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Example - 10swint.asm Software Interrupts

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Example - 10swint.asm
Software Interrupts


Example - 10swint.asm

; --------------------------------------------------------------

; An example of software interrupts.

; --------------------------------------------------------------

JMP Start ; Jump past table of interrupt vectors

DB 51 ; Vector at 02 pointing to address 51

DB 71 ; Vector at 03 pointing to address 71


INT 02 ; Do interrupt 02

INT 03 ; Do interrupt 03

JMP Start

; --------------------------------------------------------------

ORG 50

DB E0 ; Data byte - could be a whole table here

; Interrupt code starts here

MOV AL,[50] ; Copy bits from RAM into AL

NOT AL ; Invert the bits in AL

MOV [50],AL ; Copy inverted bits back to RAM

OUT 01 ; Send data to traffic lights


; --------------------------------------------------------------

ORG 70

DB 0 ; Data byte - could be a table here
; Interrupt code starts here

MOV AL,[70] ; Copy bits from RAM into AL

NOT AL ; Invert the bits in AL

AND AL,FE ; Force right most bit to zero

MOV [70],AL ; Copy inverted bits back to RAM

OUT 02 ; Send data to seven segment display


; --------------------------------------------------------------


; --------------------------------------------------------------

26) Write a new interrupt 02 that fetches a key press from the

keyboard and stores it into RAM. The IBM PC allocates 16

bytes for key press storage. The 16 locations are used in

a circular fashion.

27) Create a new interrupt that puts characters onto the next

free screen location. See if you can get correct behaviour

in response to the Enter key being pressed (fairly easy)

and if the Back Space key is pressed (harder).

You can copy this example program from the help page and paste it into the source code editor.

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