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(This section on negotiations is confined to professional employees negotiating under the professional employees negotiations law,KSA 72-5413 et seq.)

HAA Legal Status

HAB Goals and Objectives - KSA 72-5413 et seq.

HAC (See HAB) Scope of Negotiations (See HAI)

HAE (See HAB) Board Negotiating Agents

HAF (See HAB) Superintendent's Role

HAHBA (See HAB) Use of School Facilities - KSA 72-8212(d) HAHBB (See HAB) Use of School Equipment

HAI Bargaining Meeting Procedures - KSA 72-5413 HAI Time and Place

HAI Time Limits

HAI Notification

HAI Agenda Determination (See HAC)

HAI Distribution of Information

HAI Research Assistance

HAI Quorum

HAI Rules of Order

HAI Minutes and Records

HAI Progress Reporting

HAI To Staff and Board

HAI To Press and Public

HAJ Preliminary Agreement Disposition

HAK (See HAJ) Ratification Procedures

HAL Announcement of Agreement

HAN Sanctions and Slowdowns
B a c k to Ma ster In d ex

H A A L e gal Stat us H A A

T h e boa rd s hall n e go t i a t e wit h i t s pr ofes s i o nal e mp l o ye es as pr o vi de d b y

l a w .
A p pr o ve d: 0 7 / 0 4 ; 0 2 / 1 0 ; 1 2 / 1 1 R et ur n t o Se ctio n H In d e x

B a c k to Ma ster In d ex

H AB Go als an d O bj ecti ves H AB

P ro f es s i o nal n e gotiati ons a r e fo r t he p ur po se o f det er mini n g t h e t er ms a nd c on di t i on s of e mpl o yme n t as d ef i ned b y l a w .

A p pr o ve d: 0 7 / 0 4 ; 0 2 / 1 0 ; 1 2 / 1 1 R et ur n t o Se ctio n H In d e x

B a c k to Ma ster In d ex

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