Secure Identities and Access Workshop Delivery Guide 4 July 2022

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Secure Identities and Access
Conditional Access Presentation – 60 minutes

  • Deliver the activity by presenting the 08 - Secure Identities and Access - CA.pptx presentation.

NOTE: The end of the presentation has two appendices that talk about concepts that are relevant to Conditional Access, such as Modern Authentication and authentication tokens, as well as explanations of selected Microsoft security product features used by Conditional Access, such as device compliance from Intune and risk-levels calculated by Azure AD Identity Protection. Use these slides if you feel that your audience needs explanation of these concepts and features.

    • When presenting, be concise and stick to the facts.

    • Allow the customer to draw their own conclusions.

    • Make sure you reserve some time for Q&A.

  • Work on deployment plan for Conditional Access – 60 minutes

    • Using the completed 05 – Secure Identities and Access - Customer Questionnaire.docx as input and the 98 - Secure Identities and Access - Design Decision Points.xlsx to guide the discussion, help the customer make their application access stronger by starting to define their conditional access policies needed for the deployment of Conditional Access, documenting the design decisions in the 98 - Secure Identities and Access - Design Decision Points.xlsx. Especially focus on these design decisions for the Conditional Access policies:

      • Naming convention.

      • Users whose access should be conditional.

      • Cloud applications to which access should be conditional.

      • Conditions of access.

      • Controls, which may grant access if fulfilled.

NOTE 1: If Conditional Access was selected as the method to enable MFA (as is recommended), then the design decisions about users and cloud applications to be protected by MFA made in the activity described in section 11.4 Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) will serve as direct input to this activity of the engagement.
NOTE 2: Due to time constraints, do not expect to make all design decisions during the Secure Identities and Access Workshop. Aim to make the design decisions highlighted in yellow in the 98 - Secure Identities and Access - Design Decision Points.xlsx and then continue working with the customer as part of future follow-up activities and/or engagements.

    • Update the Conditional Access high-level deployment plan slide within the 10 - Secure Identities and Access - Key results, Recommendations and Next Steps.pptx presentation.

    • Make sure that you discuss, define, and agree with the customer on next steps in terms of follow-up activities and/or engagements. If possible, identify owners from both the customer and delivery organization, expected timelines, and resources needed. Document the next steps as part of the 10 - Secure Identities and Access - Key results, Recommendations and Next Steps.pptx presentation.
Background reading

To prepare for the delivery of the Secure Identities and Access Workshop engagement, refer to Appendix A - Readiness and Technical Content for links to relevant online learning content.
Duration and effort

  • Preparation 1 Hrs.

  • Delivery 2 Hrs.

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