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Mid-term Performance Dashboard (2014)
The dashboard below provides a summary of the progress towards the achievement of the Results in 2014 as measured by the indicators under the Programs contributing to this Strategic Goal.

Expected Results

Performance Indicators

Responsible Program(s)


VIII.1 More effective communication to a broad public about intellectual property and WIPO’s role

Level of public interest generated in selected major WIPO events/achievements

Program 19

% of stakeholders with positive recognition of WIPO’s mission, activities and organizational image

Program 19

Program 20


% increase in views of WIPO press, video and photographic content

Program 19


% increase in global participation in World IP Day via Facebook page (total reach of campaign)

Program 19

% increase in views of online publications

Program 19


% of users satisfied with the WIPO website

Program 19

Increased WIPO influence and engagement on social media

Program 19


Increased traffic to the website of WIPO External Offices

Program 20


VIII.2 Improved service orientation and responsiveness to inquiries

% of users satisfied with Library services

Program 19

Customer/stakeholder satisfaction rate

Program 19


Program 20

Service Standards targets as defined on WIPO website

Program 19


Processing time of information inquiries

Program 20


VIII.3 Effective engagement with Member States

% of Committee Meetings for which pre-Committee information meetings for Member States are held

Program 21

% of letters to the DG from Member States are responded to within 2 weeks

Program 21

% of adherence and other WIPO Treaty-related actions by Member States processed in a timely manner

Program 21

Member States satisfaction levels with the preparation and functioning of the Assemblies

Program 21

Timeliness of publication of Assemblies documents

Program 21

VIII.4 Open, transparent and responsive interaction with non-governmental stakeholders

Increased, effective engagement of non-governmental stakeholders at WIPO events and vice-versa

Program 20

VIII.5 WIPO effectively interacts and partners with UN and other IGO processes and negotiations

Use of WIPO's contribution in reports, resolutions and documents from targeted processes

Program 20

% of responses to external requests for contributions from the UN, IGOs etc. submitted on time

Program 20

No. of IP Programs implemented jointly with other UN bodies and other IGOs

Program 20

New joint initiatives with other UN agencies

Program 21

HLCM and Subsidiary Networks Closed Recommendations

Program 24

% of locally sourced goods and services compared to total amount procured for development activity

Program 24

% of spend subject to UN leverage (either common tender or piggy backing)

Program 24

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