Title: Abundance and diversity of epibenthic amphipods (Crustacea) from contrasting bathyal habitats
Author(s): Knox, MA (Knox, Matthew A.); Hogg, ID (Hogg, Ian D.); Pilditch, CA (Pilditch, Conrad A.); Lorz, AN (Loerz, Anne-Nina); Nodder, SD (Nodder, Scott D.)
Source: DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS Volume: 62 Pages: 1-9 DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2011.12.011 Published: APR 2012
Title: Lower bathyal and abyssal distribution of coral in the axial volcanic ridge of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 45 degrees N
Author(s): Morris, K (Morris, Kirsty); Tyler, PA (Tyler, Paul A.); Murton, BL (Murton, Bram Ley); Rogers, AD (Rogers, Alex D.)
Source: DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS Volume: 62 Pages: 32-39 DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2011.11.009 Published: APR 2012
Title: Vertical distribution, diversity and assemblages of mesopelagic fishes in the western Mediterranean
Author(s): Olivar, MP (Olivar, M. P.); Bernal, A (Bernal, A.); Moli, B (Moli, B.); Pena, M (Pena, M.); Balbin, R (Balbin, R.); Castellon, A (Castellon, A.); Miquel, J (Miquel, J.); Massuti, E (Massuti, E.)
Source: DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS Volume: 62 Pages: 53-69 DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2011.12.014 Published: APR 2012
Title: Influence of earthworm activity on microbial communities related with the degradation of persistent pollutants
Author(s): Natal-da-Luz, T (Natal-da-Luz, Tiago); Lee, I (Lee, Iwa); Verweij, RA (Verweij, Rudo A.); Morais, PV (Morais, Paula V.); Van Velzen, MJM (Van Velzen, Martin J. M.); Sousa, JP (Sousa, Jose Paulo); Van Gestel, CAM (Van Gestel, Cornelis A. M.)
Author(s): Vallin, N (Vallin, Niclas); Rice, AM (Rice, Amber M.); Bailey, RI (Bailey, Richard I.); Husby, A (Husby, Arild); Qvarnstrom, A (Qvarnstrom, Anna)
Title: Cold seep and oxygen minimum zone associated sources of margin heterogeneity affect benthic assemblages, diversity and nutrition at the Cascadian margin (NE Pacific Ocean)
Author(s): Guilini, K (Guilini, Katja); Levin, LA (Levin, Lisa A.); Vanreusel, A (Vanreusel, Ann)
Title: Temporal patterns in macrograzer effects on epilithic algae and meiofauna: a comparative approach to test for single species and whole grazer community effects
Author(s): Peters, L (Peters, Lars); Traunspurger, W (Traunspurger, Walter)
Title: Improved prediction of vegetation composition in NW European softwater lakes by combining location, water and sediment chemistry
Author(s): Pulido, C (Pulido, Cristina); Sand-Jensen, K (Sand-Jensen, Kaj); Lucassen, ECHET (Lucassen, Esther C. H. E. T.); Roelofs, JGM (Roelofs, Jan G. M.); Brodersen, KP (Brodersen, Klaus P.); Pedersen, O (Pedersen, Ole)
Title: Dramatic diatom species assemblage responses in lakes recovering from acidification and metal contamination near Wawa, Ontario, Canada: a paleolimnological perspective
Author(s): Greenaway, CM (Greenaway, Christine M.); Paterson, AM (Paterson, Andrew M.); Keller, W (Keller, Bill W.); Smol, JP (Smol, John P.)
Source: CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCES Volume: 69 Issue: 4 Pages: 656-669 DOI: 10.1139/F2012-003 Published: APR 2012
Title: Considering Extinction of Dependent Species during Translocation, Ex Situ Conservation, and Assisted Migration of Threatened Hosts
Author(s): Moir, ML (Moir, Melinda L.); Vesk, PA (Vesk, Peter A.); Brennan, KEC (Brennan, Karl E. C.); Poulin, R (Poulin, Robert); Hughes, L (Hughes, Lesley); Keith, DA (Keith, David A.); McCarthy, MA (McCarthy, Michael A.); Coates, DJ (Coates, David J.)
Title: Metabolic and molecular characterization of bacterial community associated to Patagonian Chilean oligotrophic-lakes of quaternary glacial origin
Author(s): Leon, C (Leon, Carla); Campos, V (Campos, Victor); Urrutia, R (Urrutia, Roberto); Mondaca, MA (Mondaca, Maria-Angelica)
Source: WORLD JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 28 Issue: 4 Pages: 1511-1521 DOI: 10.1007/s11274-011-0953-6 Published: APR 2012
Title: Contrasting changes in vegetation structure and diversity with time since fire in two Australian Mediterranean-climate plant communities
Author(s): Gosper, CR (Gosper, Carl R.); Yates, CJ (Yates, Colin J.); Prober, SM (Prober, Suzanne M.); Parsons, BC (Parsons, Blair C.)
Title: Differential ingestion of zooplankton by four species of bivalves (Mollusca) in the Mali Ston Bay, Croatia
Author(s): Peharda, M (Peharda, Melita); Ezgeta-Balic, D (Ezgeta-Balic, Daria); Davenport, J (Davenport, John); Bojanic, N (Bojanic, Natalia); Vidjak, O (Vidjak, Olja); Nincevic-Gladan, Z (Nincevic-Gladan, Zivana)
Title: Mercury and other element exposure in tree swallows nesting at low pH and neutral pH lakes in northern Wisconsin USA
Author(s): Custer, TW (Custer, Thomas W.); Custer, CM (Custer, Christine M.); Thogmartin, WE (Thogmartin, Wayne E.); Dummer, PM (Dummer, Paul M.); Rossmann, R (Rossmann, Ronald); Kenow, KP (Kenow, Kevin P.); Meyer, MW (Meyer, Michael W.)
Title: Leaf anatomy of Quesnelia (Bromeliaceae): implications for the systematics of core bromelioids
Author(s): Mantovani, A (Mantovani, Andre); da Venda, AKL (Lima da Venda, Anna Karla); Almeida, VR (Almeida, Valquiria Rezende); da Costa, AF (da Costa, Andrea Ferreira); Forzza, RC (Forzza, Rafaela Campostrini)
Title: On the potential of fatty acids as trophic markers in Arctic grazers: feeding experiments with sea urchins and amphipods fed nine diets of macroalgae
Author(s): Wessels, H (Wessels, Hendrik); Karsten, U (Karsten, Ulf); Wiencke, C (Wiencke, Christian); Hagen, W (Hagen, Wilhelm)
Title: Sowing of low and high diversity seed mixtures in ecological restoration of surface mined-land
Author(s): Kirmer, A (Kirmer, Anita); Baasch, A (Baasch, Annett); Tischew, S (Tischew, Sabine)
Source: APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE Volume: 15 Issue: 2 Special Issue: SI Pages: 198-207 DOI: 10.1111/j.1654-109X.2011.01156.x Published: APR 2012
Title: Restoration potential of the persistent soil seed bank in successional calcareous (alvar) grasslands in Estonia
Author(s): Kalamees, R (Kalamees, Rein); Pussa, K (Puessa, Kersti); Zobel, K (Zobel, Kristjan); Zobel, M (Zobel, Martin)
Source: APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE Volume: 15 Issue: 2 Special Issue: SI Pages: 208-218 DOI: 10.1111/j.1654-109X.2011.01169.x Published: APR 2012
Title: Habitat patch and matrix effects on small-mammal persistence in Amazonian forest fragments
Author(s): Santos-Filho, M (Santos-Filho, Manoel); Peres, CA (Peres, Carlos A.); da Silva, DJ (da Silva, Dionei J.); Sanaiotti, TM (Sanaiotti, Tania M.)
Title: Fish assemblage dynamics in a Neotropical floodplain relative to aquatic macrophytes and the homogenizing effect of a flood pulse
Author(s): Gomes, LC (Gomes, L. C.); Bulla, CK (Bulla, C. K.); Agostinho, AA (Agostinho, A. A.); Vasconcelos, LP (Vasconcelos, L. P.); Miranda, LE (Miranda, L. E.)
Title: The influence of the La Nina-El Nino cycle on giant mud crab (Scylla serrata) catches in Northern Australia
Author(s): Meynecke, JO (Meynecke, Jan-Olaf); Grubert, M (Grubert, Mark); Arthur, JM (Arthur, James Michael); Boston, R (Boston, Ray); Lee, SY (Lee, Shing Yip)
Source: ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE Volume: 100 Special Issue: SI Pages: 93-101 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2012.01.001 Published: MAR 20 2012
Title: Variability in specific-absorption properties and their use in a semi-analytical ocean colour algorithm for MERIS in North Sea and Western English Channel Coastal Waters
Author(s): Tilstone, GH (Tilstone, Gavin H.); Peters, SWM (Peters, Steef W. M.); van der Woerd, HJ (van der Woerd, Hendrik Jan); Eleveld, MA (Eleveld, Marieke A.); Ruddick, K (Ruddick, Kevin); Schonfeld, W (Schoenfeld, Wolfgang); Krasemann, H (Krasemann, Hajo); Martinez-Vicente, V (Martinez-Vicente, Victor); Blondeau-Patissier, D (Blondeau-Patissier, David); Rottgers, R (Roettgers, Ruediger); Sorensen, K (Sorensen, Kai); Jorgensen, PV (Jorgensen, Peter V.); Shutler, JD (Shutler, Jamie D.)
Source: REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT Volume: 118 Pages: 320-338 DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2011.11.019 Published: MAR 15 2012
Title: Effect of pumping on the spatio-temporal distribution of microbial communities in a water well field
Author(s): Medihala, PG (Medihala, P. G.); Lawrence, JR (Lawrence, J. R.); Swerhone, GDW (Swerhone, G. D. W.); Korber, DR (Korber, D. R.)
Source: WATER RESEARCH Volume: 46 Issue: 4 Pages: 1286-1300 DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2011.12.036 Published: MAR 15 2012