No. of amended and new standards adopted
Updated Baseline end 2013:
One new Standard adopted and two amended in 2012. One Standard and the Glossary amended in 2013.
Original Baseline P&B 2014/15: Average 2012/13 (tbd)
Increase compared to baseline
One new standard adopted and one revised informally (2014)
on track
No. of users accessing the Internet publications of international classifications and standards, in particular from developing countries
Updated Baseline end 2013:
IPC Home: 387,093
IPC Pub: 670,032 (extrapolated from data Jan-May 2013 and readjusted by the same method of measurement used for the 2014 data)
NICE Home: 533,846
NICE Pub: 2,386,409
LOCARNO Home: 36,727
VIENNA home: 32,416
WIPO Standards(Handbook): 94,463
Original Baseline P&B 2014/15: tbd end of 2013
5% increase compared to baseline
IPC Home: 291,845 (24.6 % decrease) (44.08 % of visits from developing countries)
IPC Pub: 1,078,752 (61% increase; (extrapolated from data Jun-Dec 2014)
NICE Home: 497,629 (6.8 % decrease) (35.14% of visits from developing countries)
NICE Pub: 2,587,788 (8.4% increase) (43.97% of visits from developing countries
LOCARNO Home: 44,557 (21.3 % increase) (38.42% of visits from developing countries)
VIENNA home: 29,596 (8.7% decrease) (56.32 % of visits from developing countries)
WIPO Standards (Handbook): 66,399 (29.7 decrease %) (29.04% of visits from developing countries)
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On track
On track
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