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23 (1), 191-199.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics23, 191.pdf

Abstract: In the pioneering study on the quantitation of science in the first generation Nigerian Universities between 1975-79 using the scientific indicator of publication count of publishing scientists derived from ISI database, the data showed a real growth in scientific output. The growth correlated well with Federal Government funding of the Universities and the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The decline and often erratic funding stemmed the rate of growth in most of the Universities. In spite of the modest growth recorded for the fastest growing science of Biochemistry, where nutrition was identified as the major front of research, high infant morality rate (an index of under-development) was unabated. Retrieval of information to aid prosecution of relevant research and lack of access to scientific information have resulted in intellectual isolation of Nigerian scientists and inapplicability of research findings. Apart from India, the pathetic state of scientific growth and relevance in Nigeria is typical of the Developing Countries (DC). The situation calls for awareness of the importance of science indicators in strengthening the coverage of third world science and for support of science in the DC. Refining of science indicators for suitability to measuring science in these countries is also advocated.

Keywords: Access, Countries, Database, First, Generation, Growth, India, Indicator, Indicators, Infant, Information, ISI, Morality, Nigeria, Nutrition, Publication, Publishing, Relevance, Research, Science, Science Indicators, Scientific Information, Scientific Output

? Whitney, G. (1992), Access to third-world science in international scientific and technical bibliographic databases. Scientometrics, 23 (1), 201-219.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics23, 201.pdf

Abstract: For the past eight years, the author has been examining trends in access to international scientific literature in major international bibliographic databases available on various information systems. A major portion of the research program examined and compared the languages of documents and countries of publication for items published between 1970-1990 and recorded on MEDLINE, PsycInfo, BIOSIS, Chemical Abstracts, and other databases on the DIALOG system. The second phase of this study examine the remaining scientific databases on DIALOG, including MATHFILE and AGRICOLA. A comparison of the international range of MEDLINE and EMBASE has also recently been completed. In order to attempt to assess actual amounts of literature produced, the Unesco statistics for literature production have been studied. In the course of this research, the author encountered a variety of system attributes that affect the ways in which Third World science can be identified. Some of the policies and procedures of database development that affect the inclusion of Third World science have been identified.

Keywords: Access, Comparison, Course, Database, Development, Information, Information Systems, International, Languages, Literature, MEDLINE, Procedures, Publication, Research, Science, Statistics, Trends

? Sancho, R. (1992), Misjudgments and shortcomings in the measurement of scientific activities in less-developed-countries. Scientometrics, 23 (1), 221-233.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics23, 221.pdf

Abstract: The bibliographic database widely used for measurement of scientific production either for developed or developing countries is Science Citation Index. So then, in the case of LDCs only their negligible contribution to the “mainstream” of science is evaluated. Eight LDCs productivity as obtained from SCI is compared to that from some international specialized or multidisciplinary databases, most of which give more information than SCI for each country. In the case of Cuba, BIOSIS and CA supply 17 and 15 times respectively more information than the SCI in the same period. The use of Cuban local database and its comparison with international ones is also discussed.

Keywords: Citation, Comparison, Database, Indicators, Information, International, Latin-America, Mainstream, Measurement, Multidisciplinary, Output, Periphery, SCI, Science, Science Citation Index, Scientific Production

? Chatelin, Y. and Arvanitis, R. (1992), Representing scientific activity by structural indicators - the Case of Cote-Divoire 1884-1968. Scientometrics, 23 (1), 235-247.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics23, 235.pdf

Abstract: Eight different indicators are calculated on the basis of an extensive bibliography on science in Cote d’Ivoire, and presented by scientific domain in polar graphs. They permit to have a synthetic image of scientific activity and distinguish different scientific styles. Moreover the notion of “colonial science” is re-evaluated, and a case is made in order to distinguish between different ways of doing science. The indicators and graphic representation proposed here may be a valid method to identify differing patterns at a glance.

Keywords: Citation, Indicators, Representation, Science

El Alami, J., Dore, J.C. and Miquel, J.F. (1992), International scientific collaboration in Arab countries. Scientometrics, 23 (1), 249-263.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics23, 249.pdf

Abstract: Through internationally coauthored scientific articles in the Science Citation Index data base, we analyse international collaboration of some Arab countries in science. Our findings show that international collaboration of these countries is concentrated on engineering & technology and fundamental & applied biology. Collaboration is often established through doctoral studies and the links thus created continue. Cultural and historical traditions play an important role in collaboration. We compare the SCI data base with a local survey of chemists in Morocco and discuss some of the limits of bibliometric methods.

Keywords: Bibliometric, Bibliometric Methods, Biology, Collaboration, Data Base, International, Methods, Morocco, SCI, Science, Science Citation Index, Survey, Technology

Notes: UUniversity

Roche, M. and Freites, Y. (1992), Rise and twilight of the Venezuelan scientific community. Scientometrics, 23 (2), 267-289.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics23, 267.pdf

Abstract: By the end of the seventies, there was in Venezuela a solidly entrenched scientific community. Scientists were mostly full time, satisfied or very satisfied with their work, relatively well paid and with adequate facilities to do research. Beginning in 1982, when a process of inflation and devaluation started in the country as a whole, there has been a twilight of the scientific community, leading to migration of scientists abroad or to industry. The Government has announced drastic measures to bring up the budget for science and technology from 0.3 to 2.0% of gross national product. If these measures are indeed implemented, there will be a dawn without having to go through a long night.

Keywords: Budget, Community, Facilities, Facts, Figures, Newest Version, Physics, Publication Output, Relative Citation Impact, Research, Science, Science and Technology, Technology, Work

? Sen, B.K. and Lakshmi, V.V. (1992), Indian periodicals in the Science-Citation-Index. Scientometrics, 23 (2), 291-318.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics23, 291.pdf

Abstract: The coverage of Indian S&T periodicals in SCI has been studied covering the period 1975-88. The study shows that coverage is rather poor due to a variety of reasons. Many of the Indian periodicals do not fulfil the criteria for getting covered in SCI. About 500 periodicals have been identified which are covered by at least one major indexing or abstracting service of the world. Total number of such periodicals is likely to be over 600. Slight improvement in the standard of these periodicals is likely to make many of them worthy of coverage by SCI.

Keywords: Criteria, Periodicals, SCI, Science Citation Index, Scientific Journals, Standard

? Todorov, R. (1992), Displaying content of scientific journals - A co-heading analysis. Scientometrics, 23 (2), 319-334.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics23, 319.pdf

Abstract: A co-heading analysis is proposed for representing the subject content of scientific journals. It is based on the subject headings assigned to documents before their input in bibliographic databases. The method utilizes specifically the co-appearance of headings in the document records to display the subject scope of a given journal not only by the topics covered but by their relationships as well. This analysis is applied in superconductivity for displaying the content of some physics journals using data from 1984 Physics Abstracts. The results (in the form of inclusion maps) could help information scientists and library staff in evaluating and selecting appropriate journals.

Keywords: Analysis, Information, Journal, Journals, Records, Scientific Journals, Selection

? Haitun, S.D. (1992), The problem of indicator-latent relationship in metric models. 1. statement and general-solution. Scientometrics, 23 (2), 335-351.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics23, 335.pdf

Abstract: Metric models, i.e. formalisms describing relationships between indicators and latent variables, are discussed. In modern metric models, a latent is regarded as independent of the measuring person. It is suggested that this defect of metric models be avoided if the latent is assignment a priori by fixing a form of latent distribution.

Keywords: Indicators, Models, Person, Scientific Activities, Variables

? Barre, R. (1992), Correction. Scientometrics, 23 (2), 353.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics23, 353.pdf

? Keay, C.S.L. (1992), Physics, psychology and respectability. Scientometrics, 23 (3), 355-359.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics23, 355.pdf

Abstract: Opportunities for obtaining a quantitative measure of respectability for ideas in the physical sciences appear to be rather infrequent. A unique set of statistics is presented which demonstrates the respectability gained when a centuries-old psychological rationalisation for a rare natural phenomenon is replaced by a viable physical explanation.

Keywords: Explanation, Physical Sciences, Sciences, Statistics

? Granovsky, Y.V., Luibimova, T.N., Murashova, T.I. and Myatlev, V.D. (1992), Information-based evaluation of the quality of doctoral theses. Scientometrics, 23 (3), 361-376.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics23, 361.pdf

Abstract: A method of information-based evaluation of the quality of doctoral theses has been worked out. It is based on a multidimensional classification system which includes: a list of attributes to characterize the given theses and their authors, singling out the most significant attributes, calculating a complex criterion showing the quality of a thesis on the basis of a series of significant attributes, ranging the theses according to this criterion. This method was used to evaluate 36 doctoral theses in chemistry according to 41 attributes considered. Four main attributes were singled out. Based on them a complex quality criterion which we termed the originality index was calculated. The values of the originality index of these theses differed by an order of magnitude. Two attributes affecting the index of originality were singled out: the place where the thesis was prepared, and the fact whether the author had any papers published in non-Academy journals (journals not published by the USSR Academy of Sciences).

Keywords: Chemistry, Classification, Evaluation, Journals, Papers, Quality

? Jaschek, C. (1992), The visibility of West European astronomical research. Scientometrics, 23 (3), 377-393.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics23, 377.pdf

Abstract: Publications and citations of five West European astronomical communities (Switzerland, Sweden, GFR, France and Spain) are compared. A large proportion of astronomers are sparsely cited or not cited at all, a fact which shows that estimations of the number of scientists based upon citation statistics are underestimates. It is found that publication rates are similar but citation rates very dissimilar in the five countries. No clear explanation of these differences is found, except for Spain. A plea is made to use citation statistics rather than publication statistics for evaluation.

Keywords: Citation, Citations, Evaluation, Explanation, France, Publication, Science, Spain, Statistics, Switzerland

? Jain, A. and Garg, K.C. (1992), Laser research in India - Scientometric study and model projections. Scientometrics, 23 (3), 395-415.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics23, 395.pdf

Abstract: An analysis of 785 papers, books and reports, in the field of laser, published from India during 1967-84, indicates that Indian output comprises almost 1% of the international output. The total output came from 77 academic and research institutions, out of which 10 institutions contributed almost 23%. Major portion of these publications appeared in foreign journals of repute, as reflected by their impact factors. Emphasis has been on theoretical aspects of laser research. The laser research performed in India appears to be a part of mainstream science as indicated by the pattern of publications and citations. The study also indicates that Indian scientists have few international collaboration in this field. A mathematical model for growth of literature output shows that though the rate of Indian literature output peaked at about the same time as that of the world output, Indian output may start getting marginalised by 1995. The model indicates that reasons for this lie in relatively less emphasis in India on experimental and applied aspects of laser research compared to international averages.

Keywords: Analysis, Bibliometric Analysis, Citations, Collaboration, Experimental, Growth, Impact Factors, India, Institutions, International, Israel, Journals, Literature, Mathematical Model, Model, Papers, Pattern of Publications, Performance, Publications, Research, Science, Superconductivity

? Law, J. and Whittaker, J. (1992), Mapping acidification research - A test of the co-word method. Scientometrics, 23 (3), 417-461.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics23, 417.pdf

Abstract: This paper extends the co-word method for mapping science, adopting new statistical and graphical methods to explore time-series data and the changing distribution of effort between different research themes. It also tests the reliability of the co-word method, comparing co-word data on the acidification of the environment with data derived from a large scale interview study. Overall, the study increases our confidence in the reliability of the co-word method. In particular, it leads us to the following conclusions: (a) that the PASCAL database is representative, at least in the area of acidification research, (b) that indexer bias is negligible, and (c) that the co-word method satisfactorily identifies groups of research themes and the way in which these evolve.

Keywords: Bias, Confidence, Database, Environment, Methods, Reliability, Research, Science

? Rubio, A.V. (1992), Scientific production of Spanish universities in the fields of social-sciences and language. Scientometrics, 24 (1), 3-19.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics24, 3.pdf

Abstract: This article reviews the scientific production of the Spanish universities in the areas of Social Sciences and Language Sciences during the period 1986-1988. A series of quantitative criteria are being applied to the submission of data on total scientific production, productivity rate, publications/authors ratio, coauthorship, type of documents edited and their distribution, all of them broken down per university. Last but not least, a review is made of the distribution by subjects of each publication. The results obtained underline the increasing rate of production achieved in the three-year period, a certain stagnation in the number of authors and in team research activities, a far too endogamic diffusion in periodical publications and a somewhat unbalanced thematic diversification as compared to the geographical and cultural variety of our country. The article concludes by suggesting new lines of study for determining the factors that may explain the existing patterns of scientific production, and for identifying useful bibliometric measures aiming at an assessment of this type of literature.

Keywords: Assessment, Bibliometric, Coauthorship, Criteria, Cultural, Diffusion, Humanities, Literature, Periodical, Publication, Publications, Research, Review, Scientific Production, Universities, University

? Ortega, C., Plaza, L.M., Martin, M.J. and Urdin, M.C. (1992), Spanish scientific and technical journals - state-of-the-art. Scientometrics, 24 (1), 21-42.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics24, 21.pdf

Abstract: This article analyses the current situation in the field of scientific and technical journals published in Spain, by determining the following scientific indicators for each: 1: Specifications. 11: Scientific production covered. III: Visibility and accessibility. The first section provides a qualitative and quantitative study of the journals, asking what subjects they cover, who publishes them, how often they are published, how up to date they are and whether the way they are presented meets international publishing standards. The second section analyses scientific production by research sectors and the percentage of articles collected in the ICYT database compared with the total number of papers published in the journals studied. It also studies the reference habits of the authors published therein to identify whether the literature referred to is of local origin or international. Finally, the third section deduces these journals’ degree of visibility by analysing how they are distributed amongst the usual media, i.e. international periodicals directories and databases, and how efficiently they work as vehicles for the diffusion of research by foreign authors. The study covers 10 years (1980-1989), thus enabling to recognise past and current trends in Spanish scientific literature.

Keywords: Country, Database, Diffusion, First, Flow, Indicators, Information, International, Journals, Literature, Mainstream, Media, Origin, Papers, Periodicals, Publishing, Qualitative, Research, Science, Scientific Production, Spain, Standards, Trends, Work

? Cano, F. and Julian, S. (1992), Some indicators in Spanish scientific production. Scientometrics, 24 (1), 43-59.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics24, 43.pdf

Abstract: This is an analysis of the scientific production of the Spanish research community compiled by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) during the period 1983-1989 through indicators of publications (scientific output) that have been accepted, more and more frequently, as tools for decision-making. The percentages of the total number of articles per year are defined and the temporal evolution is shown of the orders of quality of the hypothetical journals that represent the whole production. A new indicator is used for comparisons between scientific subjects and thematic areas. Finally, mention is made of the spectacular growth of the Spanish scientific production in the period referred to, not only in quantity but also in quality through the indicators considered.

Keywords: Analysis, Community, Decision Making, Decision-Making, Evolution, Growth, Indicator, Indicators, Institute For Scientific Information, ISI, Journals, Publications, Quality, Research, Scientific Output, Scientific Production

? Mendez, A. and Salvador, P. (1992), The application of scientometric indicators to the-Spanish-scientific-research-council. Scientometrics, 24 (1), 61-78.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics24, 61.pdf

Abstract: The assessment of the research performance of the Spanish Scientific Research Council using scientometric indicators was done. Number of scientists and budget involved in research projects were used as input measures while articles published in foreign journals, patent applications and citations received provided output figures. The time period studied was 1984-1987. Target of the analysis were wide research areas and the research Institutes included in them. The obtained results point out that very often costs, productivity and impact do not go in the same direction. Most likely, other activities no measurable by scientometric indicators may have played an important role in some Institutes. Besides, the presence of highly cited articles at Institutes with low productivity scores indicates not correspondence of quantity with impact. It is suggested that the research group level would be a more reliable unit for analysis than the aggregated level of Institute or research area.

Keywords: Analysis, Assessment, Budget, Citations, Costs, Indicators, Journals, Patent, Research, Research Performance, Scientometric

? Blasco, P.G. (1992), Socioeconomic indicators on research-and-development in Spain. Scientometrics, 24 (1), 79-93.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics24, 79.pdf

Abstract: This essay analyses some aspects of the situation of scientific policy in Spain, mainly from a socio-economic point of view. The funds dedicated to R and D, its sources, evolution by years and distribution in relation with the GNP and different sectors such as public institutions and private enterprises are studied, as well as the relations of those funds with the inhabitants of the country and with the number of scientific researchers, the areas of research and the percentages dedicated to applied research and to development. In a similar way personnel engaged in R and D, their number, types of researchers, centers and scientific areas of research are presented.

Keywords: Development, Enterprises, Evolution, Institutions, Personnel, Policy, Relations, Research, Scientific Policy, Spain

? Pestana, A. (1992), Spanish performance in life sciences - A comparative appraisal of the scientific production of Spain and 5 other European countries in 1989. Scientometrics, 24 (1), 95-114.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics24, 95.pdf

Abstract: The output in life science disciplines from Spain and five other European countries has been measured in a datafile derived from the Current Contents-Life Sciences on diskette (1989). The results of this flash evaluation were contrasted with data retrieved from a survey covering the yearly output during the 1973-83 period and thee 1981-85 aggregated value from Schubert, Glänzel, Braun datafiles. The results of these studies showed an increasing share of Spain in the six countries’ output, especially in the subfields of organic chemistry and phytochemistry. However, the quality of the Spanish articles - as deduced from the journal impact factors (JRC - 1989) - is below the six countries average- The usefulness of the Current Contents on diskette for handy and reliable flash evaluations has been ascertained through a comparative analysis with more comprehensive surveys.

Keywords: Analysis, Chemistry, Evaluation, Impact Factors, Journal, Journal Impact, Journal Impact Factors, Life, Quality, Science, Spain, Survey

Sancho, R., Pastor, A. and Criado, E. (1992), Bibliometric approach to research performance in the field of refractory materials used in iron and steelmaking processes. Scientometrics, 24 (1), 115-136.

Full Text: 1992\Scientometrics24, 115.pdf

Abstract: A bibliometric study based on worldwide scientific and technical publications on refractory materials used in iron and steelmaking processes during 1980-87, has been carried out. Six bibliographic databases were searched and from them 2464 references were retrieved. The highest percentage of published documents were journal articles (60%), followed by patents (33%). The core journals are Ogneupory (USSR) and Taikabutsu (Japan). The USSR was by far the most productive country, both in number of published papers and in number of journal titles devoted to the subject. In The Soviet Union research work is mainly carried out in universities and institutes of the Academy of Sciences. On the other hand, Japan is the most productive country in patent registered, and research work is carried out there either in private refractory companies or in steelmaking enterprises. The trend in worldwide research points towards shaped refractories, particularly based in high alumina, magnesia, zircon carbides and mixtures containing oxides and carbon, which are largely used in converters, transport ladles and continuous casting processes

Keywords: Alumina, Bibliometric, Bibliometric Study, Carbon, Enterprises, Iron, Japan, Journal, Journal Articles, Journals, Magnesia, Oxides, Papers, Patent, Patents, Publications, Research, Research Work, Transport, Universities, Work

? Mendez, A. and Gomez, I. (1992), Collaborative research in Spain in the field of pharmacy and pharmacology. Scientometrics,

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