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Title: Water

Full Journal Title: Water

ISO Abbreviated Title: Water

JCR Abbreviated Title: Water



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Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Scholz, M. (2014), Firewater storage, treatment, recycling and management: New perspectives based on experiences from the United Kingdom. Water, 6 (2), 367-380.

Full Text: 2014\Water6, 367.pdf

Abstract: Smart firewater management and recycling helps reduce water use and protect the environment from pollution. However, contamination of recycled water may pose a health risk to fire fighters. This review assesses international literature to identify best practices, and to recommend new technologies and methods on firewater management and recycling. The literature assessment indicates that this is a new research area where insufficient findings have been published in Web of Science-referenced journals. Therefore, informally published materials (a.k.a. grey literature) were also assessed. Findings indicate the need for practical decision support tools to estimate consumption rates, predict “bottlenecks” and bund capacity, assess water quality and determine pump requirements. This article recommends that cost-efficient and rapid on-site treatment methods, such as compact and mobile filtration units for firewater recycling should be researched in the future. The filters should be based on compartments with different media. The empty pore space should decrease from inflow to outflow. A light plastic media should be positioned near the inflow to retain large particles, such as a grid. Activated carbon media could be placed near the outlet to remove fine suspended solids and dissolved contaminants. This should address concerns by fire fighters dealing with contaminated water, spray and foam.

Keywords: Activated Carbon, Article, Assessment, Bund System, Capacity, Carbon, Consumption, Contaminants, Contamination, Cost-Efficient, Decision, Decision Support, Dissolved, Environment, Filtration, Fire Fighting, Foam, Health, Health Risk, International, Journals, Literature, Management, Media, Methods, Mobile, On-Site Treatment, Outflow, Particles, Pollution, Practices, Pump, Quality, Rates, Recycled Water, Recycling, Removal, Research, Review, Risk, Run-Off, Runoff, Support, Suspended Solids, Technologies, Treatment, United Kingdom, Water, Water Quality, Water-Quality, Web of Knowledge, Wetlands

Title: Water Environment Research

Full Journal Title: Sewage and Industrial Wastes (1928-1949, Vols. 1-31)

Full Journal Title: Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation (1960-1989, Vols. 32-61)

Full Journal Title: Research Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation (1989-1991, Vols. 61-63)

Full Journal Title: Water Environment Research (1992-2002, Vols. 64-74)

Full Journal Title: Water Environment Research; Water Environment Research; Water Environment Research

ISO Abbreviated Title: Water Environ. Res.

JCR Abbreviated Title: Water Environ Res

ISSN: 1061-4303

Issues/Year: 7

Journal Country/Territory: United States

Language: English

Publisher: Water Environment Federation

Publisher Address: 601 Wythe St, Alexandria, VA 22314-1994

Subject Categories:

Engineering, Environmental: Impact Factor 0.442, 20/36 (2000); Impact Factor 0.789, 18/35 (2004); Impact Factor 1.118, 17/37 (2007); Impact Factor 0.965, 30/42 (2009)

Environmental Sciences: Impact Factor 1.146, 39/126 (1999); Impact Factor 0.442, 97/127 (2000); Impact Factor 0.789, 89/134 (2004); Impact Factor 1.118, 96/160 (2007); Impact Factor 0.965, 136/181 (2009)

Limnology: Impact Factor 0.442, 8/12 (2000); Impact Factor 0.789, 7/14 (2004); Impact Factor 1.118, 9/19 (2007); Impact Factor 0.965, 13/18 (2009)

Water Resources: Impact Factor 0.442, 31/47 (2000); Impact Factor 0.789, 24/55 (2004); Impact Factor 1.118, 25/59 (2007); Impact Factor 0.965, 45/66 (2009)

? Biksey, T.M., Schultz, A.C., Bernhardt, A.M., Marion, B., Peterson, C. and Smith, P. (2011), Ecological and human health risk assessment. Water Environment Research, 83 (10), 1876-1905.

Full Text: 2011\Wat Env Res83, 1876.pdf

Abstract: This literature review covers the risk assessment process and addresses both ecological and human receptors. 1 the review covers the risk assessment literature including methodology, analysis, interpretation, management, uncertainty, policy, and regulatory guidance. The review is divided into ecological and human health sections. The focus of the review is on the risk assessment process as it is applied to ecological systems and human health, site investigation and remediation, and natural resources. The objective is to provide an overview of the scope of the literature published in 2010.

Keywords: Ecological, Human Health, Risk Assessment, Management, Policy, Regulatory, Guidance, Standards, Persistent Organic Pollutants, Toxicity Identification Evaluation, Tittabawassee River Floodplain, Prince-William-Sound, Drinking-Water, Human Exposure, Polychlorinated-Biphenyls, Reduction Strategies, Assessment Criteria, United-States

Title: Water Resources Management

Full Journal Title: Water Resources Management

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:



Journal Country/Territory:



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Ren, J.L., Lyu, P.H., Wu, X.M., Ma, F.C., Wang, Z.Z. and Yang, G. (2013), An informetric profile of water resources management literatures. Water Resources Management, 27 (13), 4679-4696.

Full Text: 2013\Wat Res Man27, 4679.pdf

Abstract: the main purpose of this paper is to evaluate the global performance and to assess the current trends in research of water resource management. The methods of informetric analysis were used to survey water resource management related articles in the Science Citation Index (SCI) and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) during the past decades. The publication records, subjects, journals, countries, institutes, authors, citations and keywords were analyzed respectively for each paper. The number of papers related to water resource management in 2012 was approximately 8 times that of the year 2000 and hundreds of times more than early 1990s. Water resource management related papers were distributed unevenly by countries. The USA, P.R. China, Australia and UK were the top contributing countries, also present normalized by dividing with population that published most SCI papers as well as SSCI papers. The largest water resource management research center is located in the USA according to the number of publications and citations, with P.R. China becoming more proficient in water resource management according to the data from country and institute. In addition, the quality of papers produced by developed countries is more advanced than developing countries. All these efforts contributed to the indication in trends of water resource management research on a global scale. Earlier water resource management research appeared and was originally concentrated on engineering, irrigation and geography. Issues gradually transferred to management, economics and regime recently.

Keywords: Analysis, Australia, Authors, China, Citation, Citations, Country, Data, Developing, Developing Countries, Distributed, Economics, Engineering, Geography, Global, Indication, Informetric Study, Irrigation, Journals, Knowledge Mapping, Management, Methods, Papers, Performance, Population, Publication, Publications, Purpose, Quality, Quality Of, Records, Research, Research Trend, Resource Management, Scale, SCI, Science, Science Citation Index, Security, Social Science Citation Index, SSCI, Survey, System, Trends, UK, USA, Water, Water Resource, Water Resource Management, Web of Science, West

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