Russia 111115 Basic Political Developments

Medvedev suggests granting mortgage loans against state guarantees

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Medvedev suggests granting mortgage loans against state guarantees
Nov 15, 2011 11:33 Moscow Time

1.     The Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has suggested that people in lower income brackets, specifically doctors and teachers, should get mortgage loans against government guarantees and should be able to buy out mortgage bonds under such loans. Medvedev said this in a statement during his meeting with the United Russia party activists in Yakutsk, Siberia. He reiterated that the federal government would prolong the term of tax exemptions for home buyers until the end of the year. The Russian leader said that a draft to that effect had been submitted to parliament. The draft provides for exempting from taxation the part of incomes of private persons and organizations that’s channelled to pay off interest on mortgage loans, but no more than 3%. 



United Russia should stop being modest – Medvedev

Published: 15 November, 2011, 12:45

Edited: 15 November, 2011, 12:45

President Dmitry Medvedev has called on the majority United Russia party to talk about its achievements more often.

Medvedev confessed that when the party does something good – “and sometimes we do good things, whatever is being written or said about us” – he is asked to remind people about the achievements, but he feels “shy” about praising his party.

“It seems that we’ve already spoken about everything, everyone knows about that. Why would we compliment ourselves?” Medvedev said, adding that it is not really true. “No, [people] don’t know. They don’t hear,” he noted while speaking at the session of the Public Committee of the Russian President's Supporters in the city of Yakutsk.

Medvedev urged United Russia, as well as everyone else “who are doing substantial things,” to report about them more often.

As an example of such genuine deeds, he referred to Tuesday’s event which he attended earlier in the morning – the opening of a new link connecting the resource-rich Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) to Russia’s main railway network.

An active internet user who has accounts with several popular social networks, Medvedev pointed out that Russian authorities are fiercely criticized on the Twitter micro-blogging service.

However, he said, he was surprised to know that people often ask for one or another TV report to be rebroadcast, or have some particular topic discussed more frequently. That is because not everything is being heard about, he concluded.

Dmitry Medvedev heads the United Russia list for the December 4 parliamentary election. The party is chaired by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who is planning to run for the presidency in March 2012.


The Kremlin denied any involvement of Surkov in the development of programs of Medvedev
The Kremlin has denied the information on the participation of first deputy head of presidential administration Vladislav Surkov, a premier development program for Dmitry Medvedev. Interlocutor "Interfax", close to the official, noted that he "did not write, because I never heard about 'Hundred Days'."
In its issue of November 15 "Vedomosti" newspaper wrote that Vladislav Surkov, along with presidential aide Arkady Dvorkovich and Economic Development Minister Elvira Nabiullina began writing a program that is supposed to Medvedev took over as prime minister. According to the publication, the document can get the name of the "Hundred Days, Dmitry Medvedev," or "First Steps Medvedev."
"Gazette" refers to two officials familiar with the development of the program, as well as Deputy Economic Development Minister Stanislav Voskresensky and coordinator of the "big government" Michael Abyzova. Last in this case said they did not participate in the work.
As reported in the article, the central theme of the program should become a social policy. In addition, it must be declared a policy of decentralization. In general, according to "Vedomosti, the document used by proposals that could" electoral shoot "on the eve of elections to the Duma. The current president, Dmitry Medvedev heads the list of" United Russia ".
At the party congress of September 24, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced that if he wins the presidential election in 2012, Dmitry Medvedev heads the government.

04:52 15/11/2011ALL NEWS

RF authorities, ODIHR observers develop constructive coop.

STRASBOURG, November 15 (Itar-Tass) — The Russian authorities and the mission of observers from the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) at elections to the State Duma have “developed constructive cooperation,” OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier said at a meeting of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs. The plenary session of the European Parliament began here on Monday.

Elections to the lower house of Russia’s parliament are scheduled for Sunday, December 4. At the present time, 40 long-term observers from the mission are already working in Russian regions. Another 160 experts will arrive in Russia just before the elections; their duties will include control over the voting process and vote counting.

“There is a real opportunity to study the entire electoral process in accordance with the standards of the organisation,” the OSCE head stated. At this point, he said, “there is no reason for concern over this issue.” “I asked the opinion of the ODIHR head on the prospects for monitoring elections in Russia,” the high-ranking international official said. “He is positively disposed.”

According to Zannier, despite the fact that the Russian side insisted on reducing the number of observers, the ODIHR “will successfully fulfil its task.” “The observers received the invitation on time, the deployment of the mission in the field took place in accordance with existing practice,” the politician said.

Elections to the State Duma, the lower chamber of Russia’s bicameral parliament, have been called for 4 December 2011, following a presidential decree on 30 August. Parliamentary elections will be conducted to elect 450 members to the State Duma for a five-year term from federal lists under a proportional representation system. Elections can be contested only by registered political parties; independent candidacies and the formation of electoral blocs are not permitted. To qualify for the allocation of mandates, political parties need to receive at least seven per cent of the valid votes. In addition, political parties receiving between five and six per cent of votes are granted one seat and those between six and seven per cent of votes, two seats. OSCE/ODIHR last observed parliamentary elections in the Russian Federation in 2003. As a participating State of the OSCE, the Russian Federation has committed itself to uphold OSCE’s election commitments and to invite observers from OSCE/ODIHR to assess compliance with these standards, according to an OSCE press release.

Following the official invitation to observe the 4 December State Duma elections and based on the findings of a pre-election assessment visit conducted from 17 to 22 August, OSCE/ODIHR deployed an Election Observation Mission (EOM) for these elections. The Mission officially opened on 26 October. The Mission is headed by Ambassador Heidi Tagliavini and consists of 14 experts based in Moscow drawn from 13 OSCE participating States. Forty long-term observers are expected to be deployed throughout the country by early November.

The mission will assess these elections for compliance with principles for democratic electoral processes, including commitments agreed to by all the OSCE participating States, as well as national legislation. Observers will monitor campaign activities, media coverage, the legislative framework and its implementation, the work of the election administration and relevant government bodies, as well as the resolution of election disputes.

OSCE/ODIHR has requested 160 short-term observers to be deployed immediately prior to election day. The short-term observers will be deployed throughout the country in multinational teams of two to monitor the opening of polling stations, the voting, the counting of ballots, and the tabulation of results.

For election day observation, the OSCE/ODIHR will join efforts with a delegation of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and other parliamentary partners. The OSCE Chairperson-in-Office has appointed Petros Efthymiou, President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, as Special Co-ordinator to lead the short-term OSCE observer mission. On the day after the elections, the Mission will issue a statement of preliminary findings and conclusions. A final report on the observation of the entire electoral process will be issued approximately eight weeks after the end of the observation mission.

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