduating with an M.A. She was first honored for her work when she won the Whitbread Prize for best first fiction in 1985. More recently, her novels have included “The Powerbook” and “Sexing the Cherry”. FTP, name this author of “Oranges are not the Only Fruit”.

Answer: Jeanette Winterson

When he first appears, he gives George Seacole the lantern and warns him not to make noise in the streets. He is a wise fellow, and, which is more, an officer; and, which is more, a householder; and which is more, as pretty a piece of flesh as any in Medina. This declaration is made after he finishes questioning Conrade and Borachio about a ploy to discredit Hero. FTP, name this superior of Verges, a bumbling constable in Much Ado About Nothing.

Ans: Dogberry

It ate nuts from a hazel tree and lived in the River Boyne.  A druid foretold that whoever ate first of its flesh would be greatly rewarded, and after many years Finneces finally caught it, giving it to his apprentice Demne to cook.  However, Demne burnt his thumb while cooking the meat, and while sucking his thumb to ease the pain, was given the knowledge intended for his master.  Finneces, however, decided this was preordained, and changed Demne’s name to Finn mac Cumhail (Finn McCool).  FTP, identify this fish which took a central role in Irish mythology.

Answer:  Salmon of Knowledge (Prompt on Fish of Knowledge)


In 1795 this began as a walled fort that functioned as a trading post on the North Saskatchewan River. In 1912, a little more than a century later, it amalgamated with neighboring Strathcona and continued to grow with the discovery of oil in 1947. FTP, name this “Gateway to the Canadian North,” also the location of the world’s largest shopping mall.

Answer: Edmonton
She moved from Downer's Grove, Illinois to Oceanside, California when she was 15 to pursue modeling, and after graduating from El Camino High in 1989, she moved to L.A. to pursue acting. There, she landed her first movie role as one of the Cindy Crawford look-a-likes in National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 1, and soon followed that by landing the leading role in Tammy and the T-Rex. More notably, however, is her breakthrough role as ‘Carmen Ibanez’ in Starship Troopers. FTP, name this wife of Charlie Sheen, the 'wild thing' who appeared in a threesome scene with Neve Cambell and Matt Dillon.

ANSWER: Denise Richards

At a young age he ran away from his home in Tennessee and joined a Cherokee Indian tribe. They gave him the name “young raven.” He entered politics as a protégé of Andrew Jackson and became the first congressman of Tennessee. He later became that state’s governor. FTP, name this man, Texas’s first governor. 

Answer: Sam Houston 

She is not familiar with the Napoleonic Code, but her husband fears she's been swindled. She can hardly stand it when her husband's away for a night, and she often goes to the bowling alley around the corner to watch him bowl. At the end of Scene VIII she goes to the hospital to give birth; in Scene XI she watches her sister being taken away by the Doctor and the Matron. Making her home in Elysian Fields in New Orleans after leaving Belle Reve, FTP, name this sister of Blanche and wife of Stanley in A Streetcar Named Desire.

Ans: Stella Kowalski or DuBois

In the course of his investigations for the governments of Britain and Germany he traveled to South Africa, India, Egypt, and other countries and made valuable studies of sleeping sickness, malaria, bubonic plague, rinderpest, and other diseases. He also discovered the microorganisms causing anthrax in 1876 and cholera in 1884. FTP, name this scientist who received the 1905 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work in developing tuberculin as a test for tuberculosis.

Answer: Robert Koch

Although the titular hero is in love with his father’s ward Rowena, his father wants him to marry the Saxon Athelstane. The real heroine of this work is the daughter of Isaac of York, Rebecca the Jewess, although Richard the Lion-Hearted and Robin Hood appear as the Black Knight and Locksley, respectively. FTP, name this 1819 novel set in the period following the Norman Conquest, by Sir Walter Scott.

Answer: Ivanhoe

Composed of 4 just members, this band released its fourth and most recent album in the spring of 2002, which came just a year after its second self-titled album. Songs on the band’s debut album include the lyrics “you take your car to work/I’ll take my board/and when you’re out of fuel/I’m still afloat.” FTP, name this alternative/rock/punk band that has performed under the cover name “Goat Punishment” and whose songwriter has studied at Harvard.

Answer: Weezer

This building in London was the scene of an attempted robbery in 1608. From 1250 to 1835 it was the home of the London Zoo, and until about 1509 it was also the home of the reigning English monarch. This building is most famous, however, for housing prisoners such as Anne Boleyn, Mary Queen of Scotts, and Rudolf Hess. FTP, name this building that has guards with the same name as a brand of gin.  

Answer: Tower of London 

Its authorship was formerly ascribed to Solomon because of the opening textual reference to “the words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem,” but it is now generally assigned to an unnamed author of the 3rd century BC. The book appears to be the work of an older man who repeatedly searches for wisdom and meaning in life and finds instead that all is something else. FTP, name this Old Testament book, which contains the well-known passage that begins “To every thing there is a season, and a

time to every purpose under heaven...”

Answer: Ecclesiastes
The general formula for them is R-C-H-O, where R is hydrogen or an alkyl or aryl group. They are formed by partial oxidation of primary alcohols and form carboxylic acids when they are further oxidized. FTP, name this class of organic compounds that contain the carbonyl group, and in which the carbonyl group is bonded to at least one hydrogen, which are used for the manufacture of synthetic resins, such as bakelite.

Answer: aldehyde

This man is often linked with the brilliant satirist of the Augustan age, Alexander Pope. This Anglo-Irish satirist and churchman lived between 1667 and 1745. FTP, name this author that suggested the English solve the “Irish Problem” by eating the babies of the poor in his work “A Modest Proposal”.

A: Jonathan Swift

This woman came from Philadelphia, a minor center for artists at the time. She moved to Paris and thanks to her financial independence, was able to overcome her family’s objections to a career deemed unsuitable for a woman, especially a woman of wealth. In one of her better known works, “The Bath”, she depicts her favorite subjects, women and children. FTP, name this woman who joined the impressionists in 1877.

A: Mary Cassatt

Charles M. Duke, John W. Young, James, B. Irwin, David R. Scott, Edgar D. Mitchell, Alan B Shepard, Alan L. Bean and Charles Conrad all did it. Eugene Cernan was the last and two guys named Neil and Buzz did it first. FTP, all these men made small steps and giant leaps on what heavenly body?

A:_walk on the moon_ (prompt on “moon” before FTP, prompt on "in space" or "astronauts")

In this work by the greedy protagonist’s wife (who is equally greedy) disappears, although what appears to be her heart and lungs are found in her apron. After making a deal with the devil, the main character attempts to outwit an evil being by doing such things as becoming a “violent churchgoer” and praying loudly. Nonetheless, his house burns down. FTP, name this work set in 1727, decades before it

was actually written by Washington Irving.

Answer: The Devil and Tom Walker
This play had the working title Alps and Balkans. Nikola breaks his engagement to Louka when he realizes he can make more money with her as a customer. In the first act, we hear about a machine gun battery, which was sent the wrong ammunition, defeated by a cavalry charge led by the idiot Sergius, resulting in a victory at Slivnitza. In the end, the Chocolate Cream Soldier, Captain Bluntschli, proposes to Raina Petkoff. FTP name this George Bernard Shaw play whose title comes from the first line of the Aeneid.

Ans: Arms and the Man

How is it possible to study the world's religions without being influenced by your own belief system? By using this approach to the study of religions. The two main concepts of this system are bracketing and participant-observation. FTP, name this method of impartially studying religions that emphasizes impartial observation of all forms of religious experience without personal or social prejudice.

A: Phenomenology
It’s the world’s leading producer of goats! And of cabbage! Also of chicken and walnuts. This country is the world leader in pet fish and pet birds, though it comes in second to the US of A in pet cats. It suffered the most civilian losses in Word War 2, due to famine and internal purges, but it has the second-most land area behind Russia. FTP name this most populated People’s Republic.

A: _China_

This man was born in Ballston, New York in 1819. He attended West Point, served in the Mexican American War and the Seminole Wars of Florida. He served in the Union during the American Civil War and took charge of Union forces upon Reynolds death at the Battle of Gettysburg. FTP, name this man who has been credited with the invention of baseball.

A: Abner Doubleday

It was first established by Yasovarman I at the end of the ninth century and a new temple complex was built there by Suryavarman II over two centuries later. It was sacked by the Chams in 1177, but Jayavarman VII established a new capital there at the end of the twelfth century. FTP, name this site of several capitals of the Khmer Empire, whose ruins were discovered by the French in 1861.

Answer: Angkor (do not accept “Angkor Wat” -- it is a temple in the


On this musical's opening night, the playwright, Franz Liebkind, was so incensed that he dropped the curtain and began an impromptu speech, blasting the lead actor, Lorenzo St. DuBois. He was then knocked out and the play resumed. Lyrics from the opening number include "We're marching to a faster pace / look out, here comes the master race" and "Winter for Poland and France." Subtitled A Gay Romp with Adolf and Eva at Berchtesgaden, FTP name this incredibly bad play featured in The Producers.

Ans: Springtime for Hitler

Humans, unlike bacteria, do not grow exponentially (though occasionally this comes into doubt). Due to limited resources and inability to adapt to extreme situations, humans are bound by the logistic model. FTP, name the phenomenon in the logistic model defined as “the maximum, equilibrium number of organisms of a particular species that can be supported indefinitely in a given environment.”

He asks his friend to touch his wife while racing, in hopes of curing her barren condition. He claims he and Danger "are two lions littered in one day, / And I the elder and more terrible," and describes himself as "constant as the Northern Star." His bitter rival claims "he doth bestride the narrow world / Like a Colossus." He stops to listen to a "tongue, shriller than all the music," but dismisses the Soothsayer as a dreamer and ventures out on the Ides of March. FTP name this Shakespeare character who dies after exclaiming "Et tu, Brute?"

Ans: Julius Caesar

It’s brown. It lives underground. It is recognized by 90% of Japanese school children, according to Nippon Hoso Kyokai. Featured in short films between programs on the NHK media outlet, this sharp-toothed creature resembling a monster resides with an old rabbit named Usajii. Other characters in the clips include a weasel named Ta-chan, and two bats, Morio and Shinobu. FTP, name this character who loves to watch TV, breaks wind when nervous, and whose name roughly translates to “Mr. Thank-you.”

Answer: Domo-Kun

Jack Krindler opened it during prohibition as a low class speakeasy, but he soon set his sights on making it the hottest nightspot in New York City. Humphrey Bogart announced his engagement to Lauren Bacall there. Hemingway had sex on the stairs with Legs Diamond's girl. Walter Winchell was banned for saying "the greed was there." In the wine cellar, Richard Nixon, Ari Onassis, and Chelsea Clinton all have bottles on reserve. FTP, name this NYC restaurante and club that has hosted every president since FDR, located at 21 W. 52nd St.

A: _21_ Club

His works such as 1754’s “A Careful and Strict Inquiry into Freedom of the Will” are notable for the metaphysical dimension added by his understanding of Enlightenment concepts and Newtonian physics. In his later career, he became missionary to the Mahicans of the praying town at Stockbridge, and after 1750 and served as president of Princeton from 1757 until his 1758 death. FTP, name this American theologian, famous for his sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”.

Answer: Jonathan Edwards

This vessel delivers oxygenated blood to the body and is connected a more famous “cord” of the same name. The fetus relies on the mother for the nutrition it receives from the placenta and that aforementioned cord. Not only does the fetus receive nutrition from the mother, but it also receives oxygen to breathe. FTP, name this vessel leading from the umbilical cord to the liver.

Answer: Umbilical Vein (prompt on “umbilical vessel”; do not accept “umbilical artery”, which is a related but separate structure)

During a skirmish at Dos Ríos, he disobeyed General Máximo Gómez’s order to retreat and was killed by enemy soldiers. From 1881 until 1895, he resided in New York, earning a precarious livelihood as a newspaper correspondent, as Uruguayan consul, as a teacher and translator. FTP, name this Cuban poet and essayist, famous as the “apostle” of Cuban independence.

Answer: José Martí

We have eleven of the plays written by this highly satirical, topical, sophisticated, and often obscene playwright. Translated productions of his comedies are still staged, but the personal and political targets of his invective are unknown to us, and so these modern productions are mere shadows of what took the stage at the turn of the 4th Century. FTP, name this playwright of Greek comedy, known for The Frogs and The Wasps.

A: Aristophanes

At this conference, the assembly listened to the “Declaration of Sentiments”. This document was based on the Declaration of Independence and argued that women and men should be treated equally. FTP, name this 1848 conference organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott that was held in the State of New York.

A: Seneca Falls Conference

This American composer has won five Academy Awards, 17 Grammys, three Golden Globes, two Emmys, and five BAFTA Awards. Recently, he was named as the Grand Marshall for the 2004 tournament of roses parade. FTP, name this famed composer for the Hollywood blockbusters, Jaws, ET, Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones, and The Star Wars Trilogy.

A: John Williams 

This man studied science at the Sorbonne after receiving his law degree in 1878. Not overly interested in formal schooling, he educated himself by reading psychological texts. He was later commissioned by the French government to create a mechanism to identify students in need of alternate education. For 10 points, name this "father" of IQ testing.

Answer: Alfred Binet

Our inability to make food, in the grand scheme of things, proves that plants are superior to human weaklings. In this organelle, the site of photosynthesis, collection wavelengths include 680nm and 700nm for Photosytem II and Photosystem I (respectively) during light reactions. FTP, name this flattened sac or vesicle lined with a pigmented membrane occurring in interconnected stacks constituting a granum of the chloroplast.

Answer: Thylakoid

(The top 2 scorers from this round will advance to Round 3)

Lightning Rounds

TTGT11 v.4.11: None More Black

Written by Matt Larson, Andrew R. Juhl, Jessica E. Stumphy, Troy Morgan, Trucy Phan, Brett Taber, Lucy Sun, Jennifer Van der Beek, Mike Ose, Min Dong, Mary Jeanette Moran, Srividya Kalyanaraman and Emily Maloney of the University of Iowa; Aaron Twait and Dave Moore, formerly of the University of Iowa; Seth Teitler of Berkeley

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