Safety Critical Element Management Manual

SCE group IC004SCE group title

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SCE group IC004
SCE group title Cargo Tank Inert gas System
Inert gas blanket systems provided for crude oil storage to prevent the gas cap being in the flammable range.
To ensure that Cargo and Slop
Tanks atmosphere are maintained below the Lower
Explosive Limit (LEL).
Typical earthing system comprises of earth rods,
earth bar, earth cables and connectors
At system level
SCE group IC005
SCE group title Earth Bonding
Earth bonding on equipment to dissipate the buildup of static electricity.
To minimise the likelihood of ignition from static in hazardous areas during the release of a
Major Hazard.
At area level
SCE group IC006
SCE group title Fuel Gas Purge System
Fuel Gas Purge System to prevent the presence of a flammable atmosphere in the system.
To provide sufficient purging of the flare or vent systems to prevent oxygen ingress and the possibility of detonation within the flare and vent system.
At system level

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