Papers in sci-listed journals which cite one or more of the following primer primary sources

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Title: Cell Size Distributions of Soil Bacterial and Archaeal Taxa

Author(s): Portillo, MC (Portillo, Maria C.); Leff, JW (Leff, Jonathan W.); Lauber, CL (Lauber, Christian L.); Fierer, N (Fierer, Noah)

Source: APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 79  Issue: 24  Pages: 7610-7617  DOI: 10.1128/AEM.02710-13  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: The impact of land abandonment on the plant diversity of olive groves

Author(s): Maccherini, S (Maccherini, S.); Santi, E (Santi, E.); Bonini, I (Bonini, I.); Amici, V (Amici, V.); Pruscini, S (Pruscini, S.); Palazzo, D (Palazzo, D.); Selva, FC (Selva, F. Cortes)

Source: BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION  Volume: 22  Issue: 13-14  Pages: 3067-3083  DOI: 10.1007/s10531-013-0571-8  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Evaluating the efficacy of land snail survey techniques in Hawaii: implications for conservation throughout the Pacific

Author(s): Durkan, TH (Durkan, Torsten H.); Yeung, NW (Yeung, Norine W.); Meyer, WM (Meyer, Wallace M., III); Hayes, KA (Hayes, Kenneth A.); Cowie, RH (Cowie, Robert H.)

Source: BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION  Volume: 22  Issue: 13-14  Pages: 3223-3232  DOI: 10.1007/s10531-013-0580-7  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Food web structure within an estuary of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence undergoing eutrophication

Author(s): Schein, A (Schein, Allison); Courtenay, SC (Courtenay, Simon C.); Kidd, KA (Kidd, Karen A.); Campbell, KA (Campbell, K. Alexander); van den Heuvel, MR (van den Heuvel, Michael R.)

Source: CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCES  Volume: 70  Issue: 12  Pages: 1805-1812  DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2013-0251  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: How accurate and powerful are randomization tests in multivariate analysis of variance?

Author(s): Pillar, VD (Pillar, V. D.)

Source: COMMUNITY ECOLOGY  Volume: 14  Issue: 2  Pages: 153-163  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: An assessment of Pseudo-nitzschia population dynamics and domoic acid production in coastal Louisiana

Author(s): Parsons, ML (Parsons, Michael L.); Dortch, Q (Dortch, Quay); Doucette, GJ (Doucette, Gregory J.)

Source: HARMFUL ALGAE  Volume: 30  Pages: 65-77  DOI: 10.1016/j.hal.2013.09.001  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: The Chemical Basis of Host-Plant Recognition in a Specialized Bee Pollinator

Author(s): Milet-Pinheiro, P (Milet-Pinheiro, Paulo); Ayasse, M (Ayasse, Manfred); Dobson, HEM (Dobson, Heidi E. M.); Schlindwein, C (Schlindwein, Clemens); Francke, W (Francke, Wittko); Dotterl, S (Doetterl, Stefan)

Source: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ECOLOGY  Volume: 39  Issue: 11-12  Pages: 1347-1360  DOI: 10.1007/s10886-013-0363-3  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Biodiversity value of a geographically restricted soft coral species within a temperate estuary

Author(s): Poulos, DE (Poulos, Davina E.); Harasti, D (Harasti, David); Gallen, C (Gallen, Christopher); Booth, DJ (Booth, David J.)

Source: AQUATIC CONSERVATION-MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS  Volume: 23  Issue: 6  Pages: 838-849  DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2362  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Epigaeic beetle communities of the Green Triangle plantation landscape, southern Australia: effect of remnant size, vegetation quality and structural complexity

Author(s): Powell, CJ (Powell, Chela J.); Ades, P (Ades, Peter); Collett, N (Collett, Nick); Phillips, C (Phillips, Charlma)

Source: AUSTRALIAN FORESTRY  Volume: 76  Issue: 3-4  Pages: 128-139  DOI: 10.1080/00049158.2013.844090  Published: DEC 1 2013  

Title: Effects of Growth Form and Functional Traits on Response of Woody Plants to Clearing and Fragmentation of Subtropical Rainforest

Author(s): Kooyman, RM (Kooyman, R. M.); Zanne, AE (Zanne, A. E.); Gallagher, RV (Gallagher, R. V.); Cornwell, W (Cornwell, W.); Rossetto, M (Rossetto, M.); O'Connor, P (O'Connor, P.); Parkes, EA (Parkes, E. A.); Catterall, CF (Catterall, C. F.); Laffan, SW (Laffan, S. W.); Lusk, CH (Lusk, C. H.)

Source: CONSERVATION BIOLOGY  Volume: 27  Issue: 6  Pages: 1468-1477  DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12088  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Seasonal drought plays a stronger role than wildfire in shaping macroinvertebrate communities of Mediterranean streams

Author(s): Verkaik, I (Verkaik, Iraima); Vila-Escale, M (Vila-Escale, Mireia); Rieradevall, M (Rieradevall, Maria); Prat, N (Prat, Narcis)

Source: INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF HYDROBIOLOGY  Volume: 98  Issue: 6  Pages: 271-283  DOI: 10.1002/iroh.201201618  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Distribution of benthic invertebrate biomass and secondary production in relation to floodplain connectivity in a large river system (Parana River, Argentina)

Author(s): Zilli, FL (Zilli, Florencia Lucila)

Source: INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF HYDROBIOLOGY  Volume: 98  Issue: 6  Pages: 284-293  DOI: 10.1002/iroh.201201610  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Diet and feeding strategy of blackmouth catshark Galeus melastomus

Author(s): Anastasopoulou, A (Anastasopoulou, A.); Mytilineou, C (Mytilineou, Ch.); Lefkaditou, E (Lefkaditou, E.); Dokos, J (Dokos, J.); Smith, CJ (Smith, C. J.); Siapatis, A (Siapatis, A.); Bekas, P (Bekas, P.); Papadopoulou, KN (Papadopoulou, K. -N.)

Source: JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY  Volume: 83  Issue: 6  Pages: 1637-1655  DOI: 10.1111/jfb.12269  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Energy profiling of demersal fish: A case-study in wind farm artificial reefs

Author(s): De Troch, M (De Troch, Marleen); Reubens, JT (Reubens, Jan T.); Heirman, E (Heirman, Elke); Degraer, S (Degraer, Steven); Vincx, M (Vincx, Magda)

Source: MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH  Volume: 92  Pages: 224-233  DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2013.10.001  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Marine sponges as bioindicators of oil and combustion derived PAH in coastal waters

Author(s): Batista, D (Batista, Daniela); Tellini, K (Tellini, Karla); Nudi, AH (Nudi, Adriana H.); Massone, TP (Massone, Thais P.); Scofield, AD (Scofield, Arthur de L.); Wagener, ADR (Wagener, Angela de L. R.)

Source: MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH  Volume: 92  Pages: 234-243  DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2013.09.022  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Diversity of cultivable Azotobacter in the semi-arid alfisol receiving long-term organic and inorganic nutrient amendments

Author(s): Cinnadurai, C (Cinnadurai, Chinnappan); Gopalaswamy, G (Gopalaswamy, Ganesan); Balachandar, D (Balachandar, Dananjeyan)

Source: ANNALS OF MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 63  Issue: 4  Pages: 1397-1404  DOI: 10.1007/s13213-013-0600-6  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Foraging patterns and strategies in an Australian desert ant

Author(s): Schultheiss, P (Schultheiss, Patrick); Nooten, SS (Nooten, Sabine S.)

Source: AUSTRAL ECOLOGY  Volume: 38  Issue: 8  Pages: 942-951  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Regional-scale analysis of subtidal rocky shore community

Author(s): Derrien-Courtel, S (Derrien-Courtel, Sandrine); Le Gal, A (Le Gal, Aodren); Grall, J (Grall, Jacques)

Source: HELGOLAND MARINE RESEARCH  Volume: 67  Issue: 4  Pages: 697-712  DOI: 10.1007/s10152-013-0355-2  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Diversity, distribution and ecology of the family Syllidae (Annelida) in the Portuguese coast (Western Iberian Peninsula)

Author(s): Martins, R (Martins, R.); Magalhaes, L (Magalhaes, L.); Peter, A (Peter, A.); Martin, GS (Martin, G. San); Rodrigues, AM (Rodrigues, A. M.); Quintino, V (Quintino, V.)

Source: HELGOLAND MARINE RESEARCH  Volume: 67  Issue: 4  Pages: 775-788  DOI: 10.1007/s10152-013-0362-3  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Temporal variability and coherence of euphotic zone bacterial communities over a decade in the Southern California Bight

Author(s): Chow, CET (Chow, Cheryl-Emiliane T.); Sachdeva, R (Sachdeva, Rohan); Cram, JA (Cram, Jacob A.); Steele, JA (Steele, Joshua A.); Needham, DM (Needham, David M.); Patel, A (Patel, Anand); Parada, AE (Parada, Alma E.); Fuhrman, JA (Fuhrman, Jed A.)

Source: ISME JOURNAL  Volume: 7  Issue: 12  Pages: 2259-2273  DOI: 10.1038/ismej.2013.122  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Culture-independent molecular approaches reveal a mostly unknown high diversity of active nitrogen-fixing bacteria associated with Pennisetum purpureum-a bioenergy crop

Author(s): Videira, SS (Videira, Sandy Sampaio); Silva, MDE (Pereira e Silva, Michele de Cassia); Galisa, PDS (Galisa, Pericles de Souza); Dias, ACF (Franco Dias, Armando Cavalcante); Nissinen, R (Nissinen, Riitta); Divan, VLB (Baldani Divan, Vera Lucia); van Elsas, JD (van Elsas, Jan Dirk); Baldani, JI (Baldani, Jose Ivo); Salles, JF (Salles, Joana Falcao)

Source: PLANT AND SOIL  Volume: 373  Issue: 1-2  Pages: 737-754  DOI: 10.1007/s11104-013-1828-4  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Invasive lionfish harbor a different external bacterial community than native Bahamian fishes

Author(s): Stevens, JL (Stevens, J. L.); Olson, JB (Olson, J. B.)

Source: CORAL REEFS  Volume: 32  Issue: 4  Pages: 1113-1121  DOI: 10.1007/s00338-013-1072-7  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: The impacts of flooding on the high-latitude, terrigenoclastic influenced coral reefs of Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia

Author(s): Butler, IR (Butler, I. R.); Sommer, B (Sommer, B.); Zann, M (Zann, M.); Zhao, JX (Zhao, J. -x.); Pandolfi, JM (Pandolfi, J. M.)

Source: CORAL REEFS  Volume: 32  Issue: 4  Pages: 1149-1163  DOI: 10.1007/s00338-013-1064-7  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Major contribution of diatom resting spores to vertical flux in the sub-polar North Atlantic

Author(s): Rynearson, TA (Rynearson, T. A.); Richardson, K (Richardson, K.); Lampitt, RS (Lampitt, R. S.); Sieracki, ME (Sieracki, M. E.); Poulton, AJ (Poulton, A. J.); Lyngsgaard, MM (Lyngsgaard, M. M.); Perry, MJ (Perry, M. J.)

Source: DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS  Volume: 82  Pages: 60-71  DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2013.07.013  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Land coverage influences the bacterial community composition in the critical zone of a sub-Arctic basaltic environment

Author(s): Summers, S (Summers, Stephen); Whiteley, AS (Whiteley, Andrew S.); Kelly, LC (Kelly, Laura C.); Cockell, CS (Cockell, Charles S.)

Source: FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY  Volume: 86  Issue: 3  Pages: 381-393  DOI: 10.1111/1574-6941.12167  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Establishment and early succession of bacterial communities in monochloramine-treated drinking water biofilms

Author(s): Revetta, RP (Revetta, Randy P.); Gomez-Alvarez, V (Gomez-Alvarez, Vicente); Gerke, TL (Gerke, Tammie L.); Curioso, C (Curioso, Claudine); Domingo, JWS (Domingo, Jorge W. Santo); Ashbolt, NJ (Ashbolt, Nicholas J.)

Source: FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY  Volume: 86  Issue: 3  Pages: 404-414  DOI: 10.1111/1574-6941.12170  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Grazing effects on nematodes and other components of the periphyton at three depths in Lake Erken

Author(s): Schroeder, F (Schroeder, Fabian); Kathofer, D (Kathoefer, Dominik); Traunspurger, W (Traunspurger, Walter); Peters, L (Peters, Lars)

Source: FRESHWATER SCIENCE  Volume: 32  Issue: 4  Pages: 1088-1100  DOI: 10.1899/12-214.1  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Macroalgal associations of motile epifaunal invertebrate communities on coral reefs

Author(s): Roff, G (Roff, George); Wabnitz, CCC (Wabnitz, Colette C. C.); Harborne, AR (Harborne, Alastair R.); Mumby, PJ (Mumby, Peter J.)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY-AN EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE  Volume: 34  Issue: 4  Pages: 409-419  DOI: 10.1111/maec.12040  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Northern Adriatic phytoplankton response to short Po River discharge pulses during summer stratified conditions

Author(s): Vilicic, D (Vilicic, Damir); Kuzmic, M (Kuzmic, Milivoj); Tomazic, I (Tomazic, Igor); Ljubesic, Z (Ljubesic, Zrinka); Bosak, S (Bosak, Suncica); Precali, R (Precali, Robert); Djakovac, T (Djakovac, Tamara); Maric, D (Maric, Danijela); Godrijan, J (Godrijan, Jelena)

Source: MARINE ECOLOGY-AN EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE  Volume: 34  Issue: 4  Pages: 451-466  DOI: 10.1111/maec.12046  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Wild-type alleles of Rht-B1 and Rht-D1 as independent determinants of thousand-grain weight and kernel number per spike in wheat

Author(s): Zhang, JJ (Zhang, Jingjuan); Dell, B (Dell, Bernard); Biddulph, B (Biddulph, Ben); Drake-Brockman, F (Drake-Brockman, Fiona); Walker, E (Walker, Esther); Khan, N (Khan, Nusrat); Wong, DB (Wong, Debbie); Hayden, M (Hayden, Matthew); Appels, R (Appels, Rudi)

Source: MOLECULAR BREEDING  Volume: 32  Issue: 4  Pages: 771-783  DOI: 10.1007/s11032-013-9905-1  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Minor impact of ocean acidification to the composition of the active microbial community in an Arctic sediment

Author(s): Tait, K (Tait, Karen); Laverock, B (Laverock, Bonnie); Shaw, J (Shaw, Jennifer); Somerfield, PJ (Somerfield, Paul J.); Widdicombe, S (Widdicombe, Steve)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY REPORTS  Volume: 5  Issue: 6  Pages: 851-860  DOI: 10.1111/1758-2229.12087  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Light-driven tipping points in polar ecosystems

Author(s): Clark, GF (Clark, Graeme F.); Stark, JS (Stark, Jonathan S.); Johnston, EL (Johnston, Emma L.); Runcie, JW (Runcie, John W.); Goldsworthy, PM (Goldsworthy, Paul M.); Raymond, B (Raymond, Ben); Riddle, MJ (Riddle, Martin J.)

Source: GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY  Volume: 19  Issue: 12  Pages: 3749-3761  DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12337  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Development of novel microsatellite markers for Pinus yunnanensis and their cross amplification in congeneric species

Author(s): Xu, YL (Xu, Yulan); Zhang, RL (Zhang, Ruili); Tian, B (Tian, Bin); Bai, QS (Bai, Qingsong); Wang, DW (Wang, Dawei); Cai, NH (Cai, Nianhui); He, CZ (He, Chengzhong); Kang, XY (Kang, Xiangyang); Duan, AA (Duan, Anan)

Source: CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES  Volume: 5  Issue: 4  Pages: 1113-1114  DOI: 10.1007/s12686-013-9964-y  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Diatom assemblages of thermal and mineral waters from volcanic environments in Sao Miguel Island, Azores

Author(s): Quintela, A (Quintela, Ana); Almeida, SFP (Almeida, Salome F. P.); Terroso, D (Terroso, Denise); Da Silva, EF (Da Silva, Eduardo Ferreira); Forjaz, V (Forjaz, Victor); Rocha, F (Rocha, Fernando)

Source: DIATOM RESEARCH  Volume: 28  Issue: 4  Pages: 407-417  DOI: 10.1080/0269249X.2013.822833  Published: DEC 1 2013  

Title: Vegetation and soil characteristics as indicators of restoration trajectories in restored mangroves

Author(s): Salmo, SG (Salmo, Severino G., III); Lovelock, C (Lovelock, Catherine); Duke, NC (Duke, Norman C.)

Source: HYDROBIOLOGIA  Volume: 720  Issue: 1  Pages: 1-18  DOI: 10.1007/s10750-013-1617-3  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Characterization and host range of five tumorigenic Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains and possible application in plant transient transformation assays

Author(s): Hwang, HH (Hwang, H. -H.); Wu, ET (Wu, E. T.); Liu, SY (Liu, S. -Y.); Chang, SC (Chang, S. -C.); Tzeng, KC (Tzeng, K. -C.); Kado, CI (Kado, C. I.)

Source: PLANT PATHOLOGY  Volume: 62  Issue: 6  Pages: 1384-1397  DOI: 10.1111/ppa.12046  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Taxonomic and geographic influences on fish otolith microchemistry

Author(s): Chang, MY (Chang, Mei-Yu); Geffen, AJ (Geffen, Audrey J.)

Source: FISH AND FISHERIES  Volume: 14  Issue: 4  Pages: 458-492  DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-2979.2012.00482.x  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Prey use of wetland benthivorous sunfishes: ontogenetic, interspecific and seasonal variation

Author(s): Bransky, JW (Bransky, Jacob W.); Dorn, NJ (Dorn, Nathan J.)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY OF FISHES  Volume: 96  Issue: 12  Pages: 1329-1340  DOI: 10.1007/s10641-013-0110-1  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Effects of substratum restoration on salmonid habitat quality in a subalpine stream

Author(s): Sternecker, K (Sternecker, Katharina); Wild, R (Wild, Romy); Geist, J (Geist, Juergen)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY OF FISHES  Volume: 96  Issue: 12  Pages: 1341-1351  DOI: 10.1007/s10641-013-0111-0  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Seasonal response of fish assemblages to habitat fragmentation caused by an impoundment in a Neotropical river

Author(s): Santos, ABI (Iacone Santos, A. B.); Albieri, RJ (Albieri, R. J.); Araujo, FG (Gerson Araujo, F.)

Source: ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY OF FISHES  Volume: 96  Issue: 12  Pages: 1377-1387  DOI: 10.1007/s10641-013-0115-9  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Microbial growth, communities and sensory characteristics of vacuum and modified atmosphere packaged lamb shoulders

Author(s): Kiermeier, A (Kiermeier, Andreas); Tamplin, M (Tamplin, Mark); May, D (May, Damian); Holds, G (Holds, Geoff); Williams, M (Williams, Michelle); Dann, A (Dann, Alison)

Source: FOOD MICROBIOLOGY  Volume: 36  Issue: 2  Pages: 305-315  DOI: 10.1016/  Published: DEC 2013  

Title: Spatial relations and population structure of a dominant tree along a treeline ecotone in the Tropical Andes: interactions at gradient and plant-neighbourhood scales

Author(s): Llambi, LD (Llambi, Luis D.); Aguilar, JP (Puentes Aguilar, Johanna); Garcia-Nunez, C (Garcia-Nunez, Carlos)

Source: PLANT ECOLOGY & DIVERSITY  Volume: 6  Issue: 3-4  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 343-353  DOI: 10.1080/17550874.2013.810312  Published: DEC 1 2013  

Title: Limited effect of hare grazing and short-term climatic variations on the most common alpine vegetation community in the Snowy Mountains, Australia

Author(s): Green, K (Green, Ken); Pickering, C (Pickering, Catherine)

Source: PLANT ECOLOGY & DIVERSITY  Volume: 6  Issue: 3-4  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 511-522  DOI: 10.1080/17550874.2013.787466  Published: DEC 1 2013  

Title: The cryptic and the apparent reversed: lack of genetic differentiation within the morphologically diverse plexus of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer

Author(s): Andre, A (Andre, Aurore); Weiner, A (Weiner, Agnes); Quillevere, F (Quillevere, Frederic); Aurahs, R (Aurahs, Ralf); Morard, R (Morard, Raphael); Douady, CJ (Douady, Christophe J.); de Garidel-Thoron, T (de Garidel-Thoron, Thibault); Escarguel, G (Escarguel, Gilles); de Vargas, C (de Vargas, Colomban); Kucera, M (Kucera, Michal)

Source: PALEOBIOLOGY  Volume: 39  Issue: 1  Pages: 21-39  DOI: 10.1666/0094-8373-39.1.21  Published: WIN 2013  

Title: y Midgut Microbial Community of Culex quinquefasciatus Mosquito Populations from India

Author(s): Chandel, K (Chandel, Kshitij); Mendki, MJ (Mendki, Murlidhar J.); Parikh, RY (Parikh, Rasesh Y.); Kulkarni, G (Kulkarni, Girish); Tikar, SN (Tikar, Sachin N.); Sukumaran, D (Sukumaran, Devanathan); Prakash, S (Prakash, Shri); Parashar, BD (Parashar, Brahma D.); Shouche, YS (Shouche, Yogesh S.); Veer, V (Veer, Vijay)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 8  Issue: 11  Article Number: e80453  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0080453  Published: NOV 29 2013  

Title: Till Death Do Us Part: Stable Sponge-Bacteria Associations under Thermal and Food Shortage Stresses

Author(s): Pita, L (Pita, Lucia); Erwin, PM (Erwin, Patrick M.); Turon, X (Turon, Xavier); Lopez-Legentil, S (Lopez-Legentil, Susanna)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 8  Issue: 11  Article Number: e80307  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0080307  Published: NOV 28 2013  

Title: Bathymetric Variation in Recruitment and Relative Importance of Pre- and Post-Settlement Processes in Coral Assemblages at Lyudao (Green Island), Taiwan

Author(s): Nozawa, Y (Nozawa, Yoko); Lin, CH (Lin, Che-Hung); Chung, AC (Chung, Ai-Chi)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 8  Issue: 11  Article Number: e81474  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081474  Published: NOV 27 2013  

Title: Effects of Trophic Status and Temperature on Communities of Sedimentary Ammonia Oxidizers in Lake Taihu

Author(s): Dai, JY (Dai, Jiangyu); Gao, G (Gao, Guang); Chen, D (Chen, Dan); Tang, XM (Tang, Xiangming); Shao, KQ (Shao, Keqiang); Cai, XL (Cai, Xianlei)

Source: GEOMICROBIOLOGY JOURNAL  Volume: 30  Issue: 10  Pages: 886-896  DOI: 10.1080/01490451.2013.791353  Published: NOV 26 2013  

Title: Potential 'Ecological Traps' of Restored Landscapes: Koalas Phascolarctos cinereus Re-Occupy a Rehabilitated Mine Site

Author(s): Cristescu, RH (Cristescu, Romane H.); Banks, PB (Banks, Peter B.); Carrick, FN (Carrick, Frank N.); Frere, C (Frere, Celine)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 8  Issue: 11  Article Number: e80469  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0080469  Published: NOV 25 2013  

Title: Determining the Metabolic Footprints of Hydrocarbon Degradation Using Multivariate Analysis

Author(s): Smith, RJ (Smith, Renee. J.); Jeffries, TC (Jeffries, Thomas C.); Adetutu, EM (Adetutu, Eric M.); Fairweather, PG (Fairweather, Peter G.); Mitchell, JG (Mitchell, James G.)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 8  Issue: 11  Article Number: e81910  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081910  Published: NOV 25 2013  

Title: Changes in Bacterial and Fungal Communities across Compost Recipes, Preparation Methods, and Composting Times

Author(s): Neher, DA (Neher, Deborah A.); Weicht, TR (Weicht, Thomas R.); Bates, ST (Bates, Scott T.); Leff, JW (Leff, Jonathan W.); Fierer, N (Fierer, Noah)

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