Oakeley, Sir Herbert (Stanley)

Oginaga, Joaquin de. See Oxinaga, Joaquín de. Ogiński

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Oginaga, Joaquin de.

See Oxinaga, Joaquín de.


Polish family of musicians.

(1) Michał Kazimierz Ogiński

(2) Michał Kleofas Ogiński

(3) Franciszek Ksawery Ogiński



(1) Michał Kazimierz Ogiński

(b Warsaw, 1728; d Warsaw, 31 May 1800). Prince, Grand Hetman of Lithuania, musician and poet. In his youth he spent seven years in France, first at the court of Stanisław Leszczyński at Lunéville and then in Paris. He was taught the violin by G.B. Viotti, and also learnt the clarinet and harp. His improved harp pedal system was adopted in 1762 by the firm of Erard in Paris; he wrote the article on the harp for Diderot’s Encyclopédie (Paris, 1765). From 1771 Ogiński maintained an opera company with ballet and orchestra at his residence at Słonim, Lithuania; it had a large repertory of Polish, Italian, French and German operas and symphonies. He founded a school for local children, who in 1777 acted Rousseau’s Pygmalion in French at his second theatre at Siedlce, near Lublin. Ogiński’s compositions include several operas and songs (for which he also wrote the texts), a ballet celebrating the anniversary of the coronation of Stanisław August (Warsaw, 24 November 1765; now lost) and several polonaises and mazurkas.


Spl (librettos by the composer, first performed Słonim, unless otherwise stated): Filozof zmieniony [The Transformed Philosopher], 1771, PL-Wn; Opuszczone dzieci [The Forsaken Children], 1771, WRo; Kondycje stanów [The Social Position of the Classes], 1781, Wn; Pola Elizejskie [The Elysian Fields], 1781, Wn; Cyganie [The Gypsies] (F.D. Kniaźnin), Siedlce, 1786; Mocy Świata [The Powers of the World], before 1788, Wn

26 songs: 12 without acc., 1770, Wn; 14, acc. 2 vn, b, in Bajki i Niebajki, i–ii (Warsaw, 1788)

Inst: 3 National Polonaisen, pf 4 hands (Berlin, n.d.); Polonaise, G, vn, pf, ed. in Kurier Warszawski (1902), no.1; others, Wtm


(2) Michał Kleofas Ogiński

(b Guzów, nr Warsaw, 25 Sept 1765; d Florence, 15 Oct 1833). Composer, nephew of (1) Michał Kazimierz Ogiński. He first studied the violin and piano at Guzów with Józef Kozłowski (1773–8); later he took occasional violin lessons from Viotti (1798), Baillot (1810) and others. From 1789 he held various ambassadorial and governmental positions in the Netherlands (1790), London (1791), Warsaw (as Grand Treasurer of Lithuania, 1793–4), Constantinople (1796) and elsewhere. He travelled throughout Europe, settling in 1802 at Zalesie, near Vilnius, and in 1815 in Italy.

Ogiński is chiefly noted for his piano works, particularly the polonaises, the melancholy, lyrical mood of which suited the taste of the times and expressed Polish patriotism. Many contemporary composers such as Elsner, Kurpiński and Szymanowska were influenced by his works in this form. Ogiński wrote about 20, published in many editions in Poland and abroad, the best known being Pożegnanie Ojczyzny (‘Farewell to the Fatherland’). His vocal works include an opera and many songs; a number of patriotic songs written for the Polish regiment he maintained in the early 1790s are now lost.


Pf 2–4 hands: c20 polonaises, incl. ‘Les adieux’ (Warsaw, 1803), Pożegnanie Ojczyzny [Farewell to the Fatherland] (n.p., 1831); mazurkas, waltzes, marches, incl. Marche pour les légions polonaises en 1797 (Leipzig, 1825); Menuet, PL-Kj

Vocal: Zélis et Valcour ou Bonaparte au Caïre (op, 1, Ogiński), 1799, Kj; 13 romances (It., Fr.); 2 songs (Pol.), ed. W. Poźniak (Kraków, 1962)


Mémoires de Michel Ogiński sur la Pologne et les Polonais, depuis 1788 jusqu’à la fin de 1815, ed. L.J.B. Chodźko (Paris and Geneva, 1826–7; Pol. trans., 1870–77)

Lettres sur la musique adressées à un de ses amis de Florence en 1825 (MS, PL-Kj; Pol. trans., 1956)

Others (MSS, USSR-Mcl)


(3) Franciszek Ksawery Ogiński

(b 1801; d 1837). Composer, eldest son of (2) Michał Kleofas Ogiński. He wrote polonaises for the piano, including two sets of three each published in Warsaw (after 1822, 1827–8) as well as romances for voice and piano including Le page blessé à Pavie (St Petersburg, n.d.) and three to texts by Scott and Zan (Warsaw, 1829).

Another son of (2) M.K. Ogiński, Tadeusz Ogiński, wrote a Marche à quatre mains (22 October 1822, PL-Kj), and a daughter Amelia Ogińska wrote several works at Zalesie (now in Kj): Polonaise à 4 mains (10 November 1822), and two romances (‘Mon âme aujourd’hui’, 1825, and ‘J’aime la nuit’).

The Polish composer Karol Ogiński (fl mid-18th century) did not belong to the princely family. He was probably a member of the orchestra of the Duke of Mecklenburg; his Sonata for violin and piano survives (D-SWl, ed. K. Sikorski, Kraków, 1955).


MGG1 (Z. Lissa)

W. Poźniak: Romans wokalny w twórczości M. Kl. Ogińskiego [Ogiński’s vocal romances] (Kraków, 1934)

H. Dorabialska: Polonez przed Chopinem [The polonaise before Chopin] (Warsaw, 1938)

R. Haas: ‘Ein polnischer Werther’, MJb 1959, 95–8

A. Ciechanowiecki: Michał Kazimierz Ogiński und sein Musenhof zu Słonim (Cologne, 1961)

Z dziejów polskiej kultury muzycznej [History of Polish musical culture], ii (Kraków, 1966)

I. Belza: Michail Kleofas Ogiński (Moscow, 1965; Pol. trans., 1967)

S. Burhardt: Polonez: katalog tematyczny, ii (Kraków, 1976)

A. Nowak-Romanowicz: ‘Twórczość komediowa Michała Kazimierza Ogińskiego i Katarzyny II’ [The comic creations of M.K. Ogiński and Catherine the Great], Muzyka, xxxv/2 (1990), 110–13

B. Mucha: Artyści polscy w nowozytnejt Rosji [Polish artists in modern Russia] (Łódź, 1994)

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