Original: Spanish inter-american commission on human rights

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Specific recommendations:


  1. Take the steps necessary to ensure that cases of gender-based violence are investigated with due diligence and in a timely, complete, and impartial fashion, that the people responsible are duly punished, and that the victims receive comprehensive redress.

  2. Adopt a comprehensive and coordinated state policy and assign adequate resources to ensure that victims of violence have full access to proper judicial protection. This will require training all public officials involved in both investigations and judicial proceedings, together with strengthening the logistics of the institutions.

  3. Further its efforts for equipping its institutions to deal comprehensively with the situation of violence against women, in particular by assigning the necessary human and financial resources. Pay particular attention to the situation of women in rural areas where the presence of state institutions is weak.

  4. Implement state policies to address the stereotypes and roles historically subordinated on women in accordance with the principles of equality and nondiscrimination.

  5. Prepare a comprehensive, gender-aware public policy with guidelines for health prevention, care, and attention for the employees of apparel factories.

  6. Regarding maquilas workers, review its legislation, particularly as regards workplace health, to prevent occupational risks. Implement workplace surveillance and control measures, as well as appropriate care, which include due control of working hours and accessible complain mechanisms.

34.Indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants

  1. Further its efforts to protect the effective enjoyment of the right to territory of indigenous peoples and their members, as a first step in safeguarding their basic rights, bearing in mind the particular importance that inter-American human rights law has assigned to the territorial rights of indigenous peoples and the central role that ancestral territories play in respecting and upholding their rights.

  2. Strengthen its actions aimed at establishing—within a reasonable time and with the indigenous peoples’ full participation—the legislative, administrative, or other measures necessary to enforce the right of consultation and prior, free, and informed consent, in accordance with the applicable international standards; amend those provisions that hinder its full and free exercise; and refrain from adopting provisions that undermine that right.

  3. Step up its actions to respect and guarantee land rights, and adopt the state measures necessary to meet the obligation of carrying out the prior, free, and informed consultation of indigenous peoples regarding projects underway on their lands and territories and that affect their natural resources, taking into consideration the special relationship that exists between such peoples and their lands and natural resources.

  4. Take the steps necessary to assign an adequate budget to the state agency responsible for monitoring the rights of indigenous and Afro-Honduran peoples. Implement public policies according to their needs and concerns in consultation with them.

  5. Address the education, nutrition, health, and maternal health needs of indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples.

  6. In relation to Miskito divers, review the underwater fishing law of 2001 considering the divers needs. Implement urgent supervision mechanisms for companies dedicated to submarine fishing. Provide a hyperbaric chamber in La Mosquitia.

  7. Take immediate steps to ensure that the activities carried out by the Police and National Army in the context of the defense of indigenous peoples and communities, their ancestral territories, and the exercise of their rights are in accordance with their functions within a democratic system and with the applicable inter-American standards.

35.LGBT people

  1. Conduct exhaustive investigations with all due diligence to prosecute and punish the people responsible for killings and other acts of violence against LGBT people. In investigating killings and other acts of violence against LGBT people, the State must explore lines of investigation that examine whether the crimes were committed by reason of the victim’s real or perceived sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

  2. Address the underlying causes of violence based on prejudice toward the sexual orientation and gender identity or expression of people who defy the gender rules established by society. This includes adopting policies and conducting public campaigns to promote awareness and respect for the human rights of LGBT people in all sectors, including education, health, and the family, in order to combat the prejudices that underpin violence related to sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.

  3. Produce statistics and official records of violence against LGBT and intersex people, in order to promote public policies for protecting their human rights.

  4. Adopt a gender-identity law or similar measures to allow the full recognition of the identity of trans people.

  5. Adopt a differentiated approach to ensure the rights to life and integrity of LGBT people and of defenders of LGBT people’s human rights, given that they are particularly vulnerable to violence from State agents as well as private parties.

  6. Progress with the adoption of legislative measures, public policies, and the like that afford effective protection to the defenders of the rights of LGBT and intersex people.

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