V. Iljin the primary trade-union organization of the factory ««ford motor kompani» in vsevolozhsk leningrad region background of a factory

Participation in operation of business

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Participation in operation of business
After the organization of the enterprise the advisory body - Advice(Council) of labour collective (СТК) here has been created. Created then the trade union by virtue of the small number could not apply for representation of all hired workers. This function has been fixed for СТК.

When in 2005 the trade-union organization has grown, and densities of members of trade union has exceeded 50 % of number of the personnel, conference of labour collective has made the decision to withdraw the representatives from СТК, having transferred these functions of the trade-union organization.

The administration of the enterprise on a regular basis invites representatives профкома on weekly планерки. It was the initiative of the manager on the personnel which has arrived to Vsevolozhsk from Germany.

- It(He) as the person familiar with trade unions of Germany, itself has told: « Give, guys, without dependence from that, there is at us a conflict, there is no at us a conflict,

weekly to meet. The heap is questions factory, we shall communicate, that we knew, that below that you knew, that above what decision are accepted ». That is we try to speak (3).

Планерки, organized by administration, carry out function of information interchange, профком it is notified on accepted decisions. Such order does not suit leaders of the organization:

- We want, that there was really social partnership, that

decisions individually were not accepted, that consulted on labour collective before to make any decisions (3).

Even the decisions of administration accepted in interests of workers, are challenged from the point of view of procedure.

- That they have hammered on bonuses – normally, ideally. Other business, that with us it is not coordinated, and they can change the requirements. There is a plan. It(he) should be coordinated, there is a quality – should be coordinated (5).

The administration disagrees to such democracy, that forms a zone of constants трений.

The collective agreement
Up to 2005 by virtue of small number of the trade-union organization she(it) could not negotiate concerning the conclusion of the collective agreement. The condition on number is executed by autumn of 2005. And профком started to prepare for the project of the collective agreement.

Обком trade union of machine engineers has the operating time, samples. But профком « Ford the motor of the company » does not want to depend on him(it). Therefore samples have started to search outside of the organizations which are included in ФНПР. In обкоме such approach causes the ironical attitude(relation).

- On "Fordе" have taken for a basis колдоговор летного group in

Bashkortostan. It to them, probably, Соцпроф has recommended. And in that

trade union the person 30. We every year propagandize the best models,

which best across all Russia (4).

In профкоме do not see in it the big problem: process goes.

- Колдоговор we prepare, but it still to work and work. On a sample of " the Bashkir airlines ». <…> something we shall write. At us is and докерский колдоговор, something therefrom we shall take. We should allocate already group which will be specially engaged in it. While to us to this to not come. And on the part of administration this work is not conducted, I think, they are afraid of it, know, that it is necessary to be at war, we shall hammer there so much guarantees … While only bastings, it even a month of work. As soon as we shall make, we shall declare negotiations on колдоговору. They know about it, we do not hide anything, but hope, that it will be later (2).

The trade union represents all labour collective, and all social gains are automatically distributed to all workers of the company – as members of trade union, and those who refuses to enter him(it). This position disturbs leaders of the primary organization as such principle undermines stimulus of the trade-union membership fraught not only payment of payments, but also risks in attitudes(relations) with administration.

- To make as in Brazil that those who takes up action of the collective agreement, deducted payments! Here people already would reflect, whether it is necessary to them to be united in

collective because it brings him(it) that and that (2).
Labour conflicts
In 2005 at a factory two processes have coincided. On the one hand, management undertakes efforts on strengthening an economy effort, decrease(reduction) in production costs. And the important place in system of these measures has borrowed(occupied) decrease(reduction) in charges on a labour at simultaneous increase in scales of manufacture.

On the other hand, at once after reorganization of the trade-union organization профком started to struggle from rights of the members which, in opinion of active workers, the administration aspires to limit regularly.

- And we have started to demand to balance a payment. They resisted, understanding, that time сдашься – is necessary to surrender and is farther (2).

During the conflict the following requirements have been put forward:

1. equalizing a payment of the workers accepted after 01.03.2005, with a payment before accepted workers (the salary of the workers accepted on the enterprise after March, first, 2005 is lower than the salary of workers of the same qualification which have been given an employment before the specified date, the instruction(indication) on the fact of discrimination of workers of the enterprise on the part of administration).

2. increase of monthly wages on 30 % in connection with increase of labour productivity on 20 %, intensity of work and inflationary processes (12 %) (the administration has declared plans on doubling capacities up to 60 thousand авто in one year). Representatives of administration declare, that the decision of a question on increase of wages can borrow(occupy) long enough time (two - three months) whereas it is necessary to take into account and that from the moment of start of a factory in 2002 the average salary has grown on 58,7 %.

From the beginning of autumn of 2005 at the enterprise within 5 days the reconciliatory commission worked, however in working conditions workers have not achieved basic changes. They managed to agree only upon changes of principles of charge of the salary and to secure with promises of administration in common to develop system bonus. To agree on other questions it was not possible. The administration, apparently, did not trust in an opportunity of serious resistance on the part of workers. And when negotiations came into impasse, there was a question on strike.

Preliminary strike

On November, 2, 2005 there was a preliminary hour strike which passed in the second change, from 22.30 till, at participation, under the first data, 350 (from approximately 370 constant workers of change). In part participated in strike and workers of one more shop.

- We, - total chairman профкома later brought, - have lost 25 % of people. In shop of assembly the heads actively struggled also him(it) it was possible to achieve that from approximately 450 person striked 370, and 80 - did not participate. <...> In all shops young only, only come did not participate, we him(it) have told, that they worked, that there were no problems then with the contract, with prolongation, that is declare that you do not participate (3).

- How precautionary strike has worked on a management(manual)? - I ask chairman профкома.

- Actually it was the action(share) more likely for itself (3).

Strike has shown, that профком in a condition of a message of workers on the serious conflict, that it(he) is supported, and mood of the basic part of workers fighting.

All experts on a line have interrupted work. Have practically stopped покрасочный and кузовной shops. The action(share) passed in strict conformity with the current legislation.

Meeting has been lead(has been carried out). Striking have refused to hold meeting in a dining room as the factory administration insisted on that, and have gathered on border of assembly and painting shops where have established a bench becoming a tribune. " Hallo, comrades! The big business it is done(made)! " - has opened meeting the leader of the trade-union organization of Joint-Stock Company " Ford the motor компани " Alexey Etmanov and has read some letters in support of the action(share). Besides branch trade union of machine engineers the solidarity with strikers was expressed with a management(manual) of political party " Native land ", having promised to address in ЗакС Leningrad regions with the offer to discuss a state of affairs at the enterprise. Then representatives профкома have called workers to begin a so-called working-to-rule: to work strictly by rules, without a pressure(voltage) and processings that will inevitably lead to to downturn of labour productivity. On it meeting also has ended.

The next labour conference which purpose declared decision-making on carrying out of termless strike has been appointed to November, 26. However lawyers of the enterprise have seen a number(line) of infringements by virtue of which it was possible to recognize it(him) illegitimate in procedure of preparation of such decision. And the administration has explained, that if the conveyor will rise, the factory in general is cheaper to close, and to collect "Fordы" it is possible and in the other place. In a result the trade union has taken a time-out on negotiations with a management(manual).

On December, 12, 2005. Administration " Ford " in Vsevolozhsk went on partial concessions to requirements of workers of the enterprise. The administration has satisfied one of requirements - alignment of the salary of workers of one category. Since January, 1, 2006 at the enterprise the new scale of charges is entered. Negotiations under the basic requirement of trade union - increase of wages on 30 % have been continued.

- And the first victory is: categories have balanced since January, 1 [2006], - chairman профкома ascertained. - the Agreement have signed in December. But people still подспудно did not trust, though there there were signatures of the general director, chairman профкома. And here have received settlement sheets, and from them salaries at all on two thousand more. It was simply joyful to look! (2).


What is the working-to-rule by definition of its(her) organizers?

Is, – has explained one of members профкома, - work by rules. It is known, that working instructions are carried out at us in part. It is softly told. As a rule, take more, throw further. As soon as we start to work by rules, we have such recession of productivity.

Is not strike. Only the name. It how we are obliged

to work. And now we work in infringement of all requirements. And for it us to punish, that we do not observe them. Approach to the engineer on ТБ and demand the instruction (5).

She(It) has passed to the period from November, 21 till November, 25 2005. According to the majority of sources, during a working-to-rule, a factory has lowered volumes of release on 15 - 20 machines in day (for a week on 315 machines less), that according to experts could create strong faults in delivery of the necessary quantity(amount) of machines to dealers, and from them – to buyers. By estimations профкома, recession has made up to 30 %.

- A working-to-rule have prepared in one day. On Sunday have sat and have decided, then for a week have deferred her(it). First doubted, that will turn out, but when has pressed … And when have understood, that on normal strike people will not go before new year because all money want to earn have decided to do(make) Italian (5).

Work by rules in a different measure will disorganize the normal manufacture leaning(basing) on an assumption of regular infringements of rules. A mainstream became the control corrected at transportation.

- The big role delivery has played. Guys began to go by tractors of 5 kms at one o'clock as it is necessary, is simple супер, the line at once started клинить (5).

- In our brigade the requirement « 5 kms at one o'clock » was carried out. The purpose

strikes not only to kill manufacture, but also to achieve something. At us,

for example, have added people. Earlier it was not appreciable, we rush language on

shoulder. Further, it is impossible to pass by the equipment closer, than how many

meters. They: « And at us automobiles! ». The factory is not designed for observance of all

these rules.

- To tell the truth, to observe these a rule it is even more complex(difficult), than them to break.

Try week to go with a speed of 5 kms. People go with such eyes.

« Well, your mother! » - speak.

- They enclosed(laid) bottles to themselves under pedals to not go faster (5).

The second direction – the control of the safety precautions.

- At once on many sites have stopped work on specifications, idle times were at 4 or 5 hours then already at us was inspections on a labour safety, we have organized her(it). Hardly that him(it) at once a bell, and they поперли: here threat of a life! (5).

Workers as a whole have supported the decision профкома about Italian Strike.

- And how the north has considered this strike? – I ask chairman профкома.

- With delight! Is smaller you work, you stand (3) more.

To tell the truth, not all workers have agreed to participate for the different reasons in strike.

- Strikebreakers, - chairman recognizes, - were. But here as? If the conveyor costs(stands), what difference, all cost(stand). But those who broke, cut, one went as the wild pilot, have talked to it(him), has ceased. Having forgiven to collective you will not tramble. People starts to realize, that all depends on collective actions (5).

As the result of a working-to-rule management began to concern more seriously to rules.

- Masters try to beat us our weapon, demanding observance

all rules. But they do not understand, that we can in 100 get them times more.

Is to the best. You are accustomed to the order because is

industrial traumas (5).
Conflicts of 2006.
At the end of January – the beginning of February negotiations of trade union with administration concerning increase by the worker of wages have been renewed. Under the application(statement) of the chapter(head) of the trade union made in the beginning of year to achieve result without the next strike (next) hardly it will be possible.

The administration, having collided(faced) with threat of strike, прибегла to the help of lawyers from foreign legal firm which office is in St.-Petersburg which have advised to not recognize strike and to declare infringement of rules of the labour schedule. The management(manual) профкома has answered with fighting enthusiasm:

- They expected from us a fright. But we went to Moscow, have communicated to Zolotaryov (Соцпроф). It(he) already 28 drivers dismissed for strike, has restored through court.

But the administration has continued this work not only with профкомом, but also with the personnel as a whole, that has yielded the certain results: a part of workers заколебались, having been frightened of sanctions. One of active workers so has commented on this situation:

- The third change actually on 50 % - excellent(different) muzhiks, and the others–


- People from the third change which were frightened, now are on the contrary ready

to go. Speak: « this schedule on хер is not necessary for us » (5).

At the same time the administration began to show flexibility on directions of secondary effort.

- And when they have seen, that we know all this kitchen(cuisine), they have started

to surrender: the schedule we shall cancel, the order will be (5).

Finally there were not decided(solved) only the some people, but the questions of principle.

- From our requirements there were 30 % and the premium. The everything else

it is comprehensible. Requirements on quality always should be. The offer such:

10 numbers we receive the schedule and at once we begin a working-to-rule. <…>

It will be the answer to their argument. They speak: if the trade union will sign refusal from

strikes till next year, only then you receive 12 % of an increase.

- Yes let they will suck away!

- On хер to us these of 12 %, we shall receive in April 30. Now we shall not be entered any more on their poppycock. We begin work by rules (5).

In this situation профком has made the decision on carrying out of a working-to-rule.

- We strike! At us one weapon: threat of strike.

- If there will be any compromise variant, we can her(it)

to stop. If not it turns out, we shall prolong her(it) (5).

In March, 2006 the working-to-rule has passed, but to break resistance of administration it was not possible.

Trade union and policy(politics)
Trade-union organization "Fordа" puts forward problems(tasks) which have no the direct attitude(relation) to a policy(politics). But the logic of struggle for increase of wages, change of the schedule of work, etc. indirectly brings to a policy(politics). As against miner's movement of the beginnings of 1990th among active workers "Fordа" process of formation of the left outlook is traced.

- They will always aspire to squeeze out from the person more. It голимый the marxism, is struggle of working class and the capital. Marxism! We do not go deep into it while, апотитичны. I communicated with Canadians, Brazilians, венесуэльцами. They policies(politics): « People and a party(set) are uniform! ». It is possible, that they had excesses, and they have left somewhere aside. It is possible. But in any case it is struggle (5).

Chairman профкома observing itself realizes this shift and his(its) sources:

- - I was far from a policy(politics), but have looked on

the politized system of trade unions all over the world, they so there троцкисты-socialists, as in me have hammered it. I do not climb in a policy(politics), but all the same struggle of the capital and the worker. <…> Yes, and all this naked marxism, the capital against the worker, all. It is possible to not notice it, but it is (3).

From all political parties working in St.-Petersburg, only "Native land" once has expressed in their support. But real support has been received on the part of radical communists from РКРП and комсомольцев which participated in some actions(shares) Fordовцев, publish in the press of clause(article) in protection of workers "Fordа".

- There are certain structures, with which to us on a way.

комсомольцы distributed before a through passage leaflet in our support. The same

communists try to turn out the image, but also to help us, they can overtake 25 order bearers without ceremony. It is normal. They see in us revival of working-class movement. But at us a little bit liberal approach. We do not have such, that « All authority to Advice(Councils)! », though the authority the worker at the enterprise is normally (5).

Fighting adjust concerning administration pushes politically to the left, and ideological shift to the left stimulates irreconcilability in negotiations with management.

- Володя in a leaflet it is healthy has written: « Sirs managers, all authority during strike is transferred strike committee! ». Amicable attitudes(relations) between trade union and administration will be never because in any case you will cling them for one or another (5).

And activity of trade union sometimes already is beyond problems of a life of the enterprise.

- Communists from РКРП held here meeting against the housing code. They have called us, we have not given up, have participated, they supported us. The person 30 we have deduced(removed). And with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation did not communicate. We, probably, are not necessary for them, not that electorate, and money we want to give to nobody (3).

In the environment of the left intelligency the aspiration to join working-class movement grows, having given to it(him) ideological force. All this very much reminds a situation in Russia on a boundary 19 – 20 centuries when there was a question on connection of working and social democratic movements. In St.-Petersburg committee " Solidarity " uniting small group of intellectuals left operates (almost троцкистского) the sense, aspiring to unit appearing ростки independent radical working-class movement. Under the initiative of this committee round tables are periodically carried out(periodically spent). One of members of committee so has described a course of such meeting:

- Now about a round table. Профсоюзники the most different. We are going to sign

the agreement on mutual aid. <…> There there was a terrible polemic, pettifogging. Perhaps, we too to this shall come. But we have signed and

have told: « Guys, we are ready to help and ready to accept the help ».
In a round table in January, 2006 participated 27 чел., switching 4 чел. From dockers, ПС ship builders, stewards, "Профтек", trade union of small enterprises "Unification", the legal center "Aegis", Committee for marxist интернационал, trade union of managers (enters in ФНПР), etc. On a round table the idea to sign the agreement on solidary support of the organizations requiring for it was discussed. Have agreed, that this question will be discussed in the organizations, then signed on March, 3. But heads of the trade-union organizations very cautiously concern to any forms of regional association, seeing in them risk of loss of own independence which they have got, уйдя from structures FNPR,

Leaders of the organizations participate in a round table only. As one of members of committee " Solidarity " has told, « some years I try to convince participants to result active workers, but it turns out nothing. It is necessary to collect an active since trade unions are, first of all, they ». There are leaders, but is not clear, who stands up for them. Frequently they do not know it. Leaders designate the organization, and frequently she(it) exists only in the form of such symbol.


  1. The review of the local and central periodical press.

  2. Interview to chairman of the personal computer and his(its) assistant. February, 2006.

  3. Interview to chairman of the personal computer. March, 2006.

  4. Interview to chairman of regional committee of trade union of machine engineers.

  5. The report of supervision of session профкома. March, 2006.

  6. The report of supervision of session of committee " Solidarity ". February, 2006.

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