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J GA S tu d ent I ns ur an ce Pr og ram JGA

P ar ent s o r gua rdi ans s hall be n ot i f i ed a n nu a l l y i n w r i t i ng o f s t ud ent

i nsu r a nce pro vid ed by t he distri c t , an d t hat me di cal e xp ens es n ot c o vere d b y suc h
p ol i c i es a r e t h e r es po nsi bi l i t y of t he pa r en t s .

P r i n c i p a l s s hall keep a r eco rd of t he s t ud ents wh o en roll i n t he gr oup

i nsu r a nce p ro gra m.

A p pr o ve d: K A SB Rec o mme n d a t i o n 7 / 9 6 ; 0 8 / 1 0 ; 3 / 12

B a c k to Ma ster In d ex

R et ur n t o Se ctio n J In de x

JGCA Local Wellness Policy JGCA

The board is committed to providing a school environment that promotes student wellness as part of the total learning experience for its students. To this this end, the board shall promote and monitor a local wellness program. The program shall:

  • Include goals for providing proper student nutrition at school, nutrition education, physical activity, and other school-based activities designed to promote student wellness in a manner that the board determines is appropriate;

  • Include nutrition guidelines for all foods available in each school during the school day, with the objectives of the guidelines to be promoting student health and reducing childhood obesity; Ensure foods and beverages sold at breakfast and lunch meet the nutrition guidelines for the School Breakfast Program and National School Lunch Program;

  • Provide students with access to a variety of affordable, nutritious, and appealing foods that meet the health and nutrition needs of students;

  • Provide opportunities, support, and encouragement for students in grades K-12 to be physically active on a regular basis;

  • Assure that guidelines for reimbursable school meals shall not be less restrictive than Federal and state statutes, regulations, and guidance issued by the Secretary of Agriculture, as they apply to schools;

  • Involve parents, students, representatives of the school food authority, district physical education teachers, school health professionals, the school board, administrators, and the public in the development, implementation, and periodic review of the school wellness policy; and

JGCA Local Wellness Policy JGCA-2

  • Establish a plan for measuring implementation of the local wellness policy, including designation of one or more district employees who shall be charged with operational responsibility for ensuring the wellness policy is effectively enforced, is periodically measured, and that assessments of the implementation of the local school wellness policy available to the public. Such assessments shall measure the extent to which schools in the district are in compliance with this policy, shall compare the district’s wellness policy with other model local school wellness policies, and shall describe the progress made in attaining the goals of this policy.

Approved: KASB Recommendation–6/05; 4/07; 6/14

B a c k to Ma ster In d ex

R et ur n t o Se ctio n J In de x

JGCB Inoculations (See JGC) JGCB

All students enrolling in any district school shall provide the building principal with proof of immunization of certain diseases or furnish documents to satisfy statutory requirements. Booster shots mandated by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Environment are also required.

Notice of this policy and the applicable state law shall be distributed to parents or guardians of current and prospective district students on or before May 15th of each school year. The superintendent shall issue a news release each August explaining the required inoculations and booster shots. Parents may delegate in writing their authority to consent to immunizations. At the beginning of a school year, school boards shall provide information on immunizations applicable to school age children to parents and guardians of students in grades six through 12. The information on immunizations shall include:

(1) A list of sources for additional information; and

(2) related standards issued by the national centers for disease control

and prevention.

Students who fail to provide the documentation required by law may be excluded from school by the superintendent until statutory requirements are satisfied. Notice of exclusion shall be given to the parents/guardians as prescribed by law. Students who are not immunized against a particular

disease(es) may be excluded from school during any outbreak.

Each principal shall forward evidence of compliance with the inoculation law to other schools or school districts when requested by the school or by the student's parents/guardians.


KASB Recommendation–7/96; 9/97; 4/07; 6/08; 12/15
R et ur n t o Se ctio n J In de x

JGCBA Automated External Defibrillators JGCBA

If the board approves their use in district schools and other facilities, automated external defibrillators shall be properly maintained as required by law and used in accordance with recommended instructions.


KASB Recommendation–6/04; 4/07; 6/08; 6/09; 12/15

R et ur n t o Se ctio n J In de x

J GC He alt h A sse ssme nt s a n d P hy sic al s ( S ee JG C B ) J GC

A l l s t ud ent s u p t o t h e a ge of nin e sh a l l s ub mi t e vi de nce t he y ha ve
u n der go ne a he a l t h as ses s me nt pr i or t o en t er i n g kin de r ga r t e n o r b efor e e nro l l i n g i n
t he di s t r i c t for t h e f i r s t t i me .

A l l s t u den t s e n ga ged i n a c t i vi t i e s co ve r e d b y a ppr op r i a t e K S H S A A r ules s hall pro vid e t he b ui l din g pri nci pal with p ro o f of a p h ysica l ex a min a t i on .

A p pr o ve d: K A S B r eco mme n d a t i on 7 / 9 6 ; 0 8 / 1 0 ; 3 / 12
B a c k to Ma ster In d ex

R et ur n t o Se ctio n J In de x

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